HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-09-29, Page 4*OA
Zurich Fail Fair
(Continued from Page One)
Heavy Draught Brood mare, H.
33o-wden, Foal, W. Dale and 2nd; 1
•*r. old, R. Ham!ltori, R. Scott; Span
Roadster - •Brood mare, Bisbacic
Chaenny; Foal, ditto; 2 yr. ol,
lg Becker, A. Weber; Spau, Currie
eas Tervitt, S. Miller; Single Roadster
S. 1,1V1iller, Carrie & Tervitt; Lady dris
ewer S. Miller, Currie Tervitt. „
and 2114; Laghorns,
cockrel and pullee+, J. Kockerns; Puff
Orpingtons, aerie j, Kjelcerne; White
Wyandottes,, cock, D. Grabarn, O.
Battler, lien, cookrel and pupae, Lakbw,aite, Dailey; Clapp's 'Favorite,
Two, Reception*,
pears, fell etna winter, Dailey, Leith- Decicer, al. Rader; floor mat, wool
aaitee• Pe'artlett .pear, Trueinner, yarn, Lee Hoffman, •`.0wo receptiona were held, that. for
Mee:0111021a Flemish Beauty, 'Dining Room Furnishings -Lunch the Caolearrieraan bridal couple at the
tee pearee Da•iley, Laithwaite; Susan H.aberer; 'floor mat,. silk Wm.
,et, eat woek, Ed Lawson; Miss'rv- home of 'the groom in. alensall and
ingston; amoh -set, .other kind, Mrs, for the •Taman-McDonell eceeple at.
Tack, R, •Geiger; •Wale mats, Mrs. Le the home of the bride,, also in Hen-
PMe, Mrs. Taek; table, cloth and eau. The couples left Prt a trip to
napkins, Miss, Livingston, fad Law- New -Kora and Atlantic aleaa eaethaa,
son; centre exece, white, Miss Li
ings-ton, Ea Lawson; buffet set, Ray ,
v" •travelliag • • • •
ing via Montreal and Qaahec. For
Mrs. Cook chase a bay blue
Lamont, ed Lawson; needle
lance wool suit with coat of the same color
Mss Livingeton, a A. Fuss;
set, !embroidered, Mrs. Tack, H, trimmed in mink and. Lorenzo -brown
Traemner; ,cara table cover, Ed accessories Taman wore •ablack
Laws -on; buffet, set, Ed 'Lawson, Mr. lailleua trimmed in salbe. Mr, arid,.
L. ,Pele; table aclathe Mee. Pale, alas. Mrs. Cook will live in Taxable° fortha
Tack; tee cos, 'Mrs- P'h1e0 Mae-, Present, Mr. .and Mrs. Taman. will
Hackney; tea towels, aVleee take up ersideace in Blenh.eim.
ston, Mrs. Pale, a: ee•
Bed Room alatienistanas - Pillow
slips, ernb, Geiger,; Mrs. Tac -lc;- • e! ! Beide-to-be Heaered
pillow slips, other handwork, Miss ' .
A pleasant evening was, spent in.
Liivngstan, Mrs. D, Hackney; fancy
sheet ad pillow slips, Miss Living- the basement of the Evangelical &-
stole Mrs. H. Fuss; .guest towel, Lee urch 'Wedne,sda.y of last week
Hoffman, Mrs. L. ?file; bath towel, when the congregation met in honor
Mrs. Tack, Ed •La we oo ; cur min, of Miss Anne Tiernan whose marriage
Mrs. Pfile, Miss Livingston; vanity took place on Saturday, The base -
set, Miss Livingston, •Mrs. Pfile;
meant was ,beoutifully d.ecarated. with
boudoir cushion, M. Rader, Mrs- L, .
,prok and white stammers, white bells
Pfile; night robe, H. A. ieuss, Lee
Mee, and pretty autumn flawers. After a
Hoffman; -cellar and cuff set,
Haekney, Mrs. H. Fuss; bed jacket,
Mrs. Haekney, Ed Lawson; la -dies'
slip, Miss . !Livingston, a A. Fass;
ladies' 'dressing gown, R. Geiger; pil-
low slips, Miss Livingston, Mrs,
-Children's Wear -Bonnet, jacket,
bootees, Mrs. Hackney, Mrs. L. Pale;
crib cover, Mrs. Hackney, Mrs. H.
