HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-11-10, Page 6vY0740Y1i0Y4-XKiK. 40:0:4 Y.P+YO7:1Y1YXi@..$4Y„4YY>Y0Yt►wg0itWg+ a00,Y1;tY 4The i • 14 14 PI Sr Sa ♦ an Dine '±1 �t Murder Case ;a; V 4 lAl .04 IR:P.Y.0:0:9X.+:: •`.0;0.+:0 0Y.4:4:0:b.Y.P:O,r,+ 1W.PY,.O 4X0.Y,4,r9X0i4Xa,.Y.4':+:+:.PX0~.0,Y+X+:I+X+•,r.P +. +,~.0./ Vraim Falloway suddenly leaped to his feet, glaring at Vance with the eyes of a maniac. "I didn't do it!" he screamed hysterically. "I didn't have Kas- per killed! I tell you I didn't—I didn't! And You think I'd hurt Madelaine! You're a devil. 1 didn't do it, I say! You have no right to accuse me." He reached down quickly and picked up a small, but heavy bronze statue of Antinous on the table beside him. Snitkin, standing just behind Fraim Falloway's chair, leaned over and deftly manacled the youth. "Really, Mr. Falloway," Vance admonished in a soothing voice, "you shouldn't handle heavy ob- jects when you're in that frame of mind. Frightfully sorry. But just sit still and relax. "As I was sayin', the disappear- ance of the stones from the collec- tion was an indication of the iden- tity of the murderer, for the sim- ple reason that the hirin' of thugs and the underground disposal of these gems quite obviously sug- gested that the same type of per- son was involved in both endeav- ors: to wit, both procedures im- plied a connection with undercover characters—fences and assassins. The two notes yesterday were highly enlightenin'. One of there was obviously concocted for ef- fect; the other was quite genuine. But boldness — usually a good technique—was, in this case, seen through." "Referrin' again to the various ransom notes, they were dictated by the plotter of Kaspar's murder —that is, all but the one received by 'Mr. Fleel yesterday —' and they were couched in such lan- guage that they could be shown to the authorities in order to side- track suspicion from the actual culprit and at the same time im- press Mr. Kenyon Kenting •with the urgent necessity of raising the fifty thousand dollars. I had two statements as to the amount of money which Kasper himself was demanding for his debts—one, an honest report of fifty thousand dollars; the other, no doubt a stupidly concocted tale of thirty I came here, in order to verify nib' expectation that you would urge Mr. Kenyon ICenting to re- quest that all police interference be eliminated. This you did, and when I learned of it, after arriving here with Mr. Markham, I definite- ly objected to the proposal and counteracted your influence on Mr. Kenting so that you .could not get the money safely that night. Seeing that part of your plan hopelessly failing, you cleverly changed your attitude and agreed Vance," he commented. "It shows remarkable ingenuity, but it en- tirely fails to take into consider- ation the 'fact that I myself was attacked by a'sub-machine gunner on the very night of Mrs. Kent- ing's disappearance. You have conveniently forgotten that little episode since it would knock the entire foundation from under'. your amusing little house of cards." "No. Oh, no, Mr: Fleel. Not conveniently forgot --conveniently remembered, Most vivid recollec- tion don't y' know, And you were jolly well frightened by the at- tack. Surely, you don't believe your escape from any casualty was the result of a miracle. All quite simple, really. The gentle- man with the machine-gun had .no intention whatever of perforating you. His only object was to frighten you and warn you of ex MARGARET GORMAN NICHOLS A favorite Author with thousands of newspaper readers, presents her latest thriller POOR RELATION STARTING NEXT WEEK IN THIS NEWSPAPER WATCH FOR IT! to act for' us — at my request though—Sergeant Heath—as the person to place the money in the tree, and went through with the farce in order to prove that no connection existed between you and the demand for money. One of your henchmen had come to Central Park to pick up the pack- To'Day's Popular Design -"IS By Carol Aimes s�w�di�a9�sl CROCHETED BLOUSE DESIGN NO, 643 Dear Readers: We liked your suggestion that we give you a cro- cheted blouse to wear with your fall ensembles and knit suits. This one is veryquickly made. Rows of pale colored single, and double crochet are interspersed with rows of single crochet in a much darker thread. Buttons are used to finish the front and sleeves. The pattern includes directions for making the blouse in sizes 32, 34, 36 and 38; material requirements and diagrams of stitches. Send 15c, coins preferred, to Carol Aimes, Room 421, 73 West .Adelaide St., Toronto. thousand dollars—again obviously for the purpose of diverting sus- picion from the person connected with the crime." "The second note received by Md. Fleel, was not, as I have .al - 'ready intimated, one of the series written at the instructions of the guilty man — it was a genuine document