HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-11-10, Page 5Thursday, November /0th„ 3938; BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL DUDLEY 1. I3oLM S BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPUBLIC, ETC,. OFFICE Hamilton Street, Just 'off the Square, GODERICH, Ontario. Special Attention to Councel and Court Work. Mr. Holmes may be consulted at Goderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturaay. At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. VETERINARIA.N Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office in the Home of the late Dr. J. Routledge. Phezie-96. Zurich A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All ,i seases. of domestic animals treated by the most modern principles, Charges. reasonable. Day or night calls promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness .Fennels. Office on Main Street, opposite Town Hall. Phone 116. 13k;NSALL. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any .Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will snake no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Phone 13-67. PRODUCE Fam Produce WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICES —FOR— CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. O'Brien ,Phone 101, Res. 04, Zurich BUTCHERS .Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET tet Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins Yungblut & Son INSURANCE if esters Fanners' Mutt, Weather Insurance Co. I OF WOODSTOCK 'HE LARGEST RESERVE I3AL-• .ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MTPT- .4. UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS t OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO t. + + Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this Column. WANTED A limited number of Cattle for winter feeding, have a considerable amount of good ben straw to dee used, Ed. J. Brisson, Phone 3-87. WANTED CATTLE—Alimited number of cat- tle for winter feeding. Auuply to: Theo. Schrader, Zurich. Farm For Sale 100 -acres clay Loam, close to ter, good buildings, good water ply. Your opportunity for a farm, handy to town.— Win. Pearce, Exeter. Exe- sup- good FARM FOR SALE The splendidly located farm con- sisting of 98 acres of choice clay loam of good soil, good bank barn, comfortable house, and other out- buildings, plenty of good water, etc. for further particulars apply to the Proprietor, Mr. Thomas Johnston, R. R. 2,, Zurich. Farm is located one mile west of Blake, on town line, Hay and Stanley. FARMS FOR SALE TWO FARMS Lot 21, con. 2, Hay, containing 96 acres. Barn 40x64 also one 30x68, frame house, 10 acres bush, six acres wheat, plowing done. Also Lot 22, con. 2, 100 acres bank barn 50x70, 12 acres bush, 6 acres wheat, plowing clone. These farms will be sold together or separ- ate. They are close to market, also close to high and public schools, 'well drained, and well adapted for grow- ing beans or grain. For further particulars apply to Peter Mc- Naughton or Donald Burns, Box 104, HensalI, Ont. Zurich Garage Come and purchase your Aut- omotive Requirements from Zurich's oldest established Garage and Service Station. We can supply.. your needs Expert Automobile repairing, Acytelene Welding, Tires, Batteries, Oils, Greases and repairs. LUNCH ROOM And clean Rest Rooms at your Service H. MOUSSEATJ Phone: Day 103. Night, 47 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of Henrietta English, late of the Village of Hen - sell in the County of Huron. Widow, who died on or about 6th July, 1938, are reeuedted on or before 12th November, 1938, to file with the un- dersigned, detailed statement of their claims verified by affidavit and that after said 12•th November, 1938, the Executors of the said Estate will dis- tribute the assets thereof amongst those lawfully entitled thereto hav- ing regard only to those claims of which they shall then have had notice and that thereafter they will not be responsible for said assets to any persons of whose claims they shall not then have had notice. DATED at Exeter, County of Huron, the 25th day of October, A. D. 1938. George S. Howard, Exeter, Ont. Henry Howard, Hensall, Ont. Executors of said Estate. LOCAL NEWS Hay Council met on Monday for the monthly meeting. lvi1. anti Hairs, ,./id Koehler were at London on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Neuschwanger of Dashwood were Sunday visitors m town. ri number from town attended the Desch-Mousseau wedding at .Hensall on Saturday. Read our Adv. on Page One and tell your Neighbors about it. --R. N. Douglas, BIake. Mr. and Mrs. Rheineman Kalbfiei- sch of Detroit were .Sunday'vrsttors with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs, T. L. Williams, Ethel and Calvin