Zurich Herald, 1938-12-22, Page 4Ism roux CREDITON Tn peeping with the restive season, *natty Crediton homes have been be- autifully decorated this season. the Large Christmas tree on Main street is a riot of 'color and great care was' taken in arranging the lights. The stores are nicely decorated partieul- ,arty Gerald Smith's win:Iaw is draw - sing much attention. Trow and she ubs on lawns, Cheletreee trees on verandahs, and in eoen, nes s whole !louses a mass .of colored lights. This is It vivid and concrete evidence of stile fact that "goodwill towards men' is decidedly he ruling spent in the village this Yuletide. hope far a: speedy recovery, The Mission Band of he United Church under the leadership of Klee � Kay Drysdale are preparing a Christ- mas program and pageant, "White Christmas,", which will be presented in the basement of the church on Friday, Dec, 23rd at 4 p,m. Wm. Glen has. returned home after a pleasant visit in Detroit. Rev G. M, and •Mrs. Young of Lueknow were ,recent visitors with their son, Rev, W. A. and Mrs. Young Grace Brock 'of London was aft<w day visitor at her home, owing to the illness of her father, Mr. George Brock Mr. and Mrs. E. L. 14lickre, !Billy and Betty, spent e few days with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. dllickle, Ridgeto•wn. Mrs. James MaeMartin and son Charles of Barrie were recent visit- ors with the fornier's mother, Mrs, Robt. Bonthron. Quite a number from here attend- ed a meeting of Presbytery geld in the Presbyterian, Clinton, Tuesday last. Alvin Bell, who is •attending Wes- tern University in London spent a weekend wi-th his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Bell and sister Rota. A number of girl friends of Miss Jean Armstrong were entertained to a birthday party at the home of Mr miles west of Dashwood, on the Higli- and Mrs. George .Armstrong lest Sat - way, was the scene of a -veep pleas- urday afternoon, Jean receiving many ant gathering when Mr. and Mrs. nice presents. Rader celebrated their Silver Wedd- Miss Margaret Hobkirk of Detroit, ing Anniversary, Friday, December; was a visitor with relatives and fri- 16th. The house was beautifully t ends here. decorated With mums and maiden- Margaret Slaving who has been in hair ferns. Twente-fiee guests eat poor health for some time is in Clin- •down to a sumptuc.'.= Turkey dinner: ton Hospital at present 'where she After which a very enjoyable evening,is receiving treatment. was spent playing Pr ogres ;ive Aero- Ont of Hensall's respected residents plane Bronco High prizes were won celebrated her 85th birthday last Tu - by Mrs. Ted Haberer and Mr. Ed- esday in the person of Mrs. Robert nund Walper. Consolation prizes Bonthron. Unfortunately .she was un - went to Mrs. Edmund Walper and able to be.out for the occasion as the Feed Haberer. In concluding this result of a fractured rib, but received very happy gathering everybody join- many beautiful gifts and flowers. ed in a community sing song. Mr. The Christmas Spicae and firs. Rader were the recipients The Community Christmas tree has .of many valued silver. gifts. The' been erected in front of the town 'guests left at a late hour wishing Mr. hall and presents a very fine appear - and Mrs. Rader-, the genial couple of ante. The distribution of the gifts of twenty-five years, many more will take place on Friday, Dec. 23rd. happy years of married bliss. at 2.30 when Santa Claus will be pre- sented. The annual Christmas concert of St. Joseph and Beaver Town the Presbyterian Sabbath school will be held in the basement of the church. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Masse and family of Detroit spent the week -end on Thursday teeming, Dec. 2Y., at 8 DASHWOOD CARD OF THAN . s Mr. Clayton Nilewishes to thank the many friends who so kindly rem- embered him during his rece'ni illus as and wiehes all hie friend.