Zurich Herald, 1933-01-19, Page 1Vol. XXXII'. Na. 28 Patronize your home Merchant and read local paper ZURICH, THURSDAY MOliNiNG, JANUARY 19 193a, .{:•,;•••,;•••LI, Chester L. Smith, railarigatat ;1.26 e year, U,S. $1.5111 dkaiiMaYfit $1.50 IN .A.13 R B A rtS , $2 MA* BE Mil.110080 HAY • COUNCIL .......--..... The 'first sessioit of the Council of the Township of Hay for the Year 1933 was held in the Town HallZur- ich, on January 9th 1933, according to the Municipal Act. The fallowing subscribed to the Declaration of Office : Reeve, Alfred Melick; Coma aillors-Wm. Alexander. David Du.- aharme, Edmund Walper and: .John Geoffrey. After the Councili became *maxi- meeting' That the salaries • to be paid to zed the Reeve, Alfred Melicie, gave a township , officials for the year 1933 operation was the keynote short address, and stressed Eliot co - be fixed as follows; Clerk and Trees - of success urer for.Township 4360.00; for Tp., ;and asked that all members of the Roads, $20.00; for Telephone $350; Council lend their co-uperatiant with Caretaker $40.00; Auditors, $6.00 -the help of the ra.tepayers; and this year's business for T. and $2 far Telephoae; weed would shear the re- Inspectar, 35c. per hour including uit of such action when the year had transportation; Board of Health $1 ,drawn to a close. A large number of corannunicatIons per meeting; Sanitary Inspector, 5..0c for placing and removing cards in were disposed of and the following country and 45c in Zurich, and 10c resolutions were pasaed_ per mile one way; 50e for disenfect- That the following be appointed .per honse; $2.00 for inspecting air - ...officials of the Township of Hay for ich; $1.00 for Blake and $1.50 for -the year 1933; Clerk. and Treasurer A. .F. Hess; .Auditors L A. Routledge and Geo. Deichert; Weed Inspector, Louis Schumacher; Caretaker of hall Sohn Albrecht; Member of Board of Health, Ca C. Schilbe; Sanitary In- spector, 'Western Dive J. Block, Eas- tern Div., B. Cs Edwards; School At- tendance officer, Western Division, Fred Ducharme; Eastern Div., Geo. Armstrong, and that a by-law be prepared- confirming .said appointm ents for passing at the next eounceil. ST. PETER'S :Evangelical Lutheran Church • ZURICH - ONT. "A Changeless Christ tar a alisag- lag Wadi" 5h: -Luther League. • :Saturday -Chair, Pratike. ..ZUNDAY SERVICRIS 111 a. nv-elestaan Sank*. 11.15 a. na--llsaday 3M.& 7.30 p. m.EnlizhService. .1' Everybody WeICOIRMI to all Services. R. Turkkeinak Video Dashwood and 10c. per mile one way That the Tax Collector be author- ized to continue the levy of the un- paid taxes for 1932. That the Clerk be authorized to subscribe for nine copies of the Mun- icipal World, one copy for each of the following: Reeve, Councillors, Clerk, Assessor, Collector and Road Superintendent. That the annual meeting of the subscribers of the Hay Municipal Tellephone System be held on Tues- day, January 31st 1933, at two o'- clock in the afternoon. That the following he sappointed as Poundkeepere for the Township of Hay for the year 3.933-A. Ingram, 0. L. Petty,. S. Schroeder, S. Greb, W. J. Johnston, S. Hoffman, G. Bee - Announcing service for the winter months, b we have lowered the price of breat to 5 cents a loaf, over the countet. For the convenience of our custo ors .our bread will be for sale at th Hillsgreen and Drysdale Stores. e We have a good Cash Price on 4 We have discontinued our countr For Quality and Price call at wheat flour. REITH'S BAKERY. ha Mr. and Mrs. Gid Koehler were Sunday visitors with friends at Kit- chener' ker, „D. Schwartzentruber, Hy. Kru• - NEW CASH PRICES 15 Bags or over Fine Chop per bag 7c 15 Bags or over Cattle chop, bag 5c 25 lbs. Pastry Flour ... . . . .. 35c 100 lbs. Pastry Flour at . . . . *1.25 100 lbs. Poultry Concentrate to make 500 lbs. Laying Mash, at $3.00 ZURICH FLOUR MILLS asie e e awle eareaaratles 4Forerattibt FOR SALE AUTO FOR SALE Ford Tudor, 1931 Model, class condition. Apply to: Rev. E. Tuerkheirn Zurich, NOTICE The annual meeting of the Zu; Library Association will be held's, the Library Rooms on Monday, 4,, nary 23rd. At 8 o'clack p.m. members are .requested to be pr ent. ANNUAL METING. Mr. 'W. H. Pfile of Hensall was a Wednesday visitor at the home of Mrs. Lydia Pfile. Mrs. Mary Filion of Santa Mnica California, has been a visitor, with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Horner for the last week. •Kaasag, And the following as fence House, on Friday Evenings JanuarY H. Steinbach, J. Eckstein, and Albert Viewers -D. S. Blackwell, J. Pfaff, erre Club Will be held in No. 12 schecil. 