Zurich Herald, 1938-09-29, Page 21:101,wtits:i•@<u@<,,t*'► i!<M�f pt 1, 4X+ @,X4 401,4 + 1 4TAI � @�i'►',���t .;a@*+:@+@^�'t@h�', OI40:0 1:10,7tat. 4. • 11 44 1.4 r4, re r.The Kidnapt>y•44 • 01 ' ' S. S. an Dine 1 Murder Case ,4 • 14 14 t r+ r+.w'n'r•rr<ror<r rrrrrwrr<r<Yrrr.-r<rrr <...rY r.01 /A k.4'� 4. @ 4 P 4 * 1�4r@,'WiO _@ a 4, @.4:4T# 4 g a' :!_ 6,L@�1A@*@� io 4_@:► t @,�4 @„4.4 a' .� 4 SYNOPSIS Kasper Kenting disappears. Philo Vance, District Attorney Markham and Sergeant Heath of the Homi- cide Bureau investigate the Kent- ing home and question Kenyon Kenting and Mrs, Kenting, Kas- per's brother and wife, in the pres- ence of Eldridge Fleel, Kenting fa- mily attorney, Vance doubts the kidnapping story. He further ques- tions Weems the butler, Mrs. Kent- Ing's mother, Mrs, Falloway, and son Fraim Falioway, and Porter Quaggy, raconteur friend of Kas- par's and last person to be with him. All reveal an undercurrent of hostility to Kasper. At this time a ransom note arrives demanding $50,000 and freedom from police in- terference. Vance and Markham consult the Kentings and Fleet, the lawyer, and it is decided to allow the police a free hand in dealing with the supposed kidnappers. A dummy package is substituted for the money and then secreted in a tree in Central Park. The police capture Mrs. Falloway who admits privately to Vance she is really trying to forestall an attempt by her son, Fraim, to take the money. She is not held. Immediately after- ward, Madelaine Kenting, wife of Kasper, also disappears suddenly. CHAPTER XI "I—I don't know," Falloway stammered. °'I'm not familiar with such feminine matters. But I think emerald is wonderful—so mysteri- ous—so exotic—so subtle." "You're quite right," murmured Vance; and then he focused his gaze on Kenyon Kenting. "All perfumes are alike to me,"' was the man's annoyed assertion before Vance could frame the ques- tion again. "I can't tell one from another—except gardenia." "And how about you, Mr. Quag- gy?" Vance asked lightly. "If you were giving a lady perfume, 'what scent would you select?". °'I haven't yet been guilty of such foolishness," Quaggy replied. "I stick to flowers. They're easier. But if; were contnellecj 1, Repeat=a fair creait1'1 with perfuiiSe, I'd first find out what she liked." "Quite a sensible point of view," murmured Vance, rising as if with great effort and turning. "And now, I say, Sergeant, let's have a curs'ry look at that ladder." We walked down the front steps, and for the second time we went through the street gate leading into the yard. The short grass was entirely dry, and the ground had comeiletely hardened since the rain two nights ago. Vance again bent over at the foot of the ladder while Heath held the flashlight. Cleverly Staged "There's no need to fear any spoiling your adored footprints to- night, Sergeant,—the ground is much too hard." Vance straighten- ed up after a moment and moved the ladder slightly to the right, as he had done the previous morning. "And don't get jittery about finger- prints, Sergeant," he went on. "I'm quite convinced you'll find none. This Iadder, I opine, is merely a stagee,prop, as it were; and the per- sae-Who er-son kaho set it here was clever enough to have used gloves." He bent over again and inspected the lawn, but rose almost immedia- ately, "Not the slightest depression— only a few blades of grass crushed - . . I say, sergeant mio, Ws your turn to step on the ladder— l'm frightfully tired." Heath immediately clambered up five or six rungs and then descend- ed;. and Vance again moved the lad- der a few inches. Bath he and Heath now knelt down and scruti- nized the ground, "Observe," said Vance as he rose to his feet, "that the uprights make a slight depression in the soil, even with the weight of only one person pressing upon the ladder Let's go inside again and dispense our adieux." On re-etnering the house Vance immediately joined Keating at the entrance to the drawing -room and announced to hive, as well as to the $200 For n 014 r . w.:,g • Lamp ,., or lantern Your Coleman Dealer pays TWO DOLLARS ioranyold lamp or lantern when you .trade it in on a new Cole- man. This means you get a new Coleman Lam? for f3.951 15hade 'extra.) Big