HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-12-22, Page 8►• ?AGE EIGHT THE STORE WITH THE STOCK The I' hristmas Sbre W I-TH THE HOLIDAY SEASON JUST AHEAD RECOMMENDS A TRIP TO MARKET Come, See, the hundreds of picked lines on di3play at our Store. Attractive new Merchandise gathered from the best Domestic and Foreign Markets at right prices. We would be pleased to have you tall and look over our varied lines of Christmas Goods GROCERIES! GROCERIES Everything in new Raisins, Dates, Shelled Nuts, Candied Cherries, pineapple slices, peels, for the Christmas Cake and a large supply of Candies, Nuts and Oranges Candy Special, 2 lbs. for Chocolates Special, per lb. Peanuts, 2 lbs. for Mixed Nuts, 2 lbs. for Cal. Walnuts at 25c 15c 25c 35c 19c Jr. G SC 0 PRGDUCE WANTED 0 PHONE 59 ZURICH HERALD 1 IJij 11 II f lllllf !II1iiil,IIIIII(lf I1Ij illm.l.iliIHI1il(11111 IIIIIIIIII 1(1111 II Illll IID 1.3R1 r cery grarglinialin 9 St 11 I I IIIIIIII ilm 11 At this time of Year we can give no greater or mote impre3SiQe mess- age to our Many Customers by Extending a MERRY CHRISTMAS and. a HAPPY NEW YEAR than Merano Oesch - Zurich EGGS WANTED. Phone 165 IIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIFMHIIIIi1 1 IB111111111111111Q!111111111!1111111111,111llllll1111111111111111illlllllllllllilll11111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 11111 1'1111111111! 11111111111111111 ,11; ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mir. and Mrs. E. M. Dagg mortared r o i:ondon on Saturday. Miss Helnra Koehler of Throne:), was .a visitor with her fatlfeq,, Mr. Peter Koehler of town. Don't forget, Monday is a proclaim- ed beholiday, and all places *J. -business ' Meyer's Produce can supply yen!. Huron & Erie Debentures CANADA TRUST GUARANTEED CERTIFICATES Any Amount.. for.. $100.00.. and over Accepted 3% per annuin, half yearly for 1 and 2 Years 34% % per annum for 3 and 4 Years... 3.16% per annum for. 5 to 10 Years. Free Information From '- aS Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Local Representative - - Zurich enjoy a good Christmas dinner, as there is an abundance of everything to eat including fowl. 1 t minute wants for fowll-for the :Holiday Season. We dress and •dram all fowl orders. Phone 116 Zurich. Mr. Charles Fritz has,sorld the acre of land which.has been for some ye- ars to grow celery, located en the easterly part of town on 'tne Zurich Road, to Mr. Dennis Bedard. Jr., who has had it leased the; }past year. Mis Joyce, daughrtter . of Mr. and r , Mrs. Heel) Mousse, •and who under-' lVkr.of J. Adler, Sebriplg'*ille, wile) 1 went an ope x,at.on do Clinto.i Iiosp_t- , lyase returnedKiat a week o shat o'at place. o friends he) i al, for appendicitis, has been .return- ed to her home :and we are pleased Mr. and Mrs. Rolantit Geiger), Roe- ' that Joyce la ixiaprovdng nicely. I main and Newell Geiger, were inn The Treasurer, of Hay Twp., 1VIr. i day'visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A, A. • Weber, at Sebringoige. • A. F. Hess (lx'busy getting out .' t et l annual fina,aeial statements which. is Mr. Ward Frits is away to Wind- being rushed to the printer, 'anis who leer getting home, some new Dodge also finds himself •in .a bie run. ; to cars. Ford has, had an-exereptt n..ally get these statements out this week in 'good call's business have sold thirty readiness for Nomination. on 1VIontiay new Dodge' cars •. Much Fowl Being Shipped +—.+ Our local merchants are showing Our local produce men• are except- fine displays of Christmas goode,and ionaliy busy these - days as the big the public are invited to see them and rush at -fowl is on for the Christmas .-make your purchases 'before the last trade, and truck loads are being day when there usually is abig rush. LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter, dairy Butter, creamery Eggs, dozer-') .. Live hens, lb. Chickens, , lime: Ducks dressed Geese dressed Tt.rkeys ,dressed Wheat, hineleel Oats, bush. Barley, bluetit. Buckwheat, bush. Flour, cwt. Bran and shorts, ton Potatems; per bag •Hogs;, vet. 24' 4.. 4,4 f Thursday, Dace 2nd, 1938i + + . . i •4.. I 4- 26, 2z, 20, 16 et 8-11' 1.6',p: 1.4• -. 21`. 57' 27; 40) 40 2.004, 2,90'+ 20:00• 50. .. 8;0Q 1 1Mlle: and Mrs. Gus zlDenoxnine mote_ orc .di to Stratford one day last week daily shipped to the big centres where it is finding ready buyers. . The poultry this. year is very choice in fact Mr. 'O'Brein., who has had the most years' experience in buying poultry in Zurich, advises us that he has never seen it just quite so good. • Our pirediction of last week that we will have snow for Christmas, seems to be coming a reality. This morning Wednesday, several inches of the beautiful white fell, 'although the we- ather is not cold, in fact above the The prices have been higher in some freezing point, but it is now winter, years, yet it seems high enough when and a nice blanket of snow several one has to dig up the cash to pur- inches deep covers the ground. chase the same. However, let's all ko Scarlet fever has broken out on the Bronson lane, Hay Township, and Dr. Addison, the local Medical'Officer asks the people who attended the re- cent school concert to stay in for a week or so, and in case of sore •t i:roat or illness to get medical attention at once. Four definite cases of the fev- er are reported so far, and the people are asked to co-operate and avoid f-L"i1911P/Illi 1911 any further spread if possible, HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE ; 2:V11'111'011 11 t1i1!