Williams motored to Bright on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, .Horace Klopp and 'amily of Stratford were Sunday isito.rs in town. Born—At Blue Water Highway, Twp., to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schade a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Johnston; Mr and Mrs, Wellington Johnston motor- ed to Toronto on Monday. The various officia's of the Hay Mutual Fire Ins. Co., met at the Dominion House, Zurich on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Herb Howald and family of Listowel visited with Mr. and 1VIrs. Jacob Howald on Sunday. A partial eclipse of the moon was visible here on Monday evening and it was quite clearly seen by letany at about 6.30. Mr. and Mrs. James Smith and Mr and Mrs. Stauffer of Platteville were Sunday visitors with Mr. .and Mrs. James Allan and other friends. M_. and ivIrs. Fred Leibold of St- ratford visited friends here on Sun- day, also taking in the 60th anniver- sary of St. Peter's church, which was their former house of worssup. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Horne` and t wosons and Mr. Newell Geiger, sp- ent < pleasant week -end at Welland and Nigara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Stoslsopf of Kitchener spent the week -end at the home of Mrs. Thomas Johnson, and also attending the 60th anniversary of St. Peter's Lutheran church. Rev. and Mrs. L. Kalbfieisch, of Elmira; Rev. and Mrs. A. Datars of Deshoro; Rev. and Mrs. F. L. How- ald and family of Elmwood were we- ek -end visitors with relatives here. HYMENEAL Married at London McClymont-IVIcClinchey. At Emp- ress Avenue United Church parson- age, London the marriage was sorein sized of Amelia A. Mc'Clinchey, of London, to James McClymont, of Kip - pen. rCev. J. A. Agnew, pastor of the church, officiated. Mr. and Mrs: McClymont will reside in Rippen. C•esch—MOasseau Carmel Pres,oyterian Church manse Hensall, was tee setting ror a quiet autumn wedding on Saturcay, when Rev. W. A. . oung, pastor of the church, united in marriage Irene Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mousseau, of near Hensall, to Mr. LeRoy Oesch, son of Mrs. Susan Oesch, of Zurich. The bride was charming in a gown of plum sheer bubble clepe, with gold accessories, and carried a :bouquet of briarcliffe rose buds. Her bridesmaid, Muss Ella Mousseau, of Grand Bend, was dain- tily gowned in royal blue chiffon crepe with navy blue accessories,and. wore a corsabe of Johanna Hill roses. The groom was attended by Garnet Mousseau, brother of the bride. Foll- owing the ceremony a wedding din- ner was served at the home of the bride's parents The din:ngr'oom was ZURICH HERALD THE FAMILY SHOE STORE We have a good line of Fal: Footwear for every member of the family; from Grandfather down to Baby. Work Shoes and Dress Shoes for Men and Women, School Shoes and Fine Shoes for Children. All at Low Cash Prices TRY US ON REPAIRING E. J. DATARS Your Shoe Man Phone: Shop 82. Residence 43 Zurich's Ladies' Wear Located at MOUSSEAU'S LUNCH ROOM Zurich — Phone 103 JUST ARRIVED A Fine Shipment of New Winter Coats, Si::as ranging from 14 to 52. All shades, a very fine iine of Coats from ';i i0.50 and up. DRESSEES in all sues and colors. Priced from $1.00 and up. We invite you to CQIM and look these over. MRS. 'i'EARL MOUSS EA7r, Zurich EMMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Heckendorn, B.A., B D., Minister Mrs. H. 1G. Hess, Organist and Dir- ector of Music 11 a.m.—Sunday School 10 a.m. Subject—The Christian 12 World Commitment., 7.30 p.m.—Subject: The Men Christ Wants. Special music by the Men's Choir. "Christ alone can save this world, but Christ can't save this world alone PAGE FIVB --1110111111111101111111111111111IIil I 111111111101101 HMI 10100111 111111111111101111111111111101111011111111111111M101=11011 1111111111111111111111101 .0 IllliililidIllliilliIIllllill1HI((Illlll(II(hIIIl Ilil(11i JIIliIIIiffl Zurich Drug Store QUALITY DRUGS School Supplies Stationery Popular Magazines Ken, Life, Popular Mechanics, Colliers, .,Good Housekeeping, Comics, Esquire, Western Stories, Detective Stories, True Story, True Romance, And a Host of Others. FULL STOCK OF PARK DAVIS ' �'ITAlVIIN PRODUCTS. Prevent Rickets and Scurvy. Build Resistance To Infection. COD LIVER OIL FOR WINTER MONTHS Park Davis National Viking Wampole's Extracts Meads 1OD Diamond Dyes Sunset Soap Dyes Putnam Dyes. CIGARETTES CIGARS TOBACCO FULL LINE OF TOIL .F,TRIES Dr1J1A Addison,Proprietor AfiLitillaffillnatuulligulfflugiall II 11:1010.1 hill f l!i i, t 11,510110 1, Rev. Mr. Bremner, while attending a Hepburn meeting at Kincardine, sent up to the platform a note ask- ing what the Premier intended to do with the Canada Temperance Act. Mr. Hepburn, speaking from