HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-01-12, Page 4itae attrtS,egall;(4111NI1mI1111miiiiiitillet1mIIIilitliB11111!t01liellilal tell11411!{;Iltil allil11111111111111111111111161!111!L;11111III18ka4'.lalillilliat1111111!l1lIIIfIlail1If11111all.
We Repair Wagons, Buggies,
Auto Tops, Etc., Etc.
1 good Lumber. Wagon at .
1 good buggy at ..,.-...... $30
4 wheel Trailer Complete ....... $25
HESS, the Repair Man
ratatrugagnoteneimimitinfinoiminimnifill1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111INIM1111115290 t "• 11%1111110N11111111111f11001i1IIIIIM1ME1111110111111101i
e ,a i.+++++++44,4e 4,1- +++4-4ei heti` le+l 4,..F++�'>i•!3++t+' �Ci'�t'+
ly � �� � ��.
se You Prepared?
Winds do blow; and your heat will go.
e� the North ar
Lets SluPiky You with Storm Windows and Cornbin-
atiol i Doors at Greatly Reduced Prices!
a11i, Us by Phone, and we will gladly measure
openings free of charge.
e"e'r iee-4,',,�` **-e. e. }-e-e.4...1f,++.,e +++i 4,4•'++++.'fi"'h,enL"Q'•i ¢'+''+£1+.'i++. „+++F';
!11111111IIIIUIIINIUN{NNUIN11111MIIIIDIIIIIiIIIlU1111111iUIIlf111111NN1lllfllliif111lli111O1111111111111W11MUNU111110llilll II1
For a Limited Time Only, We have made arrammnts
to offer the Public Very Attractive Low Prices in
Renewals or New Subscribers as follows:
:ankh Herald and London Free Press 1 year.......$S.DO
Zurich Herald and London Advertiser 1 year $5.00
Zurich Herald, and Family Herald and
.Weekly Star, for 1 Year
Above Prices are good only till January 13th, 1933
13e sure and act before that date'!
tIIIUIIIIIIiIIN IiNI(IINIIINIMINIIHIIQIllHlEllfll 1111II„ 111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIb,
Vis. D. Nickol of Hensall, spent a
Sew allays last week with her neice,
Miss Annie Jarrott.
Mrs. T. Lavander and son Jock of
Ileusall'are spending a few days with
ler father, Mr. J. B. Forrest and
Mr. T. Lavander and Mr. W. For-
rest left last week for 1Vlillbridge,
Dag to the illness of Mrs. Lavender
=who suffered a stroke.
Mrs. C. Miller and children of
lUtchener are spending a few days at
the hone of her parents, 1VIr. and Mrs.
C. Siemon.
Mrs. W. Turner spent a day at the
llieme of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McClin-
Master Leaton Siemon has been on
'The sick list.
Dr. Moir of Hensall will give an
address on cancer in the near future
in the basement of the Hillsgreen
el arch and everyone in erested are
cordially invited to come and hear
what the Doctor has eeperienced a-
3ong with this, work. Further anno-
t innements will . be given later.
Quite a number attended the fun-
era! of the late Will McClinchey of
the Goshen "Lime, on Monday after-
noon. Much sympathy goes out to
Ads sorrowing parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert 1VIcClinchey and family, who
371teurn the loss of a. dear one so yo-
ung in life.
Er. and Mrs. D. Moffatt of Bruce
Heid were holiday visitors with Mrs.
1., ?Fisher.
acv. and Mrs. W. A. Young heave
Illeten visiting over the holiday with
relatives from Nairn,
Margaret McLaren hoe returned to
1.11001.0a after it ,pleasant visit with hes as
parents 'here,
Ws. Maude ;Redden sang over the
mite CC.J,C.+G, London Free Press
Am January 9th.
s e welt a Whitiby Was a
holiday visitor . with her sis;•er, Mrs.
J. W. Peck.
Geo. W. Wren, who has been in
the Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea -
forth, returned home and is now be-
ing take n care of at the home of
Mrs. Saundercock.
Mr. and Mrs. Pettigrew of Detroit
visited for a week with Mr. and Mrs
George Hess.
Mr. Ferris Cantelon has returned to
Stromberg after spending the holi-
days with his parents here.
Mrs. Margaret Agur who was 102
years old in July, was out bright and
early Monday morning last to cast
her vote for her favorite candidates.
Mrs. Agur is still quite active and
takes a great interest in municipal
Wes Hayter has purchased the milk
business of Wm. Green and has tak-
en possession.
