Zurich Herald, 1938-09-22, Page 7Clas�i�ied Adert;ng AGENTS WANTED ATTENTION! AGENTS ALL ON4Llit Canada are making spare time money showing Yuletide Christ- mas Cards, A dignified and profit- able occupation which means dol- lars for you. Without obligation we send FREE Portfolio of sam- ples with pamphlet on selling. Priced from $1 to $1.80 dozen -- everybody buys them. highest commissiona'ncl bonus. Yule Tide Studios, Toronto. AGENT WANTED IN THIS TOWN representing Canada's leading manufacturer of Sportswear and Knitted Outwear for entire fam- ily. Complete selling outfit, in- cluding illustrated catalogue of over sixty garments, Classic Sportswear, Toronto. AUTOMOBILE' REPAIRS Shook Absorbers SALES AND SERVICE. ALL MAKES, We specialize. Fred Stratford, Limited, 85 Gerrard West, Tor- onto. FARM MACHINERY GENUINE PARTS AND SUPPLIES for Magnet ,Cream Separator. Im- mediate delivery. Two rubber rings and complete set of brushes. Postage paid, $1.00. T. S. Petrie, 13 Rambert Ave., Swansea, Tor- onto. FURNITURE; LYONS' TRADE-IN BARGAINS 478 Yonge St., Tpronto SEPTEMBER SPECIALS Our Trade -In Department is over- stocked with all kinds of high class used furniture, all thoroughly clean- ed and reconditioned and sold for a traction of its real value. All goods sold with a definite money back guarantee of satisfaction ofr your protection. Special attention given mail orders. All goods . carefully packed for safe shipment on receipt of money order. $14.95 3 piece tapestry chester- field suite, Marshall spring cushions. $4.95 Odd chesterfield chairs, Mar- shall spring cushions. $5.50 Odd chesterfields, mohair W and velour covers, spring filled cushions. @19.50 Beautiful 3 piece chester- �P field suite in brown mo- hair, reversible Marshall spring cushions. $24.50 Large 3 piece Chesterfield suite, upholstered in hard wearing repp (rust shade) Marshall spring cushions. $27.50 Smart 3 piece Chesterfield suite, upholstered in fig- ured velour; taupe shade, Perfect condition. $29.00 Large 8 piece suite, repp suite, Marshall reversible cushions. Perfect. $37.50 Beautiful large mohair suite (cost new $200) Marshall spring cushions, walnut show wood facings. Like new. $24.00 3 piece bed room suite, Ivory enamel, dresser, vanity and full size bed. .$35.00 Large bed room suite in walnut finish. Dresser, vanity, full size bed and sagless spring. Completely refinished. $42.50 Smart bed room suite, 5 pieces, dresser, chiffonier, vanity, full size bed and sagless spring. Like new, $A9 Modern bed room suite with wP-�� venetian mirrors, large dres- • ser, vanity, chiffonier, full size bed and sagless spring-. $55 4 piece bed room suite in rich walnut finish, large dresser, chiffrobe, full size bed and sagless spring. Completely refinished. $69 Beautiful walnut suite, large dresser, chiffrobe, triple mir- ror, vanity and full size bed with sagless spring, completely refinish- ed. $701 Solid walnut suite, dresser, vanity, chiffrobe, full size bed and sagless spring. Like new. $1.1.95 Dining room suite, buffet, square extension table, 6 ehai re. $21.95 Solid oak suite, buffet, ex- tension table and 6 leather upholstered chairs. $29 Beautiful solid oak suite, large buffet, extension table and 6 solid leather spring seat chairs. Completely refinished. $39 Nine piece suite, buffet, square extension table, china cabinet and 6 leather seat chairs. $,5 Beautiful suite in rich walnut finish, 'buffet, square extensi- on table and 6 leather seat chairs, Completely refinished, $69 English oak suite, buffet, table china cabinet and 6 leather upholstered 'hairs. Perfect condi- tion. $70 Solid walntit suite. large buf- fet, extension table, china cabinet and 6 real leather seat chairs. Completely refinished. Large assortment of gas stoves, kitchen cabinets, sewing .machines, odd tables, chairs, rugs wardrobes, china cabinets (all thoroughly clean- ed and reconditioned) at rock bot- tom prices. pity with confidence. Money back guarantee of satisfac- tion. LYONS TRADE-IN DEPARTMENT 478 Yonge- St., Toronto INSTRUCTIONS IF YOU LIKE TO DRAW, SKETCH or paint—Write for Talent Test (No Fee). Give age and occupa- tion. Box 14, Room 421, 73 Ade- laide St. W., Toronto. • DT3SIGNINr, SCHOOL FOR CLOTHING GALASSO'S PRACTICAL SCHOOL of Resigning and Patterpmaliing for ladies' and gentlemen's gar- Iments, dressmaking, and fur de- signing. Correspondence courses If necessary. Tray and evening classes. Individual instruction. Write for information, 65 Avenue Tinnd, Toronto. DEVELOPING ANI) PRINTING BEAUTIFUL ENLARGEMENT GEMENT FREE —Ross developed and eight prints 25c. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mail Order Photo Service, Box 369, Peterborough, Ont. EDUCATIONAL "MATRICULATION COLLEGE," 20 Boor West, Toronto, Ontario's leading school for matriculation In ten months day -evenings. NURSERY STOCK RARE AND HARDY ORNAMENT- ale—Send for Our latest fall plant- ing catalogue. rui1 desorlptions of a wide assortment of lilies, rockery plants and other peren- nial (lowers, also trust for the colder parts. Speafal ofrers; pre- mium with each order. Only 'strong roots and sturdy trees shipped, Delivery in good condi- tion guaranteed. The Mnnit'oba Hardy Plant Nursery, Dropnlore, Mat lu Eo tCAL NO MOlti] SORE 1'B]0T llf YOU will use i3usson's Fix -Foot Soft- ens callouses. Relieves al] rases or Trench Feet, Athlete's Foot. Send 40e. 407 Lumhermans Vancouver, D.O. 931'SICAL INSTRUMENTS WE TEACH MUSIC BY MAIL. — Plano, Violin, Guitar, Voice cul- ture. Simple as abe. Particulars free. Paramount Conservatory of Music, 245 E 18th, Vancouver, 'I'iRAC'I'Oli 8iAGN[9Tl) AND MINEERATOR REPAIRS SEND 1)5 YOUR TRAITOR MAGNE- to and Generator Repairs, We save you money, Allanson Armature Manfr„ 855 l3ay St.. Toronto. NEWSPAPER i'Iiol'l6jtTY WANTED ADVERTISER IS INTERESTED IN purchasing Ontario Weekly News- paper. r'an make reasonable down payment in cash and monthly pay- ments for balance. .Must include good job business and well estab- lished newspaper in growing dis- trict. G. Emerson, 9 Delaware Ave„ Torontu, a ODOUR!MSS Tumors YOU CAN HAVIS CITY CONVENI- ences in your village or farm home without water supply or sewers Write for free information on our modern, self -emptying, odourless Toilets from 805.1111 up and leave behind for ever the dread out- house with its flies, cold and un- healthy discomforts, Kaustine En- gineering Company, 164 Portland Street, Toronto. nut. WAverley I'HO'1'OGRA1PIIy ROLL FILM DEVELOPED—EIGHT prints 25c; reprints 8 for 25c. Free enlargement with 25c order. Es- tablished over 25 years. Bright - ling Studio, 29 Richmond St, East, Toronto, POULTRY AND 1'OUL'1'RY innZ11I PCI ENT PULLETS AND COCKERELS FROM bloodstested stock. Barred Rock Pullets 5 weeks 8034, 6 'weeks Hifi, 8 weeks 45%. Cockerels 9 weeks $23,95, 6 to 7 weeks $21.95. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. PULLETS ALL AGES FROM 6 to 24 weeks—Barred Rocks, New Hampshire Reds, White Rocks, White Leghorns. Also yearling hens and cockerels. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. PULLETS WANTED BARRED Rocks, White Rocks, New Hamp- shire Reds, White Leghorns, State age and price wanted. Box TH, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. - QUIL'I'IN; PATCHES FOR SALE QUILTING PATCHES, LARGE BUN- dle, enough for five quilts, $1, postage prepaid. Riegler's, 282 Armndale, Toronto, RABBITS DOROVILLE RABBITRY, PARKS- ville, B.C., Breeders of Angoras, Flemish Giants, New Zealands, Chinchillas, Write for Catalogue, RESOLE YOUR SHOTES CHEAPLY YOUR SHOES RESOLED, 25c PAIR. You spread Leatherine like butter on leather, rubber. Dries tough overnight. 55e can prepaid. Mon- eyback guarantee: Lewis Pro- ducts, 77 VIctoria, Toronto, • SPORTING GOODS CATALOGUE SHOWING RIFLES, guns, ammunitions, gun sights and sundries. Hunters, trappers, pros- pectors needs, all priced low. Write for your copy today. Hallam, Dept. L, Toronto, Ontario. HAKE 103 HEARD The man who gives his best to his work gets the most out of it. An officer on board a battleship was drilling his inen: Officer (explaining)—"I want every man to lie on his back, put his legs in the air, and move them as if he were riding a bicycle. Now begin!" After a short effort, one of them stopped: Officer—"Why have you stop- ped, Cassidy?" Cassidy — "If you please, sir, I'ln coasting." A man looking at some ties tossed one or two aside, contempt- ously. Lingering after having made his purchase, he notices that the cleric put those he had so positively rejected in a separ- ate box: Man —' "What becomes of those?" Salesian—"We sell them to the . women who come in here to buy ties for men." The Builder Character is the foundation stone upon which one must build to win the respect and admiration of his fellows . Failure to build on the solid bedrock of char- acter means that all else will be superficial, with results sure to be disappointing. A man on trial for his life was being examined by a group of alienists. Suddenly one doctor jumped up and shouted to him: Issue No. 39--'-38 What Science * - is Doing * ALL -ELECTRIC FARM A Wellsian peep into the fu- ture of farming was afforded vis- itors to the Royal Agricultural Show at Cardiff, Wales, in.a dis- play of electrical machinery which some day may turn farming into an arm -chair industry. Laboratory wizards have per- fected electrical gadgets which do almost everything but eliminate the