the plat- form, replied that he would if re- quested by those concerned submit the question of the validity of the Canada Temperance Act to the Sup- reme Court of Canada. In accord with this promise, the request that he do so was forwarded to the government from the temper- ance Executive of each of the three counties. The matter was also bro- ught to his attention by The Ontario Temperance Federation and he ex- pressed his willingness to do so. De- lay has, however, intervened and the promise has not yet been implem- ented. A note• from the Attorney -1 General's Department to The Ontar..o i Temperance Federation during the recent summer has advised them that a submission is being prepared and it is expected that it will go forward this fall. Quite apart from the legal intric- attractively with decorations of pink, acies of the jurisdiction of the two and white. Mr. and Mrs Oesch left' govermnents on tris matter, the for an extended wedding trrp to St. Catharines, Toronto, and Niagara r ails, the bride travelling in a smart gray bomibay lamb coat and navy accessories. They will take up resi- dence in Zurich. The Herald joins their many Zurich friends in extend- ing congratulations and best wishes, Some Brief Notes On The Canada Temperance Act No. 8—The Need of a County Local Option Law' During the 197 Provincial election .Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec.' 31st, 1936, $22,391,527.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $273,613.47. Rates—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 Years E. F. KLOPP---ZURICH + + + + Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- ang Rods and all kinds of Fire aw kv.uia .i. ce .Ys.. Cut Your Fuel Bill In HALF! Buy Storm Windows and Doors LET US -QUOTE YOU! REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Material: F, .AL 'THIS PHONE. 69 ZURIGII 1 4 1' 4 loss that the destruction of the Can- ada ',temperance Act would involve to democratic procedure anti prugres- sive soca) reform would ue serious indeed. So long as there is aue.luate law and vigorous enforcement of the sanie, it is not of gheat moment to the citizens generally whether ;t is tauter provincial of r'edr.'al jurisdict- ion. aihat is of paramount im- portance is that government should recognize that the liquor traffic is a social evil of .great magnitude and wide ramifications; that it is deeply entrenched and that legislation in the interests of the well-being of OUT citizens should facilitate the re- asonable advance of the developing public opinion against such an enemy of society. With the development of modern transportation, municipal local option must prove inadequate to' properly protect dry areas. .1t is possible for one municipality; :some- times a comparatively insignificant one, to establish in its holders what is -essentially a nusiance and a dan- ger, not merely to itself but to a Vide area of adjoining territory. In these circumstances some such county law is reasonable, wholly de- sirable and necessary. The Canada Temperance Act, applicabbie to count; les is such a law; and until the pro- vince provides a like measure on an equally democratic basis, the Canada lempesance Act, should be maintain- ed. To attack it while offering no fair and adequate substitute is simply to become the tool of the conscienceless liquor interests which so far as it dared would resist and overthrow any law that restricts its jug'rnnitt- ic pror.ress, !rd ZUR1CH CREAMIRY Deliver your Cream to the Zurich Creamery and ob- tain correct weight, test and Highest Market Price. We pay 2 cents premium per lb. butterfat for all Cream de- livered to the plant. We also buy and pay cash for your Eggs and Poultry according to grade. We are Local Agents for the Viking Separator. Let us Demonstrate this high quality Separator for you! The Zurich Creamery 1 High quality bowl—closer skim- ming—more profit. 2 Perfect neckbearing — assuring years of dependable service of the mechanism. 3 Proven durability. 4 Highly endorsed by thousands of user. Durable materials, expert work- manship and sturdy construction are featured in theViking Separ- ator. We make sure that every machine sold continues to give satisfaction. Seven Models—One Quality SWEDISH SEPARATOR CO., LIMITED Montreal ptleS* Saltdtil* 4O SSS a ea .v.f.O0s.iM.!!M►1111s10MRSAA411! j Wheat and Seed CLEANING We are in a position to Give You the Best of Service in . Custom Wheat Cleaning. Also other Grains and Seeds Cleaned on our modern and up- to-date Equipment. Make arrangements wit h us to have this work done. w Charges Very Moderate. R PiJRINA Stock Foods and Chcws A 'guaranteed product that will "" g help your Stock 11.nd Poultry 1 1.451c:1110e & So ZCV; . +. n. Z akolisistme itryms.1.40osetottgeftes r