HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-11-10, Page 4S THE. WORLD'S GOOD NEWS
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The Christian* Science Publishing Sactoty
One. iiorwar Street, Boston. EYass'chusetts
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Atead our Adv. on Page One end
1�at1 your Neighbors about it, --R, N.
il+louglas, Blake.
M. and Mrs. Sol Bealler and Cam-
were Sunday visitors with Mr. and
'Mrs.. Sam Rapp of near Hensall.
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Erb visited
'with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingerich
,on, ,Sunday.
'Mr,. and Mrs. Jacob •Swartzentruber
iabr. and Mrs. Alan Swartzentruber,
Mr, Joe Oesch spent Sunday with Mr
sand Mrs. iChris. Geseho.
Mrs. Barbara Bechler was a Sun-
day visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Rudy
t.' wartzentruber.
Mr. and Mrs. Christ Erb and fam-
ily were Sunday visitors with Mr. and
yrs. Sam Gingerich.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Gingerich and
family were Sunday visitors with Mr
and Mrs. Menno Martin.
Late Mrs. Troyer
'The death occurred at the residence
of her daughter, Mrs. W. E..fsrrott
-of Brigden, of Mrs. Lydia L. .Greens-
lade Troyer, widow of the late Ed-
anund Troyer of Hillsgreen. She was
`born in England 86 years age. The
Greenslade family moved to Canada,
:and settled at Rodgerville and later
'moved to the 4th con. of Hay Twp.
In 1870 she married Edmund Troyer
•anti went to live on the Troyer home-
stead on the Parr line just south of
3ii11sgreen, where they built up a
splendid farm and resided there until
the passing of their son George, when
they sold the farm. moving to Hills -
green. Since the death of her husb-
and, she has resided mostly with her
daughter Mrs. Jarrott. A member of
the -United Church, mat is survived
IDy her only daughter; The funeral
was held from the home of Mr, 'Wnl,
Hyde at Hensall, with interment in
Hensall cemetery, with Rev, AIr.
Ballantyne of Brigden officiating.
Mr, and Mrs, ,Saunders of London
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Etue of Detroit'
were week -end visitors with Mr, Ed.
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon of Sarnia,
and son Percy visited with Mrs. Jos.
Rau on Sunday.
A new industry has developed in
our burg, namely,, Mr, Eddie Badore
is in the business 'of manufacturing
wheelbarrows. Always one on hand
as a sample, and orders are being
taken and filled as they come.
Sorry to report that Mrs. Ida
Montague is on the sick list,
Mrs. H. Smith, after spending sev-
eral weeks at the Mousseau home,
has returned to her home in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. William Denomme, sr.
have returned from a few weeks visit
in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs: George Denomme are
visiting with their children in Detroit
Farmers are complaining of the dry
condition of the land, as they are
unable to do their fall plowing, even
with the large tractor plows, they en-
counter with much difficulty.
A very happy inaitrilnonal event
was celebrated in. St. Peter's church
on Thursday morning, when elms
1 Leona, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Adolph Badore was united in Holy
weddlock to Franklin, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank iCorriveau. Rev. rather
Martin officiated. The bride was be-
commingly attired in a white satin
. Beautiful Pastel Shades
Johnston and Kalbfleisch
SLUE MARATHON GAS and OIL Delivered to 'you the most modern
way, with a W?1YNE Computing Pump that atltematically figuses the
amount of your purchase. These Pumps are used lin all leading gas
•stations in Canada .and 15. S. ..
HIGH PRESSURE'LUBRICATION. Your ea 1s greased by attend-
ants that have llati.•'five years of practical and teeihnicalexperience in
Detroit. We use ,the latest model air pressure grease gun using
seven different'•kinds of grease to lubriicate your car
EXPERT REPAIRING To all makes of cars at iattractive prices.
'Special Prices on Brakes Relined
Car Wash 39c. Tie Repair 25c
Battery end Tires :act—Iced and windshield cleaned '•Free. We aim
to please. When iin'Zurich take advantage of our modern rest rooms.
Zruricles'uptto-Date Service Station and Gare
C Fritz &zSon Used Car Lot in Connection
Use Blue .Marathon Gas For Better Mileage
6 w
is 4
•If, 40a
IP 4
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t• 4
•♦++►cos••oo•ooew•o•w•••oo•o•••o•••••••••••••••••• 0
Your Money
Have Your New Pall Suit • and Overcoat
Tailored to Your Own • Persdnal Measure-
Step out in Style with
See Latest British Woolens Here
New Patterns
,ZtZ > l it at j
New Shades
r6, 1•,S45
dress and .her attendant wad bliss
Rosalie Corriveau, sister of the ;groom
while the groom was supported. by
Mr. Bedard, They left for ahoney-
mo.on trip to Detroit, and will return
on Saturday evening where a recept-
ion will be held at the hone of the
groom's parents. The young couple
will reside on their farm, town line.
