HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-12-08, Page 4w4'rE O7R Fay Uncial Report Showing assets at the highest point ince 1929, the Bank of Mantreals' •, annual financial statement just issued contains. numerous features which in.acaite a steady expantaion m opel•- ,tions during the past twee'' months. Nat only does the statement show that the Bank has maintained Its tra- aditionally strong position but the figures reveal a year of prog cess in ▪ 111 the main Channels of the Bank's ibusiness, with assets up by over $44,- 4000,000 bringing the total to $874,- 255,828, the highest in any year ~minae 1929. The liquid position of the Bank is shown by quickly avail- able resource., which total $620,- 385,119, of 77.80% of all liabilities to the public. Notable is 'the substan- ' tial increase in loans which, exclusive jof call money, amount to 8227,000,- 000 as compared with $204,000,000 a year ago. Call loans fn 'Canada show ra slight decrease compared with those of 1937 while abroad They are a mil- lion and a half dollars higher at 821- 493,000. Increases are also noted in both deposits and holdings of Gover- nment and other bonds and debentur- es. HILLSGREEN Mr. George Stephenson of Walk- ,erton visited his parents Mr. and Mrs E. Stephenson during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Love and Mr. and Mrs. W. Davidson -visited friends at Stratford during the week. Mrs. Minr rove is visiting her son Voss and wife and fancily. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Cochrane and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cameron of Sask. called to see Mr. W. J. Jarrott itne t ternoon. Mrs. J..Jarrott of lippdn Mid on .1)r. Gilbert of Hamilton, walled on relatives one evening. The sympathy of the community is felt for Mr, and Mrs, Eldon Jarrett in the loss .of their infant craughter` last Friday, Mr. and Mrs, G. Love and •Mr. and Mrs. H. Fuss were to Guelph •ane day. Mr. and Mr's. W. Richardson visited relatives at Tillsonburg. St. Joseph and Beaver Town Mrs. N. A. Cantin who has been visiting in Detroit the past week, has returned on Friday last: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bedard and. Mr, and 1VIrs. Leon .Bedard of Pointe Aux rouleau, and Mr, and Mrs, Gil- bert Denomme of St, .Joseph were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert Jeffrey. Miss Gabriel Cantin •of Detroit, called on her parents :on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tyrus 'Stansberry and sons of Detroit were week -end visit- ors •with the latter's parents, Till'. and Mrs. F. Ducharme of the Blue Water Highway south Miss Eyonne Masse who has been spending a few weeks in Windsor with her sister, Mrs. Lydon Denomme has returned to her home. Miss Veronica Ducharme who sp- ent a few weeks 'in Detroit, returned home on, Saturday last. DRYSDALE Mr. Ed Etue, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bedard attended the funerar of the late Father Brisson at Windsor, and whose remains were buried at Lon- don. oil00 ZURICH — ONT. FOR YOUR SON No gfh•eould•give+himmore pride and pleasure than this handsome '10k natural • gold signet ring with $8.95 white top at FOR FAT:H'E:R What he las ;always .wanted — an eleetric'Shaver. Choose from several ileading makes.Priced as low as115 fl FOR 'BROTHER Choose this fine 15 jewel Elco .with smart chrome with stainless back case. Fully guaranteed. FOR .SSI.STER Dainty and :modern .. . Accurate ,and sDependa• blo—Shc'II?be delighted with *k'u;,3::1815 jewel,EL'CO. FOR MO1H Ei So delicately •beautiful he'll be thrilled with ihistearted cameo in deinty %r>ik told brooch—Sittig ...and Bait "HER"VERY SPECIAL GIFT THIS :BRIDAL WREATH ni iamond )2iny 3 diamonds of guaranteed perfection and flashing brilliance set in exquisite hand -carved setting. She will always be proud of this tiingl STOP AT !UM'S 01E -STOP SERVICE, BLUE MARATHON GAS altd la t. Delivered ;to °ou the most modern way, with. a WAYNE Co rating I°ump that automatically figuses the amount of your purchase. These 1i sumps are utaetl ,in all leading gas stations in Canada, and U. S. A. HIGH PRESSURE LUBRICATION. 