HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-09-22, Page 1$o 'Vol. XXXIX 11 zuRACHR THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER22, 1938. Chester L. Smith, Publish *1.25 a year, U.S. $L50 in Advent* *Lau irie.RitE.A.R8,e2 HAY Dit OYEARDZIP Be • tem OT 26th and. 27th are t HAIRDRESSING THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING SALON SPECIALS FOR SPRING Let us quote you ort Specials for Spring and Summer Pernsaneats, that are pleasing and • satisfactory, and will give you perseleabity. Hairoiresing Salon on rear of store. For appointments call us by ositiene 102 Zurich. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — OPT. "A Changeless Christ far a Chang- ing Worlsi.'r Friday, 8h—Luther League. Thursday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. m.—German Service. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday SchooL 7.30 p.m.—English service. Everybody Welcome, to all Services. E. TUERKHEIM. Paster. e dates of Zurich Fail -air ....••••••.••oo•••Nlt. .1•••••9•V•4•101.191.1a••••••an•alinr•i BETTY ANNE BEAUTY SHOP We wish to innounce to oar Clientele that we have added a new wireless Permanent Waving Machine to our Beauty Shop, With this most modern and scientific method you have no weight or escess- ive heat on your head. You are not connected to the electivity in any way, and you can have your permanents in from thirty seconds to three minutes thne. We are equipped to give you any permanent your hair requires. See this machine before getting a new permanent. Open Evenings. Phone 159 for Appointments. COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg,R.o. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. See The New 193 GE PRICES LOWER Many Added Improvements SEE IT TO -DAY, .AT :OUR ARAGE C. FRITZ & SON DODGE AND DESOT.A DISTRIBUTORS AND USED CAR SALES MUCH — sONT. ••••••••••••••.•I•21110•11• Talking Pictures AT TOWN HALL ZURICH On Saturday, September 24th. At 8.30 p.rn. Sound -On -Film, Perfect Scynchron- ization, LANE CHANDLER In • "THE HURRICANE HORSEMAN" With an All Star Program Added All -Talking Comedy or Car- toon. ENJOY A TWO HOUR SHOW Admission—Adults 25c. Children 150. • NOTICE • The Annual Thankoffering Service of the St. Peter's Lutheran W.M.S. will be held at the church on Friday eve., Sept. 23rd at 8 pan. The guest speaker iMiss E . Strunk, a ••••••••••••1•0.••••••••••••. ••••••=mmia• Mr. Gid Koehler made a business trip to Kitchener on IVIonday. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Ruby and daughter of Kitchener, were Sunday visitors with the former's parents, Mr and Mrs. Wm. S. Ruby of town. Messrs. Herb. Mousseau and Alb- ert Hess were on a duck hunting trip up the Bruce Peninsula, and received a nice bag of these feathered species. Mr. Hugh aVfacKinnon, who has been for the slimmer on the Highway Engineering staff at Stratford, /eft last week for Kingston where he will be instructor at the University till the fall term opens. ,Mr. and Mrs. Mose Baer and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Eby of New Dundee were Sunday visitors at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steckle of the Bronson line, Stanley and Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Smith, St. Joseph. Mr. Quimby Hess who has spent the past few months up north in the woods employed with a targe paper and power company, returned to his home here last week, and is getting ready to go back to University next .week. Don't forget the Zurich fall fair .neXt .Monday and Tuesday, bring the whole family out Tuesday afternoon and enjoy these few hours at Zurich big afternoon of the year. Bayfield fair will follow on 'Wednesday and ELCO ton %ten! inn 1 S Jewels, cases in white finish lf‘-t-4° eearitiA\ELCO Delicately wrought in modernistic design. ONLY Si DOWN waft. A G. HESS JEWELER AND OPTICIAN *blue coat' FILL YOUR BIN NOW With this Premium Anthracite at the low summer price. Also Miller Creek, for your Thresh- ing. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid for .Eggs on a graded basis. Pone 10 - Hensall • will be •••••••••••••••••••••••s••••••••o•••••••o44.4.••••: • .44 missionary on furlough from 'ninon Thursday, and will also appreciate • Oiima.The ‘public is extended, a coro.loo,poo,on,,p,„.inntro......ge,....... dial invitation to attend this-scoeiec. • .•• . • or.• A delegation of St. Peter's Luth- • eran ichurch, Zurich, are attending the W.MS. convention at i-reston • on Wednesday and Thursday. They .1 will be accompanied home by Miss E. Strunk, a Missionary on furlough • from China. She will address a gathering in the Zurich Lutheran • , church on Friday evening, Sept. 23. • 1\1r. Orville Witmer has purchased • the business bIock and residence coni- •• bitted. from Kn. Garfield Bronw on • Victoria street Mr. Witmer will use • this place for a dwelling and his dairy business, evidently he will be called upon to put in a pastuerizing plant, which will ail be housed in this place. Possession will be given on November 1st, next SOME BRIEF NOTES ON THE CANADA TEMPERANCE ACT (This series of articles which will appear in our :columns from week to week, are sponsored by the Temper- ance Federation and W.C.T.U. of Huron County. Their purpose is to give a brief history of the origin, scope and possibility of enforcement of the Canada Temperance Act,from the tirne of its inception up to the