% and c.iastr- mers • the Season's Greetings and for their kind patronage the past years. SILVER WEDDING. The home of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rader, of Stephen Township, a few ZURICH' .'RICH -I U done by a deriek, block and tackle, etc, The hip roof is covered with steel Staffa Hunters Get Deer Staffa hunters returned recently from the French River district with a dozen deer, one for each member of the party which consisted of 12. men of Atwood, Staffs, and Seaforth district's. - in Beavertown and Pointe Aux Bou- leaux. Miss Alvina Denomme who has Church Sunday evening, Dec. 25th. been away several months working Members of the Sunday school assist - sin London, has returned to her home ed by the choir, will take part. The for the winter. church will be appropriately aecorat-, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Laporte, Drys- ed for the occasion. Arranging the• dale were Sunday evening visitors pageant are: 1•Irs. G. Hess, Miss Ir -with Mr. 'aad Mrs. Hector Laporte. ene Douglas, Rev. Brook, and Mr. W. Mr. and ,ire. Ross Hewitt and 'Mr 0. Goodwin; accompanist, Miss 'Greta. ,Leonard Denomme all of Windsor, Laniin e spent Sunday with heir respective relatives in this neighborhood. Mrs. Josiah Sararas and Mrs. Remmie Jeffrey were Sunday even- ing visitors with Mrs. Rachel Deno- enme. Mr. Frank Jeffrey of Beaver town left on Sunday la,t for Chatham, where he will spend a few days with ing car near Mooresville, 11 yr. old his son Harvey. Lena Berbers, 'ef near Lacan •surfer-. At time of writing old :ran Win- ed a broken collarbone and dislocated, iter failed to show its color, though shoulder. She was taken to London the wind is i'reshened a bit the aut- Hospital for treatment and her con- mosphere. and is causing the farm- dition was fairly satisfactory. •ere of this district much uneasieness Car is -Wrecked due to water -shortage. Mrs. Garnet Atkinson nano -01y es-! We are sorry to report of the ser- caped serious 'injury when motorina. ious illness of Mr. Leon Jeffrey of from Mayfield to lea 'home in Exeter the Blue Water Highway. The Wheels .of ';the car got caught'ire IVirs. Wilbert Dewey of Grand some gravel 'and 'the machine skidded 'Bend is with her parente and helping into the ditch. Mrs. Atkinson •was' to care of 'her -father, Mr. L. Jeffrey. badly s'ha'ken up. 'The car was •a: Mrs. Morris -iia.e spent Saturday B �.e*k, east with MI's. 'Fred Ducharme• 'Newv Barn Erected p.m. A Christmas pageant will be pres- ented in the auditorium of the United Fire At Goderich Plant The other night lire broke out ia. one of the three drying kilns at the plant of the Goderich Mfg. Lo. Two stacks of lumber, containing. about 10,000 feet were threatened on the inside pile near the wall and for more than an hour firemen played two - es of hose on the lumber. Dense sm- oke uncle it impossible to reach the fire directly, so the stacks on rollers were .removed. The fire was kept down to the one pile of lumber, and damage was estimated at $1,000. Native of Kappen Passes John Alex. MeNevin, well known broker died at London fo'oowing a prolonged illness. 13orn in I<ippen, Huron County, he was associated with Molson's Bank for sometune. Later he hod been interested in' the brokerage business, a resident of London for the past 25 years. He is survived by his wife and a mother in California. Funeral was held to Toronto. Chesney—Thompson A quiet wedding was held at Egm- ondville when Helen :Margaret, dau- ghter of Wni. Thompson, Tucker - smith was united to Alex. F. Chesney eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chesney, also of Tuckersmith. They were attended by Miss Mona Mc- Gregor, and McLellan Chesney, broe they of the bridegroom. Following the ceremony, dinner was served to. the immediate relatives at the hone of the bride's father. After a short honeymoon the young couple will re aide 'in Tuckersmith. Retiring N. J.. Dore, who for the past 26 years, has been station, agent at the Exeter Depot for the C.N.R. the other day wound up a successful car- eer and has retire:I on pension. His position being taken by A. 0. Martin of ,Southampton. llIr. Dore is one of a family who has served the railways for many years. His father was a station agent for 50 years. One bro- ther and two sisters were all engaged in the sarne line of :work, his brother. having died at Lucan• a few years ago. The total number of years serv- ed by the family was 165. Mr. Dore began his career at Parkhrii. For several years he was relieving agent. From 1907 to 1909 he was travelling auditor. He was Agent at Oal.'ville and before coming to Exeter was station master at Brantford, but pre ferred lighter 'wo,k. Moved to Exeter 'Mrs. Chas. Kerr and daughter .