HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-12-22, Page 1Vol XXXIX No, 24: .,444 ZURIC 1-14 S DAY MOkThNG, DECEMBER 22, 9384 Cheater L, Smith, Pabgata 1.25 a year, US. $1.50 In A.dvariala, *LH Al &1S 14A.Y.1131/4 ClliAR64141• We extend to all our Readers and Friends Season's Greetings HAIRDRESSING THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING( SALON SPECIALS FOR SPRING Let us quote you on Specials for Spring and Summer Permanents, that are pleasing and satisfactory, and will give you persanality Hair- dressing Salon. on_ rear of store. For appointments call us by phone 102 Zurich. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT., :5114, Changeless Christ for a Chang- ing World.' rriday, 8h—Luther League. Thursday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICEgz 10 a. m. --German Service. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday SchoeL 7.30 p.m.—English service. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. TUERKHEINI, rotator. BETTY ANNE BEAUTY SHOP We wish to announce to our Clientele that we have added a new wireless Permanent Waving Machine to our Beauty Shop. With this most modern and scientific method you have no weight or eSeess- ive heat on. your head. You are not connected to the electicitY in any way, and you can have your permanents in from thirty sacands to three minutes time. We are equipped to 'give you any permanent your hair requires. See this machine before getting a new permanent. Open Evenings. Phone 159 for Appointments. 4,10.#000•04P4P#0,11.1NNININPNINNP COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg,R.o. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest. Approved Method •cd Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. USED CARS E IN On Dodge 1939 Models Priced to Sell 1937 CREV., STANDARD COACH, TRUNK. 1938 DODGE„ DEUX SEDAN, TRUNK- 7-1.-626-"Veatbnri-ETIALIA, 1931 FORD A COAOH. $195.00. 1929 CHV. SEDAN, ORIGINAL THROIFGHOUT. 1928 CHM COUPE. 1931 CHEAT. SEDAN. 1935 DODGE COACH, TRUNK, 'LIKE NEW, Small Mileage. 1936 DODGE COUPE, %GUARANTEED IVIILEAGE 3250, GOVERNORS STILIL,' VON THIS CAR, LIKE NEW. 1929 ESSIA. SEDAN. WARD FRITZ DODGE DISTRIBUTOR - ZURICH WE SELTi.. THE ZEST [FOR LESS ; Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday The Holiday Season gives us another opportunity to wish our Many Customers .aand Friends,, a Very Merry Christmas. And to express to you the grat- itute and pleasure it has given ,us to serve you, and to thank you for the Confidence you have placed in us, to intrust so anueluof :your valued Business. We again Isis& you and your's a rvieffy Christmas mad a Prosperous and Happy New YeAr. We still have a good supply of Candies and,smits, thaw, t At41 'Green Giant. peas,'2 tins 25c Del Maize, corn niblets, 2 &s 23c Lifebuoy Soap, 3 calms .... 25c Tomato juice 25 -oz, tin, 2 tins ...... ....„... ..... 19c Mince meat,.. 2 lbs. -- 75c Jelly powders, Iushus, 3 pkgs. 25c Jelly powders. IVI.ctmens, 4 pkgs„. 1 9c Phone 140 Igenearinrinwlionerriomenviervanneetransammind AnairsisinalitiallaaterV•atteseranaissavairmarriarater • Leavitt's Theatre EXETER -- ONT. Our Theatre extends Season's Greet- ings to all our patrons and Friends. Thurs., Fri., Sat. "CATTLE RUSTLERS" (Western) with Charles Starrett. ;Midnight, Monday.. 19.05 a.m. and Monday afternoon Matinee at 2.30 p.m. "4 MEN AND A PRAYER" 'With Loretta Young and Richard Green. 