HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-09-29, Page 6Sunday School Lesson LESSON I THE ONE TRUE GOD Exodus 20: 2, 3; Isaiah 45:22; Mark 12:28.34; i Corinthians 8;4,6 Golden. Text—Thou shalt love Je- hovah thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. Deuteronomy 6:5. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time.—The Ton Commandments were given 1.498 B.C.; the passage from Isaiah was written about 690 B.C.; the conversation of our Lord with the scribe was on Tuesday, April 4, A.D, 30; the First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians was writ- ten A.D. 59. Place.—The Ten Commandments were given at Mount Sinai; the con- versation of Jesus with the scribe took place in Jerusalem; the city of Corinth was located in northern Greece. 2. I am Jehovah thy God. The most important and the most in- fluential conception that a man can have is his conception of God. Our thought of God determines our out- look on the world.' The word "Jehovah" means fun- damentally, One. Who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bond- age. No Other Gods 3. Thou shalt have no other gods before me, If God is what he claims to be, then lie must be the supreme object of worship, isa. 45:22. Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth; , for I am God, and there is none else. In the verse preceging the one assigned to our lesson from Isaiah, God is spoken of as "a just God and a Saviour," i.e., a God who always does right, whose word is true, whose promises are fulfilled, and a God who is able to save his people from their sins, from wrath, from eternal death, from their ene- mies. Because God is such a God he can extend the invitation that we find in our verse, "Look unto me and be ye saved," There is in this serve a testimony to God's uni- queness, to God's knowledge of the helplessness of man, to God's love for man in his helplessness. Mark 12:28-34. 28. And one of the scribes came, and heard them questioning together, and knowing that lie had answered them well, asked him, What commandment is the first of all? This conversation took place on Tuesday of Passion Week, in the city of Jerusalem. The Pharisees, having heard that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, gather- ed around him. The Jews divided the Pentateuch into six hundred and thirteen precepts, three hun- dred and sixty-five prohibitions, as many as there were days in the year, and two hundred and twenty- eight commandments, as many as there were parts in the body. Among the greater commandments they reckoned Sabbath observance, circumcision, rules of sacrifice and offerings, and rules about fringes and phylacteries. The Two Commandments 29. Jesus answered, The first is, Hear, 0 Israel; The Lord our God, the Lord is one: 30. and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength. 31. The second is this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other com- mandment greater than these, In reply to the scribe's question, the Lord quoted Deut, 6:4, 5 and Lev. 19:18. Though Jesus does not di- rectly quote from the Ten Com- mandments, he does quote a pas- sage which summarizes the teach- ing of all the Commandments, and puts the emphasis first on the char- acter and recognition of God, then upon our utter, absolute love for God, and finally, upon our love for one another. If every living person were just obedient to these two commandments, to love the only true and living God with all one's being, and then truly to love one's neighbour, he would be living the fullest, richest, most satisfying life men can ever attain to. 32. And the scribe said unto him, Of a truth,- Teacher, thou hast well said that he is one; and there is none other but he: 33. and to love him with all the heart, and with. all Life Near Pole "Is Really Fur" Geologist and Wife Found The Far North An Ideal Place To Live EDMONTON.—A life In the An- tis With fish and canned food flown in to them by airplane, was de- scribed as "Great run" by Mr, and Mrs. A. Lincoln Washburn, of Han - ever; N.H. Washburn, a geologist still in his '20's, returned here atter a six weeks' study of glacier and geolog- ical formations in the far north, By airplane and schooner he and his wife visited a cumber of points, in- cluding Yellowknife, Cambridge Bay, Read Island, the Colville Mountains, Victoria Island and the Baillie Island. "It was great fun," Mrs. Wash- burn said. "Glad to get back?" No. I'd like to stay up there. The people are simply wonderful, And there wasn't any hardship. The food was good — fish and canned food that was flown in by airplane. It's the way I like to live." At Read Island in the Arctic Oc- ean, they visited Mrs. Ray Ross, North America's farthest north white woman. Mrs. Ross is the wife of a Hudson's Bay Company trader. Glass 1pr ;ttons Pr :vide Sager Night Driving R. M. Smith, Ontario's deputy minister of highways, announced last week his department would ex- tend the use of an experimental safety device which is being tried out on the middle road. The device consists of a number of small glass buttons, about the size of a half dollar, placed in sets of three on short posts about 100 feet apart and seven feet from the shoulder of the road. So far they have been tried on a mile and a half stretch of highway just west of Oakville, on the south lane of the middle road. The buttons catch the gleam of the headlights of a car at 100 foot intervals and reflect the light, the deputy-ministe'r explained. They appear to a fast -travelling car like a continuous streak of light that outlines the road clearly and shows up any pedestrian or cyclist. the understanding, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbour as himself, is much more than all whole burnt -offerings and sacrifices. 