HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-10-13, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE STORE WITH I 'THE STOCK _ CI tiles Ca bri or .Fall an t r 1 } Mr. R. E. MacKenzie of Coppley Noyes anci Ran- da11 will be here nn WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12th. Showing a Complete Rrange of Men's Made to Measure Suits and Overcoats • New Weaves. New Colors. New Patterns. Satisfaction Guaranteed WE INVI I h. YOUR INSPECTION FALL GOODS Let us show you our new Range of Fall and Win- ter Sweaters, Pullovers, Windbreakers, Underwear of all kinds, Sox and Ladies' Wear in new Fall Styles. All at Lowest Possible Prices. J. GASCHO SON PRODUCE WANTED - PHONE 59 1 emg p Road East Concession, Hay, to Mrs. Ernest Geiser, who has had the farm leased for a number of years. Poss- ession will be given November let v^ -, next. ' 0 Huron & Erie Debentures CANADA TRUST GUARANTEED.'.. CERTIFICATES Any Amount.. for.. $100.00.. and over Accepted 3% per annum, half yearly for 1 and 2 Years 3 % per annum.for..3 ,and �4..Years. 31i% per annum for 5 to 10 Years. Free Information From Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Local Representative - Zurich !I ZURICH .HERALD 00010 IIIINII0IIIIIU IIHlliillllil IIIIIIIIIIII II 10010111111111111 101 1101 1111110 11111 I IIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11I 101100100011 uullil 161111$010 ililililt 0,010001 s rep race St uaker Oats (with glassware) per pkg Cookies (Marshmallow) per lb 29c 15c Laundry Soap, unwrapped, • :10 bars 25c Soap ' Chips, 2 lbs. T,.c Tea ( 1 lb. with cup and saucer) for , ..5,9c Cocoa (Cooks Best) per lb. 1.9c Pumpkin pie spice, per pkg, 10c Dates, with pitts, 4 lbs. 25c Menno Oesch EGGS WANTED. - Zurich Phone 165 11111111111111111111101111111111311111 101ililllu111111110Ni11111I111111011111111101111011011N1110111111111111111111I1111111 1111111111111111111111111111111 1111111110 1,71 1 fEMJ OF LOCAL INTEREsT LOCAL MARKETS Miss Alma Uttley was a. holiday (Corrected every Wednesday) 25 visitor in Toronto. Butter, dairy •• • crass Shirley Koehler and Mr.. Don- Butter, creamery -•• • • 27 ald lvianson from Toronto were. week- Eggs • • --I • • • • • • •..... "3'a-25 16 end visitors at their homes here.. pens live 8-13 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oliver of Lon.- jehickens, live .... ... ....._....-._, 12.0-13. don, were week -end visitors at. the ,Wheat, bush. .... ,............... 5& some of Mr. and Mrs. Chas.. Weber- Oats, bush. .... .,....—.a.-- ........ 2,Z' iVir. Joseph ,Oesch who is visiting. Barley, 'bush._ 45, 45, friends here from Biggar Sask., was Buckwheat, bushel .............. 00, 3.0A; a recent visitor with friends in. var-1 Flour, cwt. 2.• . �4~(t0' Bran, ton .................. Shorts, ton .......... ....... MOO Potatoes, 90 -Ib. bag, ...... . 75e sous points in Michigan. Mrs. Bassow and Mrs. T. McAd- ams of the Bronson line attende.ii the Hogs,cwt.- - funeral of Bertha Ewald at Crediton• • • • • • • ' .. last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hoffman„ Mr. and Mrs. L. W. aloffmaax aria Mar- Mr- Egbert Hciideman of Guelph, jorie were recent visitors with Me/114 spent the holiday -with his family' here at Gait and. Kitchener. ` 'Miss. Doreen O'Dwyer, who: is at - Mr. and„Mrs. Elwin•"Dedels a;nd tending Loretta, College at.,S;tratford family of Kitchener" wereholiday spent the week-endat her !mine here visitors at' the' home of Mrs: E .'Dat-: ff Mr, and Mr.. Pearce of B`'llyth calf-• ars, Sr. •i,ed at the home of Mr and' Mrsa. John I .Mrs E. Bender and sen •Edwin. of 1 Brenner last, week , ,. London Were •week -end visitors: at the I, Mrs ': Willi'a.m Spt pcer;,of Milverton home "of Mrs. Lydia Pfile and Mr. is spending this' week visiting with and'M•rs. Garnet Jacobe.. •. • her sister; Mrs. Wm. Trwemner of The 'youngpeople- of Mount Car- the 1.4th ton. mel entertained, Ms: and; Mrs; Dennis i (Miss Rath Turkheim; B• A., of Bedard, Jr.„of Zurich with a, dance jlj ,Hamilton and: Miss Ellen •Turkheim, on Monday night last and , presented i nurses in training tat Stratforei spent them with:a beautiful kitchen cabinetl Thanksgiving holiday with their par- . `Mr.`. arid ` Mrs., • Clarence . Tuscany; ents,' tRev. and Mrs. E.; Turkhe m. 'and 'daughter Cara' Ann and 'MTS. Florence Cork of Mt. Clemens: visited With'Mr..and Mrs:. Elmore Thiel near Herisalii ,. 'tl'e scholars of the various ppb - lc Schools•'dnjoyed'°r€a- few holidays county, highway.lwith a steam tract- or, with flanged wheels, ,preferred a- gainst: M-c,Ewen. Bros., threshermen, Bayfield, was .withdrawn in Magis. trate1VIakins court, .on Thursday aft- ernoon. , at Goderich,. fter the court had adjourned for ..t -We hours, to allow accusedato confer.with the county road commission. Traffic Officer N. Lever, - who preferred the charge, said that accused had paid for' the damage- done and had undertaken not to repeat the offence. In announcing the withdrawl, Crown Attorney Hol- mes explained the act said that it did not mean that in future similar offenders would not be prosecuted, "Quite the contrary,” he added.' Mc- Ewen Bros. also were charged with failure 'to have a permit for their threshing engine. This also was with- drawn on the undertaking of accused to secure a permit forthwith. Given a two -roar susupended sentence last May and ordered to remain away from • Goderich during that period, Marjorie Chatterton, 19, Long Bran- ch, was taken into custody facing a charge of failing to comply with the provisions of the sentence, and she pleaded not guilty and wished to se- cure councel a week later. Fred Lit- tlechild and John Weiss were each convicted of having stolen articles in their possession and remanded for a week. They were allowed to go mean- while on their own bail in order that they might replace five window sash, in a vacant house. Two young boys testified they were assisting Weiss to transform a vacant he house, on Littlechild's property, pito winter sleeping quarters for Weiss, who had been put out of his boarding house. The, boys. also admitted they had gath ered lumber from the railway right of way, said they had been living ir a tent while Weiss occupreu their room, but now that it was getting cold, a shift was necessary. a'C`i rsday, Ortob;r I3tliv lfl8$4 frnftlent 104+1•4++++444.4444.1+++++44044+ '!„'71 •++++++++++++++++ITP •4 4 `TQ m •o-� FALL AND WINTER , REQUIREMENTS W,e Always Carry: 'a Full Line of the • Best 'off W, Shelf and Heavy Staple Hardware c Stoves. Furnaces, and all 'Heating Equipments.' • Let Us 4 Offer You Good Suggestions along this Line. Some Good Used Heaters at Very ReasonableSPriies FURNITURE Always keep a Good Stock of New and the vel'Latest t in Furniture at Very Reasonabl e Prices, quality Con- r siclered. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, -M ttress. s{ Dining Room Suites, Occasional Chairs Rockers; Etc.. YOUR are nd FurnihS E ,„„ re: • • In Police Court • Charge or damaginga newly Iaid 11ast' week, as the teachers were a- way ,attending''Teachersi• Convention; Mir. a:ad Mrs. Oscar' Koenler and family of, finear .,,-y`f en'sall;`-also Miss ,Isabel Mansdn,,'.N"of Detroit, were Thanksgiyinevisitors a,t the home of Mrs: Mary Manson, Goshen line north Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Major and daughter Patsy of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Siebert 'and daughter Ver- ginia of Detroit; Miss Nora -Siebert, moo.R.N•,.of Lansing, Mich; Mr. and Mrs Clare Hoffman and Bobbie of Galt, were Thanksgiving. visitors at the *sa*oaiswai*4i00400000•_•N•00•0000P••01 home. of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert. H Mr. Gordon C. Turnbull has sold A RDW ARE _ SEEDS anti FURNITURE his farm on the Blue Water Highway • b ' art of Lots. 21 and 2'2, Lake j FALL AND WINTER Hardware Needs EQUIPMENT YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? I Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob• - ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over I for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best 1 Advantages. OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Evetroughing and Tinsmithing Our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hardware al- ways on hand. Also a fine display of Furniture, Matt- • resses, Springs, Beds, Etc., in stock. SEEDS! SEEDS! We are in the Market for Good Quality Alsike, Timothy Clover Seeds, Etc. COAL AND COKE Colder Days will soon be here which will demand the most suitable FUEL for Your Heating Equipment, Let us fill your bin while prices are lowest. Tr ZURICH 11I' H - NT. QUALITY PRICE -- SERVICE beautiful not but ,. mar; ii tow Stade an dWeido, Zurich �MaNlarlas*It*s 160041411* ***111 dNl1llM 60 beautiful nature was with it all, t w - Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Ruby of Pon- tiac, Mich., are visiting at the home of the former's brother, Mr. and Mrs William S. Ruby of town. It is some forty-five years since Mr. Ruby went from these parts to Pontiac, and dur- ing all these years he was here in Zurich on few occasions. Messrs. W. H. Edighoffer and Ed. Stire of the 14th con; Mr. Ev. Hoist of Serapto and Mr. D. Schrader of Dashwood left Wednesday for De- troit and other parts of Michigan. Real nice weather is visiting these parts at present. On Tuesday and Wednesday the weather was like mid summer with the mercury going up in the 80's. But this will likely be followed by cooler again. Apple picking time is here these nice days and there seems to be a fairly good supply with the people who have given their orchards atten- tion by spraying and otherwise. The quality of the apples is very good this year and look appetizing. Nature surely is abundant these days that is in scenery with the nice coloring on the falling leaves. In the ,,pring of year when the ti ees come out in green leaf we think it a won- derful si;;ht to behold, but there is no comparison to at the present time with this nese coloring. The other day 1 SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE For the most conservative purchaser, we- have a Large Assortment of Slightly Used Furniture- that wig! give you big vague for the Money, such as: Ilavenport. , Couches, Dressers, Rockers, Other Chairs;, Etc. Be sure and look these own r , e. 4. Johnston 8a Kalbfieisch 4. t Hardware & Furniture. Phone 68 4.44444441•44f++444.i�� 4.4444.41•i•�F•M•>Ft•l+.4.+++44i�44+4d!i 4 •F''�3••k+;++++++•f•3�•i•�II•4444�II••€••II•-II»t••.l.'z�• •4•E�•II••'r•F•.++++4t•k•f••II•->`•P•�•�4•�•i�•II•++ sit TRY E CKEL'S ,_. 'cad `T tt n Tall. 4. also CHOICE VARIETY OF CAKE, , PIES, AND • . SWEET: - GOODS.. . • All . Ingredients Used . are c f t{he Highest Quality , ALL ., CONFECTIONS • x- ICE CREAM K.:, Our Store will be closed each Wednesday Evening Telephone 100 • "Eckel's Bakery Zurich CONE J!� f�7� S we beheld a row of trees with each Louis Schilbe and Son, Zurich one of diff errnt colors or shade, and W. R. Davidson, Hensall l .I enummounseummommommullummummuisllatanatiummullimmomminummounninet THESE PRICES subject to change without Notice Wagon $7.00 and 10.00 ffi Painting Buggy 6.00 and 10.00 Recovering Buggy Top Rerimming Buggy Wheels Set Buggy Shaft Cross Bar Buggy Reach Buggy Spokes each 16.00 and 18.00 12o00 3.00 m. 1.00 1,25 25c IIESS, the Repair Man - 111111111111111111111111u111111111i@I1111U1111Nuful i 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111flI111111N111iINIIIIIINI111N1uuu110111u11u1111111111111111111Niu1tuIIIINIIl1111111111111111111111111111ull111110 NI 13. MASSBY-HARBISIEWS GENUINE :MAI. PARTS work best on M. -H. Im- plernents... Mower and Binder Knives ground while you wait with carbarundum equipment. Guaranteed Batteries at $4.49 1 % year battery guarantee 6.85 2 year battery guarantee 17 -plate 7.95 Guaranteed 440-21 tires at 5.85 Visit the East End Service Station for City Serv- ice at Zurich prices. Cars and trucks properly greased with latest hydralic equipment. GAS OIL AND GREASE Tel. Shop 149 O. KLOPP & SONS Res. 67 East and West End SERVICE STATIONS