HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-11-17, Page 1ERA 01..XXXIX No. 19' ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER. ,17 1938 Chester L. Smith, Publish**. $1,25 a year, U.S. $1.60 in Advaare si.JU ,iv ren .,.:.,s5,W4 MAY BB 013ABekt Only 5 more weeks till Christmas. Be an early Shopper. HAIRDRESSING -THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING SAWN SPECIALS FOR SPRING Let us quote you on Specials for £piing and Summer Permanents, -that are pleasing and satisfactory, .and will give you personality flair- -dressing Salon on rear of store. For appointments call us by phone 102 -Zurich. BETTY ANNE BEAUTY SHOP We wish to announce to our Clientele that we have added a• new wireless Permanent Waving Machine to our Beauty Shop. With this most modern and scientific method you have no weight or excess- ive heat on your head. You are not connected to the electivity in any way, and you can have your permanents in from thirty seconds to three minutes time. We are equipped to give you any -f ermanent your hair requires. See this machine before getting a new permanent. Open Evenings. Phone 159 for Appointments. ST. PETER'S tEvangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH - ONT. "A Changeless Christ for •Charm - lag World." Friday, 8h -Luther League. 'Thursday -Choir Prada. SUNDAY SERVICE: 10 a. m. -German Service... r 11.15 a.m.-Sunday School ' 7.30 p.m. English service -Everybody Welcome to all Sae.i E. TUERKHEIMI, Pastor. COMFORTABLE CLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Z nrbrigg,R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. See The New 193 DOGE PRICES LOWER Many plaided Improvements SEE 1T'O-DA ,, AT OUR GARAGE C. FRITZ & SON -; - DODGE AND D DISTRIBUTORS AND USED CAlt SALES ZURICH - 40111'4'. 4 • WE SELL THE :IIESiC FOR LESS Specials for Thursd'iy, friday and Saturday By'the time you get tliis:Paper our Circular will be in :your bands and if :you are -wiseand want to make•yrour Money go:farther;.,o not make the mis- take of :staying away._. Come early, as quantities an some.lines areTuna fl and you may be too late. We quote a few are its Atli we could not men - ort the bill, bait 'Orme are lots more Bargains, all through the Store,, Men's Fleece Cearibinafiens, sizes 36.-446 at _...1.39 Ladies white Flannelette Gowns at ....,..............59 3. NER Phone 140 Leavitt's Theatre EXETER -- ONT. • _AL, Thurs., Fri., Sat. .DOUBLE FEATURE THE LAST GANGSTER Starring, Edward G. Robinson EMPTY HOLSTERS Western, with DICK FORAN Aand all Star Western Cast Added: Charlie McCarthy Mon., Tues., Wed. THE TEXANS With Randolph Scott, Walter Bren- nan, Joan Bennett. TO CLOSE LONDON HOS: ITAL The Ontario Hospital in London, with from 1,500 to 1,800 patients may be closed next spring upon the completion of the new mental hospit- al in St. Thomas. Intimateion of this possibility came as n. shock to London as the royal commission, headed by C. R. Magone, director of the Attor- ney -general's .department, opened.. its London investigation into the :mental hospitals operated by the Ontario Government. 'STEPHEN COUNCIL The Council of the Township of Stephen met in the Town Hall, Cred- iton, on Monday, the 7th day of No- vember A.D. 1938 at 1 o'clock p.m. All members were present. The min- utes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. The Clerk reported that the appli- cation for the .1 mill Municipal Sub- sidy amounting to $2,740.51 had be- en to the Department of Municipal Affairs. Motion, that the following pay sheet and orders be passed: Wm. Rollins rd $62.71; J. Willis rd. 2 101.43; L. Hill re 4 98.56; Wm. Oeztreicher sd 6 138.bZ; Ed. Chambers 7 89.70; Jos. Finibeiner 73; do 153.14; Ben McCann rd 12 