saving on Coleman Lan- terns, tool Seo your Colo- man Dealer. Trade toifayl r O1'G ni. �,eztttti7s u. sfous others inside, that we were going, and that the house would be taken over very shortly by the police. "I might as well be going along myself" said Kenting despondent- ly, '"Oh, quite," returned Vance, without looking at the pian. "Go home, by all means." The than seemed grateful. Taking his hat from the hall bench, he hur- ried out the front door. Quaggy's eyes followed the de- parting man. "I guess I'll be getting along too," he said finally, with a note of interrogation in his voice. "I may go, I suppose?" There was a sug- gestion of sneering belligerence in his tone. "That's quite all right," Vance told him pleasantly. "You prob- ably need a bit of extra sleep, don't y' know, after your recent all-night vigil." "Thanks," muttered Quaggy sar- castically, keeping his eyes down. And he too left the house. When the front door had closed after him, Fleet looked up rather apologetically. "What do you make of this sec- ond terrible episode tonight?" he asked. A Trembling Hand "Really, y' know,"—Vance was covertly watching the man—"it is far too early to arrive at any defi- nite conclusions. Perhaps tomor- row. . . " His voice faded away. Flee]. straightened up with an ef- fort and moved forward resolutely. "I think I too will be going." He spoke in a weary tone, and I no- ticed that his hand trembled slight- ly as he picked up his hat and ad- justed it, "Cheerio," said Vance as the lawyer turned at the front door and bowed stiffly to us. Meanwhile Fraim Falloway had risen from his place on the daven- port. He now moved silently past us, with a drawn look on his face, and trudged heavily up the stairs. Falloway had barely time to root the first landing when the telephone resting en a small wob- bly stand in the hall began ringing. Weem suddenly appeared from the dimness of the rear, hall and pick- ed up the receiver with a blunt "hello" He listened for a moment; then laying down the receiver, turned sullenly in our direction. "It's a call for Sergeant Heath," he announced.. The' Sergeant went quickly to the telephone and put the receiver to his ear. "Well, what is it?" he started belligerently. " . . - Sure it's the Serge—shoot! . . . Well, for the love of—Hold it a minute." He clapped his hand over the mouth- piece and swung about quickly." "Where'll we be in half an hour, Chief?" "We'll be at Mr. Vance's apart- ment-" The Sergeant turned back to the instrument. "Listen you", he fairly bawled; "we'Il be at Mr. Vance's apartment in East 3Sth Street. Know where it is? , , , That's right—and make it snappy." He banged down the receiver, "Important, is it, Sergeant?" ask- ed Markham. "I'll say it is." Beath stepped quickly away from the telephone table. "Let's get going, sir. I'll tell you about it on the way down. Snitkin's meeting us at Mr. Vance's apartment." , Machine -Gun Fire Just as Markham and Heath and I turned to follow Vance, there came, from somewhere outside, a startling and ominous rattle that sounded like the staccato and rapid sputtering of a machine-gun. Then came the explosive excla- mation of the Sergeant, who was at my side, Then he suddenly sprang forward past Vance and, jerking the front door open, hurried out into the warm summer night without a word to any one. The rest of us followed close behind him. Heath was now breaking into a run ahead of us; and Markham and I had difficulty keeping pace with Vance as he, too, lengthened his stride. Just this side of the Nottingham Hotel at the corner, a small group of excited men were''gathered un- der the bright light of the lamppost set between two trees along the curb. There, leaning in a crouching at- titude against.. iron lamppost, was Fleel, • His face was deathly pale, I have yet to see so tinntis- takable a picture of co-llaiise from ft i •lt aspresented. as h es n ed. He was e t �,n pitlfuel a ligure as I have ever look- ed at, huddled beneath the unflat- tering glare of the large electric light overhead, as he leaned weak- ly for support against the "anapp.ost. "That was `a close call," he mut- tered, "They almost. got nte." "What almost got you, Mr. Fleet?" asked Vance; Missed Him "Didn't you see it all?" he asked, his voice high and unnatural. was on my way to the corner, to get a taxicab, when a car :drove up from behind me, 1 naturally paid no attention to it until it sudden- ly Swerved toward the curb .and stopped with at screeching of brakes, just as I reached this street light, As f ,turned round to see what it was, a small .ntachlne.gun was thrust over the ledge of the cpon window of the car and the siring began. 