HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-01-12, Page 8PAC/!l ii.l'7fl r. THE STORE WITH THE STOCK TO OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS We thank you for your liberal patronage awarded us during the year 1932. And may the great Gift of Health, Happi- ness and Prosperity be Yours' during the coming year! J. Gascho and Son a. GALA PRODUCE WANTED SON PHONE 59 11 My Wish! TO ONE AND ALL: May The ry NEW YEAR Bring You much Happiness and Brighter and Better Days. tot Andrew F Hess, Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY .Have You MADE YOUR WILL? HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE �. 4,� i 1,�ti ISMIIlli r 1� 11(t 1�...+Il �'`t...1 . II 1 ' %M111111 'Mt • • ZURICH HERALD STARTING SATURDAY JAN. 7th. Watch this Space We are Starting a ,Special SALE of al ur Dry Goods Anyone Needing Heavy Winter - Merchandise will do well to attend this SALE it"Bursas Y, ailb ury 12tIr', 4.0a5t. i Extra Special SALE MEN'S UNDERWEAR Men's Heavy Fleece Lined Under- wear, Combinations $1.10' Shirs. and Drawers, per Garment )9c. Men's Heavy Wool Sox; pr:...35c Medium weight at • 20c Fancy Sox, Reg. 50e for per pair .., 25c and35c MEN'S WORK PANTS Reg. 1.95 at 1.59 Reg. 2.25 at 1.75 Reg. 1.50 at •• :1.25 Men's Tweed Pants, Reg. 2.95 at 1.25 TABLE OIL CLOTH 1yd. wide, at yd. 42c Some of the Newest Spring Patterns. Men's Heavy All Wool "Underwear Shirts and:,rawers Per Garment 95c Combinations at only ..... S TAKEN AS` CASH • oL� Men's Heaviest Weight, Overalls At per pair .... 1.59 Medium Weight 1.39 Light Weight at L i 0 Men's Penman's 95 Underwear Combinations at 2.95 Shirts and Drawers, per Garment, at ..............$1.65 Men's Heavy Winter caps, With Ear Bands at 65c Men's leather caps at 79c Men's Leather Lined Work Gloves Reg. $1 and 1.25, at pr. 69c Men's Heavy Work Shirts Reg. 1.25 at 98c Reg. i.00 at ........................ 79c • Reg. 89c at 69c Men's Heavy Sweater Coats up to 5.95 at only 2.75 Boys' Coats at same Reductions We Cannot Give You Prices on everything.. We have to offer for sale on account o�f�fp■space,but all PRINTS Reg. 25c and 30c Prints at yd. 19c. Reg. 18c Prints at ., ..1214(... A few Pieces Striped Gingham at per Yard 10c SHEETING 9-4 Bleeched Sheeting, Reg. 50c, and 60c at yd.......39e 8-4 at per -yard 29c: Donunion Flannel Reg. 25c at 19c Art Sateen at 29c and 35c yd; .Frilled Curtains, by the Pair, Colored Frills, at pr. 49c Canadian Yarns, all Colors, at per skein , . 15c LADIES' SILK HOSE Reg. 1.00 and 1.25 pr. at.....'.....19C Silk over Wool, reg. 75c at ._..,59c; Silk over wool, reg. 50c at. 35c. Children's Hose at Reduced Prices: GROCERIES Chipso, large Pkg. 19a Royal York Orange Peko Tea per ib 45c Harry Homes Corn Starch pkg. Se Fry's Cocoa, -Ib. tin 23c Ready cut Macroni, per ib.._.....5'e. Epson Salts, 7 lbs 25c Moody's Cleanser (cleans and scours) 3 tins 25c: Huron'Toilet paper, 7 rolls ,_ 5c Aylmer 16 -oz, Tin Pork and • 3 for y., 2 Phone 140 There died in Bayfield on Dec. 5th Mrs. Chas. Gairdner, widow of the late Rev. Gairdner, retired minister of the Anglican church. Her passing is the fourth in the family circle -within the past year and a half. Until Rev. Gairdner retired to Bayfield a- bout two years ago, Mrs. Gairdner had been a resident of Rochester N. Y. Her husband was incumbent there at the time of their marriage. One sitter, of N. J., survives her, Dr. 11 isHiti1i111111111111i TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS WE WISH TO EXTEND Season's Greetings AND MAY THE NEW YEAR BRING US ALL PROSPERITY AND HAPPINESS, AND A CON- TINUANCE OF OUR FRIENDLY BUSINESS RELATIONS STADE 6. W EID ZURICH O'NT fiesh'when-. eeding such parasites. its-, best milk production or put on Clean up the Hen House Every hen house should be cle an- ed`before putting in the pullet ricin. A good. thorough cleaning consists of rgm.oving the litter and all poultry house fixtures, such as mash hoppers, dunking -fountains and the aike, then flushing the walls, ceilings, dropping boards and floor, scraping loose any dirt that may have a tendancy to stick. After the house has linen they - T. Gairdner of Kansas is the remainoghly, cleaned it is ready for'.a coat ing member of the family of the late of Whitewash. This will improve the James Gairdner, one of the earliest appearance :of your lien house, make residents of Bayfield. The funeral tak it much lighter for the birds and at Ing place to the Bayfield cemetery, the same time help to kill parasites and in charge of Rev. F. H. Paull, and disease germs. A common pract- rector of Trinity Church. ice is to, add a pint of disenfectant to a gallon - of whitewash. Clean, comfortable quarters for the pullets go a long way toward increasing my - duction during the winter months. Market for Barley in Bacon and Beef There is pra.cticall.y.