Reeve Ballantyne of Usboorne was
in town, Monday last, taking in the
election. Mr. Ballantyne will be a
strong contender for the wardership:
of Huron county this year.
Win. Pfaff has taken a position
with .John Dallas for the winter, lo:
eking after Mr. Dallas' targe henry.
Merle Carlile of London spent the
holidays at her home here.
John Passmore and family visited
with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Mc-
Lean, of Hamilton.
Leonard 1Vierner of Zurich visited
at the home of Mr: and Mrs. George
Mattie Ellis returned home after
spending the holiday with her sister
Mrs. Fred Smallacombe of Guelph.
Death. of William Erratt McClinchey
A deep gloom was cast over our
community when it was learned on
Saturday morning of the sudden
death of William Erratt McClinchey.
Deceased had an attack of the fiu,
but was going around as usual till
Wednesday, when he was stricken
with severe paid in his head. The
DoeteP WaS Balled and the seemed to
got relief rind` k►is friends thought h
was in a fair way to recovery, but
he gradually gram worse zzgain till
the endowe,
was eldest i of Mr.and
He w.Fti.. the old t so i
Mrs. Robt. McLinchey and' was 27
years of age, he was of a very gen-
ial and lovable disposition and with.
his cheery senile and ' his kindly and
sociable ways lie won, a place in the
hearts of the people and made for
himself a host of friends, this fact
was very evident, by the large num-
u uber ,people who oarne on Sunday
and Monday to pay a tribute of re-
spect to the memory of the departed
.and to express their sympathy with
the .bereaved .family.
Besides the father and mother,
two brothers survive; Frank and
Bruce, also Miss Mabel Calver, who.
has been a member oi: the home, and
.to „them 4s extended the sympathy of
the community, especially to the
mother, who at presznt' is in very
Boor health. The ` funeral service,
which was held on Monday, was con-
ducted by his pastor, Rev. E. A. Poul -
ter, who gave a very helpful and en
eouraging message from' Pea. 32; 1.
1VIr. Geo. Poulter sang a'solo (Face to
face). Interment was made hi Bay-
field cemetery. The pall -bearers were
.six cousins: Wm. , Armstrong, Robt.
Armstrong, John Arrustreng, .Earnest
McLinchey, Russell Erratt and Wm.
R. Stephenson. Among those who at-
tended the funeral from a distance
were: Mr. and Mrs. J• Collins and
Mrs. J. Bryan of London, Mr. Ells-
worth Erratt, Gordo*; Albert and
Willie McLinchey of Auburn. Mrs.
Robt. McLinchey, Albert, Wilmer,
and Miss Millie McLinchey of Steph-
en Tp., Mrs. Jack Reid, of Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Westlake, Mrs:
Thos. Snowden and Miss Mary mot-
ored to St. Thomas recently to at-
tend the funeral of their cousin, Mr.
Geo. Westlake.
Mr. William Cowie spent a few days.
visiting his cousin, Mr. Will Westlake
of near Goderich.
Jaseph and John Greer both sold
horses to Mr. Godbole of Exeter re-
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Talbot of the
front, visited at the hone of the for-
mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Talbot of Bayfield, one day recently.
. Mr. Harold Scotchuizc o. the O.A.
C., Guelph, has been renewing old
acquaintances on the Bronson Line
Miss Margaret Tough, who has
spent the holidays with her parents,
has returned to her school near Shak-
Mr. and Mrs. M. Mcisaac returned
to Detroit on Sunday after "spending
a week with relatives. '
Dr. Tt.ylor spent a few (says in;
Detroit leas week. •
Mr, M. W. Schenk is on the Sick'
list :We'hopte'Tor h speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Schumacher are
spending a few weeks in Detroit,
where Mr. Schumacher istaking tre-
Misses Bertha Hartman and Mary
Mcisaac of Detroit spent the week-
end with relatives.
Mr. Valentine Becker is all smiles .
en the arrival of a son on Monday,
January 9th.
1VIr. Leonard Bender who has been
assisting Mr. Schenk in the Bakery
for some time, has taken over the
business and will be in a position to
give excellent service, bread will be
delivered at 5c a loaf. Patronize
your hone bake -r.
Ladies' Aid Meet
feet in atteiudaneo throughout the %art for over 15 yoga's vms :e mc'nz.ber.
year were each presented with a chu.," of .the Bell Telephone staff, where
roll !hymnal by the Superintendent: she made 'many friends by her Cheer-
al h
Weber, Keith Weber, ,is Gawk.),
Jack Gaiser, Donald Gaiser, Doris,
Willert, Ada VVillert.
