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Zurich Herald, 1938-11-10, Page 8
V QB NIGHT ZURICH HERALD THE STORE WITH THE STOCK SI.Eci LS Ibex Flan. Blankets 70x84, pr. $2.25 .lumbo Flan. Pal .rnl,,ets, white 70x90, pr. 2.19 3+95 Woolcott 3lankets, green only, at pr. 3.75 Ladies' Silk and Wool 1 -lose, pr. 39c Ladies' Fullf ashioned crepe Hose, pr. 69c Ladies' all wool Sweaters, each 1.49 Children's Pullover Sweaters, all wool, each....49c Children's heavy wool Stockings, black only a pr. 19c to 29c Ne %v Stamped Mats now in stock, each, from 38c to 75c Special in uncolored Mats 24x40 -in. at each 25c Rexfelt Rugs 6x9 -ft. at each 1.59 Woolcot 70x84, at pr. GROCERIES ! GROCERIES Chipso, large at Pork and Beans, 2 for Peas, 3 for Rio Coffee, per lb. Macroni, 4 lbs. for Asst. Cookies, per lb Matches, 3 pkts for Jelly powder, 4 for Granulated Sugar (with your grocery order) .54c 22c I 9c 25c 19c 19c 15c 22c 19c 10 lbs. for J. GASCHO SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 411 Huron & Erie Debentures CANADA TRUST GUARANTEED CERTIFICATES Any Amount.. for.. $100.00.. and over Accepted 3% per annum, half yearly for 1 and 2 Years 314% per annum for 3 and 4 Years... 3 3� % per annum for 5 to 10 Years. Free Information From Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Local Representative - Zurich esomasiN.91100411.941•tM/Mi.9Aa 0cwt HARDWARE - SEEDS and FURNITURE FALL AND WINTER Hardware Needs YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT 1 1 Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. t ' OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Evetroughing and Tinsrnithing Our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hardware al- ways on hand. Also a fine display of Furniture, Matt- resses, Springs, Beds, Etc., in stock. SEEDS! SEEDS! We are in the Market for Good Quality Alsike, Timothy = Clover Seeds, Etc. COAL AND COKE Colder Days will soon be here which will demand the most suitable FUEL for Your Heating Equipment. Let us fill your bin while prices are lowest. ISTADE & WEIDOI ZURICH - ONT. 11MM41 ,sQUALITY .�PRICE SERVICE in E 1111111 llllllllhlllllllll 1(II1I11111 IIIIIII1111HI111I11111111.1II11111111111Ii1111U111 III1111 u1111uJ 1 hull 1111 Illllllll►U IIIIIU.IIIIIUl i111UUI1iitlIII 1 iu►lilii111.1 !. u len S y wre Golden Bantam corn,cans..,..,...................25c Chopped nut butter, per lb. 15c Crown Blend Tea (bik. or mixed) per half-ib28c Ginger snaps, per lb. 1 Oc Whole Kemal corn, 2 large cans ..,25c Grape fruit, large size, . 6 for .... 25c Corn flakes, (with cereal bowl) 3 pkgs. 25c Quaker Oats with glassware, per pkg. 29c. Fresh Fruit and Nuts for your Christmas Cake have just arrived ea IE Menu© Oesch - Zurich IIIIIIIIIIIl1IIHII1IIu 11111111111111111111111u111J1111111111uu1I11111u1111111111!41IIIIUIIIII111ui11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111llll111111Ghi!lllflfuii:a EGGS WANTED. Phone 165 iTEMS OF LOCAL 1TEREST LOCAL MARKETS Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Koehler of iiii.;hener were Sunday visitors here. Mr. Jacob Merner ofBayne.a w in town on Tuesday. Read our Adv. on Page One tell your Neighbors about it. -R. N. Douglas, Blake. Armistice Day, Nov. 11th falls on friday of this week, and is the 20th anniversary since the great war. Miss Catherine Merner who is on the Elmira teaching staff visited with hex 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mer - (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter, dairy 25 as Butter, creamery 2.7 Eggs> diren ... -87,33-24-16 and Hens live ..................... 8-12 Chickens, live. 9-12 Wheat„ hush. .:.. 58 Oats, hush. ., .... 27 Barley, bush. 40 Buckwheat, bush. , 40 Flour, cwt. 2.00, 2.90 Bran, ton 22.00 Shorts ton .. 22.00 Potatoes, per bag 45c Hogs, cwt. 8.50 ner. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oliver and Mrs. Flossie Brown were visitors at t he home of Mr. and -Mrs. Chas. Weber. Mx. and Mrs. Wm. Stade of Dash- wood were Sunday visitors atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Stade. Mrs. R. F. Stade is at present vis- iting with her sister, Mrs. C. Kalt fieisch in Detroit. Mrs. John Eidt of New Hamburg was a week -end guest with her bro- ther, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Stade. Mrs. Herb Bender and :nail Mer- ner were week -end visitors at Bay-; wield. Mr. and •Mrs. Henry Gruel►n a nd son of Pigeon, Mich., were.. week -end visitors at the ;home of Mr. and Mrs, John E. Gascho. .Misses Vera`.Decker, Betty Coates, and Ada •Martene of Exeter spent the week -end at the home of -Mrs. C, Decker. Mr. and Mrs. ,Orville Steinbach and Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Crisp and Mr Lawrence Iiowald ' of London, visited with their parents in town on -Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Musselman and fam- ily of Waterloo were week -end visit- ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pet- er Gingerich and Mr. and Mrs. Menno Steckle jr. - Mrs. R. Drysdale and daughter Ev elyn of tSaundusky, Mich., were rec ent visitors with Miss Jemima John- ston. Miss Johnston returning with them to Sandusky for a while. Fine weather has again been with us the past week, real -september like. On Tuesday a little blow of colder with a few snow fieuries were in evidence, but today, Wed., it is all cleared off and warming up again. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ings of Var- na; Mrs. Gerald Snider of the Blue Water Highway, and Miss Mary Fil- ibein of Grand Bend were visitors one day last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Horner. Mr.. and. M.rs. 0. Koehler and Mrs. 'Mary. Manson were week -end visitors at Baden awl Kitchener. Mr. Julius Thiel is working at the White Rose Gas Station, at Kincard- ine.. ' W. H. Hoffman & Son are showing a splendid range of Made to Measure Suits, tor' 22,•5O made• _ by two of the best firms in Uanada. Dr:, and' Mrs:• Calling of Lambeth, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fletcher of Lon- dgxi • -were �S.unday visitors , at the ...dile- or lvlr. and Mrs. J. W. Horner. • Mi;' and Mrs. 0. Koehler and Har- ,;) near Hensall were to.. ;New i unto e. at the 2,5th wedding anniver- sary of.. Mr. and , Mls. Herb .B,ecker. Sunday`vi'sitors'at the home of Mrs Lngiand . were: Mrs. F. J. iSehiele 5f Sebringville, Mr. M. Older and Mr Stanley Uhler of ,Goderich; Mr. and Mrs..Bill Webber of Exeter. • Announcement Mr. and Mrs. • Ed. 'Cnuter of Varna wish to 'announee the engagement of their daughter Ida Anne to Elmore' John MrBride, -son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBride, Zurieh. The marri-- - age to take place in November. Mrs. John Geiger of Pigeon, Mich. Mr. Dan Truemner, Mrs. Aaron Wein and children, Mr. Harold Truemner, (Miss Bernice -Sanders of 'Crediton, Mrs. Theo Rader and daughter Mar- garet were •Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. John- ston. Women' Institute The .monthly meeting of the Zurich Branch of the Womens' Institute was held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday evening. The Insti:uce 0 -de and Lord's Prayer began the program Mrs. Ed. Gascho read a paper on '`Peace"' and then Mrs. N. 'Gascho lead in prayer for peace. A vocal solo was well rendered by Miss Gert- rude Turkheim, accompanied by Mrs. Bryce. Arvis and Pauline Hab- erer and Jean Krueger sang an un- accompanied trio. Much enjoyed was the dialogue .given by Irene Turkheim. Florence Haberer and Betty Mousseau. The guest speaker for the meeting was Mr. E. M. Dagg who spoke very knowingly on "Arm- istice." He made references to a newspaper printed in England on Armistice Day. Gordon Hess gave a cornet solo after which Mrs. Eckel was presented with a "Baby spoon". The social part of the evening was closed with the National Anthem and the (President took charge. The com- ittee Mrs. Hey, Mrs. Bryce, -Mrs. d. Gascho and Mrs. Wm. Hey, who erved a lovely lunch, Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Michael Meidinger of Zurich, announce the engagement of their .daughter, Beatrice Margaret, to Mr. Julian Mantey, son of Mr. and the late Mrs. Gustage Mantey of Germany. The marriage will taker place in November. Has Moved Away Mr. David J. Stephenson of the Goshen line, north, has leased his farm, lot 16, con. 11, Stanley, to Mr. Murray Grainger for a term of five Years. Mr. 