Fuss; carriage set, Mrs. Hackney,
Mrs. H. Fuss; child's fancy dress.
Lee Hoffman, Mrs. Tack; child's play
dress, Lee Hoffman, ed Lawson;
child's costume, W. G. Clarke..
Living Room Farniehings-Centre
piece, Miss Livingston, Ed Lawson;
table runaer, Ed Lawson, Mrs. Tack;
sofa pillow. embroidered, H. A. Fuss,
eirs. H. Fuss; sofa. pillow, other
hand work, Ed Lawson, Thos. M.
Snowden; chesterfield set, H. A.
Fuess, Ed Lawson; aeghan, Miss Liv-
ingston, Mrs. Haekney.
Miscellaneous - Bridge set, Mrs,
Tack; applique, W. G. Clarke, H. A.
Fuss; eloor stop, Mrs, Tack, Mrs, H.
Fuss; •coll. of articles made from oil
cloth,. Mrs. Pfile, Mrs. Hackney; call.
garden images, Thos. M. Snowden;
kit ellen -coll., Mrs. Pfile„ Mrs, H.
Fuss; call. different styles needle-
work, Ed Lawson, H. A. Fuss,
O'Dwyer special -Mrs. L. lafite.
Monarch special, Mrs. Tack.
C a o ' special -Wm. Decker.
'Cartocia, Miss Livingston, Mrs,
Dailey; poster, H. - Flaxbard; .crepe
display; Mrs. H. Fuss; oil painting,
landscape, Miss Livingston, Mrs.
Dailey; ole painting, marine, Miss
Livingston; water colors, scene, Miss
Livingston, Mrs. Fuss; water -colors,
{lowers, Miss Livingston, H. A. Fuss;
water. colars, .animals, Miss Living-
ston, Mrs. H. Fuss; pastel, Miss Liv -
Battler, De Graham; - Rhode Island Dtailea,
Reds, hen, and cockrel, J. Kockerns; Peaches, R. Geig.er, IL Desjardine,
Prunes, Dailey, Laithwaite. ee
AnemitIP.' "el'' Lee °'13reinal het, le '. Crab apples, red, Dailey, H.
Truemner; crab Apples, Year, F.
McClymont, Daaey.
Grapes, Mel Smith, Ea Restemeyer;
coll. grapes, Susan 1-1•aberer, Dailey.
Plems, la, Traernnea, Laithwaite;
Coll. leans,' Mrs. Daileei '''
,.• ee vet : •
yr,. old S. IVIiller and 2114; Span
•aleerel, D. Geaham, ,A,. at in , S"'w -aPPles (La:1'1 SP39140'.;:' '''Ir''''
les (Tbiel F
t apecal) . .
Carriage - 2 yr. old, A. a .
and &Ingle horse S. Miller and 2nd, Telk. Sumatra, cock and aexe•LeCal3e Raciale,,Y* 5PY •a91 '
al, elyntarit; ~snow applee,' Dailey .
Deekee; 'rein; Old English Clallaa caek • Zed
M. Oesch special W. Decker; Hoff- hen, L. O'Brein and 2nd; •COOkerea woe. te„
L. A. Prang, special, W.
4.rian special R. Hamm"; Deenemen and pullett, j. Xadkeres'-and ?latielea,-, „Weald's , Wonder 0e/tea:ma m,
& sey Bik. Giants, eodke hen cOckeiel Radele "Deieleys, a', BattlereaMzeRada;
'House 'special S. Mille -ea Stade
and pullet, D. 'Graham; Andulusians any variety, eate potatoes, M. 'Rader;
spacial, R. Hamilton; jealigee Arc'nie cock 0. Battle/; hen, je Kockems, 0 any variety, ea•ely ,potatoes, g., Batt-
er ter, M. Rader; Green Mountain no -
'Waldo special J. seat; a. W.Nerner
Seas, Paris, Ont. Battler; Cockeeel. and pullett,
CATTLE Battler; Blk. Langshang, hen J. atoes, J. Battler, M. Rader; Irish
. Cobbler, 3. Battler, M. Rader,
Short horns - W. 'bestrelchee Kockenis and :second; New liampsn- a ,,.
