HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-01-12, Page 5• 4 Thlarsifity, Taaoary; TZtN 1933', BUSINESSCARDS DUDLEY E. HOLMES •',INUIRISTElt, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY ruatav, DalTICEaeallamilton Street, 4114 off tin Square, GODERICH, Ontario. Atteutioxi to, Councel and Court Work. 1101s. Holmes may be consulted at Soderich by none, and Phone charges reversed. Dr 11. H. COWEN D. D a. DENTAL SURGEON M DBITz BLOM—V.1%0H Spiry Thursday, Friday, aaturdaY BURTLEIB' a BLOCE, DA.S.IIW001) svery l&or,day, Tuesday ;Wednesday and ticented Auctioneer for Huron and Middlesex a AM. IN A POSITION TO__CON Asa any Auction Sale, regardless A* -to size or article to sell. I solicit roux busifiess, and if not satisfied will snake no charges for Serves Rem Bore& ARTHUR WEBER --Dashwood Phone 13-57. Warichs' Popular TEAT MARKET Alwaysa good Supply of Fresh and Cured Meats Bolognas, Sausages, Weiners, nas, Etc., alwaYs on hand Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins *tet Us Serve Your Y1111gbbilt & Son SERV ICE We have theBetter Class of Customers local LAAS GOODS,, lA S. 1- 11ATTERIES, IVIOBILE OIL, MAR 01L, GOODYEAR TIRES *ND TUBES. GENUINE IGNITION Parts, tiohning and Meckenical Work *sem to . Micrometer Settings, No snows work. 'Wdtch tLe ears that WWI' at WEIN'S, They are all CLASS CLIENTELE. $ig Weil 11 VOMIOVOOD -- ONTARIO auseollatimo;6262"225;2; 'Western Farmers's Mutual INAIter Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontarip- A/nount of insurance at Risk on Dec. Sist, 1931, $19,593,724.. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds 319:9,101,.61 Mates -44M per 31,09 to 3 yoaxv, E. F. Klopp—Zurich 4Agekat, Also Dealer in Lightning Rods .401 all kinds of Fire Insurance LIVE IIPOU LT R Y ---3.WANTED ihik624 vireo Day till $ o'clock, pan Ma Ikea feed Fowl same morning when brought in. Highest. Cash Prices —CASH FOR1— CREAM AND EGGS W. O'Brien ) Titbit 101, Rea. 94, Zurich THE HERALD'S JOB DEPARTMENT As ever ready to serve the pub- lic with Commercial and fine Atiatirkg. Get our prices be- fore leaving your order else - ZUR HERALD Vell Taus Nants, For Sales Loot, LOCAL Fo/U rod, 'Notice, Rte. Akilifi 4 Lti Th1 alt)1073011, For Sale A. reit good Chev.. Coupe, for sale very cheap. R�v L. Burn, is conduating revival meetings in the Evangelieal ehereb these weeks, and large audiences are coing out to hear the Messagee. Mr. A. F. lIess has recently purch- ased from •C, Fritz & Son, a aeal good used Easex zedan, winch looks L. Px.ang-, & Some Zurich, Ont practically like 1101V, and should give Mr Hess, some year's good serVice, NOTICE Notice is hereby given that in fut- ure no autos, wagons, or any vehicles ere permitted to drive over the Zur- ich School Grounda.. By Order of the Trustee l4oard, SS. No. 7, Hay Township. For Sale Willard Batteries at a big raduct- ion in price. We purchased a num- ber of these batteries at et very spec- ial price, .and are passing them to our Customers while they last. L. A. Prang Si Son. NOTICE TO CREDITORS • TAKE NOTICE that all Creditors ;and others having claims against the estate oi Elizabeth Papineau, late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, in the Province of Ontario, Widow, deceased, are required to de- liver to the undersigned executor, a full statement of their claims if any, against the said deceased, on or before the 10th day of February, 1933, after which date the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among thosel entitled thereto, having regard only to, the claims of which he shall thee have notice. Dated at Windsor, Ontario, this 30th (lay of December, 1932. FREDERICK PAPINEAU, 752 Hall Avenue, Windsor, Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS TAKE NOTICE that all Creditors and others having claims against the, estate of Joseph Papineau late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, in the Province of Ontario, Farmer, deceased, are required to deliver to the -undersigned executor and trustee, a full statement of theis claims if any, against the said de - Ceased, on or before the 10th day•of li'ebruary, 1933, after which date the executor and trustee will proceed to distribute the assets of the, said deceased =long those entitled there- to, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. Dated at Windsor, Ontario, this 30th day of December, 1932. PETER PAPINEAU, 752 Hall Avenue, Windsor, Ontario Executor and Trustee Meeting Huron County Council The Huron County Council will meet in the County Council Cham- bers, Court House, Goderich, on Tues- day the 24th of January, 1933, at Two o'clock in the afternoon, for its 'first or Statutory Meeting of the year. All :notices of deputations or other invariant matters to be brought to the attention of the Council must be in the hands of the Clerk on or be- fore the Monday previous. Local Municipal Clerks will please send in by mail previous to the meeting of County Council notices of the election of their respective Reeves duly made out in proper form. Geo. W. Holman, County Clerk. Dated at