4 STAR PICTURE Monday night, Tues., Wed. 4RADIO CITY REVELS" Bob Burns, Jack 0,akie, Kenny Baker Greetings We wish to greatly thank air. many patrons and friends for the :ausiness relations we have enjoyed t(tgether. And feel we cannot let this,. oppor- tunity go by without .extending most hearty . ava. Season's • Greetings! The local -churches are holding their Christmas enteatainments this week- end. On Thursday eve: the Evangel- ical church will hold their annual ev- ent. Then on Saturday evening, Chr- istmas eve. Saturday St. Peter's Luth- eran church will give their 'annual program. The public will get mush benefit by attending these events. STEAL TURKEYS— LEAVE OWNERS While the two occupants of the wrecked auto lay unconscious on No 2 highway, 12 miles cast of Brantford callous thieves stole two turaeas rrom the vehicle and went away leaving the victims to their fate. Traffic Offi- cer Dukes, who investigated, stated that M. E. Duncan, Lakeview, unt., and J. Tovey cf Toon, were en route to Toranto ;laturday, when on a sharpe curve, their car skidded on, the icy pavement and turned over. Knocked unconscious, the two men were painfully injured. Duncan suff- ered a fractural 1:tht arm and Tovey a .broken bone in his hand, as welllas, bruises and abrasions. The theft was a -pretty cold and uncivilized affair. STEPHEN COUNCIL • .1k 4rr,7-'41 .Menry Christmas! We all appreciate the fine Christ- mas tree again erected on the square. The light coloring is beautiful ana is a credit to the village. Mesars. Quimby and Paul Hess who are attending Toronto University ar- rived at their home here on Saturday for the Yuletide holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pfile of Dash- wood were in town Sunday. Ma. Pfile, who has been laid up for some time, is improving nicely and it will be some weeks -before he will be quite himself again. Special musical program will be rendered by the Evangelical choir on Sunday evening. The numbers will be in keeping with the Christmas season. Out of town soloists will be present and render numbers. The public are invited. Farm Sold Mr. E. Blake Horner has purchased the 100 -acre farm adjoining his own on the 14th concesssion Hay Twp., from the Samuel Schach Estate and will get possession next spring. Mr. Horner's son, Harold, will live on the farm. Mr. Alex Mousseau Passes Mr. Alex. Mosseau of whom men- tion was made in our last edition as laving suffered a heart attack, but who had recovered satisfactorily and returned to his home here, and feel- ing so well he was several d'ays down .at the office at the garage, but today, Wednesday, we have the sad news that he took a very" sudden aalaeaset • this morning at about two o'clock, • and ;before his companion, Mrs. • • Mousseau could summon help he • passed peacefully on, aged 64years, • • 10 months and 20 days. The funeral • wrift be held on Friday afternoon at • two o'clock, with interment fa Bron- • • auir rine cemeter, Funeral will be • pirate. And so Zurich loses another • valued citizen. An otituary will fol • - Ow next week. • MOND BE PERFECT 3 DIAMONDS $25 Distinguished by "heart" design, this 14k natural gold creation re- presents a value of unrival- led merit. 5 DIAMONDS $62.50 Unmistakably smart and perfect in quality. 4 3;de diamonds and br$L t$nndy brautiNI s olitaire, White or naharaf sed. A. G. HESS l lho , 1fj74-147AT-'.,,e-14;,1•44t;,.',( ' 1 WISHING ALL OUR CUS- TOMERS AND FRIENDS A VERY MERRY Christmas W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid for ,.Eggs on a graded basis.. Pone 10 - Hensall 1 • •••••••••••••••••••••••4•••••••••••••••••••••••••G tit . 