HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-11-17, Page 4DAHWOOD
l Edalilaaiffe'r.
Mr. and ,MVlrs, Sana; Gottschalk at-
tended the funeral of his sister, Mrs
Lipphardt in Hensall last -week.
Mrs, Wm. Kleinstivex is visiting
with her son Percy in. Chicago this
Mre old Mrs. Sam Witeel Axl 1 Nriss`
"!!C+iolh Letherland of Toanto, were
'week -end visitors wiith his mother,
l'ir'a- Witzel,
Dr. Eugene Tienueh of Halifax,
went a few days with his parents,
AU-. and Mrs. Ezra ";i'eman Masi week
Mr. 'and'Mr. G. 'Chesna mad fam-
ily •of Birmingham, Mich., were week.
:end vlsitors'with her mother, Mrs, F
'1jWillert: Mrs. Wiliest returned with
them and will spend the winter with
, liter children.
Miss Zeta Nadiger, R:1'. of Howell
Mich., where she 'is engaged in a hos-
vital, spent a few days with her par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nadiger.
Mrs. Reid is spending a few days
in Mitchell, also dttending the funer-
al clef her sister :thelate Mas. George
.A pleasant ,evening was spent on
Thursday 'evening, . !November IOth,
when the neighbors and friends of
Mr, and Mae, Ralph Turner, bridal
couple, met. :at their home to donor
them with a miscellaneous shower.
They re's toted many beautiful and
useful gifts. The address beim read
by 1VTr. McInnis, teacher of To. 7,
Stanley.:Mr. Turner making a fitt-
ing reply. Music and a lunch bro-
Yon Will Find Les Helpful
In A Score of Ways
z..4SK for a free copy of our booklet,
"Your Bank and How You May Use It.'
Zurich Branch: E. M. DAGG, Manager
kODERN,.EXPERXENCED BANKING SERVICE... the outcome of 121 year?successfrel opera6o
BLUE MARATHON GAS and OIL Delivered to you the most modern
way, with a WAYNE Computing Pump that automatically figuses the
amount of your purchase. These Pumps are used in all leading gas
stations in Canada and U. S. A.
HIGH PRESSURE LUBRICATION. Your car is greased by attend-
ants that have had five years of practical and technical experience in
Detroit. We use the latest model air pressure grease gun using
seven different kinds of grease to lubricate your. car
EXPERT REPAIRING To all makes of cars at attractive prices.
Special Prices on Brakes Relined
Car Wash 39c. Tire Repair 25c
Battery and Tires checked and windshield cleaned Free. We aim
to please. When in Zurich take advantage of our modern rest rooms.
Zurich's Up -to -Date Service Station and Garage
C. Fritz & Son Used Car Lot in Connection
Use Blue Marathon Gas For Better Mileage
...-- .....
our limey
Have Your N
Fall Suit a#jd Overcoat'
Tailored to Your Own Personal Measure-
• Step out in Style with
.0.4. ii $ 'i i+ s/ W r v e •v a r v d : W_,f/' . W .;t.14'r'.:i�4.4.:li.: '1„itwuiAf
See Latest British Woolens Here Neww---
Patterns New Shades
i t■railgll is
ught f<he,eveining to .a cloae, Every-
one wishing them a -Happy married
Meas Olive Forrest of Fagot, Man•,
is visiting with relatives in the com-
1Vfiss Mary !Hagan of London visited
her sister Miss Dolly and Brother
Frank Hagan, over the weex-end.
1VIr, and Mrs, James Jarrott at-
tended the Willert-Carlisle wedding
in Hensall on' Saturday, '
Mrs. W. Turner left kir a visit with
relatives in Manitoba on Saturday.
Miss Annie Jarrott is home attend-
ing to'.herfatherM1..: Wm.'Jarrott,
who is laid up with arthritis fit his
Mr. and 'Mrs. W. Davidson and Mr
and Mrs. C. Robinson visited friends
near Thamesford.
