HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-12-15, Page 4PAGE POUR ZURICH RALD STANLEY TOWNSHIP rile Goshen. Young Peoples Sod - tidy are preparing for a Christmas program 'consisting of pautomime, :songs and choruses to be given in the church Sunday evening, Decenrber 11.8th.. Mr. Party Johnston was in Toronto last week as a delegate to the Con - •ser ative Convention to select a Pro- vincial leader. We are glad to report that Mrs. can McKinley who has been sick for the past week is improving. HILLSGREEN Wedding Bells are ringing. The school cgncert for Christmas 'season are being held next week. On Monday Dec. 19th the seholare of S.S. No, 3, Hay will give their pro- gramme, and on Tuesday vening the - scholars in S.S. No, 7, Stanley will present their program. A pleasant evening was spent at the• home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred MF Reichert on Monday evening, when the friends of Man Doreen Reichert, bride elect, met in honor and pres- " ented her with a miscellaneous show - ex. A mock wedding, and the gifts were brought in. Lunch was served. ;Everyone wishing her best wishes for her future happiness. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Saunders of London visited the latter's brother, Mr. W. Jarrett. Mr. Hugh Love has been on the sick list. i 1 DRYSDALE -- air. Keith Etue is visiting with fri- ends and relatives in Detroit. Mrs. Joseph Rau, after :.pending a pleasant week o.r so in Detroit, has returned to her home here. meet with a painful accident while Miss Roselli Corriveau is 'ell With attending a shooting match at Jno. an attack of Chickenpox. Stewart's on the Boundry when he. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Corriveau� slipped and fell dislocating his shout moved unto their farm on the Town der. He was taken to the office of Dr 'Line on Monday. Steer far attention. Mfr. and Mrs. Paul Bedard of Goderich caIIed on friends here on -Sunday. Mrs. Ed. Brisson who has been at the home of Mrs. C. Ayotte, Zurich,. -where she took treatments for an llnness that has recently developed, *-las returned to her home here. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Bris- son is improving nicely. Mrs. Philip Denoznme treated four- teen of hex lady friends to a sumptu- .;eus duck dinner, also to a quittng bee. It was indeed a very fine quilt representing a basket of tulips. Old Lake Huron is being lashed a- 3iont by the heavy winds blowing these days, and although there is no ice as yet, the winds seem quite chil- Ward was reeeeved here on 1V1on- day of the 'death of Mrs. Louie }.'re- eter (nee Alma Eidt) in Detroit. Funeral was held in Detroit oa Wand- nesday. Mrs. Preeer was a foriiaer resident of Dashwood. Dashwood Public School concert will be held next Wednesday night, December 21st. The pupils are (busy practising. Death of Jacob Waiper . Jacob Waiper died at his home a- bout three miles west of Dashwood, after an illness of about five months. He was in his 59th year and had been a life-Iong resident of the home stead farm on which he died, He is survived by his widow, eight daugh- ters: Mrs. Lloyd Stebbins, Parkhill; 1VI•rs. Leonard .Merner, Zurich; Misses Otilla and Luella of London; Arletta Merle, Mildred andHilda at home; also three sons: Harry, Roy and Glen all at home. There is also a sister, iilrs..Henry Restemeyer of the 14th con. The funeral service was held an Monday afternoon at the home and at Zion Lutheran Church, Dashwood with Rev. T. Luft officiating. Liter- ment was in Exeter cemetery. HENSALL Dr. and Mrs. Smillie \vete recent visitors whith Toronto friends, Marion Glenn underwent an oper- ation at Dr. Steer's Office. Howard Hemphill of London, was a visitor with his parents Mr. and Mrs. A.W.E. Hemphill. Mrs. D. .Chellew who has been in Toronto for the past week, returned home. • The many friends of Miss Irene Hoggarth are pleased to see eer out again after being confiend to ner home for a week suffering from poisoning from an ingrown nail which had to be removed and was painful. Glen Bell had the misfortune to :v- DASHWOOD NOTICE Rubber Footwear is greatly Reduced in Price this year. 