HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-11-10, Page 1laI. XXXIX No, 18 ZUR-RICHm THURSDAY MOHNINc, NOVEMBER ,J.0 1938 Cheetel' L. Smith, Fablisbal• $1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in Adva> q 11.Du..yntt...r.m•.r.x2o4AYBSSon $aka a guidethe local Ads.you iu your Autumn Purchases HAIRDRESSING THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING, SALON SPECIALS FOR SPRING Let us quote you on Specials for Spring and. Sumner Permanents that are pleasing and satisfactory, .end will give you personality Hair- dressing Salon on rear of stare. For .appointments can us by phone 102 Zurich. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH -ONT. "A Changeless Christ fie a Client - int WorLL." Friday, 8h -Luther league. Thursday -Choir Prat SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. m. -German wee. 11.15 a.m.--Sunday Schon 7.30 p.m. -English service. . Everybody Welcome to all 'Serstioss. E. TUERKHEIM, Pashas BETTY ANNE BEAUTY SHOP We wish ..to announce to oar Clientele that we have added a new wireless Permanent Waving Machine to our Beauty Shop. With this most modern and scientific method you have no weight or escess- ive heat on your head. You are not connected to the electicity in any way, and you can have your permanents in from thirty seconds to three minutes time. We are equipped to give you any permanent your hair requires. See this machine before getting a new permanent. Open Evenings. Phone 159 for Appointments. COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg,R.o. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. See The New 1939 DODGE PRICES LOWER Many Added Improvements SEE IT TO -DAT, AT OUR GARAGE C. FRITZ & SON DODGE AND DESOTA DISTRIBUTORS AND USED CCS SALES ZURICH - t'ONT. Leavitt's Theatre Wed., EXETER - ONT. Thurs., Fri., Sat., 4 NIGHTS Thurs., Fri., Sat. Double Feature William Heyde and Geo. Hayes, HOP -A -LONG, RIDES AGAN All Star Western Cast. "BATTLE OF BROADWAY" Legionaries' Comedy in Mon., Tues., Wed. JEANETTE McDONAL.D, and ALLAN JONES in "FIREFLY" A Metro Goldwyn Mayer Picture Mr. F. C. Kalbfieisch is building a large addition to his planing mill, and woodwork factory. It will in- clude mare factory space also sever- al large drying kilne rooms, ant: wit' enable this industrial plant to even turn out more work and more effic- e�t'- . HAY COUNCIL The regular monthly meeting of the .Council of -the Township of :Hay was held at the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, Nov. 7th, with all mem- bers present except Max Turnbull. The minutes of the October meeting were adopted as read. After disposing of numerous.m 1.1 Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Eilber of Cred- iton 'were in town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hoffman were Sunday visitti`xs at Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rader of near Port Blake were Sunday visitors in town. Many of the wells around town are giving out, and people are obliged to haul water. Mr. and Mrs. Swan of Brucefield, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and IMrs. Erwin Schilbe. Mr. and Mrs. I. Dedels and family of Kitchener were week -end visitors with her mother, .Mrs. E. Deters sr. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Patterson of Hensall, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and M,rs. Edw. Gascho. Mr .and Mrs. Stanley Mitchell and Mrs. John Mitchell of Hensel' called at the home of Mrs. C. Eilber on Sunday. .Mr. and Mrs. George Brenner of Midland, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Snyder were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs. Louis Schilbe. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hess were: Mr. and Mrs. G. Bissett, Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. G. Wilson, Centralia; Rev. and Mir. F. L. llowald, Elmwood. 