•no limit to the BUSY FARMER NEWS Three Ways to Lower Costs There are three principal methods of reducing the cost of producing crops. These methods include the economic- al production. of heavier yields per production of, barley in Canada ant. al the use of larger machinery and recent tests show that it produces more laborsaving equipment, and the better bacon and beef than other operation of a larger ti�rea of land grains.' It is proviing fully\the equal under cultivation. In addition to this of corn when fed with suitable sup - information derived from nowt ofplements in the form of home-grownproduction studies makes possible the leguminous rotighages. Barley can be substation of more profitable for less profitable crops. Winter Care of Live Stock With the coming of winter, farm- ,ers should make shure that the barns in" which their stock are tb pass the cold months are clean and free from possible infection,diseases or parasit- es.. Most progressive stockmen white wash their stables at least once a year but frequent dusting with an old broom are. needed to keep the cob- webs"and (lust down. Before The cat- tle leave the pat-.ros for the season it is good practice to in.p^cf the who - used in almost any proportion of the Main ration up to one hundred pea, cent, As a hog fend it develops an entirely satisfactory class of bacon, which is more than .can be said for corn fed in equal proportions andas to feed for beef cattle barley is un- doubtedly one of the -best of our Canadian grown coarse• grains. 'J'he increased use of barley and: other coarse grains at their present. Iow; levels will make for much better quality in the beef being marketed and thus in turn will help, create a� demand for more beef. le herd for possible skin di. ease or Reforest Waste Land parasites. Such diseases es ring -worm Rough land that is too hilly or scab or mange, lice or warbles, are rocky. to be ertsily cultivated and also 1 dangerous and each needs' special sandy can be used e:ftertively only iri a acment. Ringworm. is doubly dan the production 94 tiliiber. Early set-' gerous because humans may contract t.ef'§ .,feared the wdc)ds- regardless of it through handling or from curry- the value of the land underneath,and_ combs and brushes. 'Tincture of io- much of this should be returned to dine applied daily following washing forest,~ rather than be permitted to with soap and 'Water will cure ring- wash or to produce scanty crops, The worm, hut scabies or mange need to very small investment that is i'reces- he tripped in or sprayed with special nary for sediings, together with the solutioiris such as crude petroleum or plentiful supply of labor now avail equal parts of kerosene and cotton- able, makes tbi , <tnideal time for seed oil, which mixture is cryo recom-' putting these abandoned lialsides on f ,E.3.-.25.? 1.4 TEE `TINTER SEASON Is Now Here. Have you looked after your Automo- ' , , bile in preparation for the Cold Weather? Changed to lighter Oil, and had your Radiator filled with a good Ant -Freeze? Run in your car and let us da this very Gasoline and‘ Kerosine always kept on hand in large and small quantities. Let us fill your barrels•cr . Containers. Expert Workmanship on Repair Work, and Overhaul Jolts on all. Makes of Cars with Charges. 'Very Reasonalbe, • JL ous eau Zurich + i? ►1041'4...t2e.:-.4, ,t.4.-0 .ePic+4,44 $r+ 4.•&44. ++++++++.4-4,44+4.414.4e AGE Important thing Righ Now! _.. mended for lice, No animal can give' a productive 1>:x151s. • • + :ga H.Lw � OFF1c1E A Do Y Knwirk- That I am the Master Salesman! I am the herald of Success for all men, Merchants, Manufacturers, Etc. I go forth to tell the World the message of service Ct'.il ::tea <' and Sound Merchandising! And the World listens when' -I -speak 1 '"'► For those who have um:l rime a.s their Servant 1 have gathered untold millions into their coffers. I cominatitl the legeons of fashion, mould the styles and lead the World whithersoever I go! I sow fields for you to reap a Golden Harvest! I am Masater Salesman at Your Service, and my Name is: ADVERTISE! VOL