Mr. H. R. Samuels of Toronto,
was in this vicinity recently.
Mrs. Aserick Brisson has returned
to her home, 14th con., on Thursday
She was visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Vincent Jeffrey Detroit.
A big reception was held at the
home •of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Corri-
veau, on Saturday night, en the ar-
rival of the bridal couple, About 90
guests gathered and the evening was
spent in dancing arid singing. A
lunch was served and very much en-
joyed by all present. The couple re-
ceived many lovely gifts.; They will
reside on the groom's farm on the
town line.
Alnlnong those from a distance
who attended the reception were: Mr
and Mrs. Edgar Masse. and 1Vtrs.
Smith of Detroit; Miss Valida Badour
London; Miss Florence and Elmer
Denomy from Kitchener.
Mr. Urban Ayotte of Detroit was
a week -end visitor with his parentts
on the 14th con.
Miss Doris Ayotte has accepted a
position in Clinton.
A very pretty wedding was solemn-
ized in St. Peter's church on October
29th by Rev. Father Martin when
Miss Leona Bedour became the bride
of Mr. Franklin Corriveau. me bride
looked lovely in a white satin gown.
trimmed with lace carrying a white
prayer book, trimmed with white
satin streamers. Miss Rose Corriv-
eau, sister of the groom was Maid of
Honor in- a yellow lace dress over a
taffetta slip, carrying a bouquet' of
yellow chrysantheums; tlie''ibest man
was Mr. Emery Bedour and Mr.
Alphonse Masse. Dinner was served
at the home of the :bride's parents,
the bridal couple left on a honey-
moon trip to Detroit and other points
.the bride wearing a wine colored vel-
vet dress with accessoriesto match.
Miss Nellie +Fee of Milverton was
a recent visitor at her hone here.
Milton and Lloyd Ortwein of Lon-
don were recent visitors with relati-
ves here.
Harvey Hudson has secured a posi-
tion on a large dairy farm at Ilder-
ton and left for that place.
Jas. Parkins of Denfield, hasbeen
appointed by the C.N.R. . as section
foreman for Hensall district and corm
menced work Monday last. Mr. Par-
kins is well known having worked
here all last winter as foreman.
Ford Sparks of London, was a re-
cent visitor with his mother, Mrs.
Marjorie Sparks.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Taman of Bien-
heim were recent visitors with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McDonell
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sheppard
and little daughter of Harrletsville,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Shep-
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kennings and
daughter Mae of Egmondville moved
into the !louse known as the Reich-
ert house, which he purchased recent-
ly from J. W. Ortwein.
Mr. and Mrs. I-Iy. Harburn and lit-
tle daughter of Staffa spent' the we-
ew-end at the .home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Deters.,
Mrs. A. L. Case has returned home
after visiting a few days with Mrs:
A. Lamniie in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook of Tor-
onto were visitors with their ,parents.
fere and at Dashwood.
Mr; : arld. Mrs. P. H. Devlin of St-
rattord ' were visitors with Mr and
� d Corbett recently
rMs David. MacLean is ' isrtrng Icer
niece in ,St.' Thomas
The many friends. ''of °In !toss
who underwent an operation at St.
Toseph's hospital,. Londoix, •regret to
learn that he is not improving as rap-
idly as expected.
The Canadian Legion held • their
Armistice service in Canner Presby-
terian church Friday afternoon.
Mise Annie ,Carlisle, bride -elect of
Saturday, was honored at her home
with a miscellaneous shower. The
'`•ride was the recipient o.f iiwny bea-
utiful and useful gifts.
A puiet dewwing was solemnized
Saturday eat the home of. Mr. ant'
Vine E. It. Hutton when Rev. W. A
r: .
Dung united m marriage Mrs, .t i lir
\lex., Hensall, and Mr. ,Win. }}Tags"
If Kitchener. The bride a. ire 'Wacr
eiple sheer with shoulderette of wbt*Tnrlaiee eina'are of t".
