HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-12-29, Page 4PACE Y'Q"UR ZURICH L-IERALT STANLEY TOWNS}iIP Municipal nominations passed off oguie tty at Varna last Friday, with sit. small attendance. At the. close of the nomination )lour there were five siq'ninated for ;Councillor and Fred Watson for Reeve. To save the ex dense o •an election, ane or the old councillors, Ed. Glenn, resigned. Le.aving the council for 1989 elect - sed by acclamation: Reeve—Fred Watson. Councillors ---Elmer Webster, 3. ;Pepper, Wm. Falconer, and Sam 'Thompson. Mr. Allan Keys of Western Univ- ,ersity, London, and Gordon Keys of eaforth Collegiate are .spending the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Keys, Babylon Line. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bryan and son M. and Mts. J. Collins and son of 3,ondon, spent Christmas with the Ladies mother, Mrs. W. Armstrong rand eons. DRYSDALE The midnight :glass held in the St. Peter's. church, on Christmas .eve. was largely attended, in fact the itargest attendance in many years. stature of Infant Jesus was prettily lighted with brilliant colored lights rand was indeed very attractive, as. well as reminding one of the sigma fence of the •occasion. The new- ly organized choir under the instru- ction of Father Martin rendered their ;Bart of the program with efiieienc, 'F'ather Martin ale° - - v_ ery nice addresses in both and English F: which were also will received. Mr. Kenneth Etue has returned .from Detroit. itn, Mr. Ed. • Etue is all smiles; its a Pa:. ale' Dodge! k- The usual amount • of holiday vis W: Roes were not hero or Christman but k a large influx. is expected 3 for the New • Year week -end. A . ter riific wind sterns swept over these pains Tues ley and Tuesday night. The wind was very high and the snow was ]curled in all directions 3n fact the •big e n stern we have -Seen in many a day. Mr. and .Mas R, Baker, 'A1I.t•. and e Mrs. Czar Sta• ha c n of Port Dalhousie spent Monday with his parents Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Stein hagen, Mr. and Mrs. Harry 'Guenther of Windsor visited With his parent, ov- er the holiday, The school concert put on by Dash- wood public school last. Wednesday evening was a big success. The house Was filled to capacity and the type of program was very good. Much pains' were required to put on such a splen- did program. The annual Christmas tree party was held here on Saturday night • with Dr. R. H. Taylor as chairman. Carols were led by the Hendrick Mem. Band with children and citizens joining in the festivities. A drawing was made by ex -Warden L. H. Rader for the Stitch and chatter Club quilt which was won by Addison Tiernan of the village. It was announced that this Club had endowed a cot at War MeanorialChildren's Hospital, London in the past year and was now mak- ing plans for raising funds for a new Dashwood town hall. Word has been received here of the death of a former pastor of the Ev- angelical church here in the parson of Rev. W. J, Yager of Waterloo, who .died on Friday at his home there Interment took place in ,Sebringvilie on 'rue day. • A number of relatives from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs Dan Mcisaac in Crediton on Tues- day. (Delayed in the Mails) Huron CountyShort Courses for IHay and Stephn Townships in Agric- ulture and Horne Economics will be lr.ld in Dashwood from January 3rd • to Jan. 27th 1939 Agriculture in Pfile's Hal and Horne Economics in Tieman's Hall. Mrs. Gordon Elliott and daughter Peggy of Thetford are visiting with her mother, Mrs. Reid and family. Mrs. Mary Neeb who has been on the nick list is gene to stay with her daughter, Mrs. Ira Tetreau un the 14th eon. for the winter. Miss Reta Hayter of Windsor is spending the holidays with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob:t. Hayter. ?4Ir. Ruebn Goetz lost a valuable horse haat week. DASHWOOD Rev. H. A. Kellerman of Waterloo a table attractively:. arranged. with Christmas decorations, where they,did full justice to a bounteous chicken dinner. Following the heal the trad- itional Santa Claus appeared with his .bag of gifts .and after snaking e • !ash nlenlber contribu • to soave foam of entertainment the gifts we- re. distributed. • Mrs, Clayton Wild- fong was an. efficient Santa Claws. The Club are holding a draw on Christmas Eve, to determine the winner of the attractive quilt 'which has been. displayed. Plans are also being carried out to provide Ohrist- mas dinner far a needy fancily of the community. -Mrs, • Kellerman is the President of the Club and Mrs. Arn- old Kuntz, the sanitary.' visited with relatives here on Friday.' Mr. aaad Mrs. Joe Bruce and Miss