hen in egg laying and poultry raising. And in a low -roofed shed the same magical force grows enough food for ten milk cows— which increases their yield, con- tinuously. The miracle of the food -growing shed is accomplished by tiers of shallow trays over which are spread grains of cornor any other cereal, although corn has -been found to respond better than the others. Electric heat applied to the trays acts so quickly and effi- ciently that ten inches of growth can be brought about in eight days. i WOIU,D'S RAREST GAS A new still that .manufactures three quarts a day of the rarest gas in the world, heavy nitrogen, was announced last week by Col- umbia University, The difference between , ordin- ary nitrogen and heavy nitrogen, though small, is of great import - arm to chemists. The first use is to attach these rare molecules to food. There they replace ordinary nitrogen. They permeate the liv- ing tissues the same as the ..nom - mon nitrogen and because of their greater weight, their course through the body can be traced. Biologists are•using this method to find out where nutrients go af- ter digestion, and how long they stay in the body. VITAMIN "K" ISOLATED Complete isolation of vitamin "K"—diet factor necessary for coagulation of blood — was an- nounced this week by Dr. Edward A. Doisy, St. Louis University re- search chemist. Dr. Doisy said the transparent and colorless crystals of pure vitamin were ob- tained from an alfalfa meal oil. England's physical fitness pro- gram has already cost $14,000,- 000. DOUBLE AUTOMATIC BOOKLET 5' Casa Loma "Canadiana" will be returned to Ottawa about Sept. 30th. Tree catalogues will be given to every public school child attending next Saturday. Regular price is 25c. These catalogues contain 25 plates of historical pictures now at Casa Loma and this offer is to give the children and the parents the op - "Commission to Probe Ontario's Mental Hospitals Clifford Magone, solicitor to the attorney -general's department; Dr. W. H. Avery, and Lionel Conacher, M.P.P., LEFT to RIGHT, form a commission appoint ed by the Ontario provincial government to investigate mental hospitals in the province. The commission will begin its probe at London, Ont. Premier M. F. Hepburn indicated that the commission was apppinted in the belief that many patients are committed and retained in mental hospitals unjusly. Doctor—"Quick, how many feet has a centipede?" Man (coming back in a dry, dry voice)—"Gad, is that all you have to worry about?" When I leave this mortal shore To mosey 'round this earth no more— Don't weep; don't sigh; don't pine; don't sob; I may have found a better job. Don't stand around Inc feeling blue, I may be better off than you. Don't tell the folks I was a saint Or any old thing that I ain't. If you have "bunk" like that to spread, Please pass it out before I am dead. If you have roses, bless your soul, Just pin one in my buttonhole— Today—while I'm alive and well. Don't wait 'till I'm safe in (Hea- ven) .—Author unknown. A general, who was widely known for his temper and for his strict insistence upon implicit obedience to orders, was in come man of a base camp. He met a soldier carrying a steaming kettle from the camp cookhouse: General (ordering)—"Here you are, let me taste that!" Soldier—"But, sir, it isn't—" General—"Don't give me any 'buts'. Get me a spoon!" Soldier—"Very good, sir." The soldier went back to the cookhouse and got a spoon. While the soldier stood at attention the General helped himself to a spoon- ful of the liquid, and immediately spat it out, General (roaring angrily) — "You don't call that soup, do you?" Soldier—"No, sir, that's what I was trying to tell you. It's dis- infectant, sir." The Contributor wrote — "The enclosed are original and have never been published." The Editor (returning them) re- plied—"I can quite believe it," Teacher—"If you added seven- ty-six thousand, nine hundred and twenty-three to eighty-one thous- and, four hundred and twelve, what would you get?" Pupil—"A wrong answer," Canadian National Railways Revenues The gross revenues of the all- inclusive Canadian National Rail- ways System for the week ending September 7, were $3689,291 AS compared with 3,739,198 for the corresponding period of 1937, a de- crease of - 49,907 Farm Forum 1. Q. "I have been wondering it I Could sow fertilizer by hand in the Spring when the ground is still moist, and cultivate it in. Would I get good results'?" R. B„ Durham Oo. A. I would say that our exper- ience does not favour broadcasting fertilizer for grain, or root crops. Greatest benefit is obtained from fertilizer for these crops when the Material is concentrated to a large extent near the young growing seed. When the same fertilizer is sown broadcast, it is so dispersed through the growing area that the young plant is unable to obtain a maximum benefit from it. I would certainly advise you to obtain a drill from fertilizer dropping at- tachment for the sowing of fertiliz- er on your grain crops, if this is at all possible. Of course, on meadow crops and on alfalfa, broadcasting is about the only way that fertilizer can be applied. 