'Your car is Q;reased by attend- ants that have had five years id practical and tec$7is' ce11 experience in Detroit. We use the latest model at pressure ;gx gun .using seven different kinds of grease tri lubricate yomr rear EXPERT REPAIRING To all rnaltes Of oars at attraci5Ve prises. Special Prices on Brakes dined Car Wash 39o. Tire Repair 25c Battery and Tires checked and windshield cleaned Free. We Aim to please. When in Zurich take advantage of our modern rest ?wins‘ Zurich's Up-to•Date Service Station and Garage HOWARD KLOPP, LESSEE C. 1"i'ritz & Son Used Car Lot in Con';ection Use Eine Marathon Gas for Better Mihhage GOODYEAR TIRE'S, BATTERIES ACCESSORIES.S'ht,, me 78 ..:,...:.•....,,,-.:w;.. •• •w,n.,r...eeS.�"„i».r5 rr,.•W+.ecaK+mmAcnxr»,•tr3iarle.""n" ZVRICH H•RALt Mr. Ed. 13adore has engaged. with Miss Rose Snowden for the .winter months, Rev, Father Bii'isson spent a few clays with .his parents near near Chatham.: Mrs. Erdest Denomme spent a day with her mother, Mrs, Wm. Dolton - me. Mrs. Braude Denonime spent a few days with her sister, Paul Masse of the Bronson .line, Mr. Loo (Corrive'au is busy these days getting signers for the preven- tion of T. B. in cattle campaign. Mr, Steckle from Stanlef brought to the burg for examination by Dr. W. B. Coxon the head of an animal that was badly diseased with T.B. BLAKE Mr, and Mrs,. Josiah ,Steckle and family visited on ,Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Swartzentruber. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gingeric'h, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gingerich were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gingerich. Mr. and Mrs. Peter ]3rennerman from Tavistock were Monday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Swartzen- truher, M. and Mrs. Chris Schultz and family were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Erb. Mrs. Chris ,Swartzentruber who spent sometime with her mother who is ill near Carthage, N. Y. State. has returned home recently. A few of the Blake boys gathered around Monday evening for the aChi- veree of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Finni- gan. The boys wish to thank the young couple for the kind hospital- ity. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Westlake of the Blue Water Highway, and who have been lifelong residents of that community have moved to Bayfield, where they have occupied their fine new home built on Clan Gregor Square, where their many friends hope they will enjoy many years of comfortable retirement. • At the recent Nomination in Bay- field for Village Trustees, the- old board was re-elected. Goshen School, No. 5 Stanley, will hold their Christmas concert on Thursday Dec. 22 at 8 p.m. Mrs. J. A. ,Carn'ie and daughter Jean have moved to the Blue Water Highway to spend the winter with Mr. and Mrs. Gladwin Westlake. Miss Celinda Steckle is at present visiting her sister Mrs. Smith at Markham. Considerable interest is being tak- en by farmers re the question of making Huron County .a eestx'cted area. Local meeting •have -•ec-. con- ducted by our Agricultural Repres- entative and the people are co-oper- ing to have it go over in a big way. Mrs. Thomas Snowden is at Eg- inor_dville with her cousin Mrs. G. :11., Coleman who, had the misfortune to Hall and break her knee. DASHWOOD NOTICE Rubber Footwear is greatly Reduced in Price this year. Watch our windows for prices. Pfile's Shoe Store, Dashwood Mr. William Kleinstiver who spent a few weeks in Chicago has returned home. The Bazaar held on Saturday pro- ved to be very successful. Mr. and Mrs. G. Fee of Hensall, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. S. Gottschalk