'Watch our windows for prices. Mile's Shoe Store, Dashwood Dr. and Mrs. Taylor spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mrs. L. Morenz is visiting with friends in Quelph. ' Miss Helen Luft of London spent the week -end with her parents. Mrs. Jacob Schroeder spent the nveek-end with her daughter in New ;I{amburg. Carol Singing Service will be held ,s in the Evangelical church on Sunday etight, assisted by the band. Mrs. T. Hoperoft is spending a few weeks at Niagara. Valls. The hockey boys are busy fixing up the grounds for the skating rink which they moved from the main st. +down to the community grounds. Mr. Harry Ashcroft of Owen So- eund called on friends heir en 'rues - y. Miss Lettr Love, of the Toronto teaching star, visited her parents, Mx. and :Mrs. Wm. Love. Mrss. Dr. Steer and little daughter, spent a few day: visiting with her mother in London. Mrs. (Dr.) Burley of Ahnonte, Mich., visited the past week with 'Mr and Mrs T. J. Sherritt. Mrs. Pater Munn left fo London, where she will spend the winter. Florence Welsh spent a few days recently visiting in London. Harold Sherritt viisted with his parents, he Mr. rnd Mrs. T. J. Sher- ri5t, prior to leaving for Dundas wh- ere he has purchased an undertaking business. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Simpson of De- troit was a visitor with Mrs. R. Bon- thron. Mrs. Alex. Hildebrandt and little daughter, are visiting with relatives in Windsor. Mr. Claude Blowes, principal. of Hensen public school, was confined to his home with illness. Miss Annie Consitt relieved during his absence. Mr. and .Mrs. Ford Sparks of Lon- don were visitors with the eormex's mother, Mrs. M. Sparks, one nay re- cently. Frank Bean of the London Road, was seized with a weak spell while in town recently, but is improving. The Chamber of 'Commerce will, as in past years, sponsor a commun- ity Christmas tree which as a great source of delight to the children of Hensall and the community, and is also made the medium of gifts for the adults. Fractures Two Ribs Mrs. Robt. Bonthron had the mis- fortune to slip and in falling fract- ured two ,ribs, which was very pain- ful to one so advanced in years. Her many friends hipe for a speedy recovery, as she will this month cele- brate her 85th birthday. Dies in Edmonton Mrs. R. J. Paterson, of the village re.ceived the sad news that her bro- STOP AT KLAPP'S ONE-STOP SERVICE ELUDE MARATHON GAS aid OIL Delivered to you the most modern way, with a WAYNE Computing Pump that automatically figures the amount of your purchase. These Pumps are used in all leading gas stations in Canada and 'LI. S. A. HIGH PRESSURE LUBRICATION. Your car is greased by attend- ants that have had five years of practical and technical experience in Detroit. We use the latest model air pressure grease gun using seven different kinds of grease to lubricate your car EXPERT REPAIRING To all makes of cars at attractive prices. Special Prices on Brakes Relined Car Wash 39c. Tire Repair 25c I3attery and Tires checked and windshield cleaned Free. We aim to please. When in Zurich take advantage of our modern i'earooms. Zurich's Up -to -Date Service Station and Garage HOWARD KLOPP, LESSEE C. Fritz & Son Used Car Lot in Connection Use .Blue ? vathon Gas For Better Mileage GOOVEAR TIRES, I3A.TTERIES, ACCESSORIES. Pione 78 4 �I Tlinrrs ,:Deem Giber Are, 4938 L. A. PRANG and SON General Repairing and Used Car Sales ZURICH ONT. ED. NADIGER Leather Goods and Harness DASHWOOD - ONT. ther, 'Sam Horton, of Edmonton, Alt. had died very suddenly at his home from heart condition. He ::es en his. 45th year. Was born near Hensall spending his early life there, going from here to the West when a young man, engaged in barbering, and at the time of his death had a success- ful business. He had not been home for some 25 years. He was a son of Mrs. Agnes Horton of Hensall, and the late N. Horton, and leaves a wife and 5 children, Moved to Toronto Mr. and Mrs. A. Filshie and dau- ghter, 1VIarion, left recently for Tor- onto where they intend taking up res- idence, having leased an apartment for the winter months. The family will be much missed in Hensart, Mrs Filshie having taught on the school board as principal of the Continuat- ion ,School for some few years. She also taught the Bible Class in the United Church, ,the two sons, Ian and°Alex. both attending Toronto 'Un- iversity, Un-iversity, and the daughter, 'Marion, 'attending Clinton.