addressed to him, and the recipient felt that he not only could use it to 'have the •ransom "money paid over to him, but to disarm once more any suspicion that might be springing up in the minds of the authorities. It did not occur to him that the address, cryptically written in for his eyes alone, could be interpreted by an- other." He turned slowly to Fleel again and met the other's slunk with a cold smile. "When I suspected you, Mr. Fleel," he said, "I sent you from the District Attorney's office Thursday before Mr. Markham and Issue 46—'38 D age if everything Went according to your pre -arranged schedule. Mr. Van Dine and I• both saw the man. When he learned that, you had not been successful with your plans, he undoubtedly reported your failure,. thereby throwing fear into your hirelings that they might not be paid—which accounts for their keeping Mrs. Kenting alive as an effective threat to hold over you till payment was forthcoming." The Machine -Gunning Fleel's expression did not change. "A. very pretty theory, Mr. KOkIOL HAIR DYE 1410 Stanley Itl•ontreal, P.(L. In the • great struggle t o r life, everything depends on the age you appear to be; but don't be discouraged, ICOMOL, with Its 1.9 natural shades, gives back to hair its lost youth. Sold at all drug stores and beauty Parlors. actly what to expect if you did not raise the money instanter to pay for the dastardly services ren- dered you. You were never safer in your life than when that ma- chine-gun was sputtering away in your general direction." The smirk slowly faded from Fleel's lips. "Your theory, Mr. Vance," he said angrily, "no longer has even the merit . of 'humor. And I wish you to know •that I greatly resent - your remarks." "I don't regard that fact as dis- cancertin' in the least," Vance re- turned with a cold smile. "The fact is, Mr. Fleel, you will be in- finitely more resentful when I in- . form you that at this very minute certified public accountants are at work on your books and that the police are scrutinizing most care- fully the contents of your safe." For two. seconds Fleel looked at him with a serious frown. Then he took a swift backward step and, thrusting his hand into his pocket, drew forth a large, ugly looking automatic. Both Heath and Snit - kin had been watching him stead- ily, and as Fleel made this move- ment, Heath, with lightning -like speed, produced an automatic from beneath the black sling of his wounded arm. The movements C 1LD LI-.... HS (cue to colds) Don't let chest colds or croupy coughs go untreated. Rub Children's Mild Strength Musterole No; 2 on child's throat and chest at once. This milder form of regular Musterole penetrates, warms and stimulates local circula- tion. Floods the bronchial tubes with its soothing, relieving vapors. Mus- terole brings relief because Ws a "counter- irritant" — NOT just a salve. Recommended by many doc- tors and nurses. Made in Canada, in three strengths: Regular Strength, Children's (mild), and Extra Strong. All druggists, 40¢ each. ,j CHILDREN'S aE(i 6R iN o� d MUSTARD �tAsrrR MILD JQmM THE DICK TRACY SECRET SERVICE PATROL It's Easy I It's Fun! Every boy and girl can join Dick Tracy in his war against crime—be in on all club secrets—get grand free gifts! GET YOUR NEW 1939 OFFICIAL PATROL BADGE—Get new 1939 Official Badge, your Secret Code Book with new 1939 codes and your Patrol Pledge.If you are a member now be sure to mark your coupon "Member" and get your special Honor Member's "Second Year" Badge with the service Chevron. WIN YOUR OFFICER'S BADGES! TheSec:retCode Book Tells How 'In Canada all the grand free gifts Dick Tracy offers on his radio program—are obtainable with box tops from delicious Quaker Corn Flakes! Try Quaker Corn Flakes with the better flavour—you'll love them! Crisper —tastier -- especially irradiated with Vitamin "D", they're better to eat and better for you! Ask Mother to order Quaker Corn Flakes today. Quaker Corn Flakes DICK TRACY, Box 100, Peterborough, Ont. I want to join the Dick Tracy Secret. Service Patrol ❑ Please send me the new official all metal Dick Tracy badge, the new revised 1939 Dick Tracy Secret Code Book, and official Patrol Pledge. I enclose 2 Quaker Corn Flakes, Quaker Puffed Wheat or Puffed Bice box tops 0 I am not now a member 0 Or I am a member and want my 2nd year badge 0 Name Street City Prov of the two men were almost con- current. Suicide But there was no need for Heath to fire his gun, for in that fraction of a second Fleel raised his automatic to his own temple and pulled the trigger. The wea- pon fell from his hand immediate- ly, and his body slumped down against the edge of the desk and fell to the floor out of sight. Vance, apparently, was little moved by the tragedy. However, after a deep sigh, he rose listless- ly and stepped behind the desk. Vance bent down. "Dead, Markham — quite," he