and Mr. and Mrs. W. Stade. Mrs. P. Haberer and Mr. Bruce $lopp of Zurich spent Monaay with relatives in town. Mrs. K. Meidinger who has been attending Mrs. Koch has returned to her home in Hti ensall. Mrs. Ezra Bender met with a nasty accident one day last week when she was bitten by a dog causing her to fall breaking the ligaments in her leg. Harry Hoffman attended the an- nual dinner dance of the Ontario Commercial Travelers' night held at Hotel London on Friday night as gu- .est soloist. Mrs. Wm. Eveland is visiting in Detroit. Have Successful Month The Walther League society of Zion Lutheran church, Dashwood got into full awing during November, and meetings were well attended. On November the 1st under the direction of the pastor Rev. T. Luft, a mission study was coziclucted bearing on the z.hurch's wozik among the Indians, Jews and peoge of foreign tongue. On the following Tuesday the subject was Bible study; The next week the soder* had the .nivilege or hawing,: Itev:'E. Mueller of o,^,levelanc, a focal: boy Who is working among the col - cured pro sle of that eirt5 , Rev. Mueller a.ve• a detailed description of his work among the Negroes which pro- ved bigliKly *Wresting. The society re _pondod with a rising vote of thanks, One week later the society aecussed 'Murch music and hymnology fn wh- ich meeting Mrs, Edgar :�ssterneyer ;ave an interesting essay on Ojai. subject. On the last Tuesday of eolith various businees affairs wet' taken up following by a short one -ac' clay "Who's a Coward" fp which El 101" (1a0,1; ^•tntter. e,' ii - t +n.i" .., ., 17...•1. y4 ,•� If.at . Poconiber 8th, '1988 { BANK OF' McNTREAL Esta.blishedi 1181;7. eAp. resentation in easily understandable f9rin,, of the. Bank's ANNUAL STATEMENT 31st October,, 1938., LIABILITIES LIABILITIES TO THE: PUBLIC. Deposits . . . .. .. Payable on demand and aftrn notice.. Notes of the Bank in Circulation . Payable on demand. Bills Payable . . .. .. Time drafts issued and outstanding.. Acceptances and Letters of Credit Outstanding Financial responsibilities undertaken on behalf of customers (see off -setting amount in "Resources"): Other Liabilities to the Public Items which do not come under the foregoing headings. Total Liabilities to the Public . . LIABILITIES TO THE SHAR: HOLDEE?S Capital, Surplus and. Undivided Profits and Reserves for Dividends . This amount represents the shareholders' interest in • the Bann, over which liabilities. to the public, take precedence. Total Liabilities: ., $874,2:55,828.88 $763,156,945:74" 22,542,921.50 , V9,848.31 11,377,574.84 3,1:12,201.10 $797,339,491.49 76,916,337:39 RESOURCES To meet the foregoing Liabilities the Bank has. Cash in its Vaults and Money, on Deposit with Bank of Canada . . . . . Notes of and Cheques on Other Banks. .. Payable in cash on presentation. Money on Deposit with Other Banks .. Available on demand or at short notice. Government and Other Bonds and Debentures . Not exceeding market value. The greater portion consists' n gilt -edge securities whish mature at early dates. Stocks . . . . . . _. Industrial and other stocks. Not exceeding. mnarket••rralne_ Call Loans outside of Canada . . . . .• Secured by bonds, stocks and other negotiable :.ecrerities• of greater value than the loans ani'representing moneys quick:.., available with no disturbing effect on conditions kr Canada. Call Loans in Canada . . . . . Payable on demand and secured'bty bonds and stocks of greate.'c value than the loans. Bankers' Acceptances . .. .. Prime drafts accepted by other banks. TOTAL OF OUICKLY AVAILABLE RESOURCES (equal to 77.80% of all Liabilities to the Prtblici Loans to Provincial and Municipal Governments including School Districts . Other Loans . . . . _ 7'o manufacturers,. farmers, merchants and'others) on•conditions consistent with sound Ranking. Bank Premises . . . . ,. Two properties only are carried in the names • of holding cornpanies; the stork and bondi of these companies are en- tirely owned b5 the Bank and appear on the books at SLOG, in cash case. All other of the. Bank's premises, the valrce of which largely exceeds $13,900,000, appear under this heading- Real eadingReal Estate, and Mortgages on Real Estate Sold by the Bask . . . . . . - Aeq .'