HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-11-06, Page 41Pot ytcnt: ZURICH HERALD DASHWOOD 'IVLr. and Mrs. Ira Tiemare Of Ham- ilton. were Sunday visitors with Mr. ed Mrs. Ezra Tiernan, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fassold and 'Zanily of London spent Sunday with `axis parents,. Mr, and Mrs. P. Fassold. Miss Francois Evelaxld of London, :spent the week -end at her home here Mr. Wm. Snell is confined to his home through illness with slight hop- es of recovery. Mrs: G. Hoperoft is spending a Stew weeks with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Mallory of Trenton, *who have been conducting Evangelis- . tic services here for the past two 'weeks left on. Tuesday for Crediton ',where they will conduct services. Rev. and Mrs. Luft spent Monday 'with friends in London. iMrs. Jacob Fisher entertained a 'number of friends to a quilting bee Gast Wednesday. BLAKE Mr. and 1Vfrse Noah Schultz and sons from Wellesley spent the week- end with Mr. and 1Vlrs.Chxis. Schultz Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Erb and da- ghter, Were Sunday visitors with, Mr and Mrs. Chris Erb. Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Exit and daughter spent Sunday eve with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gingerich. Mr, Dan Smith of Zurich spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Swartzentruber. Mr, and Mrs. Amos Gingerich, Mr and Mrs. Chris. Gingerich, Mrs. Sam •Gingerich and family were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Gingerich. .Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs Jacob Swartzentruber were: Mr. and Mrs. Merino Eiib and Mr. and Mrs. Moses Leis from Wellesley, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steinbach from Zurich. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs. David k Stephenson who have resided in Bayfield for the past three years, moved last week to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beckler and fan- ;Varna, to the house they leased fly spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. from Mrs. C. Stelck. Sol Beckler. On M.>ndey evening, Rev. J. R. OF COURSE WE MAKE LOANS n e Our Every -dray Business You are invited to discuss with us your re- quirements for personal or business purposes. BAN OF MONTREAL ESTABLISHED 1817 Zurich Branch: E. M. DAGG, Manager • rA BANK WHERE SMALL ACCOUNTS ARE WELCOME" zs STOP AT KEPPPS ONE-STOP SERVICE BLUE MARATHON GAS and OIL Delivered to you the most modern way, -with a WAYNE Computing Pump that automatically figuses the amount of your purchase. These Pumps are used in all leading gas stations in Canada and U. S. A. HIGH PRESSURE LUBRICATION. Your car is greased by attend- ants that have had five years of practical and technical experience in Detroit. We use the latest model air pressure grease gun using seven different kinds of grease to lubricate your car EXPERT REPAIRING To all makes of cars at attractive prices. Speeial Prices on Brakes Relined Car Wash 39c. Tire Repair 25c Battery and Tires checked and windshield cleaned Free, We aim to please. When in Zurich take advantage of our modern rest rooms. Zurich's Up -to -Date Service Station and Garage HOWARD KLOPP, LESSEE C. Fritz & Son Used Car Lot in Connection Use Blue Marathon Gas For Better Mileage GOODYEAR, TIRE, ;BATTERIES, ACCESSORIES. Phone 78 a ■ II iIIU(�pmmllllmimllVolu➢i>�I(I�IOVmllml®Ilmiuu I N o m�l�f�if�l�l(rIDli�fflGIllIIQfii�IIID(I�II�II�I IID HERALD OFFICE 111111111111 II 11 1111111 Do You Know? WE ARE SELLING QUALITY Counter Check Books Books are Well Made, Carbon is Clean and Copies Readily. All styles, Carbon Leaf and Black Back. Prices as Low as You Can Get Anywhere. Any Kind of Book can be supplied. Get our Quotation on Your Next Order. Let Your Home Salesman Supply you in Preference to the Travelling stranger of whom you know little. WE HAVE SOME STOCK B CIONS ON HAND r«, 4'11'1' 1 11^111 . i"1 1 !.,m41lnGh i a -,a 'I 11 !i1. �>R Peters commenced a series of Eve angelistie services at Goshen United church, He will be assisted by the neighboring clergymen. Mr. and Mrs. Orval M-cClinehey and family and M. and Mrs. Bruce .MeClinehey visited on Sundaywith their cousins in Stephen, HALOWE'EN SOCIAL . The Young People's Society of Goshen United Church held a very successful Hallowe'en social ori Fri- day evening at the home or the President, ,Miss Norene Robinson. There was a splendid attendance of. ghosts, witches, derides and ladies and gentlemen in fancy and .comic costumes. As the guests arrived they were greeted by a ghost and ushered through an outside entrance to the wierdly decorated basement, where they were warmly received by witch- es, ghosts and gobilins and then shown up the inside stairway by a ghostly sentinel to the gayly decorated room