27th. At 8 o'clock, .for tite purpose of Eleetina. Officers and taking in " __a_ Parke, Fred Habetehe , and F. for passisig at next Council meeting. this work. 'That John R. Roger, of Mitc.hell,be Joseph Ziler President. easseeeesneseena..------L.a------a-) Watercourses Act. -----. APPLICATIONS That By-law No. 2-1933 parading for borrowing 1110:1d4 :ii, ,,t,1•:',:lt. ,*.... r,,,, a- 11:,„ Trm o'r A .,•4 0 q.'0.1' of the penes be read theta tiseas enti fin- Tse seale el' Hav for the year .1988 all e passed. That By-law 12-1932 regulating extension telepbone set; aed eaten- sion bells be repealed neal that By- law No. 3-19a3 eenaleee eta rule.; Hendrick and that a by-law confirm- new meip;ers. Everybody is anvite ing said appointments be prepared ed to gland who is interested be Blue Scranton Coal IS CLEAN AND. NIFORtaft IT 'IS Washed and Screened Beare at 'eav- es the mix' le to remove all waste. We Have All , The color Guarantees the apiaater We also haver. Gentline Sement Seivay Cokes, and regulations; eeel „es Li4; 0,,EI•i4,,b 1.,t4 • •.. Petrolleum Coke.. for extension 'sate !es weal kan titeas • Dated at 'Zuricla Jeneary 16th, 1.9M I - . ' and filially paased. • Rosedale Alberta Albert Hendrick, Secretary. appointed as engineer of the Town- ship of Hay under the Ditches and will ba iefeeived by the Council of the Township of Hay up to twelve o'clock. in ate forenoon of Tnesday, Ja.nuaty. a .i it, 1! a a. a eplicatioas tilto,0(* f,4, • !oo.oe asselisl to unlerSigned ••an Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Merner, of Betroit, are spending a few days alith the former's brother, Mr. and rs. W. J. Merner. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hess, and Mrs. W. G. Hess spent Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. James Trevithick, at Brinsley. A.. a. HESS, la Pocahontas and Miller Creek. - Thatthe ReCITO and Clerk be Clerk, fownship of Ha' Our Motto is Quaritr aziest Service. authorized to sign and. submit to the laighest CASH prices paid far Eggs Minister of Higeways of Olit, ton On Graded b1itsis. petition of the Townehip of clay 'ho- questing aung that dining the year S932 there R DAVIDSON has been e ;pre. lea ee amount Phone No. 10 RENSeat ONT. Roads the sum of $10218.05 rind re- te, 'a -2-7n • - ---Ya-aaaa-aaa"-'-'a by the Tteasarel ot ass a oe tiship of Hay shall be the amount of $10,- sestaessees ssereelas ov e aaaara ereteee bond from bond-. a Uompany. ena * a, e00.00 pees onal 0 bond, I hai. tn. rate of pay I or work done a on Township Roads for maintenance during the yeat 1988 shall be fixed .as follows! Man and team 40c hr; alan only 20c. hr; Ceeeniaisner enly 25e. per hour;- Man and three horses 50c per br, Ties ,C9erlc. was insiruct,,(1 ielvea- eis • ale eaplasetiesei )r the teal= ,e2 a.,.1 ,•e• s Or operating stone crusher and deliver- ing crashed 'stone on the Township roads. That vouchers covering payments Towriehip Ronda Telephone and Accounts be paseed. /gaaaleaip ao. a:ma-ea. 'lena- anntrelaa; 8 $9.87; M. M. Russell nal Martin, rd 6, 5.25 ; a. Ran- nie, rd 6,, 4.7,; Ihentleoe Drysilale erusiter account 1.85; Telephone Ac- counten. R. Guenther, cartage .86; vr, , ‘,• 4 . • PAZI.JA ; " refund 4.00; J. P. Rau, refund la.eie; • 'P. Melsaae, 3 mons salary 500.00; Zinilch Central, switching 3 weeks 51.00; 11. G. HQS:3) labor, etc, 58.63. General Accounts -Nominat- ion expenses 10.00; Tp. Clerk, reg. births, marriages and deaths 21,25; Wood for hall 18.70; J. Block, meals for .tare.aeets 2.75. That the Council adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, January 31st, at Et„,111z=frxt /Ern re"..wmt.M. rarsivimas• .n ea lock iii the forms -oil Hese, Clovis, eases at al v,1,4,4 ' • the statutory grant oe that according to the Ontario a et :eel emeedments thetas Tiv,t; fueldaied mo etiess AS THE YEAR ONCE MORE DRAWS TO A CLOSE AND THE SEASON OF GOOD WISHES IS UPON US, VIVE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY OF. OUR MANY MANY FRIENDS: - saa t tee o &T1; 1.1At:14 catki,e1 AND, MAY 1.933 ING YOU HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY 'L EIR • A°eff la 0 0 00 4'0 4, 0 00• • <In ana g.36,m0.41 4). Mr. and IVIrs. Alf. Ings of 'Varna, visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. W. Horner one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heck of Elk- ton, Mich., Mrs. Irwin Reibling and Mr. Arthur..Steinman of Pigeon, Mich., were Sunda .visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. McAdams and Mr. and Mrs. Wma