HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-11-06, Page 8rAGE EIGE',t' THE STORE WITH THE STOCK We are showing a Fine Range of Men's Clothing for Fall and Wintoy Wear, and invite your inspect - _3 cif the following: 12 NEW WINTER. OVERCOATS, in Season's Latest Styles. 36 MEN'S WINDBREAKERS, in all sizes in Heavy Wool Cloths, Suedes, Fine Melton Cloths. Prices range from 2.65 to 5.75 each. SWEATER COATS, of every description for Men and Boys. A few odd sizes and broken lines in Men's and Boy's Winter Underwear at less than half price. SPECIALS! SPECIALS! BORDERLESS Rexfelt RUGS, for Bedrooms, Etc., 6x9 ft. at $1.75 each. GROCERIES! GROCERIES 14c for i4c 75c 5c 22c 25c 15c 10c Macaroni, 3 lbs. for Jello Powder, 3 pk, Corn Syrup, 10 -lbs. for Cream of Wheat, per lb. Matches, 3 boxes for Fancy Pink Salmon, 1.s, 2 for Chocolate Cookies per lb. Golden Bantam Corn, each J. G CHO PRODUCE WANTED SON PHONE 59 Huron & Erie Debentures CANADA TRTJST GUARANTEED CERTIFICATES Any Amount.. for.. $100.00.. and over Accepted 3% per annum, half yearly for 1 and 2 Years 31t % per annum for 3 and 4 Years... 31.i% per annum for 5 to 10 Years. Free Information From Andrew F. Hess, Local Representative - Zurich Zurich 411111111112919991911111911111111 1 800414,011030004004360111014041~ a esegeoa ;,ineatelitae HARDWARE - SEEDS and FURNITURE I ________ - _ . FALL AND WINTER - i O ilarciware Needs YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT 1 Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best 1 Advantages. OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Evetroughing and Tinsmithing Our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf I-Iardware al- ways on hand. Also a fine display of Furniture, Matt- resses, Springs, Beds, Etc., in stock. SEEDS! SEEDS! N a $ • • We are in the Market for Good Quality Alsike, Timothy Clover Seeds, Etc. COAL AND COKE Colder Days will soon be here which will demand the most suitable FUEL for Your Heating Equipment. Let Us fill your bin while prices are lowest. ZURiCH - . O T. QUALITY - PRICE -. SERVICE 001114 •rearwsrw +r8s 8414401101111 rs * ! 011 1 111111111 111111 1 11111111 I ! lI III IIIII II►Ilt' fl 112 11 II!!l 1111 ZURICH HERALD 11 1011 1111001 • 0000 11 11111 011 11101111 ThuY'ydrly, Ilavl?lkibaa Gtli, 19F32#' 011 1111111 11011111111101 180110. Rillrag 1111 II 111(11111111l1f11111 Z., RI Grccer Golden'Bantam corn, 3 cans 250 Chopped nut butter, per lb. ) per i Sc Crown Blend Tea blli. or mixedhalf-1628c Ginger snaps, per lb.' f,1Oc Whole Kernal corn, 2 large ,tis . . 25c Grape fruit, large size, 6 for .25c Corn flakes, (with cereal bowl) 3 pkgs. Z5c Quaker Oats with glassware, per pkg. 29c Fresh Fruit and Nuts for your Christmas Carie have just arrived Menno Oesch - Zurich EGGS WANTED. Phone 165 I • M100111110(1111101001011111110110101010 00100110111BIIIII1101I1111I01011001111111111 IBOBIl11111111111111111illBllllllllllll(Illi11111111111111 11IL ITEMS OF LOCAL INTFAEST Mr. Lawrence Fowlie of London, aua a Sunday visitor with Mr. and lairs. Gideon Koehler. The food sale in the town hall'. on: Saturday brought out a gaadLy arum- ..er of people. BORN-Gingerich, at Bronson line' Hay Twp., on October 28th, to. Mr. :aid .Mrs. Roy Gingerich, a daughter. Halowe'en passed off rather quietly on Monday evening. Therewere few- er annoying pranks, and ,weall feel the better for this. m Messrs. C. Fritz anl_ Well.. John- ston were at Peele Isle on: a.. patrich hunt the past week, and got a nice bag of these game birds. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoffman and son Bobbie of Galt, spent the past week, holidays, with. their par- ents in town. V.". • and. Tfirs. Harry Fisner and family of Kitchener;, were. Sunday eisitors with • the, farmer's 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Fisher. Miss Vera 'Decker of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Witmer and children Betty and Kenneth of Detroit, were week -end visitors. with Mrs. Clara Decker. Mr.' and Mrs. Harry Rose, who . have been living ori the farm on the 14th eon., have moved to Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bedard of the Blue Water Highway, have moved.. on the farm vacated by Mr. Rose. Mr. Walter Eckel, Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Sehilibe motored to Caledona over Sunday. Mrs. ' Eckel and• little son, who have been at Caledonia for a few .weeks, returning home with them. 1VIessrs. C.: Fritz & Son the local Dodge distributors have recently delivered a number of the new 1939 model Dodge cars which they have made delivery. There seems to be a good demand for new cars. Times are looking up and 1939 should bring us as close to prosperity as we have seen for a decade. Mr. Milt Oesch who has teen at Desboro the past few months waiting en his eye to get stronger, was here a few days this week, and tried to do some work in his barber s;iop, but it will take some ,time to get used to working at his trade without the full use of both eyes. But in the meantime Mr. A. G. Edighorrer is in the shop doing most of the wont. Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Emmeron Smith of Kippen, announce the engagement of their daughter, Olive Jean, to Mr. Ar- thur Henry Varley, son of Mrs. and the late J. Varley of Kippen, the wedding to take place early in No- vember. The most wonderful weateer for this time of year seems to continue day after day. A few nights there was white frosts but bright =shine in the days. No one is thinking of spending the winter in Florida with this kind of weather. Old timers tell us they have never saw the like before. Here's hoping, for a continu- ation. Dr. J. M. Field Passes John M. Field, B.A., Ph.D., died at his home in Goderich . tin Thursday 'iuorn.ing, he suffered a hennur )age of the brain Saturday afternoon and had since failed to regain c.onscfous- ness. He was 72 years of age. A nat- ive of Smithville, and afaer graduat- ing from Toronto University with the D.A. degree he taught for some ye- ars in King's College, Nova Scotia, when returning to Canada, He taught -t Walkerlton and Gcder;c'1 Collegi- w-tes. In 1911 he was appointed pub- lic school inspector for E. Huron, hut continued to reside in Goderich, vie held this position for 25 years, retiring in December, 11)35. During his term as school inspector he was sent hy the Dept. of 1kh,cetion to the 'United ,States to investigate and report on consolidation of rural sch- ools, an spent seer, r.al months in this work. His wife and one da.ngli- ter, 1%'re. E. C. Beacom of Goderich aand a son of Toronto survive. LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter, dairy 25 Butter, creamery 27 Eggs, dozen ............3i52-24-16 Hens live 8-12 Chickens live , . 9-12 Wheat, bush. 58 Oats, bush. ... 27 Barley, bush. 40 Buckwheat, .bush. i 40 Flour, cwt. 2:.00, 2.90 Bran, ton 22.00 Shorts, ton .....,............... 24.00 Potatoes, per bag .45c Hogs, cwt., 8.50 1 IN MEMORIAM BENDER‘ --In loving nzem,ory of Mr. Heaibert Bender, who passed away November 2nd, 193.ta: Days `o'f sadness still' come o'er us Tears,in silence often flow, For memory keeps' you ever near us, Though you died two years ago. Lovingly•reneembered by his widow IN MEMORIAM Pfaff `'Iii loving memory of a dear husband land father, John Ffaft whoa departed this life November 7th, 1937 Dear is, the grave, where our dear :fafher- was laid, Dear is the memory, that never shall fade, Sweet is the hope,that again we shall meet, Kneeling together at Jesus' f°set. Ever ,remembered by his wife and family. 4, 4. 4, • • iDd FAL! AND WINTER RE' U»Ri MI s Y+'4n444.+1..@+4,.4'y..vwe+•lir.4o5.4'dotlt,04 . .1' .4aj..l'j+'T *+4..T++ .aj.4.++. , 114.. reit We Always Carry a Full Line of the Best of t both Shelf and Heavy Staple Hardware; Stoves; I Furnaces; and all Heating Equipments. Let- Us Offer You Good Suggestions along this Line. t 4 Some Good Used Heaters at Very Reasonable Prices: + FURNITURE 1 Always keep a Good Stock of New and the very Latest 4 in Furniture at Very Reasonabl e Prices•, quality Con- sidered. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, i'Vlattress; Dining Rena Suites, Occasional Chairs- Rockers, Etc. SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE For the most conservative purchaser, we have a Large Assortment of Slightly Used F. -inflame that will °' 4 give youbig value for the Money, such as: Davenports, •� Couches, Dressbrs, Rockers, Other,- Chairs, Etc. Be 2 sure and fool these over. gok 4 Johnston cc Kaibfleisch 4. Hardware & 'ture. Phone 63 **.+44++++++++++++++++.444•99++++++++++++:9444.444.949941 ++++4.*+++4++++++++ +. »;.+ 4+++4+4.+-3+ 4...44.+ , TRY E CKE,L'S own Ta also 4 4 4 Breadi CHOICE VARIETY OF CAKE, PIES, AND • SWEET GOODS. + All Ingredients Used are of 'the Highest Quality + - ALL CONFECTIONS -- ICE CREAM Our Store will be closed each Wednesday Evening 4t + Eckel's Bakery - Zurich Telephone 100 +++++++++4.4++++++4+ 4444'4.4.4 4 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hagan and lit - tie Mary of Seaforth, were ,week -end visitors in town. There will be a moving picture show in the Town Hall, Saturday ev- ening. These boys have been here on previous occasions and alwoys have good pictures. See their adv. on page One. DEER HIT BY AUTOS A deer which had been shot thr- ough the abdomen and was in a weak- ened condition was hit by an auto Just east of town Saturday evening. The Officiers were at one., nxotified and the carcas was ordered to be taken to Yunblut's butcher shop and on Monday was dished 'out to those who are -fond of vennison. Then on Friday `evening last while Mr. Leon- ard Sararas of the -Blue Water south was driving along the same highway near Bayfield suddenly a 200 lb buck sprang in front of his car and killed it outright, the police ordered the carcase to be dispensed with by a Bayfield 'butcher. But the misfor- tune left Mr. Sararas car with a I badly bent grill, a light and fender ba,diy smashed, but the car did not leave the road. Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Conser- vative Association of Western Ont- ario will be held. at Hotel London, on Monday, November lith. The main speakers win be Mayor Kingsmill, f Mr. A. 'R. Douglas, President; Mr Cecil G. Frost, Hon. Dr. Manion, the new Conservative Leader, Hon. _,Ear'' Rowe, M.P. and others. • CONE hi by Louis Sehilbe and Son, Zurich W. R. Davidson, Hensall 5 rle an dWeido, Zurich UINg111I@NIIDIIIIIIIINIII11i1iIIflI11111i11if141lliilNlllllllllllll§1111@IIIINIIIII(NIIIiIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIiiNNNIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111gINIE1111111NIifISIiIiIIIIIiNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIil111111111111miIiIINtIl111110111111R THESE PRICES subject to change without Notice lr:a_a,ag Wagon $7.00 and 10.00 Painting Buggy 6.00 and 10.00 Recovering Buggy Top 16.00 and 18.00 Rerimming Buggy Wheels Set 12o00 =_ Buggy Shaft 3.00 3 Cross Bar100 Buggy Reach ........`..... .. 1.25 Buggy Spokes each 25c HESS, the Repair Man 1. A ]illi IIl1111L•IININI MIN1IN11111IDI1111N11111111111IIIIII0111111DI11U IIIIINIIIIINIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIINIINIIUII1111111UIiI110ii11)°diiNINNIIIIIIINIilBI NIINiIIIIIIIMMINIIIIIIIl01111NIllI01lll11fINlIIIIHIIIIIIIk MASSEY-HARRIS NEWS GENUINE M. -II. PARTS work best on M. -H. Ixn- plernents... Mower and Binder Knives ground while you wait with carbarundum equipment. Guaranteed Batteries at $4.49 1% year battery guarantee 6.85 2 year battery guarantee 17 -plate 7,95 Guaranteed 440.21 tires at .., 5.85 Visit the East End Service Station for City Serv- ice at . Zurich prices. Cars and trucks properly greased with latest hydralic equipment. GAS OIL AND GREASE Tel. Shop 149 0. KIM) & SONS Res. 67 East and West End SERVICE STATIONS