HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-12-29, Page 1a ZURICH THURSDAY NING, DECEMBER 29, 938, . Chester 1,, Srith, Publiehaei $1,25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in Advantet, ,..�. ....,'. sante, AY $3.1; PHAfte*, e extend to all our Readers and Friends Season's Greetings HAIRDRESSING& ' THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING SALON SPECIALS FOR SPRING Let us quote yen on Speciale for .Spring and Summer Permanents, -that are pleasing and satisfactory, ..and will give you persomabty Hair- dressing Salon on rear of store. For .appointments call us by phone 102 Zurich. ST. PETEWS Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. •A Changeless Christ for a Chang- ing WorldL"' :Friday, 8h Luther League, Thursday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. m.—German Service. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School - 7.30 p.m.—English service. Everybody Welcome to zti Services. E. TUERKHEIIM1, Pastor. BETTY ANNE BEAUTY SHOP We wish to announce to our Clientele that we have added a new wireless Permanent Waving Machine to our Beauty Shop. With this most modern and scientific method you have no weight or eseess- ive heat on your head. You are not connected to the electicity in any way, and you can have your permanents in from thirty seconds to three minutes time. We are equipped to give you any permanent your hair requires. See this machine before getting a new permanent. Open Evenings. Phone 159 for Appointments. COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Z urbrigg,R.o. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. USED. CARS TRADE IN On Dodge 1939 Models Priced to Sell 1937 GREY. STANDARD COACH, TRUNK. 1938 DODGE;, DELUX SKIVAN, TRUNK.. 1935.._FORD VB OOAGI3',. TE. Win RADIO .& HEATER'.,. 1931 FO1RU. 'A., COAGS..$'1'95.00. 192.9. CHEV...SEDAN, ORIGINAL THROUGHOUT 1928 CHER COUPE. 1931 CH,EV . SEDAN. 1935 DODGE COACH, TRUN ., LIKE NEW, Small Mileage.. 1936 DODGE COUPE, GUARANTEED MILEAGE 32.50, 'GOVERNORS STILL ON THIS CAR, LIKE NEW. 1929 ESSEX 'n13_i+1N WARD FRITZ DODGE .DISTRIBUTOR - ZURICH WE WISH. .EVERYBODY A. HAPPY .AND PROSPEROUS r And 'Take; This•:. Medium in .Greatly "Faking You far your Kind and Considerate Patronage in the Past enei .., 41, l.� .�uvae,;d' Phom 140 . - ecmRitamrstuoureara :tersmnn a,N.eiea++ rowirr ie Greetings We wish to greatly thank 'our many patrons and friends for the business relations we have enjoyed together. And feel we cannot let this :oppor- tunity go by without extending most hearty Season's Greetings! ZUBICH CREAMERY CARD OF THANKS We take this medium of express- ing out thanks and appreciation to our neighborsand friends for the ki'ndess shown in our hour of bereav- ement, and .also 'those who loaned their cars at :the funeral. The Mousseau Family. THE NOMINATION Nomination for Reeve and 'dune - Mors of Hay Township was Held in the Town Hall, Monday afternoon ac- cording to statutes and there Was a goodly number o,f ratepayers pr,,,esent and the meeting was quite interest- ing. Those nominated were: _ For Reeve Geo.. Armstrong, and '_ ax. Turnbull. For councillors: Wm. Haugh, Fred Corbett,Simon Ho lean Roland Geiger, Arthur Weber 1}Tel- son Stanlake, Fred Haberer an .x !Turnbull. After the names were read- oft by the Twp. Clerk, Mr. et. F. Hess the meeting became organized ' and Mr. Hess was •appointed chairman, he called on he old. council in order to give their reports: Mr. George Armstrong, reeve, was the first speaker and he remarked that he 'wishes to congratulate the raepayers for the inerest taken, and then turned to a bit of humor. Mr. Armstrong then took up the County Council work and pointed out that by 1940 Huron will be clear of debt and 'houl'lshow a surplus. He stated that the Administration of Justice is ' costing the County $21,535.15 which ;is far too much, and which will be 'ooked after soon. The total budget for the year was $227,860.51 and an •-cimated surplus chows a balance for the year's work of $6,770.57. Mr. Armstrong stated that Hay Twp has no debts,' have their own stone. crusher, drag lind, power road grad- er, and all paid. Huron County has 47$ ruiks of Co. Roads, and the past ETc•:ir hive added the roads from Dry- sdale, to Kippen aprl the Go 1iep Lin" With of Zurich to Sarapta which will be taken o'vn the beginning of the new year. He took some time in dis- cussing the equalization, the new air poet at Goderich, the Co. Home, and Mother activities. Roland. C ,i ;er ti..,s the first eeunc- illor to speak and he went over the -work on his portion of woak, he also thought the power grader; was prov-., ;nl+' a good inyestment. Mr. Fred. J. Haberer followed, and he thought that he "c was not mue' to talk about as all have the statemc:'.t• giving all the particulars. Wm. Haugh then. followed and eX:plcssed satisfaction win, ' e purchase of the grader, .al.. though it was taken out too early when the roads were soft ,hut be in- timated it sea; e new maeliine hove, and we all have to learn. Max Turn- bull eras the next councillor to speak and he has :been on the board :for five years, and gave some humor •af- ter which he rt.atetl.that the council is often called n hunch of tight wads and hey thy to get the .beet value for the dollars. The newly nominated. councillors' were all taken by surprise li it''er of them lower anything eoneeinhor their nernin. `iC'l�. . .A.s none of the mew one. q alifiecd, there will be no election as the council of 1938 were elected by acclantatiort.. In his closing remarks Reeve t,.r'm- st' ong went into the County refor- e eta ie O'!1 elan t1tl'l i 1hn.t: 11 •17004 1.e... "r 11", 111n .0 of 1tied in ore hloclr In order to get the Goon grant, And alus irerrPll it "tearer to eat nen ee Mr. Ed. Brenner of Kitchener is visiting at his home here. Mr. Clayton Hoffman of Galt is spending his holidays at his home here Mr. and Mrs. Gid. Koehler were Sunday visitors at Bayfield. Misses Catherine and Mary Merner of Elmira are holidaying with their parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Merner. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Braun and family of Forest were visitors for a few days with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. -W.. H. Pfile of Hen- sall, were Monday vistiors at the home of Mrs. Lydia Pfvle. Mr. and Mrs. -E. W. Stoskopf of Kitchener,. spent Christmas at the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. Thomas Johnson. Me and Mrs. A. E. Hamilton and Doris of London, are spending the holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs John. Galster. Miss Doreen O'Dwyer who is at- tending Loretta College, Stratford,is holidaying with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. P. J. O'Dwyer. Mrs. Victoria Denomme who has been for :some time at the home of her grandson, Mr. and Mrs. Adron Denomme of town, has returned to her home on the Blue Water Highway near Drysdale. Christmas visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert were: Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Siebert and daugh- ters Helen and Verginia of Detroit; Mr and Mrs. W. J. Major and dau- ghter Patsy of 'Tor'oiit±o: Mr. .and Mrs Clar °Hoffman and Bobbie of Galt; and Miss Nora Siebert, R.N., of Lan- sing, 1VIiah. School Meeting The annual school meeting of Zur- ich Public School was held on Wen- nesday morning with a rather small attendance. The work of the past year was gone over by the trustees. .The year started with a balance on hand of $2880.71 and closed with a nice 'balance of $3527.81 in the tress urery, or enough to run the school for a year without any assistance. The 'cast of instruction is now down to• $2433.10, and the cost of school plant operation was 600.70. Mr. John Brown who has been on the board the past six years, to his re- quest has retired, and in his place Mr J. W. Merrier was elected for a term of three years. In order to keep on teaching the Lower School work it will he necessary •to equip the now vacant room with modern t$quiament for Home Economics and Shop Work of which cost the Go7erninent will grant 75 per cent. The board are to be .commended on the fine condition of their management. OBITUARY Late Alex Mousseau the anmains of the late Alex Mous- seau were laid to rest un Friday ef- ternoon, the funeral bang. privately held. Interment being made in the Bronson line cemetery:. The late Mr Mousseau who was in his 65th year was'born on the Blue Water Highway near St. Joseph, and when a year old his father passed away. The depart- ed as a little boy was raised in the Grand Bend district`. and about 43 years ago he was me - rie,l to .Edith Allan of Grand Bend. They first settled on 19th con. Stephen, then i mooed to Posanquet Twp., ance later j to Bronson line Hay Twp., where 'rney t resided till 19' years ago when they{ moved to Zurich. Mr. Mousseau was a ve. y fine type of citizen, el'- vlairs el:o • 'ttui and b„ l„ful vdiel'evti1' he could, he was a member of the Vil'- lage Trustee Board for several years and had the work rt het„t. Ile will indeed be gretly missed by hie num- erous friends. He enjoyed lire and n,.ieva'ci meeting poorly. Surviving is his bereaved compapdon, one dau- ghter, Mrs. Melvin Smith of the home farm, Bronson line, Hay; two sons, Hesbeet at Zurich and Elrar et Kip - pen. A half-brother Mr. Max. Des - at Gran] 1',''i , ao:! we half- sisters. Rev, C. T. Hecken.dorn oa N:;ah olicnl ch'lreh oi'`'l ” I ac•. the funeral. The Herald joins ibi the duces to 200 acres in each Township many fri.oisis in extending syrrllar'th . We Heartily Thank Our Many Customers and Friends for the Support Accorded us the past Year, and Wish one and all a Most Happy and Prosperous New Year A G. HESS JEWELER AND OPTICIAN PHONE YOUR 0 R FOW WISHING ALL OUR CUS- TOMERS AND FRIENDS: A MOST PROSPEROUS" w Year W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid for .Eggs on a graded basis. Pone 10 - Hensall 1 44 • ♦ • • • • • • • • • ••• • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • •♦♦••♦♦♦•••••••••••••••o•••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Merry Christmas •It• 1�WI • • • ai rt,Ad�aa04kD e►e'9+41a*{baA0aa THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT CHRISTMAS THAT'S SURELY MIGHTY FINE. THERE'S SOMETHING IN THE SEASON THAT IS SACRED AND SUBLIME: THERE'S SOMETHING IN ITS SPIRIT IT'S PEACE, GOOD WILL, AND CHEER, THAT PROMPTS THIS HEARTY WISH; "MERY CHRISTMAS— GLAD NEW YEAR!" Inalnen ngereena oda, • - EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS ti t X6'3 .h re.:•f,�G a f4 004^+(4•:,1,f 71, 0a,?' .51 W@ eoCra".4.400 et 4 a 1 4 •I ♦, 0 +TeiR..N1d..+S:..11 Se s reethw s We Thank our Many Customers and Fiends for their Patronage. during the past Yea-, and we hope for an increase of same during the corning year. Wishing one and all a MERRY CHRISTMAS .. And a Happy and Prosperous NEW YEAR .. ,7�-U� L A. a. HON11 - 97 1L