HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-09-15, Page 1'Vol. XXX/X Nor, 10 ZURICH, THURSDAY M+W l -a aNG, SEPTEMBER 15, 933. Chester L. Smith., Puha:eh $1.25 a year, U.S. $1Adv.=p0 in Adv usuu LN AKA :ARS, 92 KAYy$ tniAseaz3. HAIRDRESSING THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING SALON SPECIALS FOR SPRING Let us quote you on Spadafa for Spring and Summer Permanents, that are pleasing anti satisfactory, and will give you personality Hair- dressing Salon on rear of stare: For appointments call us, by hue 102 Zurich. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran (lurch ZURICH - OHM. eA Changeless Midst Far et ffsat-, bag W.' Friday, 8h --Luther fie. Thursday --Choir Prac SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. m. -Gerin si Semiee. 11.15 a.m.-Sunday School 7.30 p.m. -Eng i h at eeite. Everybody Welcome to ail Sege fess. E. TUERI. Pests. br26th =nd 27th are the ates of Zurich Fall it BETTY ANNE BEAUTY SHOP We wish to announce to our Clientele that we have added a new wireless Permanent Waving Machine to our Beauty Shop. With this most modern and scientific method you have no weight or escess- ive heat ;on your head. You are not connected to the electicity in any way, and you can have your permanents in from thirty seconds to three minutes time. We are equipped to give you any permanent' your hair requires. See this machine before getting a new permanent. Open Evenings. Phone 159 for Appointments. COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES 0.E. Zurbrigg,R.o. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week. Day Except Wednesday. Have You Paid YOUR SHOE ACCOUNT? It Is)iecessary that You Attend to your Accountat once LAST :NOTICE August - 1938 FRITZ & SON DODGE AND TA DISTRIBUTORS AND USED CAR SALES Z.UICICii - ONT. s WE SEi..L THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for `qday, Friday and Saturday 1 9c __ 23c 23c 25c 17c Eddy"s - atches°0 3'boxes t:11Dra.rtge Marmal' :3Z-iaz jar Sultana raisins„ 2 lbs. .r..-...--ro-._... 'Whiite Cap Toile. ';issue„ 4 rolls Palmolive: Soapy,: 3 '.cakes 25c 'Heinz meds. cooked spaghetti, 2 tins ...• 7Oc (Grape Nut Flakes, pig:. .......<.......< .. 70c Blue Ribbon coffee, glass jar, pr lb....... Cowan s Cocoa, half -lb. 15c. 1-1.b ..... ....-____25c Salzrton; Casrar - tin - w_ ,....._..14c &a MOR pink,, l- t., itins,, 2 for ... a. 25c Kxoodi print, Special ..98c } �lonsew �r�c .�s4� "'' .Arilde Socks ali.:sizes and colors, reg. 25c. Spec. 15c !I es' Silk fallfashiormil Hose chiffon or Ser- vice weight„ iE .tra Special, pair _.. _.......59c nom [4O A' 1 Zurich's Ladies' Wear Located at MOUSSEAU'S LUNCH ROOM Zurich - Phone 103 JUST ARRIVED -A Shipment of Girl's :School Dresses, Skirts, and Tunics. Come and see them, also Winter Coats at Reasonable Prices. Don't forget to give us a Call! NEXT U. S. PRESIDENT San Juan, Puerto Rico, the news- paper editorally urged the nominati- on of Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt for president of the United States saying such a step would avoid any confl- ict over a third term for her husb- and. The nomination should be given Mrs. Roosevelt, the newspaper declar- ed, for her own qualifications rather than for any glory reflected by her position 'as the president's wire. HAY COUNCIL The regular monthly meeting of the Council of the Township or :nay was held.in the Town.Rall, Zurich.ajl Tuesday, September 6, with' all rite mbers present. The minutes of the August meeting were adopted as read. Numerous communications were disposed of 'after which the iollowmg resolutions were passed; That --by-law No. 8-1938 fixing rates to be levied and collected in 1938 be read three times and finally passed. That the Reeve and Treasurer be authorized to dispose of the bond held for the Soldiers' Memorial Award and that in future awards be paid out of current funds of the Town- ship. That the Reeve be authorized. to• :dgn the agreement covering impro- vements to the watercourse crossing. the driveway into the farm or David S7anrtzentruber, 12th con., Hay. That accounts covering payments on Township Roads, Hay Telephone, Charity and Relief and General ac- counts be passed as per vouchers: Twp. Roads: -R. Munn rd 26,40 S. Hoffman id 8, 9.10; R. Miller ad 9, 6.25; G. Dick, rd 2 10.20; E. Erb Rd. 9, 18.00; H. Brown rd 15, 42.48; W. Parini] rel 18. 