To give those readers from a dis-
tanee some idea of the balmy wea-
ther we are enjoying is that Mr. C.
Gasoho and son Amos of the Bron-
son. Line are plowing this Wednesday
The stores in 'Varna are being clo-
sed every night, except Wednesday
and Saturday,
Huron County Council will . hold its
first meeting of the year on Tuesday
January 24th.
,"Victor Heywood, Exeter, had an'
unusual experience for this season
when. last Wednesday morning he.kil-
led a snake thirty inches .long' while
cutting wood in the bush:'
Miss L. M. Jeekell, Exeter, return-
ed'.home following an extensive motor
tftii through the United States to
Florida and to New Orleans on the.
Gulf of Mexico. She accompanied
h"er brother Roden Jeckell.
D, Cantelon, Clinton, received word
of the death of his sister, Mrs. John
Kof Winng.. Deceased a
nativeyle of Goderipeich Tp.; blit wentwas to
the West many years ago, She leaves
One son, David C. Kyle, who pract-
ises law at Calgary, and four daught-
Town Clerk, Jos. Senior, of Exet-
er has given out the following vital
statistics forthe year 1932:: There
were 13 marriages, 15 brths and 20
deaths. The population is 1606, a de-
crease of 16 from the previous year.
Falling against the electric wringer
the other day, Jean Barlow, young
daughter of Mr. and 1VIrs. F. Barlow,
Seaforth, sustained painful injuries
to the lower part of one arm. The
ark`" was badly crushed, hut no bones
w 'rbroken.
c' death occurred on Dec 17 of
Mis Emma McIntosh of Brucefield,
at t e age of 53 years. Deceased,who
evaSee: daughter of the late Dr. and
Mr: -David McIntosh, was born at
Brucefield and spent all their life
there. She is survived by two broth-
ers; John and Wrn., and one sister,
Miss. Maud, all of Brucefield.
William Moull, a former si;udent
of the Seaforth public school, but
now• of the Owen. Sound Collegiate,
anti:Vocational School, was recently
awarded the Doherty Memorial SchoI-
arship with a value M•.of $50.00 for
work in the third year3 te
'es Winona Craig, a weel-known
anpopular young woman ,of Goder-
ich, ',died Saturday night, after an
extended illness. She was in the prime
of life,, was born and educated there
fulness and e Itcq lou
r o
and il"ee �stas are
left,tr her parents
having predeceased some years,
Falling from the bicycle he was
'riding, Teddy Wilson, 12 -year-old son
of C. L. Wilson, Exeter- business man,
suffered a frac,tlure of the right arm
last week. It is only a few months,
since his younger brother also had an
arm broken, In addieion to this, the
father has been in poor health for
some time.
There are now 19 ,families involv-
ing 95 individuals, on whole or par-
tial relief in Goderich at the present
time, it was revealed at a recent me-
eting of the welfare board in the
Town Hall. About $500 of a total of
$665.45 received has already been
spent and the board' is appealing for
further cash subscriptions. Two-thirds
of the money spent, of course, will be
recovered from the Dominion 'and
Provincial Governments,
The large barn owned, by Jack
Henderson, three miles west of Lu-
cknow, was completely burned last
Tuesday morning. The fire was caus-
ed by the handle coming. out of the
lantern, while Henderson was coming
down the stairs carrying both a bag
of grain and the lantern. When the
handle came out of the lantern fell
to the floor and the are quickly spr-
ead in the straw. Considerable grain
and flax were burned and some ample
ments. All the stock was saved:
Under and by virtue of the power
contained in a certain mortgage
which Will be produced at the sale; the
undersigned will offer for sale at 1
• On
11 o'clock, a.m.
The Property known as East Half ef'
Lot 16, L. R. E. Concession, Hay'
Township, containing 75 acres morel
or less. The property is said to• be
well fenced and drained and ie well'
located on the Blue Water Highway.
10% of purchase money to be paid 1:
on day of sale and the balance in 3fet
days thereafter without interest. The
property will be offered for sale sub-
ub-ject to a reserved bid.
Further terms and conditions of
sale will be made known on day of
sale or may be had upon application:
to the undersigned.