11, YOUNG PEOPLE ORGANIZE Delbert Geiger was elected presi- dent oil the newly -organized Young People`st'League of Christian Endeav- or, of the Evangelical Church, Zurich at an enthusiastic meeting held in the church last Wednesday evening. This first meeting attracted an atten- dance of fifty-one. Rev. C. B. Heck- endorn acted as chairman and had charge of the -election of officers. The other officers are: Ist Vice Presid- ent, Archie MacKinnon; 2nd Vice Pres., Margaret Hey; R'ecodring Sec- retary, Kathleen'Hay; Corresponding Secretary, Doris :Meyers; Treasurer, Allan ,Gascho. Shirley Krueger was mtmications the following resolutions !appointed pianist by the executive. were passed: That the resignation of Mr. G. A. McCubbin, of 'Chatham, as township engineer under The Ditches and IWatercourses Act be accepted. • That accounts covering payments Ion Twp. Roads, Hay Telephone, Char- i ity & Relief and general accounts be passed .as per vouchers: Township Roads: -Dom. Road ;the: life of St. Peter's. Lutherans 1Mchy Co. repairs 16.02; J. M. Ziler ichulch, Zurich when the cangreg;•itL rd 10 137.11; Twp. Stephen hill Pt: ion; celebrated the Goth anniversary Blake 4.90; P. Schade rd 13 49.05;: of its dedication. Large congxege L. H. Turnbull grease etc. crusher ati`onu were present at the three- sen- t ;1.25; en-t;1.25; F. Kerr, tile rd 1 3.22; A. Mo- vices, and the financial response was usseau rd 3 33.45; 0. Greb rd 6 ; cquihe. satisfactory. Tliw morning- sine 8.25; T. Welsh gravel rd 10 7.56; :vice was in the German language and Ed. Erb rd 9 76.50; R. Miller rd. 9' itwo, addresses were given by Rev. 1 132.75; H. Becker jr. rd 11 135.96; F. iG><-uhn, of Stratford, and Rev.. BL I S. Blackwell rd 5 2.80; H. Steinbach- R. 'htosig of New Hamburg. In tlin road supt. 2.9.75; E. H. Weltin scrap, afternoon and evening the engliSh iron 3.'90; S. Hoffman rd 8 4.55 ;' E 'minims were addressed by the. taienee H. & F. Turnbull trkg etc. 84.11;: Mt. ;young ministers who were raised! tin! G. Deitz, gasoline, labor, etc. 122.93. the Zurich congregation. The atter- Hay Telephone -Nor. Elec: C"o. moon speakers being•Rev. L. H. Mean Bell Tele Co. tolls Aug. to :fl'uhch of Elmira, followed by Rey. •Sept. 260.82; H. G. Hess 1 mointh F L. IHowald, of lElmwood; then in salary 165.00; P. IVIcIsaac labor etc.. 'the evening Rev.. A. J. Deters: of 36.55; E. R. Guenther cartage 2..R6;: intsboro preached' the sermon.. It Nat. Revenue tax on tolls 109.66; !would be hard to decide wYSt of Econ. Fire Ins. Co. ins. once $2'4.. these three young men commanded Charity and Relief -E. Henrt'ruel?; the best attenti-on and interest of rent 3.50; Queen Alexandra Seen no, large audienxes present; as they $15 ; C. F. IPfile shoes 5.45;: E Tiis- all three had very forceful' and ap- man &Son act. 23.43; W. Hay n1T- pealing messages, and St. Peters con- osAzincel•5; W. H. Rata wood $8; gregation can well be proud' or con - Dept. (Health insulin 5.61; .Mrs, C. tributing three such able arid spirit- ualGaiser milk 6.88; _Mrs. (. Ic'i Pnalton men to. the ministry., A. social rent . get-to-gether meeting wits held on Monday e're. in the ,basement of the General Accounts ---Zeis eh Hydro lights, hall 2.50; Watertoo Fire lns. town hall $20; G. Armstrong sel. jur- ors $2; W. H. Ddighoffer do $2; A. F. Hess, do $5; J. Gelinas pay list S:clnwalm Drain a17.65; J. Sublet clg West Branch $26; H. Clttasius, insp- ector. ditto $5; D. of C. -Coll. bond. 'WE :Sly, THE lBr bpi 11O Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday P. and G, White :Napittat Soap, 5 bars 17c Royal York Coffee, 'bib. ;tins 33c Spreading cheese,. Itlalfib;,pkg.., sea: 14c Pitted Dates„ 2 -lbs_ ................23c IN/linu.'te Tapioca (with 'glass;) 2 pkgs. 25c Shortening, 2 lbs. 2 5 c Cooked. Spaghetti, 2 'fins .- _. 25c Wheat Berries;,, 5 -Th 'bag LSc .....:...... Superior Baking Powder, 1-3b tins 23c. Mince Meat 2-1b 'tins . _. Snow Cap • toilet paper, '4 olls 2 5 c Hawes' No -Rubbing floor wax (with bottle FaInaiit.ure Polis a Free) 59e.. Grape Fruit juice, 2-s.. 2 tints 23c Chipso, large. pkg. .....--.._.,. 21c Muffetts5 per .,..._.... 1 Oc 25c NER v Phone 140 I The Adult 1Councillor is Mr. E. M. ISagg, The next meeting vvl;r beheld on Friday night Nov. 11th., a special Armestice Day service is being- pre-- ipa'red. A hearty invitation i's- extern ded to all young people. 