HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-10-13, Page 4►+ .,. ZURICH HERALD
Thuesdfaye Ontaber L.3th, 1938,
Don't forget the big .fowl supper
text Varna on Thursday evening, Oct-
sober 13th,
Mr, Chas. Godbolt of Exeter sang
t'wo very effective solos at Varna
:Anniversary service on Sunday morn
a'rng, he also visited with tt.•rends in
this vicinity on Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Allan Keys of Western Uni-
versity, Londe' spent the holiday M
. 'his home on Babylon line.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred When of Tor-
onto, spent Thanksgivi:ngewith the
fat+ter's slater, Mrs.' Robert E. Robin-
son. and family.
Miss Isabel Robinson of Toronto
Bible College, spent the week -enol
'with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Another Stanley boy has passed a-
' vay in the person of Mr. R. J. Beatty
Egmondville. The late Mr. Beatty
bag been a resident of Egmondville
'for nearly forty years, but as a boy
'will be remembered in Varna cornmun
arty and was a brother of Mr. George
I13eatty, Sr. The sympathy of the
a community goes to his bereft daugh-
ter, Mrs. Brodie of Toronto,
Vfr. and Mrs. Allan Armstrong,
bridal couple, have returned from
their honeymoon trip and settled on
the farm on Goshen Line. Their
many friends extend to them
g'ratulations and best wishes.
con -
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
IVliss Lucille Jeffrey of Beaver
Town, left on Sunday last to spend
a few weeks visiting friends and re-
latives in Detroit mai Windsor.
Mx. Napoleon Ducharme of Pointe
Aux Bouleaux with shortly leave for
Brescia Hall, London, where he has
secured a position for theswinter.
Mrs. Charles Lafromboise and son
Clarence of Reviere Aux Canard sp-
ent the week -end in this vicinity.
Mr. Leonard i)enenune and Mrs,
Rachael Denomine left for Windsor
on Monday to spend a few days.
Mr. Frank Jeffrey of Beaver Town
left for Chatham and Windsor on
Monday last to epend a few weeks
with his children,
Mr. N, A. Cantin who had charge
of the completion of the Blue Water
Highway in the Kincardine district,
has completed his work and has re-
turned to his 'home in St. Joseph,
Mr. and Mrs. Mourice Masse and
daughter spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. John Rau north of. Drysdale.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph'' Bedard. of
Pointe Aux Bouleaux were Sunday
visitors with 'Mr. and wits. Gilbert,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Denomme of.
Chatham and Mr. Philip Bedard and
Miss Gertie Jeffrey of Tilbury are
spending Thanksgiving with their re-
latives in this neighborhood,
Mr. and Mrs. Exias Charrette of
Detroit spent the week -end with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Charrette.
of the Blue Water south.
Mrs. N. A. Cantin of St. Joseph,
spent Sunday with Mr, and .Mrs.
Dennis Charrette,
Mr. Vincent Jeffrey of Detroit,
spent a few days in Beaver Town.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dale of London,
Mrs. Minnie Little of Hensall, spent
Sunday with Mrs. George Koch.
Mr. and Mrs. William Miller and
son and Mrs. Jas. Smith and daughter
of Windsor, visited with Mr. Jonas
Hartleib and Lavade last week.
Mrs. May of Kitchener spent the
week -end with her sister, Mrs., Sam
Mrs. Jane Guenther and Grace of
Kitchener spent the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Guenther.
Use tnside,andL:C.utside on Wood and Cement
Johnston and KalWleisch
BLUE NIARA."I`HOTN'GA•S•and OIL Delivered to you the most modern
way, with a :W YNE -Computing Pump that automatically figuses the
amount of your purchase. These Pumps are used in all leading gas
Stations 'in(Canada and U. S. A.
