HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-10-13, Page 3Sunday School Lesson LESSON W REVERENCE FOR GOD Exodus 20:7; Matthew 5;33-37; 12: 33-37. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time.—The Ten Commandet,ts were given 1498 B.C. The Sermon on the Mount was uttered by our Lord in the summer of A.D. 28, and the incident recorded at Capernauln iu the autumn of the same year. Place.—'Phe Ten Commandments were given on Mount Sinai, It is not known on what mountain in Palestine our Lord delivered his great sermon. Capernaum is locat- ed at the northern end of the Sea of Galilee. 7. Thou shalt not take the name of Jehovah thy God in vain; for Je- hovah will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. The Third Commandment continues to dwell upon the sacredness of the relationship that should exist be- tween God and man, but in this par- ticular case deals exclusively with man's speech, 'declaring that he should not take the name ot the Lord bis God in vain. The Hebrew word here translated "in vain" means, literally, "to make use df for any idle, frivolous, or in- sincere purpose." Thus, God's name is not to be desecrated either by false swearing or by being used dis- respectfully for any other frivolous or idle purpose, as in cursing or reviling, or to support false preteu- Bions of being able to use magic or divination, or to predict the future. Another way by which men can use the name of the Lord irrever- ently is by insincerity of life, by hypocrisy, by pretending one thing with the words that they utter, when int reality, they are determine ed. to live a life entirely contrary to what their words would indicate. Christ's Interpretations Matt. 5:33-37. 33. Again, ye have heard that it was said to them of old time, Thou shalt not forswear thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord. thine oaths: 34. but I say un- to you, Swear not at all: neither by the heaven, for it is the throne of God; 35. nor by the earth, for it is the footstool of his feet; nor by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. 36. Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, for thou must not make one hair white or black. 37. But let your speech be, Yea, . yea; Nay, nay; and whatsoever is more than these is of the evil one. The Jewish people of our Lord's day were taught "that only oaths need be kept, and not all of them, only certain forms of swearing were binding. Christ says that such distinctions are iniquitous. All oaths are binding, but , io oaths ought to be used, because a man's word ought to be enough. LIFE'S LkcE THAT To Administer Four'Power Terms Hobby. Source Of Pleasure May Cost Little or Much, But It's Always Fun Before embarking on a new hobby it is necessary to have some preliminary information some- thing of the character of the craft, the initial cost of the equipment, good books of instruction, other Methods of learning, practical uses, and outlets for sales. No one craft is suitable for every woman. An older woman with consecutive hours of freedom could study a craft such as cabin- etmaking at a studio, while a very busy young mother might weave in the evening. Some hobbies such as photography, wood -work, and sketching, a husband and wife can share; others are exclusively feminine. Some cost little or noth- ing; some can be worked at for 10 minutes and then dropped; and some can be entirely self -taus Having a Craft There is nothing new to be said about the pleasures of having a real hobby, -but most people do not realize how constructive these pleasures are or how they enrich every aspect of the hobbyist's life. The instinct for sound craftsman- ship, -carries over into humdrum daily duties; studios, workshops, exhibitions, libraries, museums all suddenly develop to deep and lively interest; and best of all there is a generous welcome from the fascinating, international, and historical brotherhood of fellow craftsmen. Here are four members of the five -man international commission appointed by the conferees at the Munich conference to arrange the program for the pacific uation of settlemen.tceded of thetGerman-Cz ch probleitories and to m accordrsee - ing France Germany and Italy at theto the terms agreed uponre Britain, , TOP RIGHT, the meeting that saved Europe from another bloodbath. TOP LEFT is Andre grancois-Poncet, French. ambassador to Germany; Baron Lrt L,EFT,zsDr. Bernardo Attol co, Italianof state fthe aa ambassador toforeign G, r - office; LOWER, Gant'; LOWER RIGHT, Sir eHenderson, British ambassador Germany, fifth member of the commission is DrVojehMastny Czechoslovak minister to Germany. He will have a full vote on com- mission questions affecting his country. When our Lord said that to swear by an oath was something that came "of evil," he either meant that the oath was neceasary be- cause of the tendency to lie in the hearts of men, and therefore in it- self witnessed to man's mistrust of men, or as often is the case, our Lord would indicate that many oaths are uttered to support or con- firm what the one so speaking knows to be a lie, and thereby the sin of the falsehood is multiplied, the heart ot the one speaking the falsehood is the blacker, and evil itself thereby is multiplied in that person's heart. Matt. 12:33-37. Our Lord, previ- ous to speaking the words which are assigned to our lesson, had cast out a'deraon from one who was brought to him suffering blindness and dumbness, as well as this evil possession. 33. Either make the tree good, and its fruit good; or make the tree corrupt, and its fruit corrupt; for the tree is known by its fruit. 34, By Fred Neher 0.9yyri¢ht, 1036, byOLT see, "'Women first? a. ,what. do you think this is, a shipwreck?" POP ---A Musical Ghost THAT TUNE SIMPLY HAUNTS Ye offspring of vipers, how Can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. 35. The good man out of his good treasure bring- eth forth good things; and the evil man out of his evil eth forth evil things treasure Seealso Mat. 7:16-20; Luke 6:45. The fruit that is borne is determined by the na- ture of the tree. Words are pro- ducts. If a man's life is evil at the center, you can expect nothing else but evil words as the fruit of that life. If a man is soundly good, his words will be soundly wholesome and true. There is nothing which we need more these days than the oultiva- tion of noble thinking, and the stor- ing in our hearts of vast treasures of the finest things in life and lit- erature, a purpose that will lead us to observe the beautiful and to hate the ugly. 36. And rsay unto you, that every idle word that Hien shall speak, they shall give account thereof In the day of judgment. 37. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be con- demned. An "idle" word is simply an ineffectual word or an insipid word, "an index of thoughtlessness, if not of malice." Idle or wicked words are but the expression of a man's character, and as such will form a basis for judgment in the last day, when the things done 5In the body will be judged. (2 10). _._.Are You Listening? BY FREDDIE TEE By FREDDIE TEE "1R. CHRISTIAN" Rosemary DeCamp, lovely young screen starlet, will again play the role of "Judy Price," secretary to a kindly country' doctor, when the dramatic serial, "Dr. Christian," starring Jean Hersholt resumes on tbo Columbia network Tuesday, Oc- tober 18. (WABC-OBS, 10.00 to 10,30 p.m., ESTI. A college gradu- ate. Miss DeCamp decided on a mo- vie career before ever considering radio. and was chosen for a part in the ''Dr. Christian" series from numerous applicants. She is athletic, enjoys horseback riding and swimming, and has danced professionally since a -child. 7,204 New Autos Bought In August Sales of new motor vehicles in Canada during August totalled 7,204 units at $8,018,020, com- pared with 9,074 at $9,521,833 in August, 1937, the Dominion Bur- eau of Statistics reports. Sales for the first eight months of 1938 numbered 92,085, retailing for $102,352,967, against 115,998 at $117,947,293 in the 1937 period. More Ontario Horses Raised TORONTO. -- Horse breeding in Ontario has been more active in 1938 than in any season since 1920 and for the first time Percheron stallions available for public service exceeds Clydesdales, the Ontario Stallion Enrolment Board .announced. Percheron stallions total 640 and Clydes 601. Middlesex coun- ty leads in the number of stal- lions enrolled, 100, and Huron County is second with 72. Bruce h2 as 66 and Perth Total enrolments Gnemb 1,583 against 1,500 last year. Worthiness by Order Only those foreigners are to be allowed to stay in Germany "whose personality and occupation guarantees ,that they are worthy of German hospitality," Rosemary DeCamp JACK BENNV PLAYED HIMSELF Jacic Benny, popular comedian, played himself during a dramatiza- tion of the spooky comedy, "Seven eys to Baldpate" "`" which was pre- sented by the "Lux Radio The- ater" over the Columbia network Monday, Septem- ber 26 (WABC- CBS, 9.00 to 10,00 p.m., EST). Mary Livingston (Mrs. Jack Benny) as well as Cecil B. DeMille, the pro- gram's producer also played them- selves fn a new version of this old play. Jack Benny 1 NEWEST RADIOS 'rhe 1930 DeForest Crasley Auto- matic Radios offer many new and especially convenient features for women. Due to the accuz'acY of response from powerful stations, by just the simple press of a .button, one is assured of perfect "On Sta- tion" resonance without distortion. Besides the "No -Stoop„ Sloping console tuning panel which DeFor- est Crosley originated, the five short-wave bands are spread out— each 0" epti on wide—so atforeign as simple to tune as standard broadcast stations. GABRIEL HEATTER OF "WE, THE PEOPLE" When a South Sea Island out- rigger canoe was launched in the Isle of Wright a coconut was broken over its bow. Baseball Star s9 HORIZONTAL 1 Charlie ---- professional baseball player. 