HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-11-24, Page 51?hrtrsday, Namem';I Ci►" lsttii 193$ BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL DUDLEY E. HOLMES BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT - AIRY ?PUBLIC, ETC. Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this Column. POULTRY AND ;EGGS 1WAN'I ED D C --Hamilton Street, Just of I am in .a position to pay brighest the Square, GODER,ICH, Ontario. i Cash Prices fpr your Poultry and Special Attention to Counsel and Court Work. Mr. Holmes may be consulted at Goderich ..by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH !Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. VETERINARIA.N Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON 'Office in the Home of the late Dr. J. Routledge. Phone -96. Zurich A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All ,'Iiseases of domestic animals treated by the most modern principles, Charges reasonable. Day or night f t 11s promptly attended to. Also Bre- er of Scottish terriers. Inverness 13enneis. Office on Main Street, apposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSALL. Eggs on a graded basis at my house. TH05, .1=1• MLYERS � Zurich — Phone i6, HOUSE FOR SALE A very desjrable ,home, half ;rrti.le north of Zurich, included are five acres of land. 'Well drained and fenced, comfortable frame hquse, with plenty of hard and soft water, good .barn, and hen house. For fur. ZURICH HERALD LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Gus Deiiom ne ]mot- ored to London on Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Aulerich of Detroit were recent visitor; at the home of Mr. and ;Mills, L. A. Prang. Mr. and ;Mrs. Edward V. Wilhelm of Baden were Monday visitors with friends in the Zurich district, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Braun and family of Forest were Sunday visit- ors at the home of Mr. William La- mont. Miss Marian Thompson returned to her home in Sarnia, after spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Heideman. Mr. Clayton Hoffman accompanied by Mrs. Clarence Hoffman and son Lobby of Galt were week -end visit - her particulars apply Co proprietor oys with their parents here.. JAMES ALLAN J Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Rourke of R. R. 2, Zurich, Ont. yublin, and Mr. and Mrs. John Eob • THE FAMILY SHOE STORE We have a good line of Fat Footwear for every member of the family; from Grandfather 1 down to Baby. Work. Shoes and Dress Shoes for Men and Women, School Shoes and Fine Shoes for Children. All at Low Cash Prices TRY US ON REPAIRING E. J. DATARS Your Shoe Man insoii of Kitchener were Sund avyis- Phone: Sho STRAYED itor„ at the home of Mr. and itlrs, Goshen line, ' p Unto my premises i GPS DOnOmme. Hay Twp., a Durham Steer about 17/a Rev. C. B. Heckendorn, accomp- years old. Owner may have same by allied by Mrs.' Wm. Rennie motored proving property and paying exp en- to London Friday, Where they v_;ttecl ses.—Pearce Farwell, Phone 7--•84. - Tvi:. William Rennie tvl:o is soave. Zurich. escin at the g Hospital there. Our Sale ends on Saturday, Noy. WANTED 26th, just a few days loft. Read our adv. on page one and tell your nei- A limited number of Cattle for ghb.rs about it.—R. N. Douglas, winter feeding, have a considerable! Blake, amount of good ben straw to be used. " Mr. Ivan Yungblut wee successful Ed. J. Brisson, Phone 3-87. ; in shooting a fine 3 -yr. -old buck deer last Thursday up in the B.r.ce Itrict, and Ivans many friends gath- WANTED ered for a treat of venison. CATTLE—Alimited number of cat- � ' • and Mrs. James J. Barry of tle for winter feeding. Auuply to: 1Duneiii arrived in town last,Thurs- Theo. Schrader, Zurich. day, and will spend the winter months in Zurich. They are staying with Mrs. Barry's mother, 1MIr'. Helen 'Campbell, who is getting up in years land not as active as rormerry. We 100 -acres clay loam, close to Exe- are pleased to se e Mr. and Mrs. er, good buildings, goo,t water sap_ Barry's sniffling faces again in our ply. } Your opportunity for a good! village. :a,rm, handy to town,— Win. Pearce, Exeter. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Phone 13-57. PRODUCE Farm Produce WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICES —FOR -- CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. O'Brien Phone 1.01, Res. 94, Zurich B riCHERS .Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the :very Choice of Fresh and Cur-. oil Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins Yungblut & Sou INSURANCE Fannie ' a R i p.