aorn, limit, 11. Battler; corn, dent
'took all prizes in this elm. ire reds, cock F. McClymont, H. Fuss
. r. Battler, 'W. Mousseau; sweet corn,
Beef Type Grades - a.. Pfaff took hen, H. Fuss, Thiel Bros., cockerel Thos. M. Snowden, G. 'Deters;
nal prizes in this tie -ea. and pullets, F. 1VIcClymont; Sussex low !bantam sweet corli, Susan }tab -
hen, cockerel f Etna pullett, J. Kock- erer, J. Battler.
d O'Brein 3, Kockeras; cockerel aeac.I
pialtatts IL, !O'Brein and 2nd; Salver
Grey Dorlcins, cockerels, J, Kockems,
laattler; Bantams, utboateil, 'cock
L. O'Brein, D. Graaarie ea: hen ,,and,
puleett, D. Graliamelle O'Beein; co-,-.
Holstein - ,Sperks took all
ems• Houdans, hen and cockerel, L. Large red onions, H. A. FUSS, H.
'paizes in this class.
, Deija reline ; large yel 1 o w onions ,.J
Special, three best 'Dairy type - O'Brein; D. W. Games, cock and hen
Battler, H. D„esjaarcliee; ,eletteli onions.
W. Sparks. Theee hest beef type, LarBrela and 2nd; Any other vari-
r, H. Desjardine; Spanish
W. Oestreicker, A. Pfaff. eV, cock and hen, cockerel and pul- .-r- .
onions, H, Desjarcline, H. A.. Fuss.
'White field -carrots, H. Desjardiae,
SHEEP ,lett, D. 'Graham! .Collection pigeons,
Lee 'O'Brein, H. Fraxibird; Pekin G. Deters; red gaiden -carrots. J.
Lincoln sheep - A. Steeper took g Haberer & Sons, IL Flaxbard;
all paizes. China Ducks, young drake and young
3. duck, 0. Battler; Rouen Ducks, old Swedish turnips, H. Desjaecline, Wil -
Oxford Downs - Aged ram,
and young T. Snowden; Ducks, any fred Doupe. .
Henry, F. Mt:Clermont; Shearling Long red niangolds, H. Deejardine,
variety °ad drake T. Snowden, 0. Bat
.ram, J. Henry, ID, aeleGowen; Shear -
tier; young duck and drake, 0. Bat- H. Trtienmer; interneedia•te man -golds,
BThock& iSon, 1. A. Fuss; sugar
ling ewe, J. Henry and 2nd; Ram
tier, T. Snowden; Wild Geese, old aet
mango ds , Ailf Reichert, H.
lamb . Henry and 2nd; Ewe lamb,
I). McGowen, J. Henry; Ewe, J. Hen- and young, 13. Graham; Gineau, D. Trucanner.
Oxford cabbage, j. Battler, W.
ry and 2nd. Graham, F. MeClymont.
McKenzie; drumhead cabbage, H.
Judge, Wm. !Carter, Londesbeeo.
Shropshire Dawns - 0. 1VIcGowen Block & Son, J. Battler; Iblue cab
Son took all These. e GRAIN AND SEEDS
bage, W. MoKenzie.
Leicester Sheep - Aged ram, D. . White fall wheat, Wm. Dougall.
Black Spanish radish, J. Battler, H.
Graham; Shearling ram, C. Lawson R. Geiger; red fall wheat, M. Rader,
B. Flaxbara; white radish, IL Treena
and. 2nd; Shearling ewe D. Graham. H. A. Fuss; Saalag lahea% ner. E. !Restemeyer; scauliflower, J.
Ram lamb, D. 'Graham, C. Lawson: Truemner, M, Rader.
M.R r !Battler,W. McKenzie; garden 'beans,
Ewe lamb and ,ewe, D. Graham and Barley' 6 -rowed, aie ' H. ej Battler; pumpkin, yellow, H.
Truem•ner; white oats, early, H. De•sa •
Trueniner, H. alock & Son; pie
2nd. jar -dine, H. Truenmer; white oats, pumpkin, J. Battler, W. MoKenzie.
BOGS late, Ed Haberer, H. Desjardine.
Citron, R. 'Geiger, H. Truemner.
Yorkshire - Aged sow, A 'Warner Small gees, M. Rader; -buckwheat,
Hubbard squash, H. Trueniner, F.
.Aged boar A. Warner, R. Manson; M. Rader, H. Desjardine. • m. alcOlymont; mammoth squash or
Spring boar, A. Warner and 2nd; Red clover seed, Alf. Reichert, • pumpkin, J. Battler, T. M. Snowden.
Spring sow, A. Warner, T. zleyers, Rader; sweet clover seed, F. Mc -
Blood beets, W. Museeau, Alf
Tamworth - Aged Sow, R. Man-
othy seed, Alf Reichert, H. Desjar-
Clymont, Th o s. M. Snowden ; lino
Reichert; coat beets, J. Battler, F.
son, D. Pyrnia; Aged boar, T. Snow- yinfont; watenneloris, T. Battler.
dine; collection grain in heads, T. M. .....viateCs1
kmi, 0,.. a d Snow4°n; muskmelons, T.
R. Man Snowden; Mrs. O. .Dailey; Dr. • Ad -
Snow en, E. Restemeyer.
den, DI Pymn; Spring boar, T. Sno-
wden, D. Pymn; Spring sow,
dison special, H. A. Fuss. Red tomatoes, J. Beater, 'Time. M.
son, T. Snowden. Judges, ,R. F. Stade, T. L. Williams.
Snaveden; yelloakeetom•atoes,..5. Battler,
Yungblut special, R. Manson; G. HORTICULTURAL Mel Smith; colleation -of garden veg-
Deichert special, T. Meyers; Judge Colt any kind of apples, Mrs, 0- -etables, j. Battler, H. Flaxbara.
Humphrey Snell. Dailey, Laithwaite & Son; fall ap- DAIRY & OTHER PRODUCTS.
POULTRY piles, Mrs. Dailey, Laithwaite; win -
Butter, crock, - R.• Geiger, Mel
Black Hamburgs, Cock, Hen, Coe- ter apples, Mrs. Dailey, W. McKen-
Smith; butter, prints, R. Geiger, Mel
kerel, Fullett, Lloyd O'Brien a nd zie; 1King of Tomkins,, Dailey, Leith-
waite; snow apples, Dailey, Leith- Smith; -cheese, Ed. Haberer H.
Tburaday, Sept embe 29th, 1938
lathers -wore similar gowns of lotus -
blue velvet, flomalength with slight
trainee laud Jong sleeves tapering tie'
the fingers. 'They ;merles' American
beauty roses 'held with long stream-
ers a American beauty velvet and
their tiny doll hats were in the same.
material as their gowns. The ushers;
revere Murray Johnston of Toronto,
and Harald Collins 'of St. Cathermese
2nd. S. S. Hamburgs, Cock, hen, smite; -Northern Spies, Laithwaite. Flaxbard. . •
cockrel and pullett, A. MacKinnon Mrs. Dailey; Baldwins. Mrs. Dailey, Honey in ooneb, Mrs. D, Haelcney;
honey, extracted, ltd Haberere J.: Ha-
2nd. Barred Rocks, hen and Laithwaite; R. I. Greenings, . Mrs.
b•erer & Sons; honey, diiplaye :Ed.
- cockrel, V. MeGlymont and 2nd; pule Dailey', 'Laithweite; 'Macintosh Red,
Hatheren j. Haberer t& Sons.
lett, F. MeOlymont, H. Fess. White Dailey, Laithwelte; Ribson Pippen,
Maele syrup, M. Rader, F. ael.ada-
Rocks, cock and hen, T. Snowden,' D Thos. M. Snowden, Laithwaite.
mont• hen's j Battler' W ' G -
Graham; cockerel and pullett, 0. Bat Golden Russets, Mrs. Dailey, Laith- CI le' I k eggs, .' '' ' *
Cele D. Graham; Brehams, cock Thiel wa••••Ie; Wagneas, Laithwaite,r, Dailey. t.'eare -e;mpef. csIcitieins,• seloraessed,vras.. BaLts,1-.
'Eros., D. Graham; Hen, A. IVIacKine wojai.n.p(si‘,..erLaNitthrese-alit:ie2,neaan. a .citKiwenazittee:. l
Hackney, 'T•hos. M. Snopw'rden.
non and .and; cockrel and pullett, Ontarios, T.hos. M. Snowden, Dailey. Laird special, bag potatoes, M.