A very happy matrimonal event was
celebrated in St. Pater's R. C. Church
on Saturday morning, when Rev. Fr.
Martin united in Holy weddlock
Florence, daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Philip Denomme of the Blue Water
Highway, to Mr. Garfield Denomine,
son of Mr. and Mrs. James :uenonime
of the 14th con. The bride was as-
sisted by the groom's sister, Miss
Dora Denomme, while the groom was
supported by Mr. Denomme of Lon-
don brother of the ,bride. After theweddig greeting and congratulations
the happy couple left on a wedding
trip. They will reside in Windsor.
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Mullen of Tor-
onto spent the week -end with the lat-
er's parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. John Char-
rette of the Blue Water south.
1VIrs. Edward Corriveau and Mrs.
Leon Bedard of Pointe Aux Bauleau
were in London on Sunday last: visit-
ing with Mr. Francis Ducharme,
their nephew who has met with a pain
fill accident injuries to his knee.
Mrs. John •Charrette left Sunday
last for Toronto to visit with her
daughter for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Remmie Jeffrey of
Beaver Town who have ,been visiting
the past few weeks with friends and
relatives in Windsor and Detroit,have
now returned home.
Mrs. Aserick Brisson of the '14tth
con. left on Sunday last to spend a
few days in Detroit.
Mrs. Maurice Masse and daughter
of the Blue Water south, spent Mon-
day with Mrs. Fred Ducharme.
Mr. ,Eddie Brisson of Beaver 'Town
motored to London on Tuesday last.
New Cemetery Board
On Sunday last a 'Cemetery Board
was elected in St. Peter's parish,
French Settlement, consisting of a
president, Sec-treas and councillors.
The work of this board will be to
draft means to beautify , the burial
grounds. Work will be: started
this, fall if weather permits. The old
grass and weeds will be burned by
torch to the roots and the surface
plowed and levelled and tomb stones
straightened, and possibly the board
may see fit to carved roadways and
isles throughout the entire .grqunds.
Whence the faithful will lave a.:'bet-
ter chance to flower the graves..(The
Emblem of the Soul) of their be-
loved departed. Of •course in this,
as in everything else, :there .is a div-
ision of opinion, for a pertain group
of people .will full hearts eontent-
ment by going to a grassy and moul-
dy grave to pray a meditation over
the bones .and ashes of their 'cherish-
ed ones; while 'others again feel that
the graves should be adorned with
roses and flowers. That the scent of
odor may have a penetrating attract-
ion on those who visit the scene.
The Weshninster Carilloneuxs of
London will give a ransical ;treat in
the Evangelical church on Friday ev.
Mr. Clayton Pfile who has been
confined to his home through illness
for several weeks is improving slow-
ly. His shoe business will be in
charge of Edgar Restesneyer during
his absence.
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Schatz of Tor-
onto spent the week -end with Mr. and
Mrs. Vernon Schatz.
.Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Powell of Thed
ford visited relatives here on Sunday
Mr. Wilber Gjraybeil of'Woodstock
spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook of Tor-
onto were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. D. Tiernan.
Che Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. of the
Evangelical church are holding a
bazaar in Tieman's furniture store on
Sat. Nov. 26th.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Humble of Sarnia
were Sunday visitors with Mr. antro
Mrs. R. Goetz. Mrs. Humble spent.
a few days here visiting relatives.
The members of the sewing circle
rented the Dashwood Bus on ;Satur-
day afternoon and took a motor trio
to Elmira where they visited with
Mr. and .Mrs.' Martinson and Mise
• Ella also ailed on Rev. and 'Mrs.
Sauer and Rev. and Mrs. A. Keller-
man in , Waterloo. They report a
very pleasant outing.
Death of William Snell
'iVir. William Snell a well known re-
side•;ig, of this community passed a-
way early Monday morning following
an filmes of about five weeks. He
was in his 74th year and is survived
by his sorrowing w.i4,ow who was't'or-
tnexly Miss Wary Beaver, two daugh-
ters, Mrs. W. Mathews of Dorchester
and Mrs. Frank Watson of Detroit
one son Charles on the 1?omrsteac1
and four grandchildren. The funeral
was held on Wednesday afternooe
:Mrs. John Keys has returned home
after a pleasant visit with relatives,in
Hamilton and Streetsville,
T, D. Wren moved his gracery
stock and produce business one door
east of his former location in. the
Petty block..
Ian Filshie, who is attending Tor-
onto University, was a week -end vis-
itor at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. nig have moved
into their • new home that they re-
cently rented from G. Ferguson and
vacated by Mrs. P. Fisher.
