Zurich Herald, 1938-10-27, Page 5Thursday, O1.;i',1) )e,7 ZZ%Ii, •:119.33; BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL DUDLEY E. HQLME S BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPUB.IC, ETC. Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc, Ads. in this Column. VOR SALE 1OFFICE—Hamilton Street, just off 1 FOR QUICK SAIF;—A lean-to the Square, GODERICH, Ontario. Chicken House, practically new cov- Special Attention to Councel and I ered with asphalt: shingles. Act quick and apply at .Herald Office. Court Work. Mr. Holmes may be consulted at 'Goderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLE7B'S BLOCK, DASPIW OOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. VETERINARIAN Dr. W. B. COXGN, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office in the Home of the Dr. J. Routledge. Phone -96. late Zurich A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. A11 diseases of domestic animals treated by the most modern principles' Charges reasonable. ,ed to. Also Brey or - atterpromptly ;ewer of Scottish terriers. Inverness tret, lHenne's. Office oa Main apposite Town Hall, Phone 116. RENSALL. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex I AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if riot satisfied will make _ no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER—Paslowood Phone 13-57. PRODUCE Farm Produce. WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICES --FOR-- CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. O'Brien Pone 101, Res. 54, Zurich BUTCHERS : urichs' Popular MEAT MARKS T Liet Us oupply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration. Highest Cash Prices for '1 Wool, Hides and Skins F�. Yunghlut & Son INSURANCE Western Farmers' !Aube Weather., Insurance Co. OF ; WOOD$TOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE BAT. - FOR QUICK SALE A good wel developed colt, well broke in, rising 3 for sale. Also a few sucking pigs, apply Aaron Oestreicker, Bronson line. IOCAL NEWti Mrs, Percy Weld() and son, of Wat- erloo spent a few days here. Mr. Charles Hays of Clinton, sp- ent the weekend at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. John Brenner Were recent visitors with friends at Kit- chener. Mr. and Mrs. George Gerhardt and son George, of Detroit, seere week- end visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Krueger, 14th con. They all aM -idel the fereral of the late Mrs. Edmund Troyer at Henson on Sunday. We sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston of town in the loss of their infant child, who was 'hurried here in Zurich on :Saturday. The FOR)UICK S• haby was born in Seafoxth Hospital,, A limited number of Chicken Fat-' where the mother 'is still confined t is progressing. nicely. tening Crates for sale at GOc. each. —The Zurich Creamery. FOR QUICK SALE 3, 21x4.40 auto Tires in go clition for quick sale. A Phone 7-79, Zurich central. air. Ed. Gascho has been making remarkable Improvements to his pro - peaty by levelling up the eau .and filling up, and now there is the 'ad- dition of a very attractive rustic and rustic woodwork in the oa con Iawn. pply to • Tie ?tugh MacKinnon, of Queen's University, Kingston, spent last week at his home here. The rugby FOR SALE team et Queens played the Western `eam at London, and it was a fine chance for Hugh to get home for. a day or so. -a.a. end APPLES FOR SALE Sprayed Apples, Spys and Pee- waukees 50c and $1.00 per bushel. Fred :McClymont, Varna. Z is • i.ch Garag€: Come and purchase your Aut. omotive Requirements from Zurich's oldest established Garage .and Service Station, We can supply.. your needs Expert Automobile repairing. Acytelene Welding, Tires, Batteries, Oils, Greases and repairs. LUNCH ROOM And clean Rest Rooms at you Service H. MOUSSEAU Phone:* Day 103. Night, 47 Meeting of The Huron County Council The next Meeting of Huron County County Council will be held in the 1 Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, commencing Tuesday, Nov- ember 15th, 19-38 at 2 p.m. All accounts, Notices of Deputations and other business requiring atten- tion should be in the hands of the County Clerk by November 11th. J. M. ROBERTS, County Clerk, Goderich, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of Henrietta English, late of the Village of Hen- sall in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about 6th July, 1938, are iernue-tel on or bef,.re, 12th November, 1938, to file with the un- dersigned, detailed statement of their claims verified by affidavit and that after said 12th November, 1938, the Executors of the said Estate will dis- tribute the assets thereof amongst those lawfully entitled thereto hav- ing' regard only to those claims of which they shall then have had notice and that thereafter they will not be responsible for said assets to