HIGH PRESS1!tRE':LJJBRICATION. Your car is greased by attend-
ants that have five years of practical and technical experience in
Detroit. We use the latest model air pressure grease gun using
seven dil trent:Rinds :ofgrease to lubricate your car
EXPERT ;RUA-MING To all makes of cars at attractive prices.
peCiai'Pzicesoern Brakes Refined
Car Wash 39c. Tire Repair 25c
Battery and Tires -checked and Windshield cleaned Free. We ' aim
to please. When in -Zurich ;take advantage of our modern rest rooms.
Zurich's 'Up tto-Date Service Station and Garage
.C. Fritz- & Son Used Car Lot in Connection
Use lam .Maral339.11 Gas For Better Mileage
it Iql II1 III
IIJll Bili 1S1 t UI1
1111111 e111IH 111 111 IIIIIIBdar,nisr 10111 1
111111111 .111
1111 1111111111
Do You Ki w?
II 1111111111IIU III
Mr... ME .��ri.
You, know thorltughly''wel3 .that you, have . - ow r
in your store, to influence the decision of your cur,
tomer, in regard to'what they
. cut batty' frtsrri you. Your
swhich r.
�tners rely.o.>t�,you to,.gve,' champ pYcxdu;�t$ whxc�-_
l •,
in use or consumption, will give them complete
If it is right to use big city dailies and nationals.'
circulated magazines then, by the same token, it is
right to use local weekly newspapers!
1 ani the Master Salesman of this Col mY uity, and
my name is
.A ) V E R T! S'E
! � p"r m' llm•1"rn", ernerolPr' em 'tl", m' •� ; •.,,�, r,
E rgn mr,rj'I r. , flP�l;.i,:.'g,nl!'u�r,�'n,tl; li(.,�I.1?lt w sib,
It 111111
Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Oestreicher
and Mr. and Mrs, Vernon Shatz
spent the week -end on a motor trip
up north to Callander.
Mrs. Brothers Maxine, Bill and
Doris called on Mr. and Mrs. Robt,
Hayter on Thanksgiving Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zimmer, Mr
and Mrs. Rollins and Miss Grace
Hayer of Windsor called on relatives
here on Thanksgiving Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Gambrill of London,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Pedersen
on Monday. •
Mrs. Hooper of Ex,eter and dauglet-
Or M's. 'Petzold of Florida are visit=
ing with. Mr, and Mrs. E. R. Guen-
Miss Myrta Taylor and brother
Jack of :London, spent the holiday
''wi th Dr. and Mrs. Taylor. '
Week -end visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Rolbt. Hayter were: Miss Rets
Hayiter•, Miss Lottie Drouillard and
Mr. Joe Bruce of Windsor;. Mrs.
Bruce who spent the past three we-
eks with her parents returned with
Mrs. John Bender is quite ill at
A Happy Gathering
The home of Mr, and Mrs. Henry
Becker -Sr., on the Bronson line, was
the scene of a happy gathering of
about forty relatives on Sunday, it
being the occasion of the tenth wed-
ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. R.
J. Echstein of Kitchener. The latter
was formerly Miss Martha Becker.
The birthdays of her father, Henry
Becker, Sr., and her brother, Ottot
Becker were also celebrated. The
guests were entertained at supper,
the table being attractively arranged,
with a wedding cake and two birthday
cakes. The guests included 1Vl:r. and
Mrs. E. Brandt, Mr." and Mrs. Fred•
Ten Eyck, and families of Kitchener.
Mrs. George Gram recently attend-
ed the funeral of a sister in Detroit.
Mrs. Russell Love of Kincardine
is visiting at the home of her parents
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McDonald.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pfaff and dau-
ghter of Delhi rwere visitors with Mrs
Alice Pfaff.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hodson of Dur-
ham were recent visitors with relati-
John Baker of Zurich was visiting
Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. Robt.'