193.10; M. •Sweitzer rd 15 10.55; P. Dejardine rd 16 16.88; H. Isaac rd 117 5.00; •H. Turner rd 19 19.47 ; I do .80; W. Bawman rd 23 19.66; J. Is lun-1pp 134.01; Pay sheet rd 1 26.92 do 3 6.83; do NB 2.80; Skinner's pit expenses 458.88; Huston's pit exp- enses 110.41; G. Eilber Supt. salary 72.90; Huston Estate gravel 85.45; R.Skinner 193.10; J. Patterson 34.50 Pay sheet rd 24 21.50; J. Hirtzel rd 5 89.68; Exeter Times Advertising 2.25; Cora Geiser .30; J. Regier rd 11 $8; Pay Sheet rd 14 $3. Orders --F. W. Morlock, postage, $35.00; P. Mcisaac burial expenses; re Ida Haines 38.67; C. Murdy 8E: Son, do re Mary 'McLaughlin 34.17,'„ H. Eilber & Son expenses re Hainer' and McLaughlin $5; Mildmny Ga to Non-resident relief forms $1; adianr .Bank of Commerce sang cliegraes 1.10 ; Exeter Times-A.dv;Ooate printing 32.95; E. Guettirtger aeVt• as milk inspector $13; Dept. of Health insulin acct. $2; Twp. Hay relief re Jackson. 8.65; Queen Alextcr>'dera San itorium acct re Lochner $3; C. J. Lochner conveyance re Lochner $6; J. Appleton rent re Merner $2; Ed. Willert acct as 'Weed Inspecor I18.75; Earl shapton, grant plowmen's Assoc $15; Relief re Carruthers $7 torment in the Di vartQclical Cemetery. The Council adjourned to meet, a --Zurich. Her pastor, Ptiov, C. B. Hee gain in the Town Hall, Crediton, on kcndorn of Zurich was assisted lry lttev Mr. 13n oks,, 1-tonsall a� the borne and B,+o. B0,4a4hler of 7r4,t;tcli tki the sem ti oy Mr. and Mrs. Jack Beaver, Mr. and Mrs. A, Heine, Mrs. Will Heine and Miss Beulah Heine, all of Bay Post, Mich., visited with Mr. and Mrs. 1•;;d, Beaver last week, Mr. Jacob Brown and members of his family attended the Silver Anni- versary of his daughter and husband Mr. and Mrs. •Iierb $esker at New Dundee the past week. Mr. Horace Klopp, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. KLopp and family of Stratford; Mrs. Jacob Wagner and daughter Helen of Shakespeare and Mr. Leon- ard Klopp and family of Waterloo, were all visitors with their mother, Mrs. Louise Klopp. 1 -'ay Twp. Councillor Max Turn- bull, of the .Blue Water Highway, in company` with a number of hunters of the Grand Bend district, were in Northern, Ontario recently on a deer hunt. Messrs. Milton Johnston, Spafford Joy and 'M.Flood, all of Thornloe, New Ontario, were visitors with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Johnston, near .Blalee, and other re- latives and friends. Ms. and Mrs. Martin Wurm of town.;. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Oswald of the Bronson line; Mr. -and Mrs. A. C. Levy and 'children Margaret and Wil- bert Levy of Clinton, were all Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClinch y, at Cromarty. ,Farm Sold. Mr. John Eckstein of the Bronson line, Hay Twp., has sold his one farm consisting of 140 acres to his neigh- bor Mr. Delbert Geiger. While the 25 acres owned by Mr. Eckstein on the west side •of the road is bought by Mr. Roland 'Geiger. Mo. and Mrs Eckstein will undoubtedly come to Zurich and enjoy a. well earned retire- ment-. Wedding art: Zuric:i A ve y happy mattriaonal event took place in Zurich en Thursday, novenslier ,1'0th, at'. the •St. Peter's Lutheran parsonage, when Rev. E. Turkheiim officiated that united Miss Beatrice' Melding, only daughter of Mr. and' Mrs. Michael Meidinger of Zurich to' Mr. Julian bl;arrtey, of St- anley township. After the ceremony a shoret:wedding't'rip• was enjoyed and the happy young couple wilt reside on the groom's farm, St+anfey Township. The Herald joins their marry friends in extending- best` wirier:, OBITUARY Late Mrs.. H+y.. Lilypd rdt Ars elderly and wedli known resident formerly of Zin:i.cirs and; for tare past two, years of He.nsail;, pad on to her Maker at the