Mr ,and Mrs. Bert Selves and Mr,
and Mrs. Jack Faber were recent vis-
itors with Listowel friends
Out day recently Win. Stone was
in London on business and on re-
turning to where he had parked his
ear he discovered that the arils and
a spare tire and rim had been stolen.
The song and dance pupils of Mrs.
Russel Broderick and the Hawaiian
guitar pupils of Miss Katheryn Drys-
dale will present a revue in the Hen-
sall town hall on the eve of Nov. 15.
A miscellaneous shower was held
at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Alex.
Mousseau last Tuesday for Miss Ir-
ene ,Mousseau, bride -elect of Satur-
day, Nov. 5th, when a large number
of neighbors and friends gathered
and spent a very enjoyable time•, the
bride -elect received .many lovely and
useful gifts.
Orval Beaver who had his barn
burnt Friday last is making prepar-
ations to rebuild on the same site.
Neighbors and friends held a bee:and
tore down the old stone walls, drew
all the old material away. The build-
ing of a new cement walls started
immediately, and he has purchased a
nice sized barn from a farm en the
4th con. Stephen twp., which will be
torn down and moved to his farm.
a. fart. helper. The plaintiff entered
his claim against the estate of his
mother, the late Margaret Barger. He
alleged be worked the farm since
1918, but asked pay only for the last
six years at x$250 per year.
Awarded Scholarship
Miss Eileen Lewis, a graduate of
the Exeter .Haigh School, who is at-
tending Western University, has been
awarded a Brescia. Hall scholarship
valued at $150. Tliis is the second
scholarship to be awarded a 'student
of :the Exeter high school this year,
j Donald Oestreicher, of Fray Townsh-
ip, alsohaving won a scholars lip at
umoj 4W1 eeele
Mrs. Peter Fisher recently held a
auction sale of household effects at
her home here, there was a large
crowd present and things went good.
1Vr,•c. Fisher left to reside for the
winter with her daughter, Mrs. W.
Mo:tatt, of Stanley Twp, tier dau-
ghter Miss Eleanor Fisher, Left for
Gravenhurst where she has accepted
a position in the office of her broth-
er Dr. Murray Fisher.
Barn Is Destroyed.
Friday night last, fire destroyed -the
Targe bank barn on the farm of Mr
Orval Beaver on the Thames Road
southwest of town. Mr. Beaver went
up to the hay mow to pitch down
hay to complete the night's feeding
and placed the lantern on a arose•
beam. Some way the lantern upset,
falling about 20 feet to the hoar and
exploded iby the ladder. Beaver had
to jump to the floor to escape. There
were 2 horses, 6 cow's and 4 pigs ire
the stable which he managed to get
out. Anew cream separator, wagon,
and rock, tools, and' nearly all the
season's crops were destroyed which
were partly insured. •The fire was so
large it was seen for miles and in an
hous over 1,000 people had gathered.
A quiet wedding was solemnized.at
the United Church manse, Blyth,
when Rev. A. Sinclair, farmer pastor
of .Hensall United church, united in
marriage Mildred E., daughter of
Mrs. A. ,Scruton, and the late Mr:
Scruton, of Hensall to Peter Lintrni,
son of Dan McNaughton of !Hensall.
The young couple were unattended.
Mr. and Mrs. McNaughton are spen-
ling their honeymoon in Tarontoland
while there will be the guests of'tlie
bride's sister, Miss Joyce S'eruton
and the groom's sister, Miss Mae Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Eisenbach,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Craig and iVlrs..
Gratton of Grand Bend have gone
toMontreal where they will be for
a week or so.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Weston, who have
spent several months in Bayfield' re-
turned to their home in Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilds and Mrs
Axtell of Grand Bend left Monday
Last for the sunny south where they
intend to spend the winter.
A delegation of !business men from
Bayfield attended the meeting of the
Blue Water Highway in Owen Sound
Wednesday last:
Opening New Shop
Mrs. By ndman, whohas conducted
a gift shop at Grand Bend crar.ng the
summer months, has rented a store
in the' Frayne Block, Exeter, recent-
ly vacated by the Ladies' Wear.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Heard of
^linton announce the engagement of
their eldest daughter, Evelyn Grace.
to Frederick Geo. Sandy. only eon of
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sandy, Goderich,
the marriage to take place the Tatter
part of November.
