HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-12-08, Page 2Synopsis: At the invitation of her wealthy uncle, Richard Carruth, and his foster -daughter Lois, Kettle Lodge leaves her home in a New tlanrp- shire hamlet for a month's visit in New York. Lois meets her at she train and on the way to the Carruths' Park Avenue penthouse warns her to call her aunt Evelyn, not Aunt Evelyn. They enter a great room filled with friends of Evelyn and her daughter Milli- cent who are there for cocktails. Katha is interested in Kemp Lor- ing as Lois had told her she had better not look at Kemp twice or Millicent would have her claws out. And Bill McMillan — she likes him but wonders whether this wealthy boy isn't merely planning to amuse himself with her. Her Uncle Richard arrives late in the afternoon and greets her as sin- cerely as Lois had. Evelyn pleads an engagement immediately after dinner and evidently considers her niece's visit a trial. Millicent doesn't even remain home for din- ner, going out with Kemp. Katha has a pleasant evening chatting with her uncle and Lois. Early next day McMillan phones Katha and makes a date for evening. Lois explains Evelyn's nervousness by saying she happened upon Eric Carlton and Evelyn while he was kissing her. Eric is younger than Evelyn but they go together con- stantly to parties while Richard is engrossed in business. Lois con- fides that Terry Reese, a college student with little money, whom she met while horseback riding in th park, has been avoiding her since he learned her father was so wealthy. CHAPTER V Katha, wearing a silver dress, sat opposite Bill McMillan in a night club. The music was soft and mellow around them. She felt warm and happy. He had been gay throughout dinner, talking nonsense. And when they danced and he had held her close- ly, she'd thought, "Why, I like him"—incredulously as if she had not expected to like him and was surprised and delighted that she did. Now she 'looked at him across the table and her eyes liked what they saw—Bill's bronze head, his intense blue eyes squintin a little ette, his finely carved mouth. Again the feeling of warmth and happiness swept over her. But— no! This was what always hap- pened to small town girls! It wouldn't happen to her! She wouldn't let it! Their Eyes Meet Bill's voice stopped her thoughts. He grinned. "Let's have it, Katha. What's going on in your head about Hie?" She laughed softly. "I was thinking of what Lois said today. She said, 'I like Bill, but' . . .." Smoky -colored eyes, blue eyes met. They smiled at each other. "I'll finish it for Lois," he said, looking at her directly. "I like Bill but he's a worthless spend- thrift who never earned a dime and who lives on the fat allowance of a rich old uncle. I like Bill ... but he should practice his profes- sion, which is law." "It's just what I thought," Rothe said. "And" on my second night in New York I'm out with precisely the kind of man my mother warned me against." He grinned again. "But your mother hasn't met me—yet." "No," slowly. Her mother would like Bill. You liked him in spite of yourself. You had to admire his head and his eyes and the way he smiled . . His hand reached out and cov- ered hers. "Katha, all evening I've been trying to avoid saying all the things you probably thought I'd say." He gave a short, deep laugh. "But I find I want to say them and I'd—I'd mean them: For instance, how much I like to look at you. Do you know what's been going on in my head about you or—or shall we d^nc_e again?" "Let's dance." Resting her hand on his boul- der, she thought," I want to hear what he thinks of me! I want to but I . they're stale compli- ments he's paid a hundred girls!!" Bill looked down and smiled. "Well, anyway, let me ay I think you're a very swell dan•er and that ...." The Country Cousin But he didn't go on. She weuld- n't believe him. Wise Katha — on the defensive. She wouldn't believe him if he told her that he bed lovhtl her across a room last evening before they had been in- troduced. That t4iis Morning he hntl rea.chc.d for the telephone as ' soon as he had awakened. That all day he hadn't been able to think of anything except seeing her tonight. Millicent's little cons at was That alaugh g country in. Ta h —but the laugh was on Millicent and Evelyn and—him! Arid Natha wouldn't believe him if he told her that heretofore he had preferred a hard fast game of polo or tennis or golf to having cocktails or dancing with any girl he knew. That he was wise enough to see through the game most girls played—girls who knew he was the sole relative of a fab- ulously rich old uncle. She