Goderich this- 9th *lay of January, 1933. Our mailing list has been correete ed up to January 10th, and if you have paid Qn your sulosorhotiOn kindly see that your label corresponds with your label. At this time of year there, are always many renewing, and if a mistake is made in the hurry we ask our subscribers to kindly let us know and we will cheerfully make • any corrections. The Bethany Sisters Bible Class of the Evangelical Sunday School re- organized their class on Wednesday 3vening, Jan, 4th. The election re- sulted as follows; President, Mrs. J. K. Ehlers; Vice President, Mrs. 3, Geiger; Secy., Mrs. J. Hey, assistant Secy., Mrs. J. Allan; Treasurer, Mrs. A. Weber; the Teachers being; Mr. E. Gabel and assistant, Mrs. C. L. Smith, Womens° Institute IThe Zurich Branch of the Worn- en'e Institute held their monthly me- eting in the Council Chambers on Monday evening, Jan. 9th, with Mrs. P. J. O'Dwyer in the chair. After the opening exercises 'the Misses Martha Heideman, Lylyan Rader and Lenora Haberer favoured with a piano trio. Mrs. 1 Hey then gave a very interesting paper on the history of the Zurich Institute. The Zurich Institute was organized in Jari. 1914 at the home of Mrs. Minnie Fritz, the first president, with eleven members. After this paper, Greta Haberer gave an instrumental. Miss B. Pfaff: then read a biography of Jean Strat ton Poeter; Margaret Hey also gave an instrumental. The business was conducted by Mrs. E. Klopp. The, Good Cheer Committee, tor the month. of December reported that twenty- six boxes had been sent out to the shut-ins in the community. Various other , committees reported. It . was also decided to avail ourselves of two. short courses' this winter, offered iy the Department of Agriculture. One in domestic science, the other in ne- edlecraft. Refresapaasets were served by the committee in charge and a social half hour was spent. ANNUAL REPORT The Fifty -Eighth anneal financial Statement • of The Hay . Tow -petal IParmers' Five• Insurance Company', for the year ending Dec- ember 31st, 1932, has been printed and a espy being mailed to each pol- icyholder. The Company has during the past year been very fortuna'e in not suffering, many losses oniy 32 in all, probably the smallest number for some time, the largest loss being $1515.00, and the smallest being $1.50, and the grand total only $3e265.30. The Company, as a con- sequence, is financially in a very pros - prows and sound condition financial- ly with $11,096.10 cash in the bank end bond and debenture investments of $37,762.90, and these amounts ad ded to the unpaid assessments levied in 1932, and interest due make the fine total of a50,035.43, against which there is aeliability item of un- earned premiums of $5,86L41. At the end of the year there are 1923 policies in force covering an insur- ance of $7,779,645.00. The annual meeting of the Company will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich on Monday,, January 30th, 1933 at 2 p.m. The following Director's term of office will expire; 3. P. Rau, Oscar Klopp and Reinhold Miller, all of whom are eligible foe re-election. The Pres- ident for the past year, was Mr. John Armstrong and Reinhold Miller was. the Vive-President. t+++++*+ -4.*******++++++++++ 44++++++++++++++++++++++++ Massey -Harris WE EXTEND TO YOU OUR BEST - WISHES FOR A VERY 3: Merry Christmas SEAS N AND A HAPPY AND PROS. PEROUS -I + :f + .., NEW YEAR .,. .1. 4 + 44 + 44 + Tet. Shop 149 O. 'MOP? & SONS Res,. 67 i Auctioneerl'Og? _ YES! j 4.,.7 44,44,44,44+++++4+4,44,44444& •14440444+4,...4.4******* , Old ,uatn winter has again made a detour with this part of the globe, 41.14 real April like weather is in our midst. Surely the prophets who predieted a hard Winter, .will by this time acknowledge that their predict,. ions are all •"baloney"! •The WaVI.S. of •St. Petmas Luther- an church ;will hold their monthly meeting on Monday ;January the 16th at eight o'clock, p.m. A short ulay "Aunt pony Joins the MissiOnary Society, will be given, All members and friends are cordially invited. Rev. and Mrs. E. Burn and son Walter attended the funeral of their brother-in-law, Mr. Charles Brad - Ow, on Saturday in ileepler, Mr. Bradshaw died following a serious operation in his sixty-fourth year. Mr. Charles Fritz and son Ward, attended the large ahoe Retailers' Convention at Toronto, on Monday and Tuesday of this week. Mr. Fritz advises that this is a massive ,showing of shoes and all footwear, thrid was very largely attended. The Herald's appeal for subscript - lone in arrears has met with wonder- ful success, and we take this medium in greatly thanking. those wino have Assisted us in this way, and in turn we will give yo'l the best we have for secs lea, we admit there are still a few who have not as yet responded, but we have the con- fidence that you will do your very best and let us have some on your account if it is impossible to pay it all at mice, again thank your We are also happy to repart that over the holiday season we received sev- eral new and real good subscribers, and we welcome you