2. Q. "In our district we use considerable manure which we find convenient to haul to our market gardens in the winter tinge. Wb have three main methods of ap- plying this manure to the ground, namely: (1) Spreading it right off the truck. (This method is easy enough, except sometimes the man- ure is caky, or frozen.) (2) Making about eight piles in pyramid form from each load, and later (in March or April) spreading it about, man -power only, (3) Putting the manure in a big pile about five feet high, and after leaving it to heat for a week, or ten days, it is spread with a horse drawn wagon. - Now, to settle an argument, and also to find -out which method is the best to use, both from the standpoint of cost and also total Value which the soil receives, I wonder would you kindly let me know your opinion, which I konw will be based on facts which you have gathered ever a period of years? — 17. W. P,, York Co. A. It is our experience that a certain amount of available, plant - food is lost out of manure no Tat- ter how it is handler. ,. If your land is fairly well' sup- plied with organic matter, and is not side -hill land, spreading it from the truck woud be alright provid- . ed the snow is not too deep. I do not favour the second method you Mention (small piles) because if you, get much bright weather be- fore the manure is spread, quite a bit of the organic matter will be dried up and blown away, or 'oxid- ized, .and considerable of the Nitro- gen will have escaped as Ammonia. The manner in which you will lose the least amount of plantfood le. to put the manure hi a large pile about five feet high, and keep it well tramped so as to prevent too much heating. If you allow it to heat very severely so -that the manure shows fire-fanging when you open up the pile, there will have been much loss in Nitrogen and organic matter. However, if you can keep it, compacted as solid- ly as it would be if cattle were al- ways tramping over it, it should be in good shape for Spring use as soon as the time for spreading out arises. I believe you will find these op- inions borne out by tests in many places as well as our own exper- ience at this institution. After three years, the famous Drury Lane theatre in London will present a pantomime at Christmas, "Babe in the Woods" being the attraction. portunity of viewing and studying these interesting and educational prints and pictures. There are over 5'00 pictures and prints in all. The famous painting. "The Fall of Nineveh" will remain a few weeks longer. It is expected that the picture will go to the World's Fair, New York. It has 29 life size figures and is valued at oder $50,000. Slow Lightning When a flash of lightning is not followed by a thunderclap, you may be certain that it is what is known technically as a "slow" flash. That is, it has not dis- charged energy at the usual rate. Thunder is caused by the re- lease of energy in millionths of a second, but according to K. B. 1VIcEachron, expert of the General Electric Company, when a flash is not followed by thunder, the re- lease takes from one to two-tenths of a second, and such discharges are far less destructive than those accompanied by thunder. Thunder, incidentally, is the re- sult of a wave of pressure caused by a rapid expansion of air re- sulting from a quick discharge of energy. Turkey has abolished its con- sumption tax on medicines. GOING TO TOWN? Remember to get your copy of this week's Toronto . Star Weekly. Caked Udder Cleared Experienced dairymen find Minard's particularly good for treating caked udder, lumps, bruises, colic, etc. Keep bottles in stable and house. 91 AIL THESE E,TRA FEATURES COST No mon? c .fit .++• -f�1°, THAT' RtC+T, NOT ONE ::.. C>•;NT htioRE' Never before have so many people been changing over to Firestone Tires. They know that they can buy Firestones with' full confidence of getting the most mileage for the least amount of money, for only in Firestone tires can you get all the Firestone extra features that assure you extra mileage—extra safety and extra value ---all at the same price as ordinary tires! Your nearest Firestone Dealer has, Firestone tires in all price classes to suit every purse. See him when you need tires and be sure of getting your full money's worth.