Mildred Scruton has resigned her
position as bookkeeper az ��ickle's
mill, a position that she has success-
fully filled for a number of years.Mss
Gladys McKenzie is at present taking'
her place. 'r
Mervyn ;Schwalm :of Stratford sp-
ent a few days here visiting his par-
ents, Mr. and' Mrs. Peter Schwalm:
Mrs. J. W. 73onkhron hats returned
to her home here after spending the
summer at their :summer home at
Guand Ben& • •
• Ray Paterson has returned to Tor-
onto to resume' his'pesitien after sp-
ending his' holidays here 'wan his
T. parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Rdbt. "Paterson
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hudson of Holl-
ywood, Cal., and Mr. and Mrs. Robt
Hudson of Winfield, Kansas, were
visiting with Mrs. Logan and Mr. and
Mrs. Wilson Carlile
Mr .and ,Mrs. J. R. Chapman of
Hamilton were visiting with the for
mer's sisters, Mrs. Ronnie and Mrs.
D. Cantelon.
Nurse Hattie McQueen has return -
en to Albany, N.Y., -where she is a
night supervisor in a large hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Alf Clak and child-
ren and Miss Florence Welsh visited
with Ingersoll friends.
Miss Hattie McQueen, R. N., of
Albany, N. Y., is visiting here With
her uncle, A. Ryckman, her brother,
Ed. McQueen and sister, Mrs. Geo.,:
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Devlin of Str-`
atford were . visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Roy McLaren.
Dorothy Drummond of St. Marys,
was called on friends in town and at-
tended the 'reception tendered Miss
Mildred 'McDonald' •
Mr. George Brock has been on the
sick list.'
Mr. and Mit:' Arnold Bell of Ham-
ilton were •visitors* Ninth his mother
Mrs. Bertha Bell.
Mr. and Mrs. David Smith and
daughter Barbara Jean of Detroit sp
ent a week -end in 'Hensall with relati-
ves and friends. When a young man
he resided in Hensall for several ye-
ars and he enjoyes his occasional vis-
its back•, to• Hensall. They also visited
with re'lati'ves in• Brucefield, Stanley
Tp. and Clinton. •
• Visitor Fractures Iiip
,,zM�tl Peace,, of,;igtFhell; while Isis-
. ipg,aat, the•, ]dome of, -her uepliew,v C.
7 loves, principal y of ellensall • pu,lf'iie
;School,„ hed•,,the isi3o, j niers while cam.
ing out; on e,.v randah rte
''s ��, , ; ...lip ;off',:
p,}actuiangertjp, Sol
oved, toe.ott Merp
ior'th, whea'e she wi•Il• have
osto re, maSeaavins-
fo ra few weeks. Mrs. Pearce is a ,sis-
ter of 'Mrs. A. J. Bldwes, of iMtchell
who was with her on a short -"visit.
His hand badly crushed in si fee;'
utter, Donald Water., age 27, o,
i'nrl'hill. was tense' to London Hos.
Intal. So badly lacesatod was the
o .I
.hat th .a) „eel nen. fill
R.T�l�ll��,�d to be amputated
d .
Old Dolly Dies
Wingham—Dolly, popularly sup
posed to be the oldest horse in
North America, died on Friday,
she was in her 42nd year and for
the past 31 years had eten driven
nearly every day by her crippled
owner, Walter 'Carruthers, of Tur-
nberry Twp. His home is three
~riles from Wingham.
Horse Stunk by Wasps
3 yr. old horse belonging to H.
Gooier, a farmer of the Base Line
Hullett, got its head into a nest
of warps while out on pasture.
The head is swollen twice its size,
the eyes are 'swollen shut,.and its
mouth is four times its size. The
horse hasn't eaten since it was
stung and is in a serious condit-,
Roof of Mouth Lacerated
While Evelyn Thompson, 4 yr.
old daughter of Mr .and Mrs. Do-
uglas Thompson, Exeter, was play
ing with a stick in her mouth she
accidently fell and the stick scr-
aped the roof of her mouth lacer-
ating it badly. The stick was a
piece of bamboo about a foot and
a half long.
Continues Research At Harvard
Dr. Hugh Creech and wife, Dr.