Bassow, Bronson Line. . The annual congregational meeting of St. Peter's Lutheran church, Zur- ich was held on Saturday afternoon with a fair representation present. Considerable buSiness wee transacted rartathe.thesesenentaeassisfAaseare0 Council whose term of office`lad exe pired, were re-elected as follows: F. C. Kalbfleisch, Theo. Haberer and Albert altalbfleisch. At the council board meeting after the annual meet- ing, Mr. Albert Kalbflatch was ap- pointed as treasurer. ••••••••••••••••••••••011 Oa •00 fit tat fa aa3e•Saaallaatraarsarataata WATCH AND CLOCK t • 1 • REPAIRING WE BELIEVE WE CAN GIVE YOU THE VERY BEST IN WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS, WITH PRICES, CONSIDERABLE LOWER THAT WHAT IS CHARGED IN THE LARGER CENTRES. • FURTHERMORE WE CAN GIVE YOU PROMPT • 00 SERVICE SPECIAL ATTENTION TO MAILED IN WATCHES.. Mess, The Jeweller Phone 74 Zurich se•••seeeeeeseeeemseammosoceee•SOZGOVIG4SOSSOCIPdafibenZ -•-- - A • •, - • -- 4. While Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Hess, and Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Williams motored to London last Friday even- ing, while passing through Exeter, a Mrs. Fisher carrying her two-year- old child, stepped out from behind a car right in front of Mr. Hess' car, with the result that the lady was knocked down, with a fractured leg, and the child was thrown against the Windshield of the car. The injured were taken to the hospael. Traffic • Officer N. Lever was called on the scene .of accident, and claimed the driver of the car innocent. It is in- deed regretable that so many people carelessly walk into the path of a travelling auto. s • Interesting Contest' Mr. J E. McLinley, who has been operating. a chicken hatchery at his farm a few miles north of town, for some years, has been conducting a prize-winning contest, open to 1931,- 1932 customers who have purchased two hundred or ' more chicks. The contest consisted in a letter giving the most reasons why you should buy McKinley chicks for 1933 and was won as follows: T. Hedie, Goderich townshop; Lyle Hill, Brucefield; and W. R. Stephenson, Varna. ' Varna Resident Passes Death came very quietly to John Beatty,_ one of the best known resi- dents of Varna vicinity last •Flaterday when after being ill for a day he linseed peacefully away. He was born on the farm on which be died, this farm being purchased by his father, the late Geo, Beatty, from the late W. McNaughton, and which•has been the Beatty homestead ever since, On growing to early manhood MI. Beatty fitted himself as a teacher and tau- ght school for several ydars his first school being three and a half miles west of, Varna. Later he went to Noenial and qualified for. a hatter certificate and taught at diiferent alaces, Varna being the last" where he taught for eight years before set- tling down to farm work. Mr. Be- attie also was in partnership with his •brother George in the general store, Varna for forty years, .sening out 4 years ago. Three brothers and two asters survive, one brother Launcelot aeatle died sevartl years ago. Dc• ceased was an Anglin'a in MUTUAL SHOE STORE I: WHERE YOU BUY THE BEST For Less Cash see 45, t ... I ;I: i 4. In These Times of Depression, When Wee an Find it so hard to get along There is nothing more welcome than to be able to buy all Com- modites as low in price as possible. Ana this 1440ilireiei4;39ghqiih' meetthis demand,by busing, Right, We are able to sell at the lowest possVale, Prices 0. • Our Guide is the Mail Order Houses' Catalogue found * on the Counter of Our Store for your reference and' Ours while buying Goods at this store. .'i.. • See Our Window Display! •,-. + + . -- ,.., + •ai. • + + We have always a full line of the best .of Footweax .?. ...I, 4. .,.. c Prices that are the very Lowest, when Quality sidered i.z.'. I: For the wet weather and snow, We carry a corn-rl,,,,,. •4; Line of Rubbers, Zippers, Goloshes, and Heavy 12.,,L.,: .!:. and Lumbermen's Rubbers for Men. 4. t - + *.t Repairing? YES! Neatly and PromptlyDorm: + + , 13; + 44 •P • Phone 82 or 115 0 FRITZ & SON • MEMBER OF MUTUAL SHOE STORES OF C.A.Natak • ++++++++++++++++++0+++lasaaa++++++++,H4aaaiaiiiiiiraelliailetaa: CT Li ON G i :r .1-) WTER, 0-1. ')B WE ARE MAKING A BIG REDUCTIOt ALL WINTER GOODS, SUCH AS; Underwear, Sweaters, Wind Break,.,re, Shirts, Heavy.. Overalls, Wool Sock's., arid SIKJ - ings, Hea-vy Rubbers and Shoes. Also Prints and Gingharns, and Broadcloths:. R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL MENEONANT PHONE n e.97' „ . 41 . r