4 A A. Y,•wv-f, K.ti'.,,YY •,7 - . v" w:O le Y.,/
TTiiuxsdaye November 17th, 1988
the piano. Aftrer the ceremony a
wedding dinner was served to the im-
mediate relatives of the bride and
groom. Ms. and Mrs, Hagen will re-
side in Kitchener.
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
St. Mark's -Church recently when
Margaret Jeanne, eldest daughter of
Barry Swain and the late IVirs. Swam
of Ailsa Craig, was united in mar-
riage to: Wm. R. 1Welsh, son of Wm.
Welsh and the late Mrs. Welsh, Hen-
sall, Rev.' Walter Jones .officiated. The
attendants were Mabel Sims and Wm
Bowes of London. The bride wore
green'drepe With accessories in blk.
.Following 'the ceremony a reception
was held at the Royal Cafe. Mr. and
Welsh will reside on Ridout st., Lon-
Hits Deer Near Arva
A large deer evidently confused by
motor car headlights leaped from a
ditch on No. 4 Highway, just north
of Arva was struck by a car. So
badly was it injured that a farmer
shot it it was later taken to London
the make venison at the Ontario Hos-
pial. Frank Lostell, R.R. 2, Hen-
sall, was driving north on the road
when the deer leaped from the west
ditch and in a bound landed on the
east side of the pavement in front of
his car. As he struck the animal his
radiator was crushed in and a head-
light broken. The deer's both front
legs were broken by the impact.
At Empress Avenue United Church
parsonage, London, the marriage was
solemnized of Amelia A. McClinchey
of London, to James McClymont, of
Kippen. Rev. Agnew, pastor of t he
church, officiated. Mr .and Mrs. Mc-
Clymnt will reside in Kippen.
Deer Crashes Car
Elmer 1.. Bell, .Seaforth lawyer, on
Friday exhibited a smashed radiator,
broken headlights and a crushed
fender on his car, caused by a deer.
Mr. Bell was driving north from
Seaforth when a deer across the road
ran directly into the front of the car.
Instantly Killed
Wm. Harold Paton, 27 yr. old
son of Win. Paton, of 'McGillivray
Twp. was almost instantly killed at
5 a.m. when his car crashed into an
iron guard railing along a small
bridge about a mile south of Ailsa
Craig. Two others who were with
hint returning from a •dance at Moor-
esville on No. 4 Highway, north of
Clandeboys, were injured.
New Office Opened
The many Exeter friends of Mr.
R. G. Seldon are pleased to see him
out again after his long and serious
illness. He is looking well but still has
-to take ie easy. Mr. Seldon has rent-
ed the south -half ,of. Mr. Senior's
store where .he will' open up his offi-
ee for auto license issuer. The buiil-
ding. is now divided.
Car Overturns
Clinton—Blowout of a rear tire on
the car in which T. (Corless, Clinton,
and members of his family were re-
turning home from Toronto, caused
the driver to lose control and the
sedan took the ditch and after rolling
over twice came to rest on res side.
Mr. and Mrs. Corless had been visit-
ing a Toronto Hospital where a sis-
ter, Mrs. McMurray of ,Harriston, had
undergone a serious operation. Alvin
Corliss, a member boy's parliament
for S. Huron and Mrs. Greta Palmer
Toronto, ,a relative were also passen-
gers. The passengers received a shak-
ing .up but no one injured.
Daylight Robbery
Some bold daylight robber entered..
the bedroom of W. H. Dearing, Exe-
ter or the first hoes of his residence
through a window between four and
five o'clock and stole seven smilers in
bills from his pant pocket. Mr. Dear
ing , was at the back of the house
splitting 'wood while Mrs. Dearing
was -'engaged in the kitchen when the
theft occurred. A short -trine previ-
eceeggoa Gree oe sno
Off To The East
Mrs. John Schoenhals, Clinton, ieft
for Halifax, N.S., where she will vis-
it her daughter, Mrs. W. E. O'Neil
who is recovering from an operation.