34. And when Jesus saw that he an- swered discreetly, he.said unto him, Thou art not far from the kingdom of God. And no man after that durst ask him any question. The meaning here is that we should have the same solicitous regard and care for our neighbours which we have for ourselves. It is really an- other nother form of the Golden Rule. Je- sus, perceiving that the scribe ans- wered intelligently, said, "You are not far from the kingdom of God" Paul Reaffirms It '1 Cor. 3:4. Concerning therefore the eating of things sacrificed to idols, we know that no idol is any- thing in the world, and that there is no God but one. 5. For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or on earth; as there are gods many, and lords many. There is no God, no real Divine Being, but one. As in so many other places in the New Tes- tament, Paul is not content with a negative denial, but now brings forth a positive affirmation—the gods of the heathen are non-exist- ent, but there is a God who is God the Father, from whom all things come, and in whom, through the Lord Jesus Christ, we are. 6. Yet to us there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we unto him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and we through him. See John 1:3; Heb. 1: 2, 3; Col. 1:16; Rom. 11:36. Note the contrast be- tween the many gods of the heath- en and the one God of the Chris- tians. The whole passage is a clear acknowledgment on the part of the apostle Paul that the Lord Jesus Christ was external in his exist- ence. Our God is not a rival of any other gods. In him Is life, and without him there is no life. Are :You Lstenng L FREDDIE TE>r FRENCH STAR JOINS UP Jean ,Sablon, internationally famous singing star, is now a mem- ber of the "Hollywood " Hotel" Program heard over the Columbia network every Friday (WABC- CBS, 9.00 to 10.00 p.m, 17DST). Born in Paris, France, Sablon is a newcomer to these shores. His ' fame preceded him by ,-many Months, however, for he had be - cone popular in the French thea- tre, English music ' halls and on f American • l o u d 4°%y�yup�hS speakers through his international broadcasting. --- Sablon will share the ' spotlight in the "Orchid Room" with Her- b e r t. Marshall, master - of -cere- monies, Frances Langford, vocal- ist, and Victor Young's Orches - Jean Sablon tra. "THE MIGHTY SHOW" Agnes Moorehead, "first lady" among character actresses of the airwaves, is a Boston -born minis- ter's daughter who made an envia- ble record on the legitimate stage before making her microphone debut. She will play the part of the lovable, understanding "Ma Mutchinson" in the new dramatic serial, "The Mighty Show," which began on the Columbia network, Monday, September 12, (WABC- C 11 5, Mondays through Fridays, from 5,45 to 6,00 p,m. EDST.) -- Miss Miss Moorehead, who is tall, red- headed and con- sidered one of the smartes t dressed women in radio, is equal- ly at home play- ing a wise crack- ing chorus girl, or a bereaved mother, and can speak nearly ev- Jean ery dialect Moorehead known. WITH BURNS AND ALLEN Frank Parker, youthful tenor, will act as soloist for the first .three programs of the weekly Burns and Allen series which makes its bow over the Columbia network on Friday, September 30. (WABC-CBS, 8.30 to 9.00 p.m. EST.) SPREAD -BAND DIALS Rogers new 1939 "Super -Val- ue" radios contribute many new features for convenience, includ- ing easier, quicker and more ac- curate tuning—but most import- ant is their exclusive six indi- vidual spread -band dials. Only one dial is visible at a time on this new Canadian radio so that there can be no question as to what band is being tuned. Says Film Stars Live The Longest Dr. Lawrence Spangard, a Hol- lywood hospital doctor, believes that film stars live longer than most folk, "My study of film stars has led me to believe that practically ev- eryone who gets into the first ranks of players adds 10 years to his life," he says. "It is nothing unusual. Stars take better care of themselves than the average person because they must be physically attractive , as well as mentally alert. "They work hard which is • good for them./Whi they rest they get plenty of sunshine and fresh air," Oh, well, who wouldn't - on $1,000 a minute, or whatever it is stars get. Czech Army Head General Inspector