Marie Creech, of Exeter, who• for
the past six weeks have been-hoili-•
daying on the French River inthe
Georgian Bay district, were visit-
ing with the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Creed, Exet-
et. Dr. and Mrs. Creech Left for
Harvard University, Cambridge.,
Mass., where they win conrrnue
their research work on cancer.
Trailer Upset by Frisky Cow
Brussels A frisky cow, was
responsible for a head injury suff-
ered by Wilbur Fisher, Grey Twp.
Fisher was standing in the trailer
in which the cow was being • moved
The animal jumped, upset the tra-
iler and throwing Fischer head
first. Upper part of the trailer was
wrecked. Cause of all the trouble,
the cow, escaped injury.
A Feiner Is Injured
While painting on the roof of
John :Sanderson's barn at rrlyth,
Ernest Lee, painter, of Londes-
boro, lost his footing and fell to
the ground from a height of GO
feet. He is in Clinton Hospital in
a critical condition with fractured
pelvis, arm and elbow and seri-
ous internal injuries. He was tak-
en to the haspital for treatment.
Called To The Bar
H. Glenn Hays of Seaforth was
formally called to the Bar of Ont-
ario before Hon. Justice Riddell at
Osgood Hall, Toronto, on the call of
Bencher R. C. Hays, K.C. He is now
associated with Patrick D. McConnell
in the firm of McConnell & Hays, Sea
forth. H. Glenn Hays is the fifith; me,
aber of the Hays family to practice
law in Huron 'county.
A pretty wedding took place on
Sept. 15, at noon at the home of Rev
Capt. Ed. Weston, who performed
the •ceremony of Mona Ross •McGre-
ear, Seaforth; datighter'of the late
Mr. and Mrs: James McGregor, .of
Xippen, 'and John C. ,Crich, son of
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Crich of Seaforth
Following luncheon at the Old bull
dr. and Mrs.Crich left on a ho.ney-
enOon trip to Quebec.
Horse Takes Master's Lip
:James Taut of Wallace, an em-
ployee of the Opfer Dairy, Listowel,
had a painful experience when the
horse he was hitching prior to com-
ing to town decided that it wanted a
bite of the pear its owner was eating
However, not being a dainty animal
with delicate manners, the horse gra=
bbed at the pear poised at Taut's
mouth and removed the man's .tower
lisp 'with the fruilt. 18 stitches were
required at the hospital to close the
The New Moderator.
The Huron Preabytern of the Pres-
byterian 'Church met recently in the
33aptist Church, at Auburn with Rev
W.. A. Young of Hensall 'as moderat-
or and Rev. Hill of Exeter as clerk.
Andrew McKenzie of Brucerterd was
certified to Knox College, Toronto, as
a candidate for the'ntinistry. Rev. H.
Jack of Seaforth and Fred' V4'err of
Goderj-ch led in prayer,' praying that
the , divine blessing rest on Mr. *-
Kenzie in his work. Rev. Gordon Ped -
,:lie, of 'Clinton was appointed moder-
ator for the conning year. •
Ditches Car to Avoid' Deer
Eric Cox, a commercial travelIey of
Wingham, narrowly escaped injury as
the result of a deer ion the road. He
was travelling down a concession ad.
in E. Wawanosh at a fair rate of
speed when the animal jumped from
the bushes, along the side of the
road,- slipping into the ditch. The
deer escaped unharmed but the car
was damaged. !by thy,, plunge into the-
rlrt� j arnners' are 1 eprortingh•sinore'
anli'entoz `'dedr'in the vicinity' around
Wrngh'am •F �
A s, udy class rr„ +'ren.cIar is kGngt
cl a..
S to -
rda '
.a� •
�' xeter school, "' This is . the
:. Part of the
.,xtension Course of ;Western Uui-
The HuroneBruce Oil Company have
awarded a contract for drilling on
':he Howard Trewartha farm to
Gregory and Son of Petrolia. Work
to start very soon.