Mr George Kellerman, his father, re- Crace Hayter of Windsor spent the turning with him and will spent -the holiday with their parents, Mr. and holidays with his son in Waterloo. Mrs. Sam Oestreicher • is visiting her sister in Kitchener who is quite •Mrs. Edgar Resteme yr is attend - Mrs. Robt. Hayter. MTS. Miles is spending the holiday at her home in Sarnia. Mr. and 'Mrs. Harry Cook of Tor- 2011to spent the holidays with their ing the funeral of her aunt and her learents here and at Hensall. • Mrs. grandmother in St. Clemens this Cook will spend a week with her par- week.. lents Mr. and Mrs. D. Tiernan. Christmas Party Mr. Ivan Lippert of Lansing, 'Mich Mrs. T. M. Tieman was hostess for walled on friends here on Monday. the annual •Cheistrnas party of the Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Smith of Wind- Stitch and Chatter Club of Dashwood son spent Christmas with her parents On arrival, the guests were seated at HENSALL Mrs. M. Spark, left for London, where she will spend the winter mon- ths with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. MCAsh, 1VIrs. Exelyn Fletcher of Moore- field visited with her son-in-law and daughter•, Mr. •aeid Mrs. Ed. Fink. Hugh Morenz of Dashwood, . who- has hohas been spending the past weeks with M•r. and Mrs. John Corbett, re- turned to his home. Mrs. H. Britton and daughter Joan of Dublin visited with the iormes's mother, Mrs. D. Workman. The many friends •of Mrs. Alf Tay - lar will sorry ' be orr to learn that she r e is confined to her home with illness. Mr. and lVIrs. Alf. Hunkin of Thant es Rd. visited with Mr and Mrs Roy and W L. McLaren. Ro:bt. Pasemore assisted in the Post Office the past week. Reeve Shaddick and James Patter- son were in Toront o the past week. Mary Thompson of the staff of the Bank •of Montreal, «•ho has been holi- daying at her home in Seatorta, has returned to her posit on. Mrs. i{red Datars is visiting in Tor- onto with her son in law and dough- ter, Mr. and :airs. i:`rrold Simpson. Sm Rennie, one of our prominent young business men, has been appo- inted •organist and choir' leader of Brucefield United Church, unties to eminence the beginning of the new yens,. Thos. Welsh, of the village, iris lust been adding some tine new machin- ery to his ,sawmill which will enable him to cut logs and, wood much more quickly and to any required size. He being an expert •carpentier and saw- yer, , always believes in ke ping up to the latest in the uzaunfacturing and shipping lumber and supplying wood, thereby giving employment to a large number of men. Teacher is Honoured Last Monday eve. the Members •of St. Paul's Anglican Church met in ,the basement for a social evening and their annual Cl'ri.strnnas concert and tree. At the close of. the program which consisted of carols, recitations Miss Amy Reynolds was presented with a beautiful trilight floor lamp eel the appointment of agent •at St. STOP AT KL®WI»S ONE -STP SERVICE BLUE MARATHON GAS and OIL Delivered to you the most modern way, with a WAYNE Computing Pump that automatically iiguses the amount of your purchase. These Pumps are used in all leading gas stations in Canada and U. S. A. HIGH PRESSURE LUBRICATION. Your car is greased by attend- ants that have had five years of practical and technical experience in Detroit. We use the latest model air pressure grease gun using seven different kinds of grease to lubricate your car EXPERT REPAIRING To all makes of cars at attractive prices. Special Prices on Brakes Relined Car Wash 39c. Tire Repair 25c Battery and Tires checked and windshield cleaned Free. We aim to please. When in Zurich take advantage of our modern rest rooms. Zurich's Up -to -Date Service Station and Garage HOWARD KLOPP, LESSEE C. Fritz & Son Used Car Lot in Connection Use Blue Marathon Gas For Better Mileage GOODYEAR TIRES, BATTERIES, ACCESSORIES. Phone 78 i ffm'ilMlIIl NE ifl�lMEMENEEf6!E I t t E)iii Eilk[iliiMi, NSI!IllflSE!I!n!IEINEIPIfV'NNl!mVER HERALD CFFICE Do You Know? - WE ARE SELLING QUALITY punter Check of t ks Books are Well Made, Carbon is Clean and Copies Readily. All styles, Carbon Leaf and Black Back. Prices as Low as You Can Get Anywhere. Any Kind of Book can be supplied. Get; our Quotation on Your Next Order, Let Your 1-lome Salesman Supply you in Preference to the Travelling stranger r of whom you know little; WE Fa'iSOME STOCK': 1.3 OOKS ON HAND r1,,,n�,4r t ",ri ,, n�imrrri,rmiplt t i .; 9!! .1"i1 11��JG u�,C�I If tu"ii IILL:iV�,r �iN„.' -�iiurrdl-�u�.