•hiss Laurette, of Benmiller, have moved to Exeter into the residence recent- ly 'vacated by Wm. Snell on Carling Street. • Caught in Belt *Cecil Smith had hie right arm; badly mangled at the turnip waxing plant :nf S. Winer, Exeter, last Fri- day morning: ,He Was in the act of putting a belt on a revolving pulley When •a glove he was; wearing.caughr: and the arm drawn in .and carried around the shaft. Both bones of the arae were broken above the wrist and a 'bone was broken between the elbow •and the shoulder. IIis shirt Sleeve :and the sleeve of his -antler wear were torn out at the shoulder. 'Died at Goderich Miss Jean Harrison, daughter •oi Daniel Harrison, well known contrac- tor, and .iVirs. Harrison, died at God- eridh'in'her 39Th year. She had been ill for the 'past nine years. Was born in 23ayfriltl but had lived in Goder- ich for -35 years. A member or St. COUNTY NEWS Collarbone Broken Hurled to the side of the road when she opened the door of a.:mov- Mr. Domini Jeffrey motored to Mit The new "bank 'barn being erected: chell on Monday last. Ma-. and Mrs..F Ducharme and Mrs 'R. Jeffrey spent Monday evening 'with Mr and Mrs. J. " I;adour. I ILNIS A LL, Friends of George B.roen will be -pleased to Bear that •he 'is somewhat unproved at data of ..witting, and en the farm of Orval 'Beaver on the, George's Anglican Church. esides "Thames Road to take the place 'of ler parents, she is survived by a fhe !one destroyed by 'fie four weeks; ago is about completed. The contrac-s tar A. J. Sweitzer of Grand Bend as- sis't'ed'by three men finished the work in Three weeks. 'While -it is customary to have 50 to 100 men at a barn raising, the frame of this barn was valved by these four men, assisted by Mr. Beaver and 'hired mann. It was 'STOP AT KLOPP'S ONE-STOP SERVICE BLUE MARATHON GM and OIL Delivered to yott The must modern way, with a WAYNE Computing Pe'np that automatically figures the amount of your purchase-. These Pumps, are used in all Neaten gas stations lay. Canada and U. S. A. HIGH PRESSURE LUBRICATION. Your car is greased by :attend- ants that have had five yeazs of practical and technical experiencte xn Detroit. We use the latest model air pressure grew gun ustiisg seven different kinds of grease to lubricate your .ear EXPERT REPAIRING To all makes of cars at attractive prices. Special ,Prices on Brakes Relined Car Wash 39c. Tire Repair 25c Battery and Tires checked and windshield cleaned Free. We aim to please. When in Zurich take advantage of our modern rest rooms. i;'ttrieh's Up -to -Date Service Station and Garage HOWARD KLOPP, LESSEE C. l'r.t " :'nn Used Car Lot in Connection. /•f' l(:�7^y'e•, ,Ei1 p -.ley' a'rl .l,nn Cas For B:.iter ACih a G0Ol) i EAR 'f11, Iii Tr ,'f l `, •, �aSr. -. UDS ,, R 147Ja,I;r�a1l"i..1i,11.,5, At,(,IyaF>ul4,llb. Phone 78 ■ irother and a sister. The funeral was ^t!ld'Friday, 'interment taking place in • Bayfield cemetery. `Passes 'Away at Seaforth Mrs. � etrjorie McMaster, only dair•, titter v'f Mr. and Mrs. Archie Weir, 'of Walkerton, and wife of Dr. E. A.; '`ticMater. 'Seaforth, died in the Hos-' eiitaal. Mrs. McMaster, who was in leer 39th-yt:ar, was born in Walker.' tern and was a graduate nurse. She: was marr'i'ed 7 A yearn ago 'to Dr..cl Masher. They resided in Ethel until coining to Seaforth four years ago. She was a anemiber of the First Pres- byterian Church, and an active work- er in the Auxiliary, She is survived by her husbands two daughters at home and her parents, t t -Walkerton. Late 'Glen -Houston The funeral of the late Glen Hous- ton, 18, eldest son sof Mr. and Mrs Andrew Houston of 'puckersmitln,was 'geld Saturday last, his pastor, Rev. A W. Gardiner of Egtilonclville United Church, officiated. ¶he young mar was just on :the thresolcd of manhoo:r r and his untimely passing is a great' sonrow to the family. 