.red in the course of the Bank's business and in process of being realized upon. Customer' Liability under Acceptances and Letters of Credit . . . . _ _ Represents liabilities of customers at account of. Letters 4 Credit issued and II'af'ts accepted' by the Bank for their acce nits. _ Other Assets, toot included in, the Foregoing t►. Making Total Assets of .. . to mass' parymera of Lhrbilities• to the Public of leaving are excess. at Assets over Liabilities to the Public nj $ 83,225,62335. 30,371,395.13 33$43,063.62 440,736,820.55 159,651.75 21,493,00538 5,374,98029 30,579.85 $6.20,335,119-92 37,015,594.19 190,687,855.52 13,900;000.00 1,096,707.73 8,377,574.84 2,342,976.68 $87'1,255,828.88 797,339,491.49 $ 76,916,337.39 PROFIT and' LOSS. ACCOUNT Profi for tlieyea a nide& 31st October, 1938, after making appropriations to Contingent Reser.e Fund, out of which Fund full provision for mad and! Doubtful. Debts has been made, and after deducting Dominion and Pr :Ext l: Government Taxes amounting to $1,152,615.49 - Divideads paid or payable to Shareholders . . 2,880,800.00 Appropriatibre fen Bank Premises . • 500,000.00 $3.398.390.99 3.380,000.00 $ 18,390.99 Balance of No& and Moss Akwunt;.3'Oth October.. 1937 • _ 1,164,863.53 Balance of Profit . and Loss cactaed,forward. CHARLES B. GORDON, Presicteot t $1,183,25452 JACKSC1N DODDS,, • G. Nir. SPINNEY, joint General Managers The strength of a bank is' determined by its history, its policy. its management and the extent of its resources. For 121 years the Bank of Montreal hers been in the f ore f r•ont sof Canadian finance. this manner Zion Walther League has planned ;an, instructive and churchly program which is meeting with a rea- di response and will prove helpful to intelligent church memberships. The society intends to report in these col- umns from month to month. HENSALL SPECIAL WE'11Sr-END SALE of Ladies' Winter Coats and Dresses, front The Bose Upstair ;s...oppe of London, at G.00dwin's Store, Hensall, ii'riday and Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Sparks of Bay- _. '1d called on the foritler's mother, 1f1'r::. M. Sparks. They were en their Ley iwry Florida wftero they will spend he scow^N i"1?i;l�il? the store sax; the Petty block recently3!Gx. land Mrs. Harold ,Hilliard of vacated by T. D. Wren, where he; .Sinlsville -called ion friends. here., has opened up: a fine hardware stem. Master Ross Corbett,who has.,beent Mr. and Mrs. Lee :n'edden harm 'visiting with his grandparents, Mn. moved into the: apartments; above T. and Mrs. Albert Morenz at Dashwood' D. Wren's store and are getting; nie- has returned home. ely settled. Mrs. Lyle Stratham, of lsinggsville, :MacLean, acLean, who is employed at 'humanly 1Jlaes Jean Elder, sprout, a. Cook Bros., grain mill had the rots- fow days here with her parents, Mr:. fortune of getting his hand crura the and -Mrs. John Elder, also attending - elevator, busing his fingers cut so the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. R. Moir%. severely that it required severat stit- ?lets] Kaiser of Detroit was a serf cher to close the wounds. eat wisntor with his parents, Mr. and, Mrs. John Raiser. Mr. and Mrs. John Raiser, v,bol Joyce ,Scruton of Toronto spent have :been visiting for the past; few the week end with her mother,Mrs. weeks with relatives in Detroit, re- A. Srruton and sister, Mrs. P. Me - turned borne recently.iirtttgilitoax 1?ou les Sangster underwtmt, an Penis Cantelon of Schomberg viiis- opuraation, for .remal] ovo:° t.'?neIes a+' rte With file mother, Mes. l). Cam it � iiirhu tor ....• i�.