•,Collegeate, all were active workers in the U19.iteid Churofi.' COUNTY N W5 ..Exeter reports that, for the .first time in many years, dog taexs and poll taxes have been paid practically one hundred per cert. used as a farm outbuilding on the Mrs. e10G. Anderson, of Wingham,e farm of R. S. Smyth near Clinton. Its was re-elected president of the Un- ited Farm Women of Ontario at the l removal is a reminder of changing annual meeting recently, conditions. For many years it was a ifamiliar sight to see piles of sales - New Medical Man I men's samples casesunloaded at the Goclerich has a new medieal Arae -j entrance cvf the building and the noel 'itioner, Dr. la. P. Macey, who coiner utters within spread with the wares, front Bedford, Que., after five yoars l tieing displayed, . Avart from its ust ° ,,ria.'ice. Dr. Matey he- 1 -tan ,r. as a s'•iinnl roo•w, the butidi„rn bee :i !,:'c of the laLff {, j, 1J. 11'li,' ',' ie:;t: bath tend a palling '.,"nti.1 ley. Clinton's Good Marksmen A Clinton team, competing with seventy of the best rifle clubs in the Province, won • the first prize, a han- dsome shield, and qualified for com- petition in the Dominion champron- ship meet. The members of the team .were E. Epps, F. VanEgmond, R. Smith, H. Kingswell and Bill Parrish Was Former Resident Sir John Aird, 84, who passed a- way suddenly .at his home in Toronto is a former resident of Seaforth wh- ere• he was manager of the local branch of the Bank of Commerce for several years, later becoming president of that bank. New•.Postmaster William Bissett, Goderich's new postmaster, took over his duties re- cently. The appointment nx winch he succeeds the late Jelin Galt, war announced a few weeks ago. Dies From. Fall Effects '' As the resultofatfall, 1Miss .Mai- Caret Roney died at the home of her zother, Albert Roney, Hzbleert on Nov. 24. lVIiss Roney wan born. in Hibbert on, Dec. 4th, 1.860. ' She wan a'member of. the Anglican' Church 'Sth'viving are three 'brothers. Out To The Farm A landmark of 855 years, the Rat- tenbury Hotel sample rooms,; a build- ing separate from but adjacent to the hotel, has been moved and will be A. E. • RAVELLE General Store GRAND BEND GENERAL NEWS Set for May 20 Ottawa—Celebration of the .King's birthday will be observed next May 20 while His Magesty and Queen Elizabeth. are in. Ottawa, it was an- nounced ,by Prime Minister Mekenzie King. Engineer of Superior ill. Ed. Hurl, engineer on the Steamer Superior, was .brought asaore at Goderich when the ship was in port and after a day ill at a hotel was re- nmved. to Alexandra Hospital. Hiss illness is conetdexed serious and may be the cause of his retirement anter a 39, career as a sailor. Engineer Burst of Coliingwood took his' place. Craig Farmer Sets Record Alex. Al. Stewart, of Ailsa, Craig, grain expert, established a record at Guelph Winter Fair 'which may never again ,be equalled, when he +eapputed seven firsts out of nine garzzin entries. "It is ane of the greatest wins of my life,” said Stewart happily. NO CHRISTMAS BROADCAST es' announced that there will 'ae ne Christmas broadcasi. by I{.Ing George of England this year; but on May 24th next, when he will be v s- icing Canada he will give his broad- cast to Canada, and likely the Bother. countries of the Empire will aTso tune. in, Perlfarnent to Open Jan. 12 Ottawa—Premier Bing ,announced will meet January 12th.. This dni;e, he said at a press «mfer- trice following a Cabinet meeting. had been Considered most meltable having regard to the convenience of members coming g .Fieari a long dis- tance, and to the desire of the Caen ernrnerit to have, tee it o•tar ?tine peen', Fingers Gashed Wes- Witmer, • of the Huron Lumber Co., Deter, the other day had the last three Angers of his right hand gashed -when the hand • came isa contact with a saw. He was using a - rip saur when his hand slid over the top. The little [finger and the next received -flesh 'wounds and the cord was cut in the big finger. Dr. Dunlop dressed the wounds, and is trying to save -the middle .finger;from ampu- tation. 'This is the 'first accident in 2 years at this planing unin. Incendiarism at Grand Bend An investigation was made by the {ire Marshal's Dept. of a fire at a• refreshment booth at Grand Bend oat Wednesday last, and in his repeirt In-. specter D. 1{. Graig stated the fire, apparently was due to incendiarism on the park of •a person or persons; unknown. The fare, which did little: damage, was. inside the booth, which: is owned by Mrs. Ada Ecclestone.. The booth is situated beside the sum merresort's niisnee hall, and laid"'it: not been discovered in time thousands of dollars of damage would have re- tufted: ADDRESS :AND IPRESENTATIO:N The ninny friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McBride, of Zur- ich, met in the Varna hall Tuesday nig, at last and after a few hours spent in dancing Mr. and Mrs. McBride: were tailed to -he front, when a very .suitable ,address was read by Mr , MTris, after which tae young; groom made a fitting reply. The young couple received many useful' and beautiful gifts, .followed by a. dainty lunch. Guests were preesent. from .London, .Zurtdch, Blake and the sorrotmdixig country, and everyone enjoyed themselves and wished them a pileaeent and .Prosperous voyage lj=:.raur k itfi,, t;> the young c,•upile..