wouldn't believe him if he said, "I've never worked because I've always had plenty of money and any place I'd occupy in a law firm could and should be filled by somebody who needs the money. I like sports and follow thein here and abroad—polo,-and tennis and golf." She Wouldn't Believe Him He wished she would believe him, that he could say, "I'ni in love with you, Katha. I love ev- erything about you. I'm sure about myself where you're con- cerned." Be wished he could be sure of her. Suddenly he smiled. There was good skiing up north now. But he wouldn't go. He wouldn't leave New York as long as Katha was here. And for the first time in his life he knew he'd rather look across a table at a girl and hold her closely while dancing than see the best game of anything ever played! As long as Katha was here . . . She was going to be here only a month. And in that month he had some- how to make her believe hint so that she would never go away, never leave him ... . Funny what happens to you, he thought, feeling her hand resting lightly on his shoulder. You niet scores and scores of girls, you liked some more than others, and then one night you saw one girl— the truth. Certainly she would not write her what Lois had told. Tier about Evelyn. Nor could she write her that Bill McMillan, in one. short unforgetable evening, had made her feel what no other Haan had over made her feel. They went to several places, smart places where famous .orches- tras 'were playing, second-rate places, and finally to a little Bo- hemian nightclub where the ta- bles were covered with red check- ered cloths and where a lone vio-, linist went from table to table and played haunting love songs, old and new. Filling the EngagementBook Bill asked the violinist to play "Ich Liebe Dieb" and he lighted a cigarette and looked tenderly at Katha while the music enclosed them. And Katha thought, "How did he know that that is one of my favorite songs? It means. I love you. But Bill isn't in love with me, Perhaps he thinks it would be fun to have a harmless little romance with me whilel'm here. And he'll stay here but I'll go back and we won't meet again, ever. He'll forget but I won't for- get, and he'd spoil the boys at home for me." Oh, why, couldn't she be sensible? Why did it seem so wonderful to be sitting in this funny little place with a man she had met just last evening? Why did she want tonight to be longer than any night had ever been be- fore? When the violinist went away, Bill asked, "Will you, have lunch with me tomorrow, Katha?" He flicked the ash froni his cigarette. "That is, if you haven't ....'" "I haven't any other plans ex- cept to go riding with Lois early in the morning." "You like Lois." • "I love her. She's a darling person." Bill grinned. "Have you an en- gagement book? If you haven't, To -Day's Popular Design By Carol Aimes 641 Zinnias In a Garden, Embroidered Bedspa'ead DESIGN NO. 641 This lovely spread represents beds of vivid zinnias nodding against a Garden trellis. You may work all the flowers in one color of varying shades or you may select many colors. Note the clever flower petals made of straight stitches and a single row of outline. It is surprisingly quick and simple to complete. • The pattern includes transfers of the designs for centre of the spread, corners and bolster, stitch and color guides and keys, materials required and diagrams of stitches. Send 15c, coins preferred, to Carol Armes, Room 421, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. and the best skiing in the world couldn't tempt you! One girl with shining black hair and a sweet red mouth and beautiful eyes. And this was the girl, Katha Lodge, Millicent's New England cousin.- And ousin:And you were sunk, Bill thought. The things that you had thought enormously important were noth- ing. The dates you had, the plans you had suddenly were nothing. This was falling in love:. . . It made the heart you'd thought was the strong, steady heart of an ath- lete do crazy gymnastics. It made you afraid and happy all at once. CHAPTER VI Now it seemed an incredibly Iong time since he had spoken to her. Looking down, smiling, he asked, "You still here?" She looked up and laughed softly, wishing she could think of a clever remark. But you can't be clever, you can't even think clearly for feeing ;;o much! She thought, "But I won't! I won't fall in love with Bill! They expect me to, Millicent and Evelyn, be- cause they know he's handsome and charming and amusing. They expect me to fall madly in love with the first man who takes me out in New York, And I won't!" "Have you hacl enough of this place?" he