HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-09-29, Page 1ERA .X XX I X 12; ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER29, 938. Chester L. Smith, I'sxbiitlt $1,25 a year, U,S. $1.50 ilk A.dvilielt $1,60 I A.Rltk.ARS, $2 MAY BE Old,AKSkS. Let the local Ads. guide youin your Autumn Purchases HAIRDRESSING ' THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING SALON SPECIALS FOR SPRING Let us quote you oxn. Specials for Spring and Summer Permanents, -that are pleasing and satisfactory, .and will give you personality Hair- •dressing Salon on rear of store. Fuer -appointments call us by phone 102 -Zurich. ST. PETERS • Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. "A Changeless Christ for a Chang - bag Woad." Friday, 8h—Luther Lague. Thursday ---Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. m.—German Service.. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School 7.30 p.m.—English eeniice Everybody Welcome to ell Servings. E. TUERKHEIM, Pastor. BETTY ANNE BEAUTY SHOP We wish to announce to our Clientele that we have added a new wireless Permanent Waving Machine to our Beauty Shop. With this most modern and scientific method you have no weight or escess- ive heat on your head. You are not connected to the electivity in any way, and you can have your permanents in from thirty seconds to three minutes time. We are equipped to give you any permanent your hair requires. See this machine before getting a new permanent. Open Evenings. Phone 159 for Appointments. COMFORTABLE GLASSES At • REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg,B.0. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest. Approved. Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. See The New 1939DODGE PRICES LOWER Many Added Improvements SEE IT TODAY, .A.T D.UR GARAGE C. `RITZ & SON DODGE AND DESOTA DISTRIBUTORS AND USED CAR SALES ZURICH -- ONT. 1 1 Leavitt's Theatre EXETER — ONT. Thurs., Friday, Saturday CLARK LABEL and WALLACE BEERY in "HELL DIVERS" Special Metro Gold. Mayer Picture. LAUREL and HARDY in "A PERFECT DAY' Walt Gisney's Plutos Quintruplets. TWO NIGHTS ONLY Midnight Monday 12.15 a.m. and Monday Night. "LOVE IS A HEADACHE" Mickey Rooney and Franchot Tone, and Gladys George Special Metro Gold. Mayer Picture. Tuesday and Wednesday only EDWARD G. ROBINSON, in "THE AMAZING DOCTOR CLITTERHOUSE" Our Gang Comedy in 'LOVE TAPS" ZURICH FALL FAIR AnotherFairDay in the life of the r( With the opening of the Univers- Zurich Agricultural Society has made }tics this week the various students history on Tuesday with an. excellent left for their places of study: lVIr. day as far: as weather was concerned. y iugh MacKinnon lett for .Queens a Mrs. Noah Sararas of Kitchener, called on Zurich friends this week. A number of our business men improved the appearance of town by decorating and putting up streamers for Fair Day. Mr. 'William Dumari otf Kitchener, was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Yungblut over the fair dates Barrister C. E. Dancey of Goder- ieh was a business visitor in town on Friday. Witli this week the half holiday se- ason is past and places of business from now on will be open six days of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hess of Pon- tiac, Mich., were visitors for a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A F. Hess, remaining over for the fair. Word was received here this week of t'ne passing of Mrs. Robert Turn- er at Port Elgin, she was an aged and former resident of Stanley aownsnip Mr. and Mrs. James J. Barry, Mr. and Mrs. David Barry of Dunvill vis- ited friends here over Sunday and remained over for the fair Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. Wesley E. Schellog of Detroit, accompanied by Mrs. Geo Gram of Hensall called in town on Friday while enroute from that City to Hensall. As a consequence, the attenaance was good, although not quite up to two years ago when it seemingly had reached its climax. The usual amo- unt of inside exhibits :were well worth looking over and admired, as prac- tically every nurniber was well repre- sented. The poultry was also well represented, and some real fine birds were exhibited. Then the live stock was interesting, especially were there a large showing of sheep and me, while the other cattle, very 5 in guality, but the numbers were not as many as we have seen. The most • interesting of the live stock was the .I Tilt:ere familywhich was of the high- eype seen anywhere. Some of animals had won prizes at the larger exhibitions, and these so called -professionals sure . have the product and know how to train and groom their horses to be attractive. We were thinking as we watched the jud- ging of these fine horses, that the loc- al farmer on the concessions has no chaance whatever in oi,taining a prize for his ordinary carriage of driving horse, and it would be a fine thing if the Society would add a farmers' class and have the local farmers only compete in this, so as to stimulate interest among the ord- inary farm horses. One class of races were held and 'there were three horses in this, and in one of the heats a bad entangle - :mead Unit place which coused a few upsets but fortunately no one as inured to any extent. The concert in the town following the pair was as usual well attended, as was the dance following. Really it was, we woul 'say, another successful fair,and thu. edety will end up the year in a good financial position which is so 4 WE SELL THE BEST .FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Peas, 17-02 tin,, No. 3:sieve, 2 tins . . ---. —.......15c Oxydol, large pkg. _-- —21c Shortening, 2, lbs..................................25 c Campbells Tomato Soup, 2 tins .....