'Thiel Bros., A. aVlacKinnon; Black Maiden's Blush, Dailey, Laithwaite. Rader; 10 tbs. honey, J. Haberer &
aelinorcas, cock, hen,' cockrel and Blenaeim Pamela Laithwaite, ?Ara Son. e !..
pullett, 0. Battler anti 2nd; White Dailey; Pewatrkee, Dailey, 'Leith- DOMESTIC SCIENCE, BAKING
Minorcas, cock and hen, H. Disjard- waite; Colverts, Mrs, Dailey, F. Mc- White breede (Williams' special) J.
Clymont; 20-oe. eirmen, Mrs. Dailey, Battler, W. G. 7Clarke; nut .- brea•d,
ine and 2nd; co_ckerel and aullett O.
Battler; Brown Leghorns, cock, hen, 7l'alman Sweet, Roy Lamont, W. Wilfred • Doupe; :eaisin buns -or rolls,
McKenzie; Wealthy, Dailey, Leith- G. Daters; tea biscuits, W. G. !Clarke,
cockerel and pullet, 0. Battler and ; collection of russet apples, F. MeCiymon't; sugar cookies,. W. G.
2nd; Buffia Leghorns, cock and hen,
J. Kockems; S.C.W. Leghorns, cock, Pears -Collection Dailey.
cookies, Wilfred Doupe, F. Mc -
Clarke, F. alcClymont; •gin ear
'hen, cockrel and pullet, Thiel Bros. Laithwaite, Qlymont; fried cakes, Thos. Meyers,
W. G ,Clark; loaf cake, Mrs. Pfile, E.
Haberer; dark layer cake, Fred Hab-
erer, Wilfred Doupe; light layer
cake, -Wilfred Doupe, Fred Haberer;
tarts, W. G. Clarke.
Cherry pie, Wilfred Doupe, Mrs. L.
lafile; -dutch apple .pie, Fred Hab-
erer, R. 'Manson; coffee cake, Ed
Haberer, G. Daters; meat loaf, Susan
Haberer. .
Canned rhubarb, Susan alatierer,
W. G. Clarlc.e; canned raspberries, R.
Geiger, W. G. Clarke; canned straw-
berries, 'Mrs. L. !Pfile, W. G. 'Clarke
canned cherries, H. Desjardine, Thos
Meyers; canned pears, Mrs. L. Pfile,
R. 'Geiger; canned citron. 'Mrs. L.
Pale, la Geiger; canned plums, Tiros.
Meyers, • a Desiardine:. canned
peaches, Mrs. L. Pfile, 3. Battler.
Currant jem, Mrs. L. Pfile, F.
McClymont; ;berry -jam, Mrs. J.
Tack, Thos. Meyers.
Grape jelly, H. Deejardine, Thos.
Meyers; currant 'jelly, H. Desjardine,
Thos. :Meyers. ,' • !
Mixed ..v ineger 'pickles Ed. H ale.
trey; mustard pickles, F. ,afClymont,
W. G. Clarice; catsup, F. McClymont,
E. Restemeyer; pickled red ;Cabbage,
R. Geiger; canned -tomatoes, Mel
Smith, W. G. Clarke; canned. earn,
a1,. Dealjardinei 'Wilfred 'Douae.
er; data mat, Tinkled, Mrs. L, Vile,
e .. I lale.. le alee. Peaa deo
Ilacaney; tbeelspeeal, fancy, M
FT -a -Block lea Son, laa G. •Clarle.
lentil, Mrs. Pale,. G. Daters, 'Mrs. H.
'' Ojilla• aeatey, Susan Haberer, H.
treaniitere'auilt, cotton, Susan gob.
-.!..tf...,,r."mrs.• D. Hackney; eeemeaater,
e .Btedsaread,• knit or 'avoelieto '' Mrs
Smith, I. Battier, Mrs. L. Pale; .calca
, ! .re LADIES' WORK ''''' .
4atIckoreise\''Filsi:e's}is; 'oFot'itst!.n, ''..a'Irs;11;fil'e:,
Meyers, H. Destjardine,
Ed Laws -on ; men's Bleeping garm-
ent, Ed Lawsort, Mrs, lo +Mt.
man; 'bed shee, Mrs. L. 'Pale, Mrs.
Tack ltd Lawson; darning, Mrs. 14.
Darling; sweater, Ed. Lawson, al. A.
:reek, ltd Lawson; mitts, Mrs. I.
airs. L. Pfile; wool socks, Mrs, 5!
store lad Lawson; knitted -milt, Mrs.