Elects 1939 Officers
Ae the annual meeting of 't Ire
Clinton Community Hospital Board
o.f Management officers for the year
were ar,pointed as follows: Frank
Fingland, K.C., president; E. Pater -
=.on. vice-pres.; 1-1 M. Monteith sccyz
R, E. Manning, tress; The board al-
so includes Dr. J. W. Shaw, O. L
Paisley. Mayor Elliott. Peeve 'Liver
more, il•I. C. Lawson, Dr. W. A. 'Cakes
•y .. 1 l from his residence with intermo 't it Sues For 'Wanes
Exeter Cemetery. Rev, Ti. r. pop •1 Jildgment was reserved by Judge T
• e.`iefateing, Thep'hoar NI. steel 1 n Surrogate pallers weir C'o •d n S�ixrro;;a e Court God
"`v'aaley Wolfe, Philip Faseeld, Ezr.r ie'wh in 1n aefloe in whieh George
T;l^'14t3•l' Dilila,in 14,1i6.— , , ,'r , , w
it 1l�rwr' i3at•1 �r ,a�P �cIW so:•�,, ill efi a..
ii;;"....21 z:.1 f.,',......-.:. r a...•..,. ..,;:;:1,.,..;„.;',:f ,c.. .aaa ,',+tN.:•'.l� t.:.e"'b ,,, ..,",lt
Ifs. ;Paid, Last. Honors
Funeral services have been held
for Henry McGavin, 'Tuckersith, with
interment in Maitland. Cemetery, Sea -
forth. Rev. 1H. V. Workman officiated.
Mr. McGavin who was in his 90th
year was. born in Ireland, coming to
Canada when 17 years. of age. ;ele
fanned for many years. 'His wife
died ini 1933. SUrvi'ving are :five sons
and three daughters.
Ner Bunting; Trip!.
This is the season when hunters
get ready for a 'week or two in the
northern woods looking for deer;
but this year for the first time since
1917, when he made his first hunting
trip to the north,Dr. L. M. Mabee of
Goderich is• staying•at home. Even af-
ter 21 ocnseeutive annual expendit-
ions, the Doctor has net grown tired
of the sport, but just at present he is
not in his usual' good' Health and he
has decided to forego the hunt for
the year.—Goderich ,Signal -Star.
Fire Engine for Brucefile d
...The residents of Brucefield recent-
`1tholiaibiye November xfltii, 1938
erganizea a voluntary fire brigade
.and purchased fire fighting equipm-
ent with money raised by donationee..
and the ,proceeds from a couple of
eiiebres .and dances. An old car was
rebult to fuse the engine as power fox
a rotary pump, which can draw water
through 50 deet of suction hose from
;available ;wells; 450 feet :of fire base,
ladders, small pump and chemical
equipment snake the outfit complete.
Diamond Wedding
Monday Oct. 24th was the 60th
anniversary Of .the marriage of Mr..
and iMrs.Jesse 'Gray, esteemed resi
dents of Goderich, and the occasion.
was observed in a fitting manner at
their home. Mr. and Mrs, Gray re-
rimed many congratulations from
friends in Canada and the US.A..
They were married in Ashfield on
October 24, 1878. Rev. David Day,
of Dungannon Methodist church offi-
Creased In Wringer
No one knows just exactly how•
it happened, but when Mrs. Daniel
Riehl, +Gorleric'h, turned her .back mo-
mentarily to her power washing mach
ine, her four yr. old son Jimmy cau-
ght his right hand in the wringer.The
arm was drawn in up to the elbow,
bones cracked and flesh torn. Hear-
ing screams the .another turned off
the power. it all happened so quickly
3, 21x4-40 auto Tires in good con-
dition for quick sale. Apply to
Phone 7-79, Zurich central.
• The iraray Fishermen of Canada mar-
ket over 60 dif-erent kinds of food Fish
and Shellfish, either fresh, frozen,
smoked, dried, canned or pickled .. .
each affording a grand opportunity for
thrifty dishes that have style, zest and
delicious .flavour:
So nxoutishitt
ft. So. too, dor Canadian Fish
and Shellfish give plenty of proteins,
mineralsand precious vitamins. In fact,
they have .everything folks enjoy and
need in a lunch or supper dish.
Yon an make arrangements with your
dealer to supply difm ent kinds of deli, -
doers fish several trines a week, and the
family will enjoy this tempting treat:.
WWI R NAME 800Plin7
Please see 5 me•pour fice•Book-
let '"100 Tempting Fish Recipes. N'
:drain 'A.
(Please print letters pir,nly
Adilrcar ............». ........ .......» _ . ro
* iCN712
Flake 2 cupfuls (1 pound) of canned or
anted fuhand place in a buttered mold.,
Cesar with layer of chopped, cooked.
spinach, se:,asolted with salt and pepper.
Pack a layer of whole kernel corn on
top. Pour over this 2 cupfuls of medium
'hire sauce, 1 tablespoonful of chopped
‘onion and blendled with two slightly
of te
Ir] eggs. thtracker cruminkle bs. Ple ace in a
;pan of hot water and bake in oven
13"0'X?) for 1 hour. Serve unmouldcd
and garnished with fresh parsley, Slit
�. L