asked. "Then we'll go soDge place else, Tired?" SS',`,e smiled. "Always reminding me. . . . You promised to show ane where the lights are still bright at dawn. I'll stay awake if it kills inc." "Have you written your mother? If she knows what bad company you're in. Katha, don't let's talk. This music is too good." She could not write her mother get one. I'm going' to fill it up. Lunch tomorrow and a motor tour of the town. Dinner and the thea- tre tomorrow night. And on Wed- nesday night Kitty Henshaw is having a big party. . " She laughed. "But I'm visiting, my relatives.. ." • "You know that I know you' don't give a hang about any of your relatives e:;cent Richard and Lois. And you can ride with Lois in the morning and get back lit time to have breakfast with Rich- ard. You can nod at Millicent and Evelyn in restaurants and at parties. They just go home to sleep and change their clothes, you know." Did she know about Evelyn and Eric Carlton, he wondered. If she didn't, she would. Katha said, "And you know that I know that Millicent and Evelyn didn't want inc." Bill's eyes were tender again. "Richard and Lois did. And now —now I do." Only one dim white light burn - YOU CAN ATTRACT MEN. Don't let love and romance pass you by. Men like girls with lots of pep and energy. So start taking time -proven Lydia E. ?inkhorn's Vegetable Compound and note the ditference. Pinicham's Compound, made. cspeeiony for 'omen from wholesome herbs and roots, helps Nature tone up your system and thus calms irritable nerves and gives yell morn pop to really enjoy lite. For over 60 years one woman has told act. other how to go "smiling thru" distress from female functional disorders with Plnkham's Compound, d. Lot it help 2 OU! Is:ue No. 50---'3$ D 4 Qth; eatingy !.0x P tu�re; ® Like millions of happy boys and girls, andgrown-ups, delji- cious Quaker Puffed Wheat is Shirley Temple's favourite breakfast. Quaker Puffed Wheat gives you quick food energy because it's shot from guns. Bach grain is exploded to eight times its size to re- lease its nourishment more quickly and easily ! Mothers! Even children with the most "pernickty" appetites just love Quaker Puffed Wheat. You never need to coax when you serve this delicious, crisp breakfast. Not only is Quaker Puffed Wheat easy to digest, quick to give energy, but as well, one serving of Quaker Puffed Wheat,with milk orcr"eam,is equal in energy value to as much as two whole lamb chops. So give your family this deli- cious treat --start now to serve Quaker Puffed Wheat. Order a package today. Quaker Puffed Wheat already a member and want second year badge. To make it extra easy for you andto give Mother a variety of delicious cereals, you may send box tops from either Quaker Puffed Wheat Quaker Corn Flakes or Quaker Puffed Rice; REE!Vil�$h Box o S Get your new 1939 secret code book, member- Fship certificate and badge i Special honour • Join the DICK TRACY Secret badge for 2hd year members! Send name, Service Patrol. It's easy! It's fun I address, and 2 box tops to Dick Tracy, Dept. N100 Peterborough, Ont. State if you are ed in the Carruths' drawing -room when Bill stepped in briskly to say goodnight. He took Katha's hand and said, "Don't thank me for tonight. Let me thank you. It was great. To- morrow at one. Good night, ICatha." "Good night, Bill. Thanks — anyway." As he walked down the street to his car, he whistled loudly and a little off key. He wished he had someone to whom to talk! He'd like to blow a trumpet and shack people on the back and shout, "I'm in love with Katha Lodge! She's beautiful, she's wonderful!" Nothing that had ever happened to him could compare to the crazy but beautiful tumult inside him now. Katha still stood where he had Ieft her.. Her face was burning. Then slowly she walked to the broad window and looked with charmed eyes at the peak of white skyscrapers rising out of the semi- darkness of a February dawn. He didn't kiss me, she thought. And I thought he 'would try. And though I'd have said no, I wanted him to kiss me. Bill... . 'When the door opened, she' stood tense and still and held her breath. (CONTINUED NEXT ISSUE) Snappy Winter Sports outfits Skirts for Skating, In Two Lengths Are Being Shown — Ski-ir.g Costumes, Brightly Embroidered NEW YORK — Skating skirts are being shown in two lengths — one very short, ending above the knee; the other passing the knee- cap. The longer one has this advan- tage — it can be worn to and from the rink. The majority of the skirts are made with an exaggerated flare. The bare -legged vogue will carry on again this year, the skater using only warm woolen socks to keep her feet warm. 'We have seen skiing costumes with embroidered motifs on the jackets, discreet ones to be sure, but we are advised that these in the main appeal to the eyes of the beginner. Models have been devel- oped by champions; they are work- manlike, being giddy only in color, and even there not becoming too extreme. Glacier blue is the crisp- est of the shades; this combines with navy. White jackets with. the black or navy pants offer a strik- ing contrast; then there is the combination chamois yellow and brown, or green and natural. If sugar is added to mint before it is chopped, the mint will not stick to the knife. CHEST C Here's shriek le96ef from Their DISTRESS! Rub soothing, warming Musterole well into your chest and throat. Musterole is NOT just a salve. It's a "counter -irritant" containing old-fashioned cold remedies, oil of mustard, and other valuable ingredi- ents, in a clean white ointment. That's why it gets such fine results —better than the old-fashioned mus- tard plaster. Musterole penetrates, stimulates, warms and soothes, help- ful in quickly relieving local conges- tion and pain. Used bytrillions for30 years. Recommendedbymany doc- tors and nurses. Made in Canada, in three strengths: Regular Strength, Children's (mild), and Extra Strong: All druggists, 40ii each. UST MUsQLE T.hAN A tASrtR; The Secrets Good Looks Ly 60440010i, a� Superfluous hair creates a per- plexing problem for many women, and it is not surprising that many of my letters deal with this prob- lem. Hot weather tends to bring out downy growths on women not normally subject to the blemish. Cold weather sometimes destroys these "seasonal" growths, but not always. Here is a bleaching treatment that helps in cases where there is a slight growth on the face: mix three tablespoonfuls of hydrogen peroxide..agith six drops , of am- monia. If the skin is very tender, add another tablespoonful of per- oxide to weaken the bleach. In applying- this solution, use a clean piece of absorbent cotton, and al- low the liquid to 'dry on the face. I am often asked if face creams or soaps cause hair to grow. I can say quite definitely that lotions, creams and soaps do NOT cause unwanted hair. Electrolysis is sometimes effec- tive as a'tore. In many instances, though, it leaves scars that dis- figure the face. Electrolysis is quite expensive, and necessarily a slow process, The wax treatment, used in France for some time, seems to me the most effective treatment, as it offers a reasonable assurance of complete eradication, and is not. dangerous. The following helpful leaflets_ niay be obtained, by sending Se stamp for each one required: Superfluous Hair; How to Slim; Face Care; Hand Beauty; Eye Beauty; Your Hair; Bust Develop- ment; Reducing in Spots; Under- weight; Feet Care. Your personal beauty problems will also be answered confidentially. Please write to; Barbara Lynn, Rooni 421, West Adelaide St., To- ronto, Ont. Mistaken Identity Mellow autumn sunshine beam-. ed down on Joseph King, of Men- ominee, U.S., a milkman en route to work. Rounding a corner, he thought he saw ahead of him a man in a fur coat. "Hey," yelled Joseph wittily, "do you think it's. winter?" The object turned. It was a large black bear. Joseph rounded the corner again. She Asked For A Small Trial Mrs. -Mike Buckshot, 40 -year- old squaw of the Maniwaki In- dian .Reserve seventy miles north of Hull, Que., pleaded not guilty in court to a charge of cutting Mrs. Marianne Noel Cesar with a jack-knife last Oct. 8, while under the influ- ence of liquor. "What kind of a trial do .you want?" asked Judge Rolland Millar, "a trial before a judge or one before a jury of twelve men?" "I want a little ane," replied the woman. "All right, I take that to mean a trial before a judge," remarked Judge Millar. SAVE THE COUPONS Get this Beau/did Silverdale (Wrn.Rogers & Sort) Soothing, Penetrating .. . This Remedy Brings Relief Overnight Miserable, aren't you with ;your nose constantly running .., nasal; passages inflamed ... you, aching , ; . throat raw . , . eyes painful with persistent watering? Why continue to suffer? Get relief NOW .. . with good old Mentholatum, This famous family remedy is the trusted friend of millions the world over. Rub a little Mentholatum well up the nostrils: See how quickly this healing balm works itfights lurking germs . retards th e gatheringof mucus. soothes red, inflamed membranes ... relieves that choed, stuffy feeling . , , clears your head and nose and helps keep them clear. (sot a .30 cent tube or jar of Mentholatum today. Ilse it tonight. Relief is guaranteed or' money bade, Ai