any persons of whose claims they hall not then have had notice. DATE]) at Exeter, County of Huron, the 25th day of October, A. D. 1938. George S. Howard, Exeter, Ont. Henry Howard, Hensall, Ont. Executors of said Estate. MARRIED AT CLINTON - ears. D. A. Kay announces the mar- riage of her sister, Myrtle Emily Armstrong to Lorne Robert McBride WincIs.or, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert T aBri'e, Zurich, on .Satarda.y Octoeer 8th, at 2.30 pan. at the On- tario :street Church Pareon•age. Rev, G. G. Burton officiated .Clinton News-Rec erel. MILLIONS TO SEE FILM History in motion picture cfistrib- ution is being made by the rooting of the film "The Thunder of the Sea," the first full 1eneth so', -1'l leeele;' picture ever to be produced by a church ovganization. The ri;'tu.re whi- ch is being shown to church audienc- es throughout the country as part of the twentieth anniversary celebration of the United Lutheran Church in Ame ica will be seen by more than. 1,000,000 people before the present schedule is completed. It was produ- ced by the staff of the s ani -ar;ary Appeal of •the Board of American Missions of the U.L.C. It show, dram-, aeque alP relation of the• Christian Church to modern problems of ware unemployment, so ial and it lnntriel strife and the evils of the business world. H. Torrey Welker, d rr'etor of the an^cal, was in charge. The nic- 1-ere Frill 7•,n shown in St. Pet^."'s Lu- theran Church, Zurich. Monde-- Oct- eaer else. R n m, Feee..•ii,., irreitea No admission en collection! Come One! Come all! ! • Some Brief Notes On The Canada Temperance Act No. 6—The Ontario Government"s Appeal Dismissed. Subsequent to the dicision previ- ously related of the Supreme Court of t;anada, the Ontario government asked leave of the Privy Council to enter an appeal from that decision. In doing so they sent to England a body oe material contained in the Factum they had prepared for the Supreme Court of Canada dealing with the claim that the Canada Tem- perance Act was ultra vires. The Supreme Court had decided that un- der the submission of the Dominion government it could not deal with the question of th evalidity and this evidence therefore fell to the gro- und. Recognizing that its tenor was calculated to prejudice the mind of alas English jurists, Mr. Rowell made application to the Registrar of the Supreme Court who ordered the re= turn of the documents and the excis ion of thie matter. Shortly afterward a legal action of very peculiar aspect occurred at Cookeville in Peel County. A Mr. Varley, who had purchased some liq- uor in. Toronto, took it into the hotel at Cooksville and quite openly con- sumod it in the rotunds. Two pol- icemen were conveniently present and promptly arrested him. ate was charged under the Liquor Control tht 444 4***+t*+ ' •; =; 3..; . ; :'•r+*+•H•+'it+i +++f++*+.l.+r 4, tit _INCE OF ANY CAW'ADIAISI MUT:- ;i; V3•AL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS ; LET US QUOTE YOU! Cut dour Fe Bill In HALF! - Buy Storm Wit dows and Doors OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO1T. REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW WE CARRY A Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31st, 1936, $22,391,527.00 Total Cash in Bank and Boards $273,613.47. Rates—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 Years E. E KLOIPP--ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- ing Rods and all kinds of Fire. Iz + ut- nee 4 4 4 4 4 + LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALC, `} TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU 4 titWAIT. 3 4 Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials a 46 0.1-,.. 1? " �b �_ALBFLEJA;�j C, iff: r P 6mattrommonatte d' .*.:::,:::4144:.,i,-:.'44 bl.l•"Y'ai *"^y' v",.*",',+, ` , 7' . " :...i.,' .t.,1.1.*4 1 -d -i :;,. 4..r 1-1-1.+:1-!-:-1..' n ZURICH HERALD THE FAMILY SHOE STORE We have a good line of Fal. Footwear for every member of the family; from Grandfather down to Baby. Work Shoes and Dress Shoes for Men and Women, School Shoes and Fine Shoes for Children. All at Low Cash Prices TRY US ON REPAIRING E. J. DATARS Your Shoe Man Phone: Shop 82. Residence 43 Zurich's Ladies' Wear Located at MOUSSEAU'S LUNCH ROOM Zurich — Phone 103 JUST ARRIVED—A Shipment of Girl's School Dresses, Skirts, and Tunics. Come and see them, also Winter Coats at Reasonable Prices. Don't forget to give us ;a Call! EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Heckendorn, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. H. %G. Hess, Organist and Dir- ector of Music 10 a.m.—The Gospel for our Age. 7.30 p.m.—W.M.S. in charge Pageant,. Lantern ,Slir.:es on the Life of Dav:d Livingsto:•e. 11 a.m.