She was accompanied on the trip by
Mrs. M. J....Cook of Sarnia.
Stock is Purchased .
E M; rTVlcTavish, Brussels, has pur-
c1iased'"the dry goods stock of the
Mac,Tayish store, Seaforth, and, ,will.
'told a bankrupt sale.
Shower Was Held' '
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Einer=
son ,,Sneith, near Kippen, was the
icene of ''st happ}i •occasion,'Wliert a
lumber of friends and neighbors gat -
'tared to honor their daughter, Olive,
who is a bride -elect, with .a :miscell-
aneous shower.
Left Large Estate
Several charities and religious or-
anizations benefit through generos-
',ty of the late Mary Porteous, of
Vitehell, wjiose death occurred on
rely 28th last, She was widow of the
'ate Win. Porteous and at the time '
if her death was 92 years of age.
The Gen. Hospital, Stratford receives
,1,,000 the Consumptive Hospital at
Weston $500; the Presbyterian chur-
eli Mitchell . $2,000, together with
5250 for rnts,iorr7;rte purposes also..
e 5'Y .11• e,"+. e-rY' L, n, rfaiee ea. , ......". !
� v ✓ -Y or, .YF Y'rY Y. ✓ am, ,V,ad..v'Yi v.v *4.0 IL
11N: CANADA BY MAY beth.
The King and Queen will arrive at
Quebec aboard the battle cruiser Re-
pulse May 15, on their tour of Can-
ada next year, an .official announced
from Buckingham Palace. Returning
to Canada from a visit to the United
States,. where they 'will, be guests of
1•r'esicient Roosevelt at the White
House, they will sail approximately
June 10 from Halifax, it said, De-
parture from England VMS. placeii.at
about May •10. The announcement
said that the date for leaving. Halifax
was approximate since arrangements
had been made to extend. the Caiiad-
ian visit a few days if necessary:. The
visit to the United States. was the
subject of a message from Mrs. Fran-
klin D. Roosevelt published ht • The
Sunday Chronicle.
Huron County Council
The final 1938 Huron co:untzr• soon-
cil session opened on Tuesday of this
week, may be lifted out of the ordin-
ary run of year-end uneventful busih-
ess by several ,matters which have
come to the fore this year. 'she: d'es-
tiny of Sky Hartbor airport which has
'been a going concern since its i rillii-
ant opening in the summer, probably
will be discussed; improvements mast
be made if the port is to renew its
license next year. iReforestatiors,
which was left hanging fire at the
last session, also will be revived, and
JL if. SiDa a of 'Wingitam, was dismis-
sed with costs. The Goderich 'Manu-
facturing Co.. was the plaintiff to a
$4;500 breach of contract action a-
gainst the Myself. Timber Co., of
Sault Ste Marie, Mich. The case was
set over 'to the next court.
Itenaall Unless Canadians work
and develop the great natural reso-
urces of their 'country ' someone else.
will do it and those who will do it.
will rule the (country. Hon. J. G. Gar-
minisier,.of agriculture in the.
(!dominion Cabinet, warned a gather-
ing of Huron County Liberals one
Friday evening. The. Western 'Cabin-
et minister who is prominently men-
tioned to succeed Premier King, de-
clared that the troubles of the past.
seven or eight years have' been caus-
ed by war preparations whim found,
their climax in Europe the past week.
and not by any fault in the banking:
,currency or economic system. Ofile
secs for the provincial Liberal Asso-
ciation for Huron were: Hon. pres.„
T. Shillingl.aw, Seaforth; John Essery
Centralia; Owen Geiger, Hensall;
president Dr. Shaw, Clinton; vice -
prase, Alert Kalbfleisch, Zurich; J.
M. Geerenl.ock, Seaforth; Mrs. D. Mc-
'Isaac, Crediton; secy., F. Fingland,
'Clinton.; treas., C. Fritz, Zurich. Fed-
eral officers for Huron -Perth: Hon.
presidents, T. .Dickson, Hensall and
ISPREia.m Lamont, Zurich; pros., C.