'While attend- ing Collegiate et Seaforth he took an active part in athletics and was. a poeuiar student. To his father and mother, and family mttelr sympathy is extended. Shows Three Large Paten -es Goderich---Mowat McDougall, bro- ther of "Scott'-" this town's contra 'lution to the 'wrestling sport come o 'fhurt. d'ay, December 220411938 Ft' Veara2lid gond' geig Try This New Comfort Magic WITH AUTO -POISE CONT O1,3 Two revolutionary inventions combine to give you a -wholly new sureness of control pills new seats of amazing softness that leave you fresh and untired even after hundreds of miles of driving. . Aixfoam cushions are standard in Hudson Country Club and all Convertible models; optional at low cost in all other models. See the new Hudsons at our a showroom before buying any 1939 ear. New Hudson Country Club Touring Sedan, 6 cylinders, et&t FLP., 122 -inch N.B., $ 1320, delivered in Tilbury, lbinclud- ing d Ont., fully equipped; i ing Governnrent taxes, not including local taxes, if any. Hwdson'.t Tirentber-Master Fresh Air and Heat Contrel available in all models. oadmaxagnaosrsearamoorsomentsmomm Every Hudson Pdce Buys COMPLETE; Car Even irrthe lowest priced 1•Iudsoa 112, delivered prices include a .tong li.•t of festures and equip- ment which cost cstra r. n mrloy cars. Bodies are finished in costly hand -m ale:1 lacquer (no syn- thetic enamels); fenders in bony color; 7 color opions, including 4 opalescent colors. and up for the new 86 H. P. Hudson 112 De Luxe. $1109 -Ind up for new Hudson Six e1,.12 and up for new Hudson Country Garb models. Prices4elive'c srneTitt or {Dor.. fully equipped; Includa tipose nenttaxes, notincluding localta..es, if sna or dcure - a in your locality see you,Findsondealer_Attractim:, .r ern n"weatterms, with new leads m "risme P'; me COOK BROS., HENSALL awe. cs•I•16111 shucks. I saw one over two pounds a few years ago, so I'm not doing any boasting." Another LIquor Raid in Which A. T. Taylor. of London, was the defendant. W. Ii. Bender of 1Grand Bend contractor, w.ho, built a summer cottage for Taylor, was the County police made their fourth plaintiff. The .claim. included a bal- liquor raid in two weeks and seized ante of $100 ori the $3,100 cottage 43 bottles of beer at the home of and $,29.5.98 for work outside the cot - Percy Currie, Goderich Twp., bring- retract. Claiming additions and repairs ing the total number of confiscated bottles of liquor to well over 200. !. Constable J. Ferguson, of Goder- ich, who led all four raids, was as- -kted by Co. Constable B. Fitzsimm- e; in the Godezich twp. raid. Currie appeared 'before F.G. Weir, J.P., :arged with keeping liquor for sale end was remanded for a week. GENERAL NEWS PLAN EXPRESS HIGHWAY A privately awned express highway to the cottage cost him $442.40, the Londoner entered a counter -claim for $46.42, the difference between the cradms. INJURED 1N CR.RI{ Losing a.untt o1 of their car as it turned a .corder on the Iiippen road early Friday morning, three young people had a narrow escape from fat- e, ur,ury. As it •was, one girl, Anne Dillon, aged 22, Dublin, suffered a brovicen shoulder blade and a double fracture of her 'leg. Her brother Lawrence was driving the car which was owned by Wm. Sholdice, Tuck - e rsrnitle.� The third passenger was J re - linking Windsor and Fort Erie and�McCarthy, London. The trio were :kirting the north shore, of Lake turnixug frtrin a Janne at 1 ipphn. The Erie, has been projected by a group 'injured girl -vas removed to Seaforth of New York financiers. They are now by H. Thompson, of .Seaforth, who 'nigotating with Premier Hepburn for permission to construct he $40,000,.- Ot00 speedway hrough the southwest .ern portion ,of the province. it would reduce the present most direct route through the United Sates for bonded freight by more than 100 miles. 