40 • 40 • 404. • 41k • or 414 : • -Merry Christmas --t- OBSERVE GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Henry Deihl of Stan- ley Township have celebrated their golden wedding. They marked the occasion with a dinner to their fri- ends and relatives. The bride \VMS for- merly Margaret Jane Foster, orf Var- na. Attendants at the wedding' were Miss Annie Fostor, Clinton and John. Snydea Brucelield. They have. since lived on the farm on which Mr: Deihl was born.. They have two daughters and one son, Mrs Durham of Con- stance, and iris Fannie and Cari at h.mui. A roception wo,-1 helo.' during the ;anniversary ny. DIt,-?n!4 (-ring mt,in11., of ilayti np4!:.,tn Church an -a,1 Mr. and Da:h) withmorocco bound books. The Com- munity Club held a surprisa- party in the couplo's honor aresentiaa them with; a silver tea service. The Council of the Twp. qf ate.nr: hen convened in the Town Ji11, Qr. editon, on Thursday, Dec..1.5 -with, al] members present. The ininuw!cot. the previous meeting were read awl adopted. Motion,. That F. W. Morlock, Coll- ector of Taxes, for the year xpaa, having returned the Collector' pursuant to ,Sec. 118 of "The Assess - talent Act" and having failed. to cal- led all the Taxes for 1938, is here- by appointed ands authorize:A to ;con- tinue the levy and collection of the unpaid taxes in he mannea. ma with the pow,'r provided by law for the general lavy and collection of taxes. The said 1? W. Morlock- shall fin -ally return the Collector's Roll to the TWIT, Treasurer not ater than the ist of Feb 19:39 as provided by said Section of the Act Pay sheds to the amount a 07; and a large number of ordo;s4 we, re passed The Cannel] adjourned Sine die Herbert T Bilber, Twp HYMENEAL, bvely wedding touk: lilac° on Stauireday at noon at the home of Mar! Jahn, Baker, Stanley Township near f:1,111sgreen, when her eldest (laughter Darzeen Mary Kathryn- Itnichert, was united in marriage to William Donald MeLachlan, son of 1Vlaa Hugh McLac- Nan, of Kippen, and: ,the late Mrs. McLachlan. Rev. la, Turkheim, pas- tor of the Lutheran datrch, Zurich, offieiated. Miss Lama -Ma Reichert, cousin of :the britita played the wed- ding music. The. brizt, was charming in a turquois bln-osentin floor-lengtO ; gown, fashioned' on princess lines. Sti,e- wore a corwt, of silver and flowas and silver slippers and she caTried an .arm bouquet. of American, beauty rose buds:. Her bridesmaid., Margar- et Reicbert, NVI;V: lovely in peach taff- eta,. The, grooya was supposed by hia coaaba, William MeKoazio, 1.iapen. Kathlee i Hess, da tighter of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Hess, of Zurich was a -dainty flower girl, frocked in blue taffeta,. Following; the cerem- ony a wedding dinner was served. Mr and -Ara McLachlan left by motor •for an fsxtended wedding tr:p to Tor- onto, Niagara Fatts, Framiltcn and Buffalo, the bride wearing, for trav- elling a smar,t, brown elitunibit witb, IltigookettanztOMIMOWISEMNEMINNIMEENEEMUNEMEAVP' matching 0cee:IsQ1'0,$, • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • 4.• • • • • • 4. 4. 4.• THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT CHRISTMAS THAT'S SURELY MIGHTY FINE. THERE'S SOMETHING IN THE SEASON THAT IS SACRED AND SUBLIME: THERE'S SOMETHING IN ITS SPIRIT IT'S PEACE, GOOD WILL, AND CHEER, THAT PROMPTS THIS HEARTY WISH; "MERY CHRISTMAS— GLAD NEW YEAR!" maxi trJ4,r4r EMBALMERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS 4:13r: s4.�3 44,40110•401.4.0 41; Z .anacaussa .444.4.01. aliallatntala"..,12211Mitillettlailan=MEMEMSEMEM,2004211ala-a Season's Greetings We Thank our Many Customers and Friends for their Patronage during the past Year, and we hope for an increase of same during the coming year. Wishing one and all a 7. MERRY CHRISTMAS .. And a Happy and Prosperous NEW YEAR RAF N,DOL/GLIAS C,4iErei.::P} A !VIER! 0441. T PHONE 17 -G7 BLAKE 4 4 .4 1 71‘