Zwic ar, Crediton; vice-presi„ Ross
it is probable the council will receive Taylor, Science Hill; Owen Gei°gere
a report on... the work done on the
Hensall; Mrs. T. L. Williams, Zuriehe
equalized assessment of the county. treasurer, Chas. Fritz, Zurich; secy..
Valuators have covered the townships J. MacEwen, R,rucefield. Munic-.
and are winding up, the villages and) ipal chairmen: Exeter, B. W. Beav
towns. ers and Miss-Jeckeil; Hensa'll, Dr.,
Campbell -and Mrs. T. Berry; Sea-.
In County Court forth, J. Govenlock and Miss J. Smith,
Hay Twp., F. C. Kalbfleisch and Mrs..
In. a civic action for $5,000 damage G. KQehlea, both or Zurich; Hallett,,.
es arising out of an automobffe ac- W. Mason and Mrs. White Of Sea-
cident settlement was made for $9150 forth; McKillop, J. Eckert and Mrs..
in Supreme Court, Goderich before „ Mctavin, Seaforth; Stanley, R. La
Justice McTague. Settlement was ag moa, Zurich and Mrs. W. McEwen..
reed upon between the defendant, ,of Clinton; Stephen, P. Sullivan;,.
Morris Carr, of Toledo and the plait- Dashwood, M. England, Crediton;,
tiffs Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Wagner,, of Mrs: C. Zwicker, Clrediton; Mrs. F..
Toronto,' and John Wagner, of Aub- Kerr, Crediton; Tuckersmith, W. Ar-
um. The accident occurred two miles chibald. Seaforth and Mrs. Fortune
north of Bayfield on. July 23, this Seaforth; Us'iorne, A. Morgan, Hen -
year. When the plaintiff, Laura Stew- sill. Mrs. C. Johns Exeter; Hibbert
art, of the state of Virginia, faired, F. O'Brein and L. Calquhoun Staffae
to appear, a $10,000 breach of con- Fullerton Orm McDougall, Munroe,.
tract suit against Henry Thomasand and Mm. L. Stevenson, Science MIL.
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Sample Copy o,t Raving
When driving, keep your.cameira on the seat beside you, loaded and ready..
You never know when a picture chance (such as this) will pop up.
DO YOU keep your camera•ia our
automobile When you're driving
—all ioadedon the seat beside you,
lens and shutter, Set, ready to shunt
at a moment's notice?'
Try it sometime, and you'll be sur-
prised how it helps you spot pie -
tare opportunities.
Hundreds of pictures can be shot
without leaving the car. This is espe-
cially true in warm weather, when
ear windows are down, and the fop,
in some cases, folded back.
If you are .not doing the diivi'n;g,.
your hand's • are free and' there are
,zany more picture opportunities
for you—as well: as a better snap-
shot position. The car hatts at a
stree • intersection, triter
and there taeio i
r n8
be a 3Copeorn peddler on the corner,
a window washer at the ofAce win-
dow above, people busily hurrying
Le and front:. wslrk. A. small boy iu
struggling with a big b+,'ncd,e 8,7+
:old: lady passes by with her heads
svrs'pp.tid•3a Vii- shawl—chance for a
await "'cbtaracter" shot. Indeed, alit
thee dant he good pictures =natural,
ieoiCiinard,' full of life.
Neuer take a drive in the country"
without your citntera. You see snore,..
enjoy yourself more, notice more in—
teresting things if the camera is, .
along. Try making a connected plc-•
tare story of a Sunday afternoon.
drive—and you'll be surprised how -
entertaining it can be. And here's an.
Idea: picture landscapes and inter-,
esting stretches of road through the
windshield of your car, from tete..
back seat, using the outline of the
windshield as a "frame" for the
scene. Such pictures shownot
what you saw, but how you saw it—.:
hence, they are twice as effective.
Needless to say, the windshield glass -
mud be #:Fear.
rot John van Guilder.