60th. Anniversary Sunday was another gs:ean dmay in church, which was enjbyed by all present: Truly it was est anniversary that wi:]l' be long remembered. TO) HAVE SHORT' COURSES Sart courses In ttrming and loan e economics for young men and w.e,m, $.16; Perth Ins. Co. hall $20; Zurich ext respectively, in Hay and Stephen Townships, will be held in Dashwood Agric..Socicty grant ,$60; Exeter Agar , , Soc. grant $10; S. Hoffman i�;;t: from January • rd to 27th inclusive. Masse Drain 28.40; H. Becker ;x.. h will be the first time short courses error dog tax $`d; S. Desjardittiy, dohave ever been, held in D;e:ltwoodand $2.00; village and •toweshiu, officials have The Council adjnnrncd to calcis a- pledged their wholehearted support gain on Monday, December 5th at in making the courses successful. < Will receive instructions in poultry✓. A. F.IeS It i° i "'t1� 7..30 o'c1 )<, in the afternoon, Young men who attend the course Two leatute values in lovely hand - carved rings. Above.. Smart desks with carved flowers Is 14K ,ofd• Left .Modern,tyta. Bright finish. t 4K,otd PRICED TO SAVE YOU MONEY A lovely Bride's Book given Free, which will enable the Bride to keep a permanent record of the Wedding, the Guests, Gifts, the shower and many other _interesting points about her marriage. A. G. HESS, Jeweler and Optician For positive identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ak for BLUE COAL Also Rosedale Alberta, Semet-Solvay Coke Milner Creek. ti The Roe Farms Milling Cts ; Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid for ,.Eggs on a graded basis. Pone 10 - Hensall • Stock Redu-ci-ng.S A LEI STARTS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER THE 12th„ it • AND LASTS UNTIL NOV. 26th. • • MEN'S AND YOUTH'S •• WOOL UNDERWEAR Per Garment e Reg. 1.35 at 1.00 QReg. 1.60' at 1.25 IMEN'S AND BOYS' f COMBINATIONS Reg. 2.25• Suits at 1.90 Reg. 2.00 Suits at 1.60 • Reg. 1.35 Suits at ,1.00 Reg. 1.10? Smuts at 90c DRESS GOODS I Reg. 30c:. yd at 26c • Reg. 35c to 50c yd. at30c Reg. 75c- yd'. at 50c Reg. 1.10' yd., at 75c• Flannelettes, 12c. and up, TOWELINGS 15 cents and up. IBEX BLANKETS • • 2.15 per pair PRINTS Reg. 20c yd. at Reg. 25c yd. at 204 Reg. 30c yd. at 254 BROADCLOTHS 2 - In A111 Colors t Reg. 20c yd. at 1i 5c it CURTAIN MATERIAL I IG cents a yard and up it CURTAINS By The Pair i 65c. pair at 45c t 1.25 pair, at .. 1.00 1' 1`.50 pair at ................. L10* • of 1 20% Discount off on the following Goods: Men's * Boys";, Girls' and Chiitent's Sweaters and Wind-. breaks, Sox, Stocking's,, Men's and Boys' fop, gig • •&this, Boys' Tweed Pants and Bloomers. el ex •e • House Dresses 50c. to $1.00 et et s Re N.DOUGLAS‘ • • i •r^ GENERAL MERCHANT • BLS. t� PHONE 11 - 97 weed control, veterinary science,con- trol of insects, public speaking, de- bating, livestock and field erops. The young ladies .wi7al be gime e instruct- ions in foods, nutrititokt, household Management and clothing. It isexpee.- ced that at beast 50 young men and as many ycaung women from Hay and Stephen townships will attend the classes regularly. The meeting to consider the poissib ility of holding the short course in -.1nshwood was called by AgrieuitUra. ,cps ;optative Janos C, Shearer. '• mong those who attended \'ere Reeve Chester 5iawiliw (' and per st Twp Clerk + swine trial Gtlli „ nil*. hitt �.e t<llt i µ, jI k. uty Reeve Ed. Lamport, of $tnphon;, Reeve -Geo. Armstrong of stay Top;. Couttcillers Max TurnbiJJ, �TuiiIiam. Haigh, Roy Ratz and E. J. Shaptert; Village Trustees Addison Tiernan. and. Ed. Nadiger and :ba -Reeve IZ,ss:t- ben Goetz of Stephen, The reeves and tcewnship council- lors agreed to tb a'a c the re,ntnttg, creating and lighting of the two halls, that will be rcqul,,r:;l for the classes. and a committee was named to 11 re e the 1:,.. ,.,ttt look after the reed: advertising. Chairman of ihi:, c''.:•triet is Reuben Goetz and the mmo,i'oe.m, ,re M,,r '':'.n and Mr, N t•i'„ •'t`• rr,t.. �.,.1 t.