announced as he rose, a moment or so later. "Consid'rate chappie —what? Has saved you legal wor- ry no end. Most gratifyin'." Snitkin unlocked the handcuffs on young Falloway. "Sorry, Mr. Falloway," mur- mured Vance. "But you lost your self-control and became a bit an- noying .... Feelin' better?" The youth stammered: "I'm all right." He was alert and appar- ently his normal self now. "And Sis will be home in a couple of days!" — THE END — Women's Paradise The island of Zanzibar, off the coast of Africa, must be a para- - dise for women, because the offi- • cial report reveals . that men not only rock the cradle, but also do all the housework—even the week- ly family wash. Let Your Good Cooking Earn You Money $10 in Prizes For the Best CHRISTMAS OR NEW YEAR'S DINNER MENU Mrs. H. M. Aitken, staff dieti- tian and radio commentator for the Canada Starch Co., Ltd., will act as Contest Judge. Prizes : . 1st, $5; 2nd, $3; 3rd, $2 A Special Prize will be. given . for the best recipe for an individual dish. Mail your entry now to: Contest Editor, Room 421, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto For a fine Musical. Treat be sure and Listen Each Sunday Afternoon: to THE LIPTON MELODY HOU } C B L Toronto C B M Montreal EVERY SUNDAY 4.30 P.M. Featuring John Biddle Olga Rerezowska "Your Lipton Melody Singer" " Brilliant Young Soprano and , The Lipton Ensemble Presented by Thos. J. Lipton Limited, Packers of LIPTON'S FULL-)FLAV'OURE) TEA The Mode In Hats Iiats trimmed with fur, whether brimmed or not, subscribe to the very supple, squashy effects. Light colored velvet is frequently intro- duced in the crown which is low and banded with mink or kolinsky. Height in fez types and brims that are high at the side are im- portant silhouette trends. R..d silk pompons trim a Suzy model that is narrow -sided, and Marie Alphon- sine again features the casual hat with the lifted sid . Berets also subscribe to this line and fez -types indicate a side -swept effect. Feathers are a high spot in mil- linery fashions this fall, and when smart women gather at important social events, they indicate their acceptance of this fashion. Lobster red ostrich plumes also wreath a black velvet Watteau type Quickly Relieves the Pain of BURNS, SCALDS Cli FIN In Burns and Scalds every second counts. So keep a tube of Mentholatum always within reach . . ready for every emergency. The moment a burn or scald occurs, apply Mentholatum to the affected part and •relief will quickly follow. This healing balm soothes the tortured tissues .. cools and draws out the sting and burn ... promotes quick, healthful healing. Mentholatum is used by millions of people the world over for the relief of chafing and chapped skin . .. head and " chest colds and catarrh ... neuralgia, headache, and scores of other uses. Non -irritating -it is harmless to the most sensitive skin and • relief is guaranteed or money back. Get a 30c tube or jar today. As and numerous • peacock colored birds of varying sizes are poised on a "bird's nest" toque of gray felt, and seven small birds of various red tones bordering on the cardin- al are disposed an a Lorenzo brown felt toque. All -feather turbans are also featured. Colored veils sometimes form cascade effects falling from the back of forward -tilting hats. Scarfs are used to achieve drama, as in the case of a black Persian lamb shako carrying a purple veil that is draped under the chin and car- ried up on the right side to be fas- tened. Switzerland had fewer tourists during the summer than in 1937. THE AWFUL PRICE YOU BY FOR HMG Quivering nerves can make you old and haggard looking, cranky and hard to live with—can keep you awake nights and rob you of good health, good times and §obs. What you should try is a particularly good woman's tonic—and could you ask for anything whose benefits are better proved than that world-famous Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound? Let Its wholesome herbs and roots help Nature calm your shrieking nerves, tone up your system, give more energy and make life worth living again. More than a million women have re- ported benefit—why not let Pinkham's Compound help YOU, too, to go "smil- Ing thru" trying times likkpe it bas other tions? IT MUST Bthe E GOOD!g genera- tions? r4s+ t.Au..• xv: et a.;.�5.c=f'. r�xr•;.•;. Ifs just like sumrner at home, daddy! There's dependable ad ptable to weather insurance in ylnlnco Coke. easily. es ---plenty of reserve smokheat for the colds Dustless, coldest sea ash-Today`s best fuel minimum. ash. , r bargain -call your local dealer. 6 4., Ask you, dealer about gi \i,,, 111 the neW HA1viCO Automatic DRAFT . CONTROL and LiAMCO HOT WATER HEATER Two groat tttoney staving convsnisnces AM' CO sties COKE I &MILTON BYPRODUCT COKE OVENS, LIMITED HAMILTON CANADA YOUR LOCAL DEALER'S NAME APPEARS ELSEWHERE IN THIS ISSUE