-...,...,...-........,.. l 7 c Cohoe Salmon, halls 16c Superior Baking Powder 16,oz ;tin .. c .. 17c. c Garden. Patel corn, 2 tins 25c Magic white Bleach, 3 bottles tins, 2 :tiny .17c Pumpkins large new, • .2 lbs......—___—. .. ._...25c Sultana Raisins,'Ib. �" 17 c ,Coconut, finger biscui per...... ....-. Kellogg's allwbeat 1 box corn flakes free ...........25c Men's fancy dress shirts . .1.00 Men's and boy's -winabreakers cool evening% .at. Vey 10+-VsripiiteS J. :for Phone 1140 essential these days. The Zurich Band played during the afternoon on the grounds and deligh- ted the many there with some real snappy selections. The cream testing contest in the show house was some - few weeks ago, where he had some special work, and where he is taking his last year's study as civil engineer; Mr. Quimbe and t'aul Hess left on Sunday for Toronto University where the .former is taking his third year on Forestry Science, while Paul is tak- ing his second year on studying Law; IVfae Smith left Monday for Western, London where she is begining a four year course Bachelor of Arts degree in Home Economics; Donald Oestre- cher of the Bronson line also is be- ginning a six year Medical course at Western, while iHope Roppel of Dash- wood is commencing an Arts courge in English. These young people are striving with ambition to find a slut - able profession in life, and it takes plenty of hard work. Died in Detroit Two feature values in lovely hand - carved rings. Above.. Smart design with carved flowers in 4 K gold Left ,Modern style. Bright finish.14K gold. PRICED TO SAVE YOU MONEY A lovely Bride's Book given Free, which will enable the Bride to keep a permanent record of the Wedding, the Guests, Gifts, the shower and many other interesting points about her marriage. Word was received here of the pas- sing of a former Hay Township resi- dent in the person of Mrs. Robert Schiedle, nee Miss Susan. Schellog, who passed away in Detroit on Sep- tember 17th, burial taking place in Woodbine Cemetery, Detroit. Mrs. •Schiedel who will be remembered by some of our residents, left for Det- roit thirty years ago, and is survived by her husband, one son, one sister, Mrs. George Gram of Hensall; three brothers, Doctors George I. and Wes- ley E. Schellog of Detroit, and Dav- id :Schellog of Oregeon City, Oregon. th"rng•new and interesting and was supervised by, a man from the De- paatment : of Agriculture. • HORSES General. Purpose --- Foal, Il. Bow - 1 den; 1 yr. old N. E. Hooper; 2 yr. old 1 T1oonerN. Hooper„ Hy. Becker; 3 yr. old, Wm. Decker, F. Scott; a'pan 1 -Wm. Decker. Agricultural — Brood mare, H. Bowden, Foal, R. Hamilton, H. Bow- den; Foal, R. Hamilton, IT. Bowden; 1 yr. old,. Dale, A. G. HESS, Jeweler and Optician PHONE YOUR 0 =7 R. FOR 'blue cam: For positive identification of the World's Finest Anthracite. ak for BLUE COAL Also Rosedale Alberta, Servet -Solvay Coke . Miller Creek. The Roe Farms Milling . Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid for ,.Eggs on a graded basis.:. Pone 10 - Hensall 0. OBITUARY Another elderly and well. known resident of Zurich passed on. to her eternal Maker on Friday September 23rd, in the person of Mrs. Catherine Clausius, relict of the. late John Rei-• .chert, aged 79 years, 11 months and 21 days. Deceased had been quite frail the past year or so, and her departure was not exactly unexpect- ed. Being of a hardy and rugged disposition in her prune. she knew all about hard work and pioieer life in .about Township. For about; the Last 20 years she and her husband •retired. from farming and lived peacefully' in their home at' the. west • end 'of town where some years ago her hus- band predeceased.c ..hrzays of a quiet disposition she was greatly loved by her •neighbors and many friends. Sur- viving besides a brother George Cla- usius of Zurich, there survives one son William Reichert of Hay Town- ship; two daughters, Mrs. A. Price, of -Stanley Twp., and Miss Mary at W D 1 R Hamilton; hetsie. The funeral was held on yr. old, R. Hamilton; 3 yr. old, .T. Monday afternoon to Lutheran Chats Scott, and 2nd; Span, J. Scott, W. eofor service and Lutheran interment, Rev. E.Tura:fa tt�.t c ary frher Dale. *♦••♦•••♦•♦•••••♦.♦.♦♦••••••♦••••••••••••®/.s•••♦•••f 4 • , • • y . • •' • �, ,� • • ora••�• ' • • ,fin � • ♦• a 4 OE • • FELT HATS . Splendid ranIt ge of Wool and Fur Felt, from• 1.90 to 3.25 4 • SWEATERS of • _. • __ • n_- Wool, l, VNecks, Zipper and Button Front, Many Shades SOCKS (Concluded on Page Four) pastor officiating. • • • • • °. ALL SHADES AND PATTERNS 4 •.IN• W LT: offa�a.ez S0211 1 • • • • EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS •, 44104110.4044.40••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ►•411•te4a••• ••••••••♦♦••♦♦••••••••♦••♦••••4•••0a,•• Seasonable Goods NEW DRESS GOODS In Ladoussac Flannel and Tweed Effect Flannel, Flannelette Blankets, White and Grey, Wool Blankets, Underwear, Sweaters for Men, Boys and Children. New Chintz for Comforters and Side Drapes, Stamped Mats, Etc. A Few ' House Dresses left at Bargain Prices. Shoes and Rubber Boots, Harness Repairs, Etc, Fresh Groceries Always On Hand R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL MROH ANT PHONE 11 - 97 1B1L4Kra