home of her son-in- law; Mr. George E1. Fee of Hensall, on • Wednesday'Novc;orbes, Oth at a.m., in -the person of'C&.tli•arine Goti.schalk relict of the lateoU,enxy Lipprrardt in hen 87th year. 13.brni ern South East Biope, she came: with herr parents to Hay, when sir years of Oge. Being of a hardy anti'. quiet: disposition she ;enjoyed seeing- l' er• olJd friends and was always ready to kelp in time of need. BeingTiMpartot of none of her faculties, she was; always busy doing things for others: aut. owing to her advanced. age, the Angel of Death saw it fitt-n talte• t•.Rome,. Having enjoyedt a- mazried life of 56 yess's•, her hue:band, passed on twelve years ago, rand- also 1�ner daughter (Annie) 'Mrs. Forrest; The late Mrs, Li'pp- harcih:• i survived by one sort,. Louis of :1J'verett, Wash., and a d ;ughter Mrs: (Irene) Fee of Hensan. A bio they Sam Gottschalk of, Dashwood; six grandchildren; five great -grand - grandchildren. The funeral was held on Friday,' November, 11th with in - MAY - WE. HELP YOU TO SEE BETTER Have Your Eyes Examined Here! C. E. ZURBRIGG, R.Q. Any Time by Appointment Broken Lenses Promptly and Accurately Duplicated. A G. HESS JEWELER AND OPTICIAN For positive identification of the World's Finest Anthracite hit ter ,BLUE COAL Also Rosedale Alberta, Semet-Solvay Coke Miller Creek. The Roe Farms Milling Q Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid for .Eggs on a graded basis. Pone 10 - Hensall Monday , the 5th day of December. at 1 o'cl.001.t. ()10110rt I .. Eilber, 'Twp, Clerk, I2StoCk F►educin SALE • STARTS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER THE 12th. • • • AND LASTS UNFIL NOV. 26 h. • 2 • MEN'S•. AND YOUTH'S • . WOOL UNDERWEAR a Pier Garment Reg. 1.335 at 1.00 SReg. 1.60 at:.. 1.25 2 MEN'S AND BOYS' COMBINATIONS 1 Reg. 2:25 Suits at 1.90 Reg. 2:00 Suits at 1.60 : t Reg. V.35 Suits at 1.00 :Reg. .10 Suits at 90c • DRESS GOODS !Reg. 30c. yd at 26c 2 Reg. 35c to 54c yd. at30c 2 Reg. 75c yd. at 50c Reg. 1.10 yd. at 75c TOELIN'CSd. ti - 15 cents anp. • IBEX BLANKETS = 2.15 per pair W 1 - PRINTS 20c yd. at .--I 16c1 1 Reg. 25c yd. at ..r.. 20c Reg. 30c yd. at ..-25c BROADCLOTHS In Alll Colors I Ring. 20c yd. at ... 15c CURTAIN MATERIAL I 10 cents a yard and up CURTAINS By The Pair 66c. pair at 45e L25 pair, at 1.00 as 1'.3a air 1.10 Flannelettes, 12c. and up P at 20% Discount off on the &flowing Goosk: Men's i Burs', Girls' and Childrenis Sweaters and Wind $ bmeakers, Sox, Stockings, Men's and Boys' fop Shirts, Boys' Tweed Pants and Bloomers. •• House Dresses 5Oc. to $1.00 at s 0 0 0 0• 0 0 0 4 R. N. DOUGITc' we GENERA& MERCHANT 1PHONE 11 '-97 BLAKE Y TH REWARED Robert irinkham, 16' yr. old' t7oder- ich youth, is one of 18 in (-riniario to receive p rehments from the Royal Canadian Humane Association for heroic: 4teliavior in saving the lives of drowping persons. It was on June 20 this year that young Pinkham, at eon clerable personal risk, pulled John Baxter, a churn from a swimm- ling hole in, the Maitland River at Pi. !Pers dam. Fear of parental replica] led the boys to a secrecy pact, but :Zees of the happening leaf rd nut and the Baxter boy's father tool steps, hence the recognition, XMAS,,, SCHOOL HOI:IttOkY2S. With i "hristmas about five cies' away, ohool boards are, annonnemt; the -vacation period to ,tgmmenee cu December 22 and will end Jauuars 3r(i., This is, classes vel reconv'eli.e er January 3, Both Chi;istnnas and Neus Year's Day will libels be rnultel axes Monday this yeim since both :Feasts: fall on a Sr radar, The department of education has ..opt; January 3 as, the opening day of school in order that. teachers may go home for New =ear's. and havo .an intervening doy in whrcl to get palet to c1a$5e;h,