Jan Syrovy, of the Czechoslovakian army, is one of the "men of the hour" in the present critical European sit- uation. Pictures of Czechoslovakia's army and efficient modern war equipment are shown in another column. Corn Should Be Cut Q ,itLow Provincial Entomologist Gives Advice On How To Control Borer Provincial Entomologist, Profes- sor . Caesar, 0.A.C., Guelph, urg- es low cutting of corn this fall as a help in the control of the borer and a means of avoiding the un- pleasant task of hand-picking stub- ble in the spring. Professor Caesar writes as follows: "There is a large crop of corn al- most all over the province this fail and as a result many persons will be tempted to cut it high. To do so would be a mistake because the borer is decidedly more abundant this year in most counties than usual and extra care will have to be taken to hold it in control. The long stubble means that several times as many borers will be left in the fields after removing the stalks as there would be if the corn had been cut low. Moreover, it is very much more difficult to plow long stubble under completely and not drag it up, again in the spring when working the field; hence far- mers wishing to avoid the neces- sity of hand-picking their fields for next winter should cut their corn as low as practicable." Britain Views Canadian Art Shipment Arrives at London Of 5 Toms of Paintings and Sculpture by Canadian Artists Five tons of Canadian paintings arrived in London, England, this month, and will remain. They will be hung in a special exhibit at the Tate Gallery in London. In the massive crates are 250 pic- tures by Canadian artists portray- ing "a century of Canadian art." The exhibit will be officially opened by the Duke of Kent at the gallery on Oct. 15th, and is the first to be shown at the famed rendezvous of London art connoisseurs. Gleaned from galleries across Canada and private collections, the paintings are representative works. of Canadian artists. Included with the exhibit of water-colours and oils are several outstanding pieces of Canadian sculpturing. The bulk of the paintings were taken from the walls of the Nation - Fa ed Violin Maker 4OI11ZONTAL 1 Violin maker of the 17th century, 9 Duration. 13 Motive.. 14 Courses of travel. 15 Frost bite, 10 Fleshy root, 19 To perform. 20 Mortar tray. 21 Revolved, 23 Pronoun, 25 Within. 26 Soul. 27 To weep. 29 Compass point 30 Third-rate actor. 31 Burden, 33 60 minutes, 35 Expensive, 37 To loiter. 39 You and me, 41 To piece out, 42 Year. 43 Therefore. 44It is. 46 Neuter pronoun, 47 Cubic meters. 50 The sky, Answer to Previous Puzzle ANGELINE BOOTH R E 53 Coffee pot. 4 Venomous 5a Gibbon. ' ' r snake. 56 Relative, 5 To accomplish. 58 Indian spring 6 In, harvest. 7 Father. 60 Thick soup. 8 Wavering. 61 Gold coin. 9 Dyewood tree. 63 He was the 10 Skin irritation. finest — of 11 First wife of machine. 22 To put on. 24 The -- of making his i varnish is still unknown. 26 Harrier. Unopened flower. 30 An embrace: 32 To observe, S4 Rowing tools.) 36 Related by blood. 3u He was — in 1644. 40 Satin. 43 Fine line of a letter. 45 Lower part of a dress. 48 Saxhorn. 49 Squalid neighborhood. 50 Small bird. his time. Zeus. 51 64 His native 12 Electrical unit. 52 city was 17 Musical note. 55 Cremona —.18 And. 57 VERTICAL 20 His violins 59 1 Senior. are still 2 Tooth. --- prized. 60 3 Foray, 21 Battering 62 Cetacean. Circle part. Constellation, To soar. Measure of area. Postscript. Morindin dye. ! 2 :... L • rt: 13 R -' 4 ri t.xr., b 18 7. . 21 . 12 1, s . -tri ±,.5052 ■'' f a•53 I, ti Cf. *K. 55 a 5859 "61 al Gallery of Canada in Ottawa and the Art Gallery of Toronto. Two paintings from the Canadian Lega- tion and the Luxembourg Museum in Paris have been borrowed and will be included with selections from Hart House, Toronto, Mont- real Art Association, Art Gallery of Iiamilton, McCord Museum of Mon- treal, Provincial Museum of Que- bec, Sarnia Public Library and the Art Gallery of Vancouver. Boy Recovers From • Rattlesnake Bite Nine-year-old Murray Mason, bitten by a rattlesnake' near Bala last week is "doing nicely" today . at the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. The boy was bitten on a fishing trip with his father, brother and cousin. Lacking a sharp knife with which to slash the wound, salt and butter v: ere applied at once and the boy was taken 12 miles to Bala where Dr. Lindenfeld slashed the bite and applied a tourniquet. The doctor then drove the 'ooy to Toronto By time he arrived, the boy's leg was the size of a man's. The hospital reported all that was needed additionally then was an intravenous injection. Leaf spot disease caused heavy damage to bananas in Jamaica this year, and drought has des- troyed thousands of tons of sug- ar. LIFE'S LIKE THAT By Fred Ne -ger y-� moi . -27 tlo rS l,t ion 1'L 1,iul,er ,/^t I�ENR"i "Stand up and VII show you where you made your big mistake!" POP—No Act for the Nursery FIFTEEN ROOMS IN THE HOUSE -- J —AND YOU MUST COMEHERE. !'\`\ �•,-"'I "Y»jlicate, Inc,) By J. MILLAR WATT