1 instinctively grasp- ed this iron post and crouched, doa'u. After a number of shots the car jerked forward, I admit I was too frightened to notice w'hiolt way it turned." 4l3ut at least, you were not hit, Mr, Fleet. "No, thank (leaven for that," he muttered. "And," Vance continued, "the ear couldn't have been over ten feet away front you. A very poor shot, I should say. You were lucky, sir, this time." He spun round quickly to Quaggy, who had taken a step or two backward from the frightened roan. "I don't quite understand your being here, Mr. Quaggy. Surely, you've had more than ample time to ensconce yourself safely in your boudoir, Quaggy stepped forward resent- fully, "I was in my,apartment. As you can see,"—he pointed indignantly to his two open front windows in the near -by hotel—"my lights are on. When I got to my rooms I didn't go directly to bed—I 'hype it wasn't a crime. I -went to the front window and stood there for a few minutes, trying to get a breath of fresh air. Then I caught sight of Mr. Fleet coating up the street Industrial ses Found For Corn Once It Was Valuable Only As Fodder Time was when corn was used mainly for fodder, says the Finan- Ciel Post. Ilut research workers have since discovered many indus- trial uses of it, some of which are as follows: Salad oils Soap Cooking Oils Yeast Edible starch ,Textiles Pap el' Laundry chemicals Adhesives Dusting powder Explosives Baking powder Cough syrup Wines Vinegar Soft drinks Brewing Calico printing Why Not Wheat, Too? Perhaps it would be a wise plan to divert some of the money spent on developing new types of wheat along research channels, which may reveal new uses for wheat, since it is getting to be quite a problem to find a market for the surplus grain the country is able to produce. Foundry work Colors .Fireworks Confectionery Table syrups Corn sugar Molasses Canned goods Bread Ice Cream Cake fr'ostiiig Chewing gum Chewing tobacco Twine Janis and jellies Leather Rayon London's buses and coaches picked up nearly 4,000 tons of mud in the last 12 months. whet Crochet Tablec oth MAYFAIR NO. 241 "The Rose" will always be the most popular filet crochet motif. Here it is cleverly designed to .snake a beautiful cloth that will delight women who desire exquisite table appointments. The entire cloth is worked in squares which are assembled when. complete. The pattern includes full crochet instructions without abbrevia- tions. Send 15 cents in stamps, postal note or coins to Mayfair Patterns, Room 421, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. —he had apparently just left the Kentitig house — and behind him cane a car. And when 1 heard the machine-gun and saw the spits of fire cowling through the window, and also saw Mr. Fleet grasp the lamppost and sink down; I thought he had been shot. I naturally dashed down—so here I am. Anything illegal in that p r,tced- ure?" "No—oh, no," smiled Vance. "Quite normal. Far more normal, in fact, than it you had gone imme- diately to bed without a bit of air - in' by the open window." He glan- ced at Quaggy with an enigmatical smile. "By the by," he went on, "did you, by any chance, note what type of car it was that attacked Mr, Fleel?" Nobody Saw It Go "No, I didn't get a very good look at it," Quaggy returned in a chilly tone. "And the color?" prompted Vance. "It was a dingy, nondescript color," Heath was watching Quaggy very shrewdly. "Yeah?" he said skeptically, "Which way did it go?" "I really didn't notice. I caught only a glimpse of it as it started. toward the pant," "A fine .bunch of spectator's," Heath sported. "I'11 see about that car myself." And he started run- ning toward Central Park West. As he neared the corner, a burly figure in nuiforin turned suddenly into SOth street from the