Fuss; kitthen aproa, Mrs, ef, Tack,
Fuss; erochet gloves, Miss Living -
H, 'Feiss.
The Blue 'Ribbon special - Mel
Collection •eanned fruit, ' Thos.
Child's made ,oaer -dress, Lee -Hoff -
Mae D. 1-Tackney; Nen mat, hooked
alana sweater, H. ea, Fess, Mrs,
1 le alatcloiev; article made from ald
Stockinge, H. Desjarelint, Win.
of fall
For Every Purpose - Indoors and Outdoors
Johnston and Kathfieisch
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HIGH PRESSURE LU13RICATION. Your car is greased, elydietend-
ants that have had five years of practical and technical experience in
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EXPERT REPAIRING To all makes of cars at attractive
Special Prices on Brakes Relined
Car Wash 39c. Tire Repair
Battery and Tires checked and windshield cleaned Free. We aim
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Zurich's Up -to -Date Service Station and Garage
G. Fritz & Son Used Car Lot in Connection .
U3e Bine Marathon Gag or Better Mileage
. f -
110}. 2-1fIse Reason for its Revival
Provisions for municipal rocal op-
tion, which had become a part of the
Municipal "Act,but had somehow been
dropped, were an the early nineties
revived and incorporated into the Li-
quor License Act of Ontario. They
provided for prohibition of retail sale
intaverns and shops in villages,towns
cities and tpeviiships. lacing part a
the lecerise Act, filter was no question
as to responsibility for enforcement.
The law Which became operatvie on.
a simple majority was popular anal
short devotional period by Rev. II. Fe was widely utilized in Ontario.
Roppel, Mr. Harry Hoffman led. in. a
short sing song. This was followedby Sir ,Tames Whitney, whose enforce -
a mock wedding which was much en- melt of the law was
vigoroits, early in the regime intros.
joyed by all, Miss Tiernan was then
-auced the reapiirements of a sixty per
eecorted to a decorated chair when
cent majority vote which greatly re -
she was presented with many heauti-
tartied the ,progress of 'the local opt-
ful gifts by the congregation, a large
ganizatione of which she was presi-) movement
years 1914 and 1915, sev-
walimirror by the Mission Cfrelaseedeicm-
King's Daughters S. S. class beau fer•-•( III the
dent and a sume of money ur the evil counties in -Ontario, having care
lunch was served. tried. restriction of sale by maisieepall
local option as far as seemed possible:
choir. At the close of the meeting;
With the, sixty per cent. handicaps
Double Wedding - Charming veut
fouhd the persistent sale in rnunicipe
alities remaining under license a Mi..
Friends of Lovely Brides at Pict- isance and such a menace to the suc-
uresque Ceremony in Heneall United cess of the Heal option law that to)
Church. At a charming double wed- clean up so far as possible ding in in Hensall United chinch. on area, and protect their owls people
Saturday afternoon, Rev.. Donald they reverted to the county measure,
Gladma-n. of' Crediton, perfiermed the the Canada Temperance Act. This
marriage ceremony of Anne Letitia did not destroy - the existence of local
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Tie- option, AT the various provisions of
man of Dashwood to Henry Hemphill tlie License gam. Its only effect on
Cook of Toronto, son of Mr, andiVars that Act :was in regard to prosecuti-
Cornelius Cook of Hensel', and Mil- on for sale. It paralleled these pro-
dred Winona, daughter of Mr. and visions in the provincial Act and in
Mrs. Charles McDonell of Hensall to so far as it did so, took prececence
Edward Rowell Taman of Blenheim, over them. The two laws operated
son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Taman toncurrently, charges foe sale being
of Exeter. W. R. Goulding of Meet- laid under the Canada Temperance
er was at the organ for the ceremony Act and other charges under the Li -
for which the church was attractively quor License Law. The dual operat-
decorated with 'picardy gladioli and i0T1 of the provincial and Dominion
palms. Harry Hoffman oe Dash -wood 12.w was continued under the Ontario
song "0 Promise Me" and "Bemuse" Temperance Act up till the time of
in fine voice. The brides who were the suspension Which occurred about
ingston, Mrs. Flies.
Conventionel design, Miss Living-
stone Henry Flaxibard; waod. carvieg,
Miss Livingston, H. Bilook '& Son;
amateur phot -o, H. Flawbard; art
work not listed, Mrs. Dailey; sepia,
Miss Livingston, Mrs. H. Fuss.