9 Writer's mark. 13 Pedal digit. 14 Weird. 16 Accomplished. 17 Shoe bottom. 18 Odor. 19 Thought. 21 Everlasting, 23 Harkens. 26 Musical note. *Ignores. 30 White poplar. 34 Misanthrope. 35 Sword. 36 Dogmas. 38 Eye socket. 39 Sound of inquiry. 40 Separates. 45'o answer. 50 Rodent. 51 To chane a gem setting. Answc to Previous Puzzle MINIM E 1"rl► Q®no �o©o BUMo#% mammon ©© A T ,:�L�IG ©[?� r To E 5 ta®ilo w R Maim acMion mmammoluonmomm Du©'0 `�r<©C�J®`a' S puss ©r.: ©©p- JOACKSIMIN1vao UNE JEAN BATTEN 54 He plays second 55 Small memorial. 56 Fissure., 58 Vigor. 59 He is a left- handed VERTICAL 2 Kind of stiff collar. 53 Striped fabric, 3 To contain. 4 Roll of film. 5 Headlands. 6 Opals. 7 Before. 8 Streamlet. 10 Entrance, 11 To drive. 12 Paradise. 15 Biblical prophet, 17,He was — as the most valuable i player in his league. 20 Declared, 22 Built. 24 Winter and fall. 27 'Lixivium. 28 Wayside hotel, 29 To perish. 31 Tribunal. 32 To recede. 33 Rumanian coins. 37 White wine. 41 Persia. 42 Flower holder, 43 Passage. 44 To observe, 45 Portuguese coin. 46 To engrave with acid. 47 Portion. 48 Death notice. 49 Title. 52 Sneaky. 54'To exist. 57 Measure of area. Gabriel Heatter, crack newspa- perman and veteran radio commen- tator got in some last moments of relaxation before the start of Itis busiest radio season which began when his fatuous "We, The People" programs made their 81 89t for over the Colum- bia network on Tuesday, Septem- ber 27. (WABC- CBS, 9.00 to 9.30 p.m., BST). Two years ago when "We The People" was first "aired" and won the aw- ard as being "the outstanding idea show of 1936," ITeatter substitut- e«.. ed as its host and commentator dur- ing Phillip Lord's vacation. Last season`he was its regular "master - of -ceremonies. So this really marks his third year with the popular show. WIELLV VoU ,MURDI, R ci tali syadtento, inr.3 By J. MILLAR WATT Gabriel H eatte r A Strean-kl. ned Rural Mail Box Would Be Better Than the Type The Carriers in Ontario Have To Deal With, Says the Sea - forth Expositor. The average rural mail box is a good deal easier for the patron to handle than it is for the rural mail courier, says the Seaforth Ex- positor. There are some perIeet ones, of course, but we are talking about the average, and the door on the average mail box is some- thing that won't stay shut; that won't stay open; that breaks off; that sticks, and that always squeaks. That does not bother the man who is getting his mail. He only has one box to open. 'With the courier, however, it is something else. He has several miles of them to open and close, and in wet and wintry weather that is some job when he has to use a different technique on almost every box. No Door At All Apparently the rural mail cour- iers across the line have experi- enced similar troubles with the boxes of their patrons iButt l.n now they are going to At least, we notice the other day that at the thirty-fifth annual conven- tion of the United States Sural mail couriers, that body passed a very considered judment upon a new streamlined mail box, and the Post Offiee Department is likely to give its approval. The new streamlined snail box has no door at all. Nothing to op- en or close, or stick, or ant•tiniag else. All the mail man has to cis is to press a $neer on the rear of the box and the entire cover swings up and back. Simple and easy; isn't it? We, in Canada, are living in a pretty fast no, go the next thing we know we will be streamlining oi.r rural mail boxes too. Launch New Navel Unit In 'ache Hex{I.r.S. Nootka slid into the water alongside the Esciuirl:lt plant of Yarrow, Limited, Victoria, B.C., last week, the fourth Cana- dian vessel to be launched this year. Just before the little lni::e sweeper was launched, Mrs Eels Bomber, wife of :British Cl tn- bisis'Zicutenant-Govetno ,•-;,1 od the traditional bottle of c41- '. pagne over the -prow and ga.N'0 the vessel its name. The Nootka was then (Lawn up alongside the Yarrow outfitting jetty where the ship will he made ready for patrolling the Cana:?i:cn Pacific coastline and, in the e. cnt of war, protecting the Dominion shores from enemy ships. The launching of Nootka follow- ed by scarcely more than a Month that of a sister ship, the Comex, at a North Vancouver shipyard. Previously two other minesweep- ers were launched in eaxter» *ire yards.