>41.i••t•++++•F• I, Farb For Sale FARM FOR SALE Farms Sold Mr. Edwin rlartma.i of the Bron- son Line, Stanley Twp., sold his 100 - acre farm to his next neighbor, Mr. Aaron Erb. Then Mr. Chris. Erb. of the same line, :Hay T,vp. bought The splendidly located farm con- the 60 -acre farm from Mr. Aaron sisting of 98 acres of choice clay I Erb. Possession in both cases given Loam of good soil, good bank barn, April 1st. Mr. Edwin Hendrick of omfortable house, and other out-1 the Blue Water Highway sold his uildings, plenty of good water, etc. 100 -acre farm on the Lake Side to or further particulars apply to the : his brother Don Hendrick. Mr. Edi. 3 Hendrick having purchased a -150- acre farm north of Crediton, knozvn as the Morlock farm. • . • ELECT OFFICERS The Junior League of Christian En- deavor of the Evangelical Church, has been re -organized for the new year. Regular meetings are held on Tuesday afternoons at 4.30. The leaders and officers are: -Superin- tendent, Mrs. G. Koehler; Assist. Sup- erintendent, Mrs. C. 13. Heckendorn; President. Milton Dagg; Vice -Pres., Jack O'Brien; Secretary, Ross Gas ciho; Treasurer, Twyla Dagg; Librar- ians, Billy O'Brien and Bobby Bryce Pianist, 3VIilten Da, g; Asst. Pianist, A In1,9 Meyers. Mission Band Super- intendent, Mrs. L. W. Hoffman; Asst Alpha Meyers. b f roprietor, Mr. Thomas Johnston, R. R. 2, Zurich. Farm is located one mile west of Blake, on town line, Hay and Stanley. FARMS FOR SALE TWO FARMS Lot 21, con. 2, Hay, containing 96 acres. Barn 40x64 also one 30x68, frame house, 10 acres bush, six acres wheat, plowing done. Also Lot 22, con. 2, 100 acres bank barn 50x70, 12 acres bush, 6 acres wheat, plowing done. These farms will be sold together or separ- ate. They are close to market, also close to high and public schools, well drained, and well adapted for grow- ing beans or grain. For further particulars apply to: Peter Mc- Naughton or Donald Burns, Box 104, Hensall, Ont. Zurich Qarae Come and purchase your Aut- omotive Requirements from Zurich's oldest established Garage and Service Station. We can supply.. your needs Expert Automobile repairing. Acytelene Welding, Tires, Batteries, Oils, Greases and repairs. LUNCH ROOM And clean Rest Rooms at your h HYMENEAL McBride—Chuter A smart autumn wedding took place on November 19th, 1938 as the Lec- tory, Bayfield, when Ida Anna Chu - ter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Chuter, Varna, was united in marri- age to Elmer John • McBride, young- est son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Me- Bride of the Goshen Line, Stanley. Rev. W. G. Bugler officiated. The bride looked. charming •rn a rust crepe dress with green at and - shoes and carried a bouquet of pink carnations and maidenhair rem. Her bridesmaid was the grocm e sister; Miss Emma McBride, who cnose 'a black crepe dress with icgti-n trim- ing and wore a corsage or 'ilronze Mums tied with pink ribbon. Harvey Chuter, brother of the bride was best. man. Following the ceremony the bridal party attended a dinner at the iome of the groom, which was given in honour of his parents, eine were elcbrating their 43rd wedding an- t niversary on the same day, The diningroom was prettily .decor-: 9.0 C1 in pink and White; • Tite bride Service 11. MQUSS'EAU Phone: Day 10.3, Night, 47 c Weather 1ry taite !e. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF :ANY `CANADIAN MUT- iAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31st, 1936, $22,391,527.00 Total Cash in. Bank and 13oiids $273,613.47. hates—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 Years E. F. KLOPP--ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- ing Rods and all kinds of Fire Insur;.2. i r:e' Cut ; Your Fuel Bill n`` HALF! Buy Storm Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND .SAT, ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. , Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials PHONE 69 a' ;t.w,icirOr.b•l.E.l ~ i ttit� ;:' .':..:.dr! I TA ZURICH 82. Residence 43 Zurich's Ladies' Wear Located at MOUSSEAU'S LUNCH ROOM Zurich — Phone 103 JUST ARRIVED A Fine Shipm:nt of New Winter Coats, Suss ranging grew 14 to 52. All s'_•rr.1' :, a \ ;;re- fide line of Coats '":ioni':tt).i) ani up. DRE,:2SrlES in all sees and color.:. t'riced from, $1.00 a:id up. We invite you to come and look these aver. IRS. PEARL MOUSSEAT:, 'Zueich EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHUB CH - C. B. Heckendorn, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. H. C. Hess, Organist and Dir- ector of Iiiusic 10 a.m. Subject --Jesus ani the Chil- dren. Ea 11 a.m.—Sunday School 7.30 p.m. Subject—The Great In- vitation. "Love never hurt the Lover, nor the one Loved. But evil wishing Ieacls to untold Harm." and groom of 43 years ago sat down with their family, to a table in the centre of which was a three story wedding cake made and presented to them by their daughters-in-law. From the cake radiated pink steramers with place cards attached. The dau- ghters-in-law acted as waitresses. Immediately after the dinner Mr. and 11trs. Elmer McBride left, aniidat showers of .confetti, on a motor trip to Niagara and Buffalo returning by Detroit. For travelling the bride wore a green coat trimmed with grey fur and accessories to matt.-.. On their return they will reside on the McBride homestead, Goshen Line, Stanley. During the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBride were presented with a radio by their family. The address was read by their oldest son Alvin and his son Stewart presented hie! grandparents with the radio. Mr. Mc- Bride made a very fitting reply in I which he expressed genuine surprise and thanked for Mrs. McBride and himself to the thoughtful members of their family. Those of the family who attended .were: Alvin and Edgar of Kipper; Wilbert :of Kitchener, Leonard and Lorne of Windsor; Walter of Zurich and Emma and Elsner at home. Margaret, (Mrs. Edgar Schnell) of Edmonton, Alberta, was the only one not present. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McBride were also present and pres- ented the bade and groom with �. .511V:7 berry spoon. Mrs. Samuel McBride being the only living• sister of Mrs. Robert McBride. Following is the address: Dear Parents:—We, your eons and daughters desiring to honor you. have reassembled this afternoon at this, the old home of our nativity. with all its cherished memories and happy associations, to 'celebrate with You the 43rd anniversary of your wedding, and to congratuzate you both on.your having been permitted to-, share together, for so long, ipnunierable joys, and to .,bear so nobly life's many vicissitudes, As you look around our assemblage on this occasion, we trust that (in the 44. words of the poet) : 4 'hili etneieyit bridegroom and the brit..,. alziiling contented and serene :0eh,.1d, well pleased, on every side Iheir forms and features multiplied 4 As, a memento of this happy occas- ion we would ask you to accept this. 4 ' radio set. And although you may have passed the meridian of life, youboth still retain the capacity for enjoyment of the many pleasures, which this scientific achievement, has brought to so many throughout the world. And so it is the sincere wisl, of your family that the twilight, and the eventide skies, of your i s.,,s may be studded with the stars of Hope and trust and happiness. ,SI ned•---The Children. 1 4 1 7,67 118111111181 PAGE FIVE 111111111118111118111111111111111111111111111111111111111111811111188I811111111111111111111111111111111111 1181111111111111111 111811111 11 Zurich Drug Store QUALITY DRUGS School Supplies Stationery Popular Magazines Ken, Life, Popular Mechanics, Colliers, .,Good Housekeeping, Comics, Esquire, Western Stories, Detective Stories, True Story, True Romance, And a Host of Others. FULL STOCK OF PARK DAVIS 'VITAMIN PRI DUCTS. Prevent Rickets and Scurvy. Build Resistance To Infection. COD LIVER OIL FOR WINTER MONTHS Park Davis National Viking Wampole's Extracts Meads 103 Diarnond Dyes, Putnarn Sunset Soap Dyes Dyes. CIGARETTES CIGARS TOBACCO FULL LINE OF TOILETRIES Dr.JA AdthsunPraprietor 11 111111111111111111 1, 111 166.": IP; I' ',ii t' i '�;, � )ii !.i!i'(I .. I (J .:(11.71i ii i �p•iiV ' Deliver your Cream to the Zurich Crea:-nery and ob- tain correct weight, test and Highest Market Price, We pay 2 cents premium per lb. butterfat for all Cream de- livered to the plant. We also buy and pay cash i for your Eggs and Poultry according to grade. We are Local Agents for the Viking Separator. Let us Demonstrate this high quality Separator for you! The Zurich Creamery r.; High quality bowl—closer skim- ming --more profit. 2 Perfect eeckbearing ••_- assuring years of dependable service of the mechanism. 3 Proven durability. 4 Highly endorsed by thousands of users. Durable materials, expert work- manship and sturdy con.;truction are featured in the Viking Separ- ator. We make sure that every machine sold continues to give satisfaction. Seven Models—One Quality SWEDISH SEPARATOR Co., LIMITED Montreal a.e sa sseoobs aeseas sealrsase:mese ;eswtieame seameseaseses Yotir Wthter's Fuel se 0 IWe are Now Filling Orders for this Winter's I Fuel, Let us suggest the Most Suitable Fuel for I your Heating Equipment... Prices always within the limits of other Dealers with Quality Considered. 1 SEED CLEANING We have an up to -date Seed Cleaning Equipment that we use for Custom Cleaning, and invity the 2 Farmers who have seer to clean to arrange with 13s w • for this Work. ss a i w IPURINA Stock Foods and Chows • A. guaranteed product that will help your Stock nd Poultry L. Dee9twet ettesgsres ,,,wn+P.ec,1 meetRiirocemo69t$11JU!ositi se