Bouvet, large, Susan Haberer, Lee
Hoffman; bouquet, small. Susan
Haberer, R. Geiger; sylvia, Susan
Halberer. E. Reetemeyer; -dahlias,
Susan Haberer; auschias, Stisan Hab-
erer;epensies, Lee Hoffman.
Geraniums, Susan Haberer; asters,
W. 'McKenzie, Susan Haberer; pet-
unias, Lee Hoffman, Susan Haberer;
house plants, Susan Haberer, W. Mc-
Kenzie; coleus in pots, R. Geiger,
Mr's. L. Pfile; annuals not listed,
Susan Haberer,R. Geiger; cosm-os,
Lee Hoffman, R. Geiger; zinnias, A.
F. Hess, H. Block & Son.
Verbenas, Susan Haberer, Lee
Hoffman; gladiolus, Susan Haberer;
sweet' peas, W. McKenzie; roses,
Susan Haberer.
!Coll. a,uturnii leaaes, Hy. Flaxbard,
Wilfred Doupe; collection mounted
weeds, G. 'Deters, A. F. Hess; 'dress-
ed doll, H. Flaxbard, Wilfred Doupe;
crochet Work, H. Flaxbard, IL A.
Fuss; bird house, H. Flexhard.
'ViTriting, under 110 years, Bert
Klopp; writing, •over 10 years, H.
Flaxbard, Wilfred Doupe; art, over
10 years, Wilfred Doupe, G. Deters.
Mrs. Fowler, judge.
given in marriage by their respective anal.
Special Anniversary services will
be held in the Evangelical church on
Sunday October 9th. ' Rev. James
McGinley and his 'male Octette of
Central Baptist church, London, will
.be the guest speaker in the afternoon
at 3 o'clock.' Don't forget the date.
Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins of St.
Thomas visited with her mother, Mr.
and 'Mrs. S. Gottschalk last 'Wednes-
Miss Elle' Mhitineart 'of 'Baden k3 -
Int the week -end with Mr. and Mas.
E, Oettreecaltaral eae ;
Mr. and arrsic4at Witaeleatecle,Sea.
If Toronto spent the , week -end with
his motheta laraeakitiele: ' • •
Mr. Eresre McIsiteca Floreneao ;teak
aoy of Windier visited with Mr. and
Its. P. Mcisaac over the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guenther of
Windsor are visiting his parents, Mr
aid Mrs, Chas. Guenther.
alrs. L. Morenz spent a few days in
Toronto last week.
Donald Oestroicher and Hope Rop-
eel left on Monday for 7 medals ether
they will attend University. We ex-
ena congratulations to i ah, al-
lay Dotaid, who was sueressfid in
altaining a two year scholarship last
aria. Gill is visiting witla her sistar
'n Detroit for a few weeks.
Been- aa'a n a:re ey
tet, hooked, . wool, Ra erer,Iiser on September 27th, a son.,
No rnatter if it's.
raining, snowing,.
blazing hot or be --
low zero • water.
is absolutely neces--
sary to one's exist-.
ence. But it is no,,
longer necessary to.
carryit from the oldk
fashioned pump.
will supply all the water
your home needs, at the
turn of a faucet..
In addition,. it will
make it possible for you
to modernizeyour home
with Emery Fixtures). so
necessary these days to
. health and comfort.
Einco Bathroom Fixtures vand Yittings ares.tnodern tca
the minute;.mechanicallY perfect and finely finished. They'
will give years..of satisfactory service and greatly im--
Proe the appeatiance: and coinficiita 'our home.
The four pieces illustra.ted-Built-in Bath, Shower;.
Toilet and: Lavatory -with all Trimmings, ready for:
installatiom cost only--.-- $142,50.
(Sq. Pipe,. lnui Pipe wad ilittinss ezum)
other completel3a.throorn eqUipmentas low as. $ 83.8 5)
The Duro"Special Pumping System, complete,
30 -gal.. Galvanized Tank, 25 or 60 cycle Motor, has aa.
capacity a 250)gals. per hour and costs only... -....$09 00'
Take advantage of this Goverri-,-
ment Pan tee modernize your
home with Etnco equipment.
Write for free booklet or see-
Also supplied' for Gasoline
Engine operation
London allernalau Toronto Sudbury
Winnipeg Vancouver