�f� t i1 p 1(j! ui ��• 1 I ti � 1 i�' °I1 `i' " I a Has Riles Fractured Saturday last, A. Janes of Exeter, suffered the fracture of several, ribs and injuries to the chest when he fell while installing a 'bath outfit, rn an lliborne home. He will be tatd up for some 'time. Lions Hold Supper The Exeter Lions'sClub held their regular supper meeting at the 133os- senberry Hotel last Monday eve, the catering being done by Mr. and Mrs Simpkins, who .recently took ,over the hotel, Bruse Bossenberry was a guest. Lion W. E..Middleton report- ed that in co-o'pe.ration with the ,Oen» adian Legion. Very Few Births There have been only siz births in the town of Kincardine this year, It is not that the stork has anything against the town; but the hospial, to which it makes most of its visits, is just outside the own limits. For the .sake of its vital statistics, the town should • extend its borders to take in the nursery. • Improving Slowly Harry Frayne, of Exeter, w o two weeks ago suffered a concussion when he was injured in an auto accident on . Main st. is still confined to Mrs. Godbolt's Hospital, but slowly im- proving.i Has Moved to London Bert Harness, who recently dispos- ed "of ispos-ed'"of his house and property in, Exe- ter, moved his household effects to London. Mrs. Harness and children' joined him who has been rn .'tire city for :some thne. The best v,?zs:res are extended by their many friends in • Exeter. Colbourne Man Dies Re':ert II. McDonald, 81, descend- ent of .a pioneer Colborne Twp family died re a Lleeich Hospital •t'.ter a long illi..... ;i.o was born nene Dun. lop and ,pent a number of years at Detroit 'alma n e retaining to Colborne nearly 40 year ago. His wife' sury ives Ran 1_ane of Knox Presbyter- ian Church ':eld the funeral services with interment in C!onnern .cmetery. Moving to Exeter The new b:ick building for .the, Exeter l:efrigerater Locke: Service is now up and the insulation of the building is in progress. J. C. Visit, the cneater, is moving to town from Arkoma into the residence recently ?�urelha d from the Miss Mary Tom estate, on which property the new building is being erected. Mr. Vidt has made some. improvements and -'redecor:ated the' interior of the home: 'Appointed C.N.R. Agent Seaforth friends of Wm. t.•. Abray are pleased to learn. of his appoint- mentas'tC.N.R. agent for the city of Galt. Mr. Abray was a resident of Mitchell for seine years, being local agent for the C.N.R. while in Sea forth:. He was a member of the otwn council during the years 1922,. 23, 24 ynd 25, and was elected Mayor in 1929. In pec. of that year he receiv- of Mai, and Mrus•, ,Tohn Jobnn England, ], and married Mr. Baines at Parkhill.:: They lley came to Gtodericlx seven years ago. Surviving .with her husband are two children, Minister is Honored As the time for ),heir departure from Clinton draws near, Rev. G. W; $neaman and Mrs. Sherman have ,ne- en the recipients •of numerous addres sea and presentations. The Minister- ial Association, of which he was chair man at their regular meeting present ed him with with a pen and pencil set. The Baptist church presented a silver rose basket as a feature •of their Chaistmas tree entertainment, and the county home, where lie served as chaplain, presented a purse of money made up by the raidents of the institution. Mr. Sherman takes over the pastorate of the Staffa and ;afliated churches at the ,beginning of the year. and magazine sack. Miss Reynolds! ))Marys where he has lived since. While although completely taken by sur- prise thanked the niemners for their kindness 89th Birthday J. W. Ortwein, one' of Hensall's most prominent residents celebrated his 89th birthday on Christmas day. fr. Oatwein is a pioneer merchant of Hensall and has been reeve and co- uncillor. He was born in Tavistock, and went .to Heidelberg as a youth and thele he ,became postmaster, tel- egraph operator and store owner in turn. He has also owned stores in Zurich and 1Seaforth . At present Mr. Ortwein is president of tare Bible Society of Western Ontario, and has been superintendent of the United Church Sunday School for 23 years. He is hale and hearty and drives his , own auto. Many of the members of the family from a d°.;ta.nce were at, home for the Christmas and birthday! celebration together.' Vital Statistick 'The Medical Officer of Health re- port fox the Village of. Hensall was recently presented to the Council and shows the following; population 685 15 births, 9 deaths, one from. cancer, 4 cases of Mumps, Inoculations ' as r follows. Dil thena 150, mallpox 98; Scarlet fever 15'; Number of private wells in the Village 160; number of samples collected for examination 139 number of samples showing contam- ination 126; number of ins pections to milk producers 2; and number of cows •over which lie has no control in the Village 14; the expenditure for the Board of Health 133.00 or 191,e cents per person. —James A. Paterson, Secretary of Board' of Health. COUNTY NEWS After a prolonged illnca, Mrs. Thorpe Rivers, of Seafo.rth, passed a- way •on Dec. 14, in her 44th year. She is survived by her husband, two sons and two daughters. Wins Scholarship Donelda McLean, who graduated from Wingham nigh School in Juno has been awarded the Third Carte, Scholarship for Huron 'County 340.00 cash. Lip Badly Cut Jack Neil, of Exeter sof-feral . a .msty cut on his file while van ',dna on a car •a.t T. Coates' enrage. He wa,e attended by Dr. Dunlop and several 5tftc ios were r'equlroi ,to Omtltn .,:wai i in St. Marys• he served three years on the town council. Found Dead in Bed Mrs. Thos. R. Haines, 37, was fo- und dead in bed at her home in God- eeich. She was in the best or health the previous day when she went about her Christmas shopping and made no complaints of illness before retiring. Was born in Pennsylvania, a daughter trharsilay,, ;C7ecembe *9th; 1938 Child Has 'Tragic Death Marion Riehardson: •three yr, ole daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm, Rich- ardson, Pt. Albert, died the •other morning from suffocation and ,burns, the resat of playing with matches in bed 'While her parents were doing the morning oliores at their Ashfield Twp Pam. The child was left alone only 20 minutes while her parents were at She )barn,, but when her father re- turned to athe house he found the room adjoining the bedroom tull of smoke. The 'bedroom, door was closed and as he 'threw the door open a sheet of flame enveloped the whole room. He fought his way to the bed where the child was lying and lifting her up • struggled through the smoke and flame )towards the window, but the child slipped out of his arms and he was unable to find her in the dense smoke. He then ran out of the house and to -the ;bedroom 'window, which he "smashed in and so reached the baby. eSNA S1-1 TU!L PICTURES ON THE FARM Everywhere on a farmthere are !Attune—simple., fsleasing snapshots that will give your albums new appeal. MEE man who says "nothing ever -£ happens on a farm" certainly isn't talIdng about pictures. On ale most any farm, if you keep your eyes, open, you will End enough snapshot material to keep the cam- , era Busy from early morning to Iate at night—and still not exhaust the supply. Farm animals offer scores of pie_ tura chances—woolly lambs in the S1111, a hen fussing over her brood of chicks, cows being driven in for milking, pigs at the trough (or their owner summoning them with a lusty shout), horses drinking, ducks wad- dling in a line about the yard or taking an afternoon "cruise" in the pond. Work scenes in the field make' excellent pictures, and fresh -plowed land with long deep furiiows is good around the house and barn lot there are .details which make pictures. Get a snap of Grandfather whit- tling hittiing mending a single -tree, or busy at a whirling grindstone. Pic - byre shady fence corners, old-time ziasng fences of laid rails, the bat- tered woce-°^f h' cket al the well and the worn se. en+io~t•• •r chopping block in the wouulot Lot '•r for soaps down by the shady svring-house and brook. And watch the special seasons—such as hog -killing time later on—when there is some un- usual activity to picture. Yes, there are plenty of farm r snapshots—everything from a calf ' being fed from a bottle to corn -husk- ing shots at harvest time and foot- prints in the snow in winter, You can point your camera in almost any direction, and find something. Try it, every chance you get, and watch for pattern snapshots. The orchardyour picture albums grow! in bloom is a scene of beauty, and all 198 John van Guilder. e HUDSON IS STRESSING STYLE AND SAFETY IN 1939 Many more than one hundred factors enter into. meter car satcty including such items as styling, coir. -- fort and roominess for the driver. In deo gning ;the tl'ixce 1939.lines sof iludsons, that Canadian maker has •considered all of ahem. All cars, ev en those in ,the lowest priced field, now carry ;the Hudson name. Among 'iio rizodels :'in',ot net;d 's the smart and r -n ions Hudson six Vk:toria :coupe for :live Zresronger , 96 horse - 13106118 -inch 118 -.inch whheelbase, shown h erre. The front end of the 1039 11:7d,e Ono -Twelve 4.k•;31eek and ha, the. IL. . ; arfeay !went. 1 seen at left. Tho touring, ;:elan, shown, has 86 h. "p. motor and 112-iitch wheelbs,„c. At ,Tho 13.Sr'^1: 'i, .r N '•� t"1 e'`"r1'' erre H•'ud-ran features, +"r•dlir!' an'e s CC'. `CLf 't _ `-Inte. eS'ti c ;,tit h the; -' f � Iz �, . , , `l 'tai od o 1 ll., r, • wow• ., avert -1n tv.va y* 4 oYn,n" C.... w. sv... . , .... .'..MrCw +r w....,. 'S•�.. ,v Ux. .•.