present. No. 1—The Origin of the Act 1 The Canada Temperance Act, over years arisin, was formerly popularly which much controversy has of late -e-e--e-e•••••mmia !known by the name The Scott Act. i It is a Dominion statute, originally enacted in 1878. This was about 10 years after Confederation-. Under the -old regime of Upper -and Lower Canada, Ontario and Quebec had a lo -cal option measure known as the Dunkin Act applicable to villag- es, towns, townships, etc. The Marit imes, where temperance sent;ment was pronounced, were anxious for a like privilege and it was thought de- sirable to have a uniform law. The Canada Temperance Act was the out- come of these .circumstances. The Canada 'Temperance Act had wide vogue in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick and for some time in On- tario and parts of Quebec. Its advam- taps are that is is a county measure. (being- applicable to counties or cit- ies) and that it is brought in or removed on a simple majority vote of the electors concerned. While for- .. . WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials lc= Thursday, Friday and Saturday Crown Brand Coin Syrup 5s — . ..37c Sunlight Soap,4 cakes . .4.*. •Certa„. per bottle - 22c 1--lillcrest Shortening„ 2 :lbs. ... 25c Nut Crush, 16 -oz jar, per jar , •.- 25c . 4, ii• 24c. Maxwell. House Coffee, lab. in .. .. , 39c Maple Leaf Sockeye Salmon 1-s. ... J.5,.. Choice Blue Rose Rice, 2 'lbs. . .17c 114acroni loose, ready,cdt, 3 'Rig. .. ' .. . 14c 5c Sardines„ per tin tr••••••••1 • Ladies Fullfashione.d 1-1.ose, Regular Stock, first quality, chiffon or 'service weight........59c pr. Ankle Socks, all razes, per pair .... A I HYMENEAL Ait Our Lady of Mt •Carmel Church a lovely wedding was solemnized when Mary Helen, daughter of Mr. and' MM. Augustus -Morrissey, be- came the bride of Dennis Philip Me- dard; son of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bedard; of Zurich. Rev. Father Fog- arty; performed the ceremeny with Rev:. Father Corcoran in the Sanctu- ary; The bride who was given in marriage by her father was lovely in a- gown. of white satin and lace, made oir princess lines, with train falliing Br soft folds. Her long white veil, fell from a Yreddress of white net in bonnet shape ,caught witn orange bilessoms. She.carried a bouquet of Lid roses. Marie Hearne of Stratford. ,was train bearer, dressed in blue net. Joan Bedard, sister of the gro- nin .and Marlene Daly niece of the groom were flower girls dressed in ink organdy and each carried a bidding ;retail sale of liquor wit. . 'small basket. of ficowers. Little Tommy a county, it permits a brewery or • distillery located within the area to sell in wholesale lots to parches, ers resident beyond its bounds. It al- so permits private individuals to bring in liquor from outside for per - serial use under certain conditions. Difficulties over responsibility. for enforcement as between the provin- cial and Dominion authorities, destr- oyed the early prestige of the Act: but in 1887 under Sir Oliver Mowat an act was passed by the Ontario Legislature enjoining all his afters and commissioners to enforce, with like viligence the Canada Temperan- ce Act and the Liquor License law of the province,. From that time until Mr. Hepburn's regime it was consid- ered the duty of all officers to en - 1 force both laws. The adoption of t late to YOVIV0 this attitude earn' oo at that time the lost prestaga of the Canada Torino Aet. It; Was discontinue( in 0Eario and WV Mont 140 succeeded In a short time by inutileipal lool option. Morrissey, nephew of the bride dres- sed in. blue velvet carri ed the ring. on a white satin cushion. The bridle was assisted by her sister Winnifred Morrissey, who. was dressed in fan- get-aneoret blue, blue lace over bile satin. She wore a matching finger- tip veil'. held in place by a cororreo of white roses. Her bouquet was pink asters. Mr. IcUchard Bedard, boother of the groom was best man., Mr. Benedict merrissey and Hubert Des- jardine were the ushers. After the wedding dinner was served at the home o1 the bride's parents to about 75 guests, followed by a reeoption at the groom's honie in the evennig.The groom's gift to the bride was a trav- elling bag; to the bridesmaid a pear Rosary. For travelling the bride wore a navy coat and accesortps• to mateh. The bride and groom let on n extended trip to Northern Commie. On their return they will redde. in 7etich, 'rile 'Herald joins thc•ir =no/ friends cottending geed. wishes, FELT HATS 4K 44, ISplendid range of Wool and. Fur Felt, front :. 44 1.90 to 3.25 •• ,..f .. • SWEATERS • B•• rushed. Wool, V Necks, Zipper and Button. : • ),. -..1 Front, Many Shades SOCKS s • ALL SHADES AND PATTERNS ' • IS '''i. alletn.0_,511 VI N •.; e EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS • • • co-sese....44.40*.er0000too0440.00O-aOOOOtooloo 00000.ao, • ' %V& ".• STM ; ,,, • , Seasonable, Good.s NEW DRESS-, GOODS In Ladoussac Flannel and Tweed Effect, Flannel, Flannelette 131.n1.ets, White and Grey, Wool Blankets, Underwear, Sweaters, for Meu Boys a Children. • New Chintz for CQ>mforters and Side Drapes, Stamped, Mats, Etc, , A Few House Dresses left at Bargain. Prices. Shoes and Rubber Boots, Harness Repairs, Etc. Fresh Groceries Always On Hand ADO LI 0 L. GENERAL Ali ER. OH N T PHONE 11 - 97 E3 L A PC Ea' tatilis•OfAiaMEWOr WI,715iligligoritrawASMOTO.trira NOM lb" • tr.; ,