where the guests assembled. At the appnioted time the Grand March be- gan and the judges, Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Robinson finally decided to give the prizes to Gordon Keys, Dor- othy Peck, Sybil Keys and • Helen Johnstea. Halowe'en game;.., mr- tune telling and contests made up the program for the evening. .A delicious lunch was enjoyed by. all Mr. Beattie then moved a vote of thanks to the Robinson family for so kindly opening their home for the social. Fiftieth Anniversary GOLDEN WEDDING. Mr. and Mrs, Wed Gaiser .of Cred- iton celebrated their golden wedding. on Tuesday, October 25th, when ov- er 75 guests gathered at •their home, where the bridal couple of fifty years were showered with congratulations good wishes and gifts. A wedding dinner was served at 5 p;m. The bride's table was centred with a .3 - storey wedding cake. with golden candle holders at each end, and after the sumptuous dinner the following address was read and presentation was made: Dear Mother and Father:— It is with feelings of joy and pleasure that we, your children and grandchildren have gath- ered here to -night to offer you our heartiest congratulations on this nap- py occasion, your golden wedding anniversary. We also hope that you will be spar- ed many more years of happily mar- ried life. It is with tender memories that we view the past, remembering the happy home that you created for us. From our earliest recollection home with mother and. father has always been cur haven. In times of happiness and when difficulties come as they always do, we knew you would give us comfort and strength and guide us in the right direction. Even after we left you to establish homes of our own we have many times looked to you for the help and guidance which you. so cheerfully gave. One writer has said that success in marriage is achieved by constant faithfulness over a long period of time. Marriage calls for all a man or woman has. If you give less than your best you injure the foundations. We feel that you bath have given your best in your marriage, unselfish devotion through the fair days and the rough ones, down trlrougn the years. There is beauty all around, When there's love at !home. -e is joy in every sound, When there's love at home. ')eace and plenty here abide, Smiling sweet on- every side, Time doth softly, sweetly glide, When there's love at .home. Kindly haven smiles above, When there's love at home. All the earth is filled with love, When there's love at home. . Sweeter sings the brooklet by, Blighter 'beams the azure sky, Oh! there's One who smiles on High, When there's love at home. Love at home. Love at home; Oh! there's one who smiles on High, When there's love at home. As a token of our love and epprec- ialon,"'we ask" you to accept .this studio couch with a prayer that you will both be spared many more years to enjoy it. —+Signed, the Children. Later in the evening, Aibert Geiser a nephew of the honored couple, was master of ceremonies and Mrs. Albert Gaiser 'led in a short sing song. Short addresses were given by Palmer Gaiser a nephew of the bride and groom of fifty years. A reading by Alma Ratz. This was followed blyi. games, etc. On October 25th, 1888, Fred Gais- er was united in marriage with Lydia Wein, daughter of the Late ]SMr. and Mrs. Godfrey Wein, of Stephen Twp., the marriage ceremony being per- formed by Rev. Christian Stabler at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gaiser fifty years ago settled on a farm in Stephen Town- ship near Shipka and 29 years later moved to a farm 1U exiles west of Crediton where they lived until re- tiring to the village of Crediton in 1926. They have been loyal and ac- tive members of the Evangelical Church in Crediton for over 40 years Mr. and Mrs. Gaiser have two sons Ernest of the Blue Water Highway and Lloyd, of Crediton. Two daugh- ters, Mrs. William Decker and Mrs. Ferdinand Rebores, of Zurich. One daughter Luella, died in infancy. The host of friends of Mr. and Mrs. Gais- er cjin in wishing them many more years of happy married life together as well as congratulating them on their golden anniversary. Those present from a distance were Mrs. Dorah Gaiser and son Palmer from. Denv er, Col.; Mrs. C. Koeltzow, Mrs. Adam Gaiser, Mr. an dMrs, Gordon Gaiser, of Detroit Mich. The four attendants of the wedding fifty years ago were all present as follows: Wm: Gaiser,Mrs. Wm. Bowman, and Harry Eilber of Crediton; Mrs. Chas. Koeltzow of Detroit. St. Joseph and Beaver Town Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Bedard' Sr., spent the week -end -in Zurich visiting with their son Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bedard. Miss Gabrieal Cantin of Detroit, spent Sunday in St. Joseph with her' parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Cantin. Mr. and Mrs. Delore Ducharme of Detroit called on Mr. and Mers. Hec- tor Laporte on Thursday last: Miss Lucille Jeffrey of Beaver Town left on Monday last for St. Joseph's Hospital, London, where she will be employed. On Wednesday last a goodly num- ber of people, young and old, spent the evening with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bedard of Beaver Town on..the eve. of their departure. Mr. and Mrs Bedard left for their new home on the Rose farm, 14th concession, We regret very much of their departure as they were good citizenseof our burg., and we wish them the best of success in their new hone..