Elbow le ,loca. erl
Albert Btherington, o; Cshorr;
while cutting corn got 'hie right arm
caught in the eorn binder and the
w_ u1 r✓ a,.,a J.6.:G u tx6:..
was given medical attention where it
was found that he had suffered a
small fracture in addition to the dis-
location. Some corn had got clogged
in the binder and. he endeavored t o
release it when the accident happen-
Was Badly Burned
James Strachan, Goderich was .sev-
erely burned at the powerhouse when
he fell among some live electric wires
that were highly charged. As it was;
his arms and shoulders are badly
burned and he will be laid off work
for weeks. Lights and electrical ap-
pliances ,all over town were cut .off:
temporarily by the accident.
• Stephen Resident Passes
Nelson Baker, a life-long resident
of Stephen ,Twp. passed away at the
'age of 67 years, 4 mons. and 21 days
He had a heart ailment and was con-
fined to bed for ten days.. Was a man
of genial disposition and beloved by
all who knew him. For 16 years he
was a member of the Board of Stew-
ards of Centralia United church and
for the past few years was a volt
efficient chairman, and is survived' by
his widow and a son.
The Council of the Township of
Stephen met in the Town Hall, Cred-
iton, on Sept. 6th at 1 p.m. All
members present. The minutes of the
previous meeting were read awed ad-
The following correspondence was
read and filed: 1. from the Work-
men's Compensation Bound relative
to contract award to E: Faliner re:
Hustan's Pit; also a letter from the..
said Board with regard to the Twp's'
liabiIity to its emplayees in: case of
an accnden while engaged in work for
the Municipality. 2 From the Dept.
of Public Welfare regarding re-rng-
istration of persons receiving assist-
ssistance from and after Sept 1st. 3 -
From the Exeter Rural Office of the
Hydro Electric Power Commission.
asking the Twp. to confirm the cancel
Iation of contract *111a' George
Baynham Sr.,, Centralia:
Motion, that by-law- 525 to reap- ,
point Stewart Webb eonstaii'Te fox
one year without remuneration, have;
ing been read three times be passed'
and signed. Motion, -that By-law No
526 to levy the 1938' taxes having
been read three times be passed and,
signed. Motion, that &tie- Council
confirms the authorization of the Hy-
dro Electric Power Com. to cancel
contract *1110, Geo. Baynham Sr: '
Motion, that the contract for loading
gravel and hauling same an road's in
Township from Huston's pit be awe
aided to Leslie IreIanand Ed. Lip-
at a price of 8c a yd. for load-
oading and 7c a yard mile for liaulin -
and that the Reeve and Clerk Be
authorized ton sign the Agreements on
behalf of the Municipality:
Russell Finkbeiner having tenderedr
his resignation as Road' Foreman- of
Road No. 8, Jos. G. Finniieiiter• was
appointed in his place..
Eland acceanata to the amount of"'
1$G+G."a,$:# were passed and the tallow -
ling orders~ 'W. Xleinstiver equalize
ing of Union ,sbi ols ,$2'1; Hydro •ascot•
:unt 10.47; S.S. No, 5 floor oil for
!town hall 3.50; Cank of Corn., cash-
ing road cheques •.95; Herb Hartman
conveyance or removal of McPhee
to hospital i$4;; Geo. I+3ilber making
tile 102; J Ziler burying dog $1; P.
Eiserebach . gravel and hlg. of Twp.
yard $9; Leslie Ireland, gravel and
hlg for Twp ;yard $3; H. K. Ellber.,
part salary as Clerk and Treasurer,
$125; E. Willett, acct as weed insp-
ector $19 E. K. Fahreeteie grocery
supplies to C. Merrier $22; Foist Bra
ditto 3.666; Co. Treasurer Hospital
account re Mr s. W. Appleton 9.60
The Council adjourned to meet
again in the 'Town Hall, Crediton, on
Monday the 3rd of October at 1 o'-
clock pan.
Herbert K..Eilber, Twp. Clerk.