south, and almost collided with the Sergeant, By the bright corner light I could see that the newoomer was Mc- Laughlin. "What was 11, Sergeant?" His breathless, exacted query carried down to us. ''I heard the shots, and been trying to locate 'ens. Did they conte outa this street?" "You're damn tootin', McLaugh- lin," replied Heath, and, grasping the officer by the arm, he swung him about, and the two started off again. - Queer Episode "My word; such energy!" sighed Vance when Heath and the officer were out of sight, "The coupe could be at 110th Street by this time—and thus the mad search would end. Heath is all action and no mentation. Sad, sad . . , Vital ingredient of the police routine, I imagine -eh, what, Markham?" Then be turned to Fleet, "Feeling better?" he asked pleasantly, "I'm all right now," the lawyer returned, taking a wobbly step or two forward. "That's bully," Vance said con- solingly. "Do you 'want an escort home?" "No, thanks," said Wise], in a voice that was still dazed. "I'll make it all right." He turned shakily toward Central Park West. "I'll pickup a taxicab." "Queer episode," Commented Vance, as if to himself. "Fits in rather nicely, thotiglt. Lucky for your lawyer friend, Markham, that the gentleman in the green coupe wasn't a better shot - . Alt, well, we might as well toddle to the col- • ner and await the energetic Ser- geant, Really, y' know, Markham, there's no use gazing at the lamp- post any longer," (To Be 'Continued) Scientists at the Impetiai Insti- tute of Sugar"- Technology in India have perfected a process :for mak- ing roads from sugar, Environmental . Influence On Feebleminded Before School Age The Intellig- ence of Children Is Found To Go ,Up and Down According To Conditions Under Which They Live, Dr. Beth Wellman of Iowa State University, voiced a warning be- fore the American Psychological Association meeting at Columbus, Ohio, that early environment can cause feebletnindeclness in children. Feeblemindedness has been con- sidered by scientists as either in- born or visited only upon those in- heriting the lowest grade .of intelli- gence. Psychologists conceded that the changes of a few points usually less than 10, could be found, caused by education and environment, but held these to be rare. Dr. Wellman tossed a scientific bombshell in the form of a report on children whose "I.Q." had changed as much as 40 points. She said the changes were both ways, but so .tremendous that they had brought their possessors respec- tively up to the genius level -or else down to feeblemindedness. One child, she said, fell from a normal of 103 to feeblemindedness at 60. Two others dropped from good intelligence into the same feebleminded sixties. In these cases she blamed en- vironment before school age. The children were in an orphanage 'cot- tage, she said, under supervision of untrained help, with but little play facilities and no planned education. To back up her assertion that en- vironment caused the feebleminded- ness, she cited another group of children liking under similar orph- anage conditions, except that these attended pre-school daily. The children, she declared, improved in intelligen ce. Vogue For Blondes Is Losing Fay urs In the Old Country, the Au- Naturelle Hair of the Duch - ens of Kent Being Copied With such mechanical ideas occu- pying feminine minds it seems that the vogue for blondes has suddenly disappeared in Great Britain. Gone are the beauties with flaxen tresses supposed to be irresistible to true gentlemen. Bond Street (London) hair -dressers are bewailing the fact that one of their Most lucrative arts is no longer in demand. Where SO heads were once bleached in a week now the total is 15. "Late Victorian" In Favour 'hat is the reason? Well, the Duchess of Kent and the Duchess of Gloucester wear their hair au na- turelle as do the majority of society women whose photos are seen most frequently in the picture press. In England it is no longer smart to appear "fast." Al] that vanished with the set who melted away at the time of abdication. Late Vic- torian styles now are in favor in Court circles and the "swept -up" hair -dos look best when the hair has its own natural sheen. Dyeing or bleaching makes it harsh and coarse. Skin Is Grafted On Girl's Eyelid Unusual Operation Is Perform- ed In London Hospital An unusual operation_ of skin grafting was performed in St. Jos- eph's Hospital, in London Ont,, in an effort to overcome an eye in- jury suffered by Florence Swaim, 14 -year-old daugnter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Swaim, of Hensall, eight years ago. When six years old, Florence Swaim fell against a hot stove and was terribly burned about her eyes. One eyelid has been seriously af- fected since. Recently she bas been having much trouble with the eye and surgeons decided on the rnus- ual operation. •• Was Burned By Stove A section of Skin was removed from behind her eye and grafted into the affected -tart of the lower eyelid. It is believed that the oper- ation will prove a permanent end of the difficulty. The girl after the operation per- formed by a London eye specialist was able to leave hospital in a few days, and is now at her home in. 1Tensall where high hope of a per- manent recovery is held. r MIiJERALS ARE -Tae FOUNDATION OF HEALTH. IF you are suffering with Rheumatism, Neuritis, Stomadh trouble, Kidneys, Nerves, Piles, Colitis, Eczema, FCntalc ailments, Rundown, etc., your system is lacking some of the vital minerals Which Nature -demands, Lang's m'ai has brought new health and vi- tality to thousands after years of suffering. Write for free information. Y ' si5q G lOrU DR.t' TUE AWFUL PRICE YOU PAY FOR BEING Quivering nerves can make you old and )laggard looking, cranky and hard to live with—con keep you awake nights and .With—can you of good health, good times and jobs, What you should try fs a particularlyq good woman's tonic—and could you ask for anything whose benefits Are better - proved than that world-famous. Lydia E. ,Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? Let Its wholesome herbs and roots help Nature calm your shrieking nerves, tone up your system, give more energy and make life worth living again. More than a million women have re- ported benefit—why not let Pinkham's Compound help YOU, too, to go "smil- ing Nina" trying times like it has other grateful lone?u IT MUST ]3EhGOOD!3 genera. The World's Two Loneliest Women Live on an Island Off the Coast Of Africa — Sometimes See No One For Months The world's loneliest women. have been found only 15 miles from Cape Town, South Africa. They live with their husbands on Dassen Island — the island of a million birds—where a lighthouse is situated. "An occasional .shipwreck," said Mrs. McInerney, wife of the chief lighthouse keeper, "breaks the monotony of our lives." Shipwreck Makes Excitement Once every six weeks, a relief tug visits the island, carrying the .,.fresh food and mail for the two married families and three bache- lor officials of the lighthouse de- partment. "It's all right for my husband and the other men," Mrs. Mclner- ney told a visitor, who went out with the relief tug. "IIe has no worries, but we two women on the island do all the suffering and the Worrying. For months and nlontits we see nothing but our three miles of land and the tantalizing outline of Table Mountain, calling us to civilization," Jounces Are Back In Fashion Picture We May Even See a Revival of The Tiered Skirt PARIS. --While coats and ensem- bles for the coming season are worn shorter, jackets and suits are long- er, as the new Creed collectinn of tailored suits exemplifies. While some of the skirts in this show remain short and are lavishly pleated, the latest fashion note here is a revival of the type of skirt favored in the early 1900's. These skirts are in flat wool which cones down just below the knee, but added length is given by an attached flounce of velvet, moire, or grosgrain. Tills tenden- cy inay develop into a recrudes- cence of the old-fashioned tiered skirt. The feminine attention to detail finds free play in collars and pip- ing, Its most current,manifesta- tion is in doubling the neckline or revers with another kind of mate- rial, Double collars heavy with military braid are also popular. Eouth Africa has a new law pro- viding; cash payments to phthisis sufferers. found sweetening' my noawh g real with BEE HIVE Syrup aids Issue No. 40-'38 D