• Mr. and Mrs. Remie Jeffrey- of Beaver Town left on Saturday last to spend a few weeks visiting inDe- troit, Windsor and. otherepecie -Mr. and -Mrs. Ezril Ayotte of De trout; and Mr. Louis- Ayotte of Che- boygain, who has been visiting With Mr. and Mrs. Filbert Ducharine of St. Joseph, have left, on Sunday last for their homes. • ,Miss Reta Ducharme of Drysdale, was a Tuesday guest to Miss Varonica Ducharme of the Blue Water south. Mr. and i1VIrs. Frank Maunhan of Detroit are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Josiah S.araras. Mr. Fred Ducharme, Avila . and Cy -rill motored to London on Tues- day last to visit Sr. St. Denis at Brescia Hall. Messrs. 'Gordon and Stanley Smith were to Windsor on Friday, return- ing with two new Dodge cars for C. Fritz & Son, Zurich. HENSALL W. 0. Goodwin has resigned his position as leader of the United Ch- urch choir, which he has held for e. number of years. , 11Ir. and Mrs. James Paterson, Mrs A. Dougall, Miss Cassey Dougall, Mrs. Fred and Aire. Jas. rBengough, were visitors to Listowell. Dr. and Mrs. Campbell entertained a number of friends at their home Monday eve last. The occasion being the Doctor's birthday. Houses to rent are scarce in the village, every place being occupied. If a dozen new houses were built they would soon be occupied. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bonthron were recent visitors to Lucknow. Mrs. Reid of Port Rowan visited for several days with Mrs. F. Manns and other friends. Bert Faber had his tonsils removed at Dr. Steer's office recently. Archie Vokes, who is employed on Dr. Campbell's farm in Hay town- ship while cutting corn on the f; -arm recently cut one of his hands badly. Infection developed. and .:hewas, .,talc - en to London Hospital. Owen 'Geiger threshed his been crop at his barns on the,ilaxmill'pro •' .. yield y The yreld was good and a spa endid sample.. • Howard, Hemphill and sister Marv, of Toronto, spent a few days with their parents here. Mildred Hackney has moved her beauty parlor into the corner store of the Petty block. The rooms are nice l:y fitted up. Miss Hattie Sutherland has been! quite poorly at her honkie here, she has not boon well all year, suffering fr, in weak spells.. nati N�aria. iIons will take place in Her all on Monday evening, November 28 with polling on Dec. '5th, The positions to be filled: reeve, ;four A. Scram amdthe late A. Scruton' of Rensall, to Peter Linton McNau- ghton and the late Mrs. D. McNaugh' ton of Hensall, the marriage to take place quietly in November. Will I1+love. to Henson Mr. and Mrs. W. Daniels of Brant- ford are moving to Hensall and will occupy their own home on Queen St They have done some improving on he property this summer. Mrs, Dan- iels was forxneilly Miss Isabella Spa- rks, daughter of the late Jas Sparks, Mr. Daniels has been a mail carrier in Brantford for 22 years and rec- ently retired on superannuation. Opens Shop in• St. Marys. T. E. Drummond, formerly of Hen- sall who has ,been a re'siden't of St. lYlarys for several months past, is opening a new cash butcher and groc- ery store in St. Marys. The store has been renovated and painted through- out recently. COUNTY NEWS Mr. and Mrs. David Stepnenson of Bayfield, have rented part of Mrs Stelek's house at Varna and arc. moving in. the first of November.. The annual sergeants' ball, under the auspices of the sergeants' mess of the Middlesex -Huron Regiment, will be held in the Seaforth armories on Friday night, November 25th. Short courses in agriculture and home economics will be held at Dash- wood from January 3rd to 27th, un- der the direction of James l,. Shears county Agricultural Representative. Car Was Stolen A. Foot's car of Varna, which was stolen a few weeks ago was located near Woodstock. Considerable dam - 1 ages was done to the car and it is hoped the theives who stole another auto when they abandoned the Foote car, will be found and punished. Was At London Frank J. Wickwire of Exeter, was recently in London, where he gave an address before the London branch of the British Isreal World Federat- ion. Czar Rollins Dead Czar Rollins, a native of Exeter and only son