--.Sunday School Act with consuming liquor in a pub- lic place. The Moderation League d-- fended him, Mr. Greer, its president conducting the case, while Mr. Sed- gwick (then of the Attorney -Gener- al's Department and who had attack- ed the Canada Temperance Act in the Supreme Court haring) conduct- ed the prosecution. The magistrate convicted Mr. Varley of a breach of the Liquor Control Act. The Moderation League appealed from the decision to the County Judge. At the hearing, the same legal representatives appeared. Ar- gument rs the validity of the Canada Temperance 'Act and much oz the material contained in the Oneario government's' Factum prepared for the Supreme Court and recalled from England, was rehashed. It is under- stood the counsel were agreed that if one Act obtained the other could not be operative, a conclusion that wholly conflicts with precedent and practice for many years. ' In delivering judgment, the judge resorted to a somewhat unusual pro- cedure. He refused the appeal, but in doing so rendered a lengthy jud-1 ganent in which he held that the Can- ada Temperance Act was ultra vires. It would appear that the Varley case was a planned affair with tee gov- ernment and the Moderation zaague co-operateing, and it is suggested that the original purpose was to put the government's argument on the question of the validity of the Can- ada Temperance Act on the legal records so that it might be cited as such in argument before the Privy Council. The decision of Judge Grout (now decoased) was very welcome to the Ontario Government and Mr. Hep- burn began immediately to use it in an attempt to justify his attitude and his action in ignoring the Can- ada Temperance Act, despite the fact that on two occasions the Can- ada Temperance Act had been held valid by the highest legal authority, the Privy Council, and that the de- cision of a county judge o1 a ques- tion of constitutionality is in itself of very little legal weight. As the time for the hearing of the government's appeal to the Phivy Council drew near it became evid- ent that the government was not O. all confident of its case. When the hearing was called its representative asked to be allowed "to wit] :taw" the appeal. The legal •representative of The Ontario• Temperance Feder- ation and the three counties refused to consent to this procedure. 'l'he reason for this attitudq was that each a course left the Way open foe the government to revive the action at any time if they chose. After some transatlantic consult- ations the case was "dismissed" with the assent of the Ontario Governm- ent. "Dismissed" means that that particular action is finally disposed of ar•t cannot he leviv»1. The Ont- ario Govermeent thus failed in its s action and the l :tangs t. thr, Sup- py ; leinc Court still stands though Mr. lbe I llep'burn continues t0 ignore rt and c eontiait e to violate the la.. of the w le n'd, ...x u H 4 A. H` .t 4 .. Y v t 1 1 11111111 IiIH 7-41. PAGE Frvs IHI Hill 1111pH 1 IIIIIIIIIIIII 111111111111 muffin 1111 IIIIIIIII IHIH 11111 IIIIHHHIIIII IHI IIIIHIIHIIIIII M1111IHHIHIIIIIIIIIHHIHIIIIHIIl111 1 Zurich DrugStore QUALITY DRUGS School Supplies Stationery School. Supplies SUPPLY OF LATEST BOOKS IN STOCK One Cent S le SPECIAL lc. SALE Peposent Antiseptic, Reg. 50c., 2 for 51 c Fitch's Hair Tonic, Reg. 55c, 2 for 56e "STOP THAT COLD'S C. B. Q. Tablets Dr. King's Nose and Throat Drops Bronchial Syrup, 8 -oz for Cough Checkers for 25c 25c 50c 25e POPULAR MAGAZINES FULL LINE OF TOILETRIES COMPLETE STOCK SMOKING SUPPLIES Dr1J.A Addison,Proprietoi IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIHIH111111IIIHHIIUIHIIIHIIHIIIIIIHIIIIHIIU IHIHIHIiUIUI I {1.111 014121, Deliver your Cream to the Zurich Creamery and ob- tain correct weight, test and Highest Market Price. We pay 2 cents premium per Ib. butterfat for all Cream. de- livered to the plant. We also buy and pay cash for your Eggs and Poultry according to grade. We are Local Agents for the Viking Separator. Let us Demonstrate this high quality Separator for you! The Zurich Creamery CRE --.r 1 High quality bowl—closer skim- ming —more profit. 2 Perfect neckbearing -- assuring years of dependable service of the mechanism. 3 Proven durability. 4 Highly endorsed by thousands of users. Durable materials, expert work- manship and sturdy construction are featured in the Viking Separ- ator. We make sure that every machine sold continues to give satisfaction. Seven Models—One Quality SWEDISH SEPARATOR CO., LIMITED Montreal .'(a'•ege....poea.,9T041.0.000'••••..,..,....a01004 1 Wheat and Seed CLEANING We are in a, position` to Give You the Best of Service in Custom Wheat Cleaning. Also other Grains and Seeds Cileaned on our modern and up - i to -date Equipment. Make arrangements wit h us to have this work done. Charges Very Moderate. 1 A•', ee 1 PURINA Stock Foods and Chows I A guaranteed product that will help your Stock ttnd PoultTy �N W t.a.nAiRt t - w"�'�.w::ifi•� x.'1'4.°•_ 4PatSOOl%Qb