Oscar 'Copp, Auctioneer, Zurich Ont. Flour 150 2.8@�
GLADIVIAN & ST=>LNBURY, Shorts, ton .. 14.04l
Exeter and Hensall, areas, ten _ 14.013+
Solicitors for Mortgagee- Hogs, -curt. - , .. - , - - - e.. $.5Tvr
nu aky 12th, 1.98
all creditors' and others having
claims against the estate of S
Schoch, lath of Itlae Township of Hay,
in the County :of Horan, Farmer, who
died on Vie ISM .day of June: A.D.
:1932, are required to forward their
claims duly proven to the under-
signed rsn or before the 27th day of
January, A.D.1933,
EN that after the said date the Exe»
cutters will proceed to distribute the
estate having regard only to the
Claims of which they then shall have
DATED at ',Zurich, Ont., this 1 ith
day Januar. 33
a.Y of January, A.D., 19 $,
Melvin 'Schoch,,, E. B. Hornere.
Executors, Zurich, Ont,.
Under ,and by virtue of the power
coutained iu a certain mortgage
which will be produced at the sale, the
undersigned willoffer for sale at
SATURDAY, .JANUARY 28th, 1933:
J n':elock, a.m.
The ;property known as Lots 21
and 22 L. R. W. Concession, Hay -
Township, ,eo'ntaining 122 acres more
or less.
The property is said to be well
fenced and drained with good 'fame
buildings and is well located on the
Blue Water Highway.
11% of purchase money to be paid:
on day of sale and the balance In 30'
days . thereafter without interest, The
property will be offered for sale sub-
ject to a reserved bid. .
Further terms and conditions
sale will he made known on day of"
sale or may be had upon application
to the undersigned.
Oscar Itlope), Auctioneer, Zurich Ont.
Exeter and Hensall,
Solicitors for Mortgagee.:.
(Corrected every Wednesday)'
Nutter _— 26
Emsa - , - .16-19.24
Wheat _ -.. - , ..... • 4
Barley ._......... 38•
Oats -... 22:
Buckwheat 32'
The Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. o.
Dashwood Evangelical Church held
their regular meeting m the church
basement recently with Mrs. Wm.
Snell in the .chair. Appropriate New
Years' readings were given by Mrs.
E. Bender and Mrs. E. Gaiser, Mrs.
R. Goetz, Mrs. W. Snell and Mrs. M
Neeb. A piano solo was given by
Mrs. V. Schatz and Mrs. R. H. Tay-
lor sang a solo. ire. A. W. Sauer
sang Mrs. R. Goetz sang a duet, af-
ter which Mrs. D. Tiernan conducted
the business session. There were 54
sick visots reported and the visiting
committee for next month is Mrs. H.
England and Mrs. D. Haugh. The
program for the Day of Prayer on
February 5th is to be in charge of
Mrs. 4, Link, Mrs. R. H. Taylor and
Mrs• L. 1VIorenz.
The annual election of officers for
;he Evangelical Sunday school result -
:d as follows; President, A, Birk, vice
aresident, E. Bender; secretary, J.
4. Tiernan; Treasurer, D. Weber;
Pianist, Gertrude Hoffman; assistant
Vera' ' Birk; Chorister, Rev. A. W •
Sauer, Librarians, The Star Class.
The new teaching staff'`with the as-
sistant teacher of each class is as
follows:' Exeelsiors G. Oestreicher, as
sistalit D. Weber; Soldiers' of the
Cross,. L. Morenz, Rev Sauer; Prin-
cess fats, A. Tiernan, G. Link; Blight
Jewels Mrs. R. H. Taylor, Mrs, G.
Wildfong; Betsy Bees Miss E. ;Martin-
son, Miss A. Robertson; The Star
Class A. E. Oestreicher, E. Bender;
Intermediate Heys, E. Eckstein, E.
Gaiser;.. Junior Boys Mrs. G. Link, A.
Haugh; Junior Girls Mrs, A. E. Oes-
treicher, Verna Birk; Primary Mrs,
V. Schartz, .Pearl !:Kraft; Beginners
Mrs, J, M. Tiernan, Laura Reid. The
following nine pupils who were per
c�/ �`l` in t ai 'rt g-'
in Canadian Bankiug-
When the Dominion of Canada was established fin
1867, the Bank of Montreal, then already half a century
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capital of Quebec and Ontario, and more than a fouurt`i
of the banking assets of those two provinces.
Today it has the same proportion of the capital and
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Today, as yesterday, it employs its resources and fEcill-
ties for the mipbuilding of the soundest elements of
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TOTAL ASSETS IN iEXCEg..S. ('ff iir$•o . one
Zurich Branch: C IL JOY, Manager