}Illlll i(if 1 Is TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS WE WISH TO - EXTEND Season's Greetings AND MAY THE NEW YEAR BRING US ALL PROSPERITY AND HAPPINESS, AND A CON- TINUANCE OF OUR FRIENDLY BUSINESS RELATIONS DE & VEIDO zLDRICH - C7NT. QUALITY PRICE - SERVICE a • • • 5, • 1 0 0 • • • • e-eInas if this would be a, dreary Christ• rifles, shotguns and ammunition we- e Inas as when the war clout, were how- re stolen. Pentland was remanded for ea • cling about us. But now as such is questioning for one week without not the case, let us all join in cele= being asked to plead or. elect. Anoth- brating this event with an eye single er accused is being sought, it was et- toosseNimegasson• ••____MSR to the Glory of God, cared. SEAFORTH WON Seaforth neon its dispute of more than two months' standing with Clin- ton as to whethr Harold Stade, Zur- ich goalie, will play for Clinton of Seaforth, when on Friday last, the 0. H.A. sub-commtiteee awarded him to Seaforth. Previously officials of the O.H.A. had interviewed Stade and after measuring the distance found Seaforth was three tenths of a mile closer to Zurich than was Clinton. Members of the- hockey committee of the Seaforth Athletic Assocr'ation visited Stade Wednesday last when he signed a certificate to play in Sea - forth. Group seven Intermediate B of •O,HA comprising Goderich, •Clin- ton, Seaforth, Mitchell. and Tavistock are to meet in •Seaforth to creaw up a schedule. The 'winner of which must be declared iby Feb. 3rd. CHRISTMAS, SUNDAY Sunday, ,will be observed through- out the vhrie pian Warta as the geeat- ::st Day in ,the whole world. Here in Canada, where the large percent of people belong to or adheie to some Christian denomination, we know of nothing else than o.,servins Christ- mas, not as any other holiday, but as the most sacred day of :the whole year. While in some other lands where this Christ, the Savious of the World, is not recognized, what we ohserve as Chriootmas Day, is jus' mike any other day to them, and we often are .inclined to feel sorry for such who do not get the joy -out of obser- ving this day to its ,fullness. - Let this Christmas be he happiest ever. Som.c months ago it looked very much We are Happy to, take this Opportunity of Expressing our. Appreciation. at the Patronage that has been accorded us dur- ing the past Year and: Wish one and all for A Merry Christmas A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS New Year O. ns on , .iaaiwieisc 4 4- Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 .04.4.+++++++++++.14++++.04+++4++++++++++++++++ In Magistrate's Court 4444 Goderich—The bottom fell out -of the serious charges against err. and Mrs. Lorne Bridges( young Seaforth couple, on Thursday afternoon, when Magistrate Makins dismissed counts of forging and procuring 16 yr. old Mary Woods to commit forgery and uttering. Crown Attorney D. E. Hol- mes expressed- regret that accused had been :put to unwarranted trouble "There is no use going on with this. This girl is the biggest liar I have ever had in the witt3e5s box," sac ++++a0+++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++44-++'4+4 + 4 al - WE WISH ALL OUR CUSTOMERS AND + J FRIENDS A VERY 4 t + 4. • ..II. Merry Christmas .I., the Crown Attorney. ="they nave ca- used no end of trouble to Mr. and Mrs. ,Bridges, innocent people." — John Mahoney, of Ailsa •Craig, looked so sad in police court that the magis- ,trate'hd sentenced him to 10 days in jail that Mr. Makins cut it to 9 days so John would be out the day before Christmas. The magistrate took a second look at the prisoner and exclaimed: ,"Pll give you two •,weeks to pay he fine" and then John fairly beamed.—Arrested in Windsor Saturday last -with a quantity of shotgun shells in his car, Alfred Pen- tland, Windsor, appeared before Mag- israte Makins -charged with the rob- bery of Bonthron & Drysdale hard- ware' store et Hensel' on Dec. 4 when 4. . J AND A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS - 4 44. . 4. 4.New Year 4.4.Eckel's Bakery Zurich + Telephone 100 4- + + +++.14+++++++++++++++++++++. +++4;1e4-14+++++++++++++++++.1. 1 IIIIIIIItlll11111111111111Hiilllllllmlilm1i1111niY9liliilifiilill111111i1111111111111111ifllllil1111111111111111111111mm11111111111i1111111111111111mi IIil!ilIIilllllllIIIIIIIl1111111ljlRIIIIIIIII u,. THF.SE PRICES subject to change without Notice Painting Wagon $7.00 and 10.00 Painting Buggy 6.00 and 10.00 Recovering Buggy Top 16.00 and 18.00 Rerimming Buggy Wheels Set 12o00 Buggy Shaft 3.00 Cross Bar - 1.00 Buggy Reach .................................... 1.25 Buggy Spokes each 25c HESS, the Repair Man 1111111111111111;111111111111111111 31)111111111111111llC111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111':IIIMIIIIIITI101111111 ill1'l!11111111111111111111111115111111111111111111111111111111111111JIIIR1111111 MASSE%•HARMS NEWS WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO EXTEND TO OUR CUSTO- MERS AND FRIENDS, OUR HEARTY ifs Cre!;tIn Tel. Shop 149 0. KLOPP & SONS Res. 67. East and West End SERVICE STATIONS