'Stephenson has al- ready left for Kenn.icott, north of Mitchell, where he is conducting a grocery store and service station. Mrs. Julius Thiel is visiting friends at Kincardine, STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mrs. W. Armstrong returned. home after spending two weeks with her daughters in London. Mr. Robt. McCiinchey visited with his cousin Mr. John McClinchey of Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Keys of Eg- mondville spent :t few days with their son Elmore and .wife, B-abylon line. Miss Isabel Robinson of Toronto Bible College spent the week -end at her home on Goshen. 411r. and Mrs. David Stephenson and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stephenson, and Mrs. Alice Armstrong of Pilo' Mound, Man., spent a few days last week visiting their brother, •Mr. •W. H: Stephenson at Marlette, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. J. Collins of London, spent Sunday with the latter's months Mrs. W. Armstrong. Mr. Thomas Westlake has purchas- ed Mr. Lewis Aldsworth's farm on the Bronson line formerly occupied by Mr. William MoClinel ey. Miss Anna Scotchmer is visiting byr sister, Mrs. James Black, in Tuc- kersrnith. Mr. John ‘Cassiday of Saskatchewan is visiting Mr. Tom Scotchmer on the Bronson line who returned from; the West last week, Thursday, N'ovembex+ TWA, 193 +r+L+++t+4.11•.p,4.*+'k!**++.i.*++f++.44. .4 .4 ti N•r3 ,.lk.l+4..i../.4.++++++++++.110 + tit +. + + + + 4a 44 FALL AND WINTER REQUIREMENTS Q [El°f'TS .p We Always Carry a Full Line of the ' Best off • both Shelf` and .Heavy Staule Hardware; Stove's�}. _' t Furnaces, ,and all. Heating Equipment. Let t,ysi + Offer You Good Suggestions along this Line. 4. Some Good Used Heaters at Very 'Reasonable Prices FURNITURE YOUR re : nd F;rQilur STORE Always keep a Good Stock of New and the very Later in Furniture at Very Reasonabl e Pricesv.. quality Coni- } sidered. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, Mattressi. Dining Roora Suites, Occasional„ Chairs: Rockers, Eta:. SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE For the most conservative purchaser, we have an +Large Assortment of Slightly Used Furniture that will! + give you' bigvalue for the Money, such) as: Davenports% Couches, Dressers, Rockers, , Other Chairs, Etc. Ble 4 sure and! liolc these over. 4F 4f+ Johnston & Kalbfieisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 68� ++++++++++++9++++414.99+94+14+++++++++++++++++449.9041 t+ ++ + ++Ed++t+++ 9+i4+++i+414.99+94+14+}+I++l++ +++ ++l++F+t+d++++iF+u3++l+449.►N1 :.1"F + +0+344-i•1++E+i+++F+I++ ++f++II++II++ ++»>; i •g +il.M•++* +++S-Q++++F++i+++i++F"1-II++F++d++4. + 4• 4. ��To p r�ra'Ios , c it 4• TRY E CKEL'S • 4140 4 mad i + - :a. I CHOICE VARIETY OF CAKE PIES, AND 4+ 4• 44 44 All Ingredients Used are of the est 4' + ALL CONFECTIONS -. IC h Quality 4 4 E CREAM 4 Our Store will be closed each Wt. 4.ediesday Evening Eckel's Bakery - Zuricht. 4.+ Telephone 100 3• 4 +++4+++++++II++++++++4+d+++II++++4 o°4 + ++€++i+4+++d++II+`! + ++ ++++II++II•+Z:++II• SWEE' ' GOODS. s1111111111111111IUI111111111111lllQllpIIIIIIIIlID11imss111111111111II111111wIIIIIIIhlillillililllN111N111(1111(IIIIIIIIIIIIIU; u11lWUfi,rfC181 itusIi1111111JUII1IN111111111111111111111111>RUIiNIilN11111tl1JiluNl o si THFSE PRICES subject to change without Notice } °:1.41114; Wagon g $7.00 and 10.00 = Painting Buggy 6.00 and 10.00 Recovering Buggy Top 16.00 and 18.00 Rerimming Buggy Wheels Set 12o00 Buggy Shaft 3.00 Cross Bar 1.00 Buggy Reach 1.25. Buggy Spokes each 25c HESS, the Repair Man IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IUIIIII111UIIIIIIIUIggHHl11111111111111111111111)111111f1N111111111111111IUIIp1u11JJpub1pI1111NIIIIIi1111111111111u1 olgos11HINNiUillUlikiniluIN1mell11uUi1U11111 11 IpIIIIIIIm MASSEY-IIARRJS NEWS GENUINE M. -H. PARTS work best on M. -H. Im- plements... Mower and Binder Knives ground while you wait with carbarunduan equipment. Guaranteed .Batteries at $4,49 '.2 year battery guarantee 6.85 2 year battery guarantee 17 -plate 7.95 5.85 Guaranteed .440-21 tires at " Visit the East End Service Station for City Serv- ice at Zurich prices. Cars and trucks properly greased with latest hydralic equipment. GAS OIL AND GREASE Tel. Shop 149 O. KLOPP & SONS Res. 67 East and West End SERVICE STATIONS.