Wingkana police are proud of their
record. A search of the records re-
veals that Winghasn has never had a
serious or fatal auto accident during
the past 31 years. 30 years ago the
police were asked to join in a petit-
ion to have autos ruled from the str-
eets on certain days, owing to the
fact that they were scaring the hor-
ses. However the police remained
from joining in the petition. '
Plans to improve and make practi-
cal •daily use of Sky Harbor Airport.
at Goderich with the big meet Aug. 1
:are going ahead. All runways have
now been widened to 200 feet and
they total V,000 feet in length. Trees
have been eat down. and the hanger
painted red and white. There is scar-
cely a day but what the airport has
one or more visiting planes and bus-
iness men in Toronto and Detroit are -
beginning to use the facilities offer-
ed. A class has been opened in com-
mercial and private flying and the
number of students is growing daily.
Exeter Lions concluded on Friday
night a two-day frolic, which over-
ver1.500 attended on the closing night.
The club wilt have a handsome bal-
ance to furthe.'- the work for children
specially those with defective vision.
The winner of the draw for tickets
'farrated by merchants was won by
Robby Pryde, and the young boy
thorn eie Shetland pony. The grand
mice an 14200 was- - won by Gerald
Meiir, rcrr, of ii' eter. The •radio went
-1- warner Tatckey ore London, and the
electric cr^"ner to Sta leo Nichols,of
•Seaforib - l r. •Cr'rlwep ^f . Bi ucearleld
won the dinner r-'; • • s,ilaxold Cook
ar Hensall, gent„ the electric clock_
Milton Russell, Exeter, won a seven -
piece set of enamelware; J. ;3. Daw-
awson, of Exeter, razor and Mrs. A
Daradn, Hensall, blankets.
Silhouettes against the *unset make striking snapshots:` -
SUMMER'S gorgeous sunsets are eases, a more striking result will bill
JJ splendid anopultQt tnraJ, apt ab h ,it you place a color inter'
sunset - �,r-..
pictures are easy to faki,': 6vbr tlis camera lent ,M! ea.� ter•
whether you have a simple bol[ caaF.; brightetgls,its id �;a co1dia;Ti ld't'�•da xis -
era or a Iii h -grade folding Camera ens its opposite or compleinentar
=''wath`ultra-,ast reu t ` x coiors '.' $ e
;:Chttkminl`!![hetx.:'iu •doubtx?,1R'iti�,.pt orb
g silhouettes of persona ,picture"w tithe filterstfid"ons with-
can be Triad() with the ;sunset as a :oat.. A SeraeeleL worth r
background; and sunset shots across shot or tire.
' ' " ' t Ah an extra
la a or•
.. t vex _ ., -
.., . X ne„ with rellectto 'Eitheir•,iOrotman , typal qr pagohro-•
are remarkably beautiful The effect ,' astatic 'iilln is excellent for
of a •sunset is heightened 1»' a good pictures. Short exposures are desir-
foreground, such as a "frame' of able. in. order to subdue •detail in the.
trees or overhanging leafy branches. ! foreground- It yours is a box camera,.
la the country, try shooting the sun- whichhasa choice of lens openings,,
set with a piece of farm ~machinery ; 'use the smaller -opening. With rapid--'
silhouetted against it. A plowing, lens cameras, try an exposure of f.1G;
scene, with straining horses sill4• on, ; at 1/50 or 1/100 second. If the sunset:
ettedesuccessfagainst the sunset sky, rnat.kes' re quite bright, and you are shooting;
ul snalrshrrtr across water, you inay use an open:
One of the most important points, nen as small as t.22.
in picturing. sun'seta is to o'irtain a Watelt the sunsets --keep your
strong, vigorous cloud effect, slaw ; camera loaded ready for .action---
clouds are often better than a riot and you •willadd many a charming
or' le 71" '1"o10r, at Teseet fee "'noels. "p',reshot to' our
-acute �plet urs purposes, :tit rna,:ny;i too Y u. ollertion
John van C1rriltler: