Zurich Herald, 1938-10-20, Page 4ZURICH HERALD
St, Joseph and Beavv ' Town
Miss Vyaxine 111'.tssa of the Blue'
'Water Highway, south, left on Sun-
'clay last for Winsisor where she will
stay fora few weeks with her sis-
ter, Mrs, Llydoe Denomme,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Burke of De-
'irroit spent Sunday in St. Joseph with
the e latter's mother, Mee. N. M. Can-
Mr, Frank Jeffrey or Beaver Town.
'who had been in Windsor for a few
weeks returned to his .home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Loss Hewitte of
`?Windsor spent Sunday in Beaver
'Town with the latter', parents.
Mr. Hector Laporte had a very
:sueeessful shingling bee on Monday
last, the nice October days that we
are noww enjoying are ideal for buil-
ding and repairing and people are
taking full advantage of it.
The threshing outfit of Mr. Willidn
Jennison who have been crowded
with work since July, are now near-
ing their last rounds for the e ear.
A former resident of .Stanley leap.
passed away last Friday at hie home
+.Goderich Twp., in the person of .Mr
Arthur :Stephenson. He was barn on
Goshen Line, Stanley 77 gears ago,
a greeery business and gas station
hogee ntly pLiChaSEdonth
o highway
a few miles north of Mitchell, We
regret to lose him but wish him sue-
Ceee in his new business.
Mrs, Margaret Errata of Mu.+acey,
spent the week -end with her eee tiv-
.es in Stanloy.
Mrs. Alice Armstrong 'af Pilot
Mound, Man., is visiting 'with friends
and relatives in Stanley. -
1Vir, George Selreffbache an eniploye.
at the ,pleating mill had three iiing-
ees of his left hand taken off while
operating a jointer. He was taken to.
Landon hospital for treatnentt.
Mrs. E. R. Guenther spent last
weewk with friends in Kitchener and
C 12nnshy.
Dr and Mrs. R. H. Taylor atten-
ded the funeral of the late Dr. Race,y:
Parkhill on Saturday.
lir, and Mrs. Robert Miles of Sar-
nia attended the funeral of the late
Mrs. Bender on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guenther sp."
ent the week -end with his parelltts,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Guenther.
Miss Onieda Restenleyex of .St. •J,os
eph's Hospital, London is visiting
With her parents.
Mrs. Gill who has spent the past
and .-was a son of the late .David few weeks with her sisters in De-
:Stephenson, he spent his -early 'man, I troit has returned.
.h000d farming on Parr Line, late]. Mr. and Mrs. Meerburg and two
moving to •Clinton then to London, i daughters of Port Franks were Sun-
and for the last few years has lived} day visitors witth her father, -Mr.
in Goderich Twp. His wife was Miss Jonas Hartleib, and La'uada.
Jennie Rathwell,.who survives him,} Mr. and Mrs. Orland Irelandd-and
also one son Lawrence, Go a•rich Twp family of St. Thomas were .Sunday
,and three daughter . Th,; funeral, visitors with Mr. -and -Mrs. E. Tiernan
took place on Sunday, interment in ; and Mrs. Ireiana.
Bayfield cemetery. ( 1'Ir. and Mrs. Hintz and Mrs. Wm
Mr. David 3. Stephenson, Jr,, held' Schrader of Detroit attended•the fun -
a successful sale last week of hied eral of the late Mee. Elmer Willert
farm stock and Implem. me 'and in -e at Grand Bend on Monday. Also sp-
tends leaving the farm to take over: ending a few days with Mrs. Schrad-
€ ..Beautiful Shades — astable• --.Durable
Johnston and Kaihileisch
Of Farm, Farm Stock and Implem-
ents, on Lot 12, Con, 13, Bronson
Line, Stanley Township, 3 miles
north .of Blake, on
At Ono o'clock sharp
LIVE STO'CK--1 cow 5 yrs. old
with calf at foot; Cow 9 yrs. old due
February 25; Durham grade cow due
March 27th; Durham grade cow due
April 29th; Heifer rising 2 yrs; 4'
spring calves; 2 store hogs about
150 lbs. each; 50 barred rock hens
blood tested; 40 barred Rock pullets.
Harris fertilizer drill nearly new;
farm wagon; st bob sleighs; hayrack
gravel box, -cultivator, .plow, scuffler.,
steel tire buggy, wheelbarrow, • ;root
punier, set harrows, gang plow, piano
box cutter, stock rack, Portland -cut
ter, grindstone, stoneboat, Clinton
fanning mill, set double haziness; Set
single harness, quantity of .lumber,.
about 900 3 -inch tile, quantity. 'of
hay, 300 bushels mixed grain, 90
')ushels wheat, 75 bushels oats,' .5'
bush. red clover seed, 25 bags potat-
oes, forks, chains, whietrees and
numerout other articles. • Also a
quantity of household effects.
Dr. Steer, Thos. Sherrit't, E. Shad-
diek, Sid McArthur ',Alf. Clark and
Ed. Munn 'spent a week at Barrow
Bay on a hunting and Darling trip.
Mrs. Harold Simpson and baby of
Toronto, is visiting with her parents,
'Mr. and Mrs. Fred Datars.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook have re-
turned from their wedding trip and
-left for their hone .in Toronto, while
Mr. and Mrs, Ted Tainan have also
returned from their trip and have
left for their hoine in Blenheim
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor and fam-
ily of Chiselhua'st have rented the
Broadfoot house on the highway and
have moved in, The house was form-
erly occupied by 'Mrs. Jos, Hudson.
Casey Ilu'dson of Listowel visited.
with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Geoff
A large crowd attended the sate of
the effects of the late Charles Eilber
at Crediton, Saturday last. The house
and los was sold to Gerald Zw.icker
for $2,300.
Fire completely destroyed. the 'fine
residence of Mr. and Mrs. Miller
Adams, ,Hullett twp., on Sep. 30th.
The contents also were a total loss,
and the origin of fire is unknown.
Godorich town solicitor D. R, Nairn
At the same time and place the has been named acting crown attar -
Farm which consists of 60 acres snore lacy during the absence of Crown At-
er less of good farm land well wat- torney D. E. Holmes, who is haliclay-
ered, with good set of farm buildings,' ing in New York City.
will be offered for sale subject to a The .death occurred in Clinton o:f
reserved bid,. Terns of farm Tilade: John Graham in his 75th year. A
known on day of sale. ' native of Auburn, he spent the gre-
Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. ater part of leis life in Stanley Twp.,
Mrs. J. A. Carnie, P:roprietoress. ,poring with his wife to Clinton 3
-years ago.
Mrs. J. A. Suter was elected Keel -
dent of the Clinton Community Hos-
-pital Aid at the annual meeting held]
Scheel Tea: -her Passes
Rol.t. J. li.'atW, retired school tea-
cher, died cn Oct. 4, at nes inane in
'.?gmonclville. He was 68 yrs. of age
nn ;?'ig.tt it' S.S. No. 14, Stanley,
an.l No. 5 'Tuckerdmith for MO7C than
;0 years. For a ,+1w year he was
;manager of the Steeling Bank at
V '°;ia. He retired clew a years ego
and has since lived . in. Egnondville.
tie leaves a widow_ and a daughter.
Corn Going to Waste
It is repo) ted that many acres of
good corn are standing' .in fanners'
fields in the Exeter diarist and will
go to waste, owing to tic canning
facte"y's inability to use the usual
iquantity this year. The reason given
is that the company has not yet sold
last year's pack:
New School Building
The main contract for the. new
school building at Exeter has 'been a
;awarded to the Putherbora Construct=
pion .Co. of London. The Ont. - IVIurilc-
ipal Board has authorized the i'ssuin'g
of debentures for $19,000 instead of
ar's mother, Mrs. Hamacher Who .is
still confined to her Borne with a
sore knee. -
Mr. Wm. Lindenfield and sister
Annie and Mr. Tait of Parkhill were
Sunday 1 isitors with Mr. and' Mrs.
Chas.- Steinhagen.
Special Fvaitgel'stie services are.
being held this week in the Evangel-
ictal church, conducted by :an and
Mrs. Mallory of Trenton.
Mrs. E. Flynn of Loadon visited!,
friend; in t;)wn Sunday..
Late Mrs. join" Bendor..
Mrs. John Beefier diad on Wednes-
day Oeto'lee lnah at her home in
t ashaooai afte an illness 'about
ttvo months in her 6i:th year. 'She is
survived by her sorrowing husband,
two daughters, Mrs. Fred Cunning -
ton of Centralia, Mrs. Allan Faulk -
banter of To' onto; four sons, Will-
iam of Crediton; Leonard, Gordon
and Roy all of Dasnwooci and -a bro-
Jacob Battler of Hay Twp.'
Prior to retiring to Dashwood about
a year ago they had liven 'on, f ara'
on the Lake Road two miles east of
town • now owned by Their son- Gor-
don. A private fiineral service was
held at the residence on Saturday,
followed by a public service,.. 'in the
Dashwood Dva'rig. •cliur^eh at'2 p.m.
with Rev. Reppel officiating. Interni-
ent took place. in the Goshen 'line ce-
$15,000 as originally voted. to pro-
vide funds for the building.
Injured in Fall Downstairs
Mrs, Geo. Webb, who has been liv-
ing fse some time in Mitchell, was
seriously injured while visitl•lig at the
hotiie of Mr. Bowman of Staffa,when
se she Tell down a flight of cellar .,tees.
Mrs. Webb,. who is blind, mistook the
iloor leading to the cellar for another
close at hand ; and in so doing went
headlong down the entire flight, str-
iking her head on a table at the foot
of the stairs aid her. chin on the
stone wall ire the cellar. She suffered
a broken.' jaw, probably a broken
HEMPHILL'S DRUG STOREf nose and several lacerations about
Heasalj Ort, ;l.the forehead. -..
Man Killed •at Brussels
'Noble N. Forbes, 60, Brussels, was
almost ,instantly 'killed when thrown
ham a;wagon.He was working in the
Brussels' cemetery, drawing clay,
chnn the .team ;of horses he waa dri-
ving suddenly bolted , and ran away.
R. Mitcl ell, caretaker of the cemetery
saw ;the horses run away and went to
knk eeeigate. He found Forbes lying an
the ground, but the man was dead
'laefQre ;medical aid arrived. Ile surf
Bated is ,fracture of . the skull. The
body was removed to Ethel.
Fire at Clititnxi<
Fire„ believed. to have started in an
overheated 'stovepipe or a spark from
the lsifrlten fine partially destroyed
tle.s3wa,Jing of Mr. and Mrs. Stew-
art Taylser at Clinton last Sunday.
.The family were away, but neighbors
succeeded in. removing most of the
living -room and - bedroom furniture.
Mr, Taylor :is a C.N.R. sectionman.
.Going on Cruise
vated inclI . A.,J. Walker, Clinton, loft on
,l be converted into a t 1VIrscruise from New `locks to Vtanezu
! .''cauty parlor ,and will .be oeenpjed f ela, South America. Several calls,
{ by i)V1ss MildHackney. will be made at the West•Indies en
1 Mr. Ray Paterson and Howard route. Mips Ames Walker Toronto,'
Hemphill of Teionto were holiday and. M,r. and Mrs. G. Baker of Galt
visstors at their )hpenes here. are. also in bl e I a;ty: :•
Peter 11IcNauglrtirn has .rented iris= feiilled`.by Drlg� cpr'by Werees'? .
tinier Morrison's rllririfse on Queen: st :• Despite the ruling of the lepartni
Alex and Ian EiIsltl0 who are att- cntithat the animals attacking sheep
ending Toronto University were boli- in'Kiriloss Twp. are dogs, not wolves,
day victors at their hone .here. lfiniloss C.oumcil's polity has been to
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren were pay theft' 'sheep; clainae -,which .hen
recent col i'toras with facet -Oe at ]?ort boated 'ever $500 this year and as
Huron. well ,the municipality pays a bounty
Mr. and Mrs. Lester'. 'Frisker and of $0, on each animal shot..
children of Windsor and . 1 : a•.' , To BeeMusical lestrnaitn- -
Palmer and daughter, visited. with At a :recent meeting of the Goder-
theie parents, Illr. and Mrs. Johr1 Fie. ich school' board redf, A. W. Ander
her, ton was appointed,. music cl i, ester ' of
Harold Willard and Llody ]uroe1, the Seib/id .seheol.foi,• the year 1.038-
verevisiters in Detroit.• 29 at a sa'Th y,of $350,' T o is to give;
Mr. and Mrs Frank Moussean se half-hour .period o wee"; in carni
I1 ti17i'nr^et and Wilfred of the 7urir," sits p room and • also to provide a
1'ioo4, enjoyed a pleasant 4,yip to Sea oh**, - M's (healer cOmntence Oct..
"e rt+. �v t
.n t ashen awl :.ifreffoltil, one, day 'li. Ice .s' "doe' e" fi, m tned"
iiuL'e ,uaui alis `i t,. zt,: u e v '
r; rtr t .,
..w � � .. „-'w '� 3"irta•5�'a„y'� ni o-.'i�.,..--1 4.v..n�.a:.wwY
rt at
BLUE MARATHON GAS and OIL Delivered to you the most mddern
way, with a 'WAYNE Computing Pump that 'atrtoinatieally figusee the
amount .ef your purchase. These Pumps are used :in •^ail leading gas
.stations in Canada and U. S. A.
HIGH FRES,SURE"LUBRICATION. Your earlis'ggease'd'•kry attend-
ants that :leave ha;i" the years of practical and 'technical experience in
Detroit. 'We use dthe Iatest model air pressure: grease gun using
seven .different kinds of grease to lubricate your•scar
EXPERT :REP IR111G To all makes of cars :at attractive prices.
Spe•ial Prices on Brakes 'Relined
Car Waa1r 39c. 'Tire 'Repair 25c
Battery and :Tires cludiked and windsh 18 :cleaned 'Free. '..We aini
to please. When in Zurix'h take advantage of our 'modern rest: rooms.
.Zutidlt's `Up-koa..Date Service Seartion ;arta ;t 'axage
'C. Fritz &'Sri Used Car Lot 1u Connettreon
Use Blue _Marathon Gas For ;Better X,VI'ileage
Phone 78
;, fel Iml(I e' iillldVl°VIleragniummemon milk
;1 see fin.
Do You Know?'
You know thoroughly, well that you have power
in your store, to influence the decision of your cus-
tomeis in regard to`what they buy -from you. Your
customers rely on you to give thea products which
in use or consumption, will give them complete
If it is right to use big city dailies and nationaly-
circulated magazines them by the same token,' it is
right to use local weekly newspapers!
I am the Masher Salesman of this Community, and
It • name is
A D V• R T.,i S .E .
4�� lit....,, ( , =f �, "�' � i �::... .
, A,,.L...ir J.Mi.426. diILYIUG4;14 llt!WY$L.'""
Watch For Our Rexall
lc. SALE
Four Big Days!
OCT. 26, 27, 23, 29
Mrs. Abe Huisser s)f Winasor ems,
a visitor with-relratieses here.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Troyer of DAD.'
auto were visitors with .Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Hudson.
Miss Emma Pfaff of 'Qri]1ia is vis-
iting with her brothers, •-r'Vm. and
John Pfaff and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. -rase, Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Cook, :1VIr, and Mrs,
Stewart of Ailsa Craig ;;ere recent
visitors at Lion's Head and Wiarton.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sanster, Mrs.
Jos. Hudson and Roy Weber visited
in ?Detroit a few days.
Miiss Marie Miller and friend and
{ Ross :driller of Windsor, visited with
li'1r. awl Mrs, Chas. Jinirs.
Mr;I,. _P. Fisher and Miss Eleanor
Fisher have shortly for ,'Grarenhurse
where Miss . Fisher has aecep'tted a
position ;,as organist in a United
The rotitee recently vacated lay Mr
andMrs. James Dick are being reno-
Artist Looks to Huron
William Newcombe, young Van-
couver artist, left, for Clinton,Ont,
in the hope he can learn what farm
life is really like. ile thinks he has
an idea for a comic strip, and wants
to get it 'syndicated. One character
is "Heezy" a farm boy. "You've got
to know your character to draw hien"
Newcombe said, He's going to work
on a farm to find out what kind of
;:haractor "Reezy" ought to. be.
Stephen Wedding
Gar Lady of Mt. Carmel church
decorated with autumn 'flowers was
ithe scene of a pretty wedding when
:Rev. Fr. Fogerty united in marriage
Clare Eileen, daughter of Mrs. Jos-
ephine Dietrich and Dennis O'Rourke
son of the late Mr. and• IVI.rs. Michael
O'Rourke, both of Mt. Carmel. The
bride was :accompanied by her sister
Miss Merle Dietrich, while the'groom
was supported by his brother Gerald
O'Rourke. After the ceremony a sum-
ptuous wedding dinner was served at
the home of the bride's mother to the
immedate families by four girl fri-
ends. of the bride: The groom's gift
to the bride was a Bulove wrist watch
in yellow gold, to the bridesmaid a
locket and chain and to the grooms-
; man kid gloves.
At the home of the bride's parents
in. Chatham the marriage was solem-
nized of Miss Eleaw'r McCnbbin B.A.
daughter • of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McCu-
Thversaaay, October 20th, 1938
Maui of Chatham, to Rev. John Be .
Moore, I3.A., pastor of Grace United.
ehureh, London, formerly of Grand
Bend, son .of Dr, and Mrs. Samuel.
Moore, of ,,pronto. Rev. McFarlane
officiated, •assisted by, Rev, W. M. Kit-
ely, of Parkhill. Tise wedding music
was played by Miss Addie 1V.IcCubbin
of Detroit and Miss Helen James
sang. The bride was given in mar-
riage by her father..
Kindersley, Sask. 1938
Mr. C. L. :Smith, Zurich,, Ont.
Dear Editor:
Willyou please send my paper
to Kindersley instead of 1:Ium'bott,
11 am engineer on a thru freight be-
tween here and Dunblane and expect
to be here all winter, so am moving
the family dawn here. We are haul-
ing Turner Valley .QiI which moves
from Calgary to Regina via Kinders-
ley, 35 cars to a train. There are six
trains a week and we take it ane
division 130 miles. I make three trips
a week, 'up one day and back the
next. 2hhis is in thedry belt, but the
crops were fairly good. Don't see
many horses or threshing machines,
its ,all combines and trucks. I hit a
truck at Forgan the second trtip I
made, 1 was making 30 miles an hr.
bell was ringing and I had whistled
for the crossing and a clear view of
the track, yet he drove right in front
of the engine, the truck rolled over
three tinges, but the driver was not
killed, but badly injured. They took
him to the hospital at .Roseto--nand
is getting better. It is hard on a
fellow's nerves as so many will take
chances. Best regards to all.—Alb-
fart Schwalm,
will come to your borne every day through
flra Internariiaeal Daily News,Pr per
it records for you the world's c?can, constructive doings. The Monitor
does not exploit crime or sensation; neither dt.es it ignore thea,
but deals correctively with the rt. Peotures for busy men and all tho
family, including the Weei:iy i5a_g sine ▪ rear
The Christian E uiunce Publishing S e c'y
One, iiortra/ Strcet, Boston: IInts^_Cts
Please enter m9 snirscription io The Chr'siian Selertm Monitor for
a period of
1 sear :i0.00 6 months $5 rt) s month; tau) see- ht.1.^0
Wednesday issue, :nc.t•it.-zg Ma,; nsac �'a :o.r • 1 ,._ .., • ;,), 6 L: c ; 210
Address -
Sc: -:isle rely ars tieTrest
.i!a%Y_ .Y., 1�•.�.iy'c7'.ic�.�.:.'•'YG"'. :. Y
1 atp of milk ..
1!'i cup of flour
1 tablespoon of meetreni
2 cups of graved old -
Bran cbecse
2 tablespoons abutter
faash chopped parsley
Prepare a white sauce with
the Rutter, the flourN,ahs.
iottsrani, ettd the milk; add
the grated cheese, season.
107ipe thefllets with a damp
cloth, Crit M individual:
3:rec'es, cram; each piece with
the dttxsonlbtuse, sprinkle
-with chopped ,Patsiey; ,plate
on well buttered, otren dish,
and cook 2e. minutes in
moderate emea.; Villers of
any other kind of Cpnacfl n -
rish may be mall ;tweed os
.Haddock fillers.
R:R/D1 3s' INES will sparkle when you.:
king, ill an appetizing platter of Fish. Jt's,a..
dish fii' for a king, -with its delicious, palate
pleasing flavour .. yet so inexpensive that
11xu'erilli Ieave:moriey left over for extra meal-
,tts, •
`'tai 'enioy'Canadiatn Fish and Shellfish all.
the -,1mteijouracl over 60 different kinds —
&ask frozen, smoked, dried, canned or pickl-
ed _ -as often as you wish. Many tempting
recipes e• iteaSk fpr you to offer delightful,
Ya.rietynahFatty appetites.
Ptcase'sotd rue your :free hors] let 100' Tcmptcng'
$�SIt capes
CP@etcce, i'tiuC Cttprs • i?istq•• ` F""
hvnY,v+n,u,amyy�4�tNUGM1 , n�W.\w.S.•a\�iW:s+rwti,cwirko'+t�f,�%'