in joining ,our weekly multitude of readers. The Royal Knights' Bible Class of 'he Evangelical church held their an - election of officers on Sunday, ifith the pastor acting as chairman., She election resulted as follows: Pre- 4dent, Dr. H. H. Cowen, Vice -Pres., aeeRoy O'Brein, Secretary treasurer, Ed. Gascho. This class for the past year had an aggregate attendance of A680, 44 being present on Sunday, the total receipts for the year were 8115.80. This class supplies the or- chestra for the Sabbath school consis- ting of nine pieces, and the officers :for this organization were appointed on Tuesday evening as follows; Pres- ident P. Rowe, Vice -Pres., Hugh Mac- itnnon, Secy., M. Oesch, Treasurer, I. Truemner; Painist Miss a Rout- ledge, Asst., Miss P. Pfile; Director, •Hugh MacKinnon, Assiseant, C. a Smith, Stephen Taxes Mostly In Depression or no depression, Ste- phen Township,'hxtending to the west from Exeter and including in its 'borders the prosperous ' Village•Crediton, still sets a pace in tax col- lection that most municipalities wilil and haid to follow. Herbert Eilber, of Craton, reports that with a tax all of $54,000, the latest returns ,how only $4,300 outstanding. That a is to say less than eight per cent. re- snaips unpaid. In edition to this the formers of Stephen Township and the people . of Crediton are sending as large an attendance to the high scho- ol in Exeter as in the days of good prices for their products. Three Youths Drown Three boys plunged through the ice on the ,Nithariver, New Hamaurg last Monday and were drowned in seven feet of water. A fourth was re - sued by the" father of one of the vietims, who was unaware that his own son had been swept under the lee.. Those drowned were: Fred Eng- aged ; English. aged 10 and Henry Goertz aged 10. The English brothers were the only chil- dren. of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Eng- lish, former residents o C Crediton. It is thought that both of the boys we- re born at Crediton. Mr. John English of Crediton is their grandfather. Gar- field English was on his skates, and was drawing the other two across the ice on their sleigh, when the ice sud- denly gave way, and they disappear- ed into 15 feet of water. The bodies were recovered about an hour after the accident by the firemen of New Hamburg. Mildmay Youth Broadcasts Energy Frank Fedy, 22; Mildmay, former insurance salesman, claims success for his invention to broadcast electric energy following a demonstration of power transmission last Monday night through a mile and as half of space. Fedy who still guards. the secret of his apparatus, picked up the power in his father's store from a transmitting station in a farra house 'and lighted the store. Fifty persons; including Fedy's parents and friends and rela,;- ives, witnessed the demonstration. Fedy's partner, Ted Hesch, was stat- ioned in the farm house, where there is no electric wiring, no radio and no telephone. In the darkened store room Fedy began work. Suddenly there was a buzzing and then the lights flicker- ed, slowly brightening and then the room • was flooded with light. Fedy then darkened the xoom and relighted it again. With a signal, he ended his demonstration and the regular hydro power service was switched on. ,Vothile alaallsaelafre4etee;eiareetereeter eriaiiiefaaaa.4044444+4444efeiefellel+0" fr 4. 4 , We are Happy to take this Opportunity of Expressing our Appreciation at the Patronage that has been accorded us during the past Year and Wish one and all for A MERRY CHRISTMAS And a Happy and Prosperous NEW YEAR Special! Special! For Two Weeks On/y 25 All Felt Mattresses, reg. $7, for only $4.50 • 12 White Layer Felt Matt., reg. 11.00 • 12 Spring Filled Mattresses, reg $20., For only $14.00 ALL TI -IE OTHER STOCK REDUCED ACCORDINGLY. For only ' SALE BEGINS DEC. 22nd. Johnston & Kalbfleisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 +44.4.444.4.44+4.1444.4.444.+4.4144.44+ ++++++++++.4++++++++4441. seteotene,Peoesasersanoal,ao enDeaesnejeeessoosiegeesoe Fertilizer • • • We have a good Brand of Fertilizer that we will. .deliver • at $19.00 a Ton. Let Us have Your Order! • • • Fertilizer STOCK FOODS IKeep your Stock and Poultry Healthy this Winter. .by • using Our Various Brands of Stock and Poultry Po.ods, and Laying Mash. None Better Cin the • Markets To -Day! , • • a • COAL COAL 1 Don't Forget, We can supply you with the. .proper Fuel • • to keep your 'Home nice and cosy all Winter at the Lowest Possible Cost. Coal, all Sizes, and Coke. • • Good Supply Always on Hand. • I • Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repair*. • L. Schil e & Son • ................................................... "We do Custom Seed Cleaning" riVilWaimiwahrViiwW4vamviwAviami 1 Zurich Drug Store 1 1 At this Grand Yuletide Season We cannot express Our Gratitude in any rnore Tangible way than by Wishing our Many Friends and Customers a most •Eff PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Full of Happiness Dr. A. J. MacKinnon, Zurich IIVVANWYMNOP MM MM M MM PANYMANitj ,19:71 • es 4!