of the late Dr. J. A. Rol tins, died suddenly at Cita: ee.na i'I' ere he had been living for many ye - Purchased Purchased House Fred Corbett, -who recently aearch- ' aced a house oh the farm' of James Green, has had the building moved over ito one of . his farms -and all re- modelled making a very' nice home.' It will be occupied by his son, John Corbett, wife and little son. Back to Hensall Fred Kennings has purchased from J. W. Ortwein the house belonging to. the late Adam Reichert estate at the west end of town. Mr. Kenning moved his family. o Er mondeille a, few sears ago, but as he he: been employed here most of the time since he thought it aclvi: able, to move back to Hensall. "�1Ci?lnl`°..3 s.Clxonr t, k,n , Antwoncern'ent to y3 In t 1.1 �{.`i 'A.xX2` lfte ,f 7The G,ty•Ya?L,�,eirer.:4. is 2lt110",n;nnd ryry0f • liy ir0 col'i].i) ioloner, ','. , 1 7f}lt:ra'ed j, �r ..,�. •J .."tee .eea .. .L ,. 4 Thursday, November • 6th, 1938. , ars, lie was in his 59th year, His . wife ,had predeceased him. iiiwayr to Lions Head A new improved highway 35 miles in lengh will be cnstructed from Lions Head, in the Bruce Peninsula, to Toberxnory, at the bead of *the peninsula, to be buillt about 100 feet `roin ihe present road., WANTED CATTLE—Alimited number of cat- tle for winter feeding, Auuply to: 'Theo. Schrader, Zurich. Erna For Sale 100 -acres clay loam, close to Exe- ter, good buildings, good water sup- ply. Your opportunity for a good :arm, handy to town.— Win, Pearce, Exeter. FARM FOR SALE The splendidly located farm con- sisting of 98 acres of choice clay loam of good soil, good bank ,barn, comfortable house, and other out- buildings, plenty of good water, etc. for further particulars apply to the Proprietor, Mr. Thomas Johnston, R. R. 2, Zurich. Farm is located one mile west of Blake, on town line, Hay and Stanley. ]FARMS FOR SALE TWO FARMS Lot 21, con. 2, Hay, containing 96 acres. Barn 40x64 also one. 30x68, frame house, 10 acres bush, six acres wheat, plowing done. Also Lot 22, con. 2, 100 acres bank barn 150x70, 12 acres bush, 6 acres wheat, plowing done. These farms will be sold together or separ- ate. They are close to market, also ,oiose to high and public schools, well drained, and well adapted for grow- ing beans or grain. For further particulars apply to: Peter Me - Naughton or Donald Burns, Box 104, Hensall, Ont. • tkt The Christian Science Publrrhinb Sciety One. Norway Street. roster; 3 assaciuv etts Pieese enter my subscript= to T. a Christian Scier f''"' 'r for a period of 1 rear 612.00 6 months $8.00 3 months $3.00 1 mon: h 0-00 (%Wednesday issue, incirding Magazine Section: 1 year $5 a0 issues 350 0t Name 0 Address THE WORLD'S GOO NEWS will come to your !lone every day through THE CHRIST/All SVENCE MONITOR An Iran r , iov4 L.. "-r Newspaper It records for you the world's:clee'r -• • tmr - doings. The Monitor does not exploit c Irne or sea..... .n. ; ne.thc- [. it ignore them, but deals correctively with taere. Features for busy ;..n and all the family, including the Weekly + 5-.. �e Section. Sample Cop -r on Request cie 1) eSNAPS 4 T CULL PiCTURING THE 'HOUSE ' fit, Careful "framing" with tree§ made this, snapshot more pleas• ing, A MIDST everyone w1» has a, " camera takes pictures of his home, but many of us neglect the few si mper suggestions which would slake our snapshots of "horse sweet home» muds more pleasing.. Here they are: First, keep the camera level!;. er 'vertical lines will be distorted. Stand back Ear enough bagel the picture without tilting the camera. Tf necessary, shoot from 'across the street perch yourself ixx n" ' fork of a tree;, or maybe a step- ladder hilt give, you the proper ele- vation. Second, pick a time when therm lights the house at the proper angle, 'The sun raysshould strike the house at a slant so that shadows are cast by sect details as window frames and weatherboarding. Tb.ese shad - ows .outline all the brightly lighted projecting details, and they will ap- pear clearly in the picture: Third, try to "frame"' the picture attractively with trees or over- hanging branches. Such a natural "frame" for the house gives tleptii to the rioture and adds pictorial chanty. ood :fourth rule—r,^ Yn n`IO'.` eeeet . 4 1 Space didn't permit taking a coni:•" plete view, but the doorway and -roof angles alone -made a charm- In shot, Inter over the camera lens to give - tone to the Sky. Rich -toned sky is; especially pleasing in pictui ds of'. white houses, and it .improves thea eifec't of any picture If you have no recent pictures of your home, take a few today, follow Sing these suggestions. Perhaps your house is ao situated that you can't apply all the rules, but each, by it- self, will help you produce pictures; that more attraetivoly present the, place wixere you livo. r; ---n Guilder..