'IS TRANSFERRED Mr, W. R. Plant, who has been C. N.R. station agent at Seaforth for 32 years left last' week for St. Marys where he !rte been transferred. An- councament is ,expected shortly of Mi'. Plant's atu cestor, and in the meantime a -relieving agent "will be •n eharge of the 'local statin. HA$ S,i<.JRPLUS . , A surplus emending $2,000 'was a certainty for Seabee -Ile at the close Of the year, treastreeyr Wilson told members, of the Town Council at its happened along. Then coming into collisiouw with a car driven by Archie Robinson, Auburn, as he 'was about to cross Goderich st., Harry Charters Seaforth, suffered a fracture of the collarbone and a 'broken rib. The •ate eident occurred at neatly the same place where W. A. Crich etf Sleeaforth was injured two vieeks previous. Must Take Plow Dodi Four young residents of Par hit pleaded guilty t6 common assault charges in county police court as an aftermath to a .lialowe'en disturbance at the farm of Thomas Corsault, 8 miles from Parkhill, in which Coteau, claimed he 'was badly injured. The four G, Carruthers 12; E. Pollock 2' F. flooding 20 .and D. McGregor 19 were placed on suspended sentence. But in order to escape 10 days in jail, they must gat back to Co:reaut's closing 1'rieeting. Final figures were borne place on its foundation an not •available. The Connell also ap•• i outhouse ,whish was overturned and proved a ,suggestion that !Sexing Day ; take a plow, down from the roof of a be again .olsserved 'in Seafoeth..` l has creamery shed. They !-,aid $53 court -ear the holiday will be on-•ttl.sday, 'costs. Corsaut said he was showet~ad Deeelnber 2 7, with sod and hard mud when he de- ar vin v; ifh t six -rate rt basket, well -1 monstrated with the pranketers. >11nd. containing on1'r theca .potatoes i JUDGMENT I5 tESI:It'+f>~D et�l we:iht four un,,rtads 3 ourtre.� <,odertoi)- Aftcr an all -day hearing CONTRACT 1S i .' i e 1Iri'e t one leo+,lnfl ll oz; the spial; each include 'r right cession, judge ,The Department of Public Works 't' • a n, 0 searirva•• 'taseeet to e „I „t..i'',{. ',$61:70',1 nil `'lent ITV Ott:.twi. s11 atreet7:.1 Mrr sal sea, v., i'it'i, t �g !4'f . C'o � 1•S 1`, t , ,. �.. a. ,,,. ..., .. .• ..,, wJ e.. • a. y... l 'y Gs'vtlxv ! sa,.wgl 1,r y1 ., ,.1. 4+,..(; 5.k0M•tu2+? 7ik1..,, tiiv ix+..•. s. .. Ba afield ;had been awarded to The Chatham Dredging and General Con- tracting Co., at about $10,7(34. NOMINATION ON MONDAY Monday afternoon will be the time for township Council nomination, and owing to it being a holiday, there -will likely be a large crowd out. As for Hay Council nomination, we are, as in former years, being asked re- peatedly will there be election: This is entirely for the ratepayers to de- guz'ie„ as far as we are concerned the 1938 Council has done a gooa rob of - it, and •did not misappropriate the, people's tax monies, anct therefor have a good chance to be re-elected. As •eve 'see it, they managed the aff- airs very capably; some may call for more action, but in a great many cases Councils are over acted and too. much enthusiasm will be detrimental to the tax payer's pocket book. Our I938 hoard have carefully considere+ti every major move they made, and as a consequence they will be able to. face the ratepayers on Monday with• a Clear :tnind. The destructive critic at a meeting of this kind is better at, .home. So come with good sound) tonstruotive ideas; and' you will: bet given the best of courtesy. :APPLIES FOR NA TURA1:ii.ATION[- Frelierick Werner; German, Cen— tralia, :bather, applied for naturali- zation papers in Goderich ,County - Court, presided over 'by' Judge TAW. Costello. He was born in Duriach, Illai ei, Germany ini 118P61 and came,. to Canada in 1928. He said he learn•e. ed his trade in Germany and' after - the war ,was unable to make a living. and +came to this country "to get more to eat." He was 18 years or lega when the war broke out and was n soldier ih the ariny for' six• years and was in the lighting lines. He was: discharged in 1919. It was his clergy- man he saki who suggested taming - to 'Canxtda to him. He had friends in, Germany but the last letter he re- ceived name lust March, He had been - given ,a pension of $20. by the Ger-. :titan Government ;but it was dihon— tinned. 'Wh'en His Honor aek:'d why the said ire had been told: "We can't }Pa':zy the .tt1.11cs y lAr, should have won,