12.40; W. 11icro, weed; id 8, 2.40; M. Corriveau curt. work id 1 58.5Q;, J. Zvi. rd LO; 9.38; C. Aldworth rd 3 :L, iU ; P. Campbell rd 14 $12; F. C. Kalbflei; sch plank 1.75; R. Baker rd 1 7.40; A. Reichert rd 4 16.70; 0, Greb id 6 't',8; E. Oesch id 8 4.70; R. A. Den- o/nine id .10 17.20; P. Neuschwan3ei rd 7 6.15; R. Adams id 10 $1; M. Cor riveau- rd 17 $15; H. Stei:nbae:h Road Supt. 50.75; Dom. Road Mchy. Co. blade; 10.46; U. A. Pile, road 14 8.40; Johnston & Kalb(Iei,ch ce- ment etc. 65.94; W. Coleman rd 3 22.75; E. Campbell rd 1 12.70; H. McMurtrie rd 1 10.10; M. C. Delta, ;•as, oil and labor etc. 141'.38 H, a Pfaff rd. 5 18.80. 3fr'W'QsUR CR:EDl.T!., Mrs. C. Eilber spent the week -end at 'Hensall. Mr. ;Herb. Krueger motored to Waterloo on Wednesday. ;IVIr. and Mrs. Delbert Geiger were Sunday visitors with Hensah friends. ..Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schmidt of Kit- chener; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Merner of Bayfield, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eby Mer- ner, 14th con. Bishop and Mrs. Oliver Snider of Elmira were here over the week -end. The former conducted communion and baptism services in the local Mennonite church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Geil and family of Auburn; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pfile of near Hensal.l, 'were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Geiger. A large number of citizens and surrounding country are attending the London Fair this week. There are also a number showing of their products. Mr. and Man. Chris..Swartzentru- ber of the Bronson line attended the funeral of the late Aaron Bender at Tavistock who dropped dead while in the act of sowing wheat in the field. Rev. J. R. Peters from Varna con- ducted the services in the Evangel- ical church, on ;Sunday evening, while the pastor, Rev. C. B. Heckendorn took charge of the Goshen line pul- pit where they had anniversary ser- vices. Anniversary Services will be held at the Evangelical Church, Zurich, on Sunday, October 16th. The guest speaker for the day will be Rev. Roy M. Geiger of Welland, an old Zurich boy. The Fall Fair The fall fair season is about here, and this week the Western Fair is being held at London and the two following weeks most of the smaller township fairs will be held. And in looking them over, don't forget your local fair. The annual Zurich event with be on Monday and Tuesday Sept. 26th and 27th; which promises to be- very interesting as there are a largo number of special prizes on the list, aainci other attractions such as two speed events, band to, liven up things, and there will be the usual connesaions to entertain, the public. With the splendid growth of this year the exhibits should be very good. Hayfield fair follows on the 28th and 29th, and will also be interesting. The management of the Hayfield fair stave added a very interesting addit- ion to their prize list, namely the sclinol sections of surrounding scho- ols have joined in and a special sec- tiken has been prepared; for this, whi- ch. ,will be a big attraction and will creat undaub•tedly great enthtusiasm;. Hay Telephone ---Bell Co. tolls Jun to July 328.95x; Nor. Elec. Co, mat- erial '78.92; P. Mcisaac labor etc. 24.40; E. R. Guenther, cartage .35; H. G. Hess .1 month salary 185.00. Charity and Relief -E. Hendrick rent 3.50; W. Hay. allowaricce $15; Mrs. C. G,aiser, milk. 4.96. General. Accounts - Zurich. Hydro hghts for town hall 3.53; C. Aids. - worth inspe•tor Drain, 46.25; I. Rei- chert 2nd award S.M.S. 10.50; W. H. Edighoffer equalizing assm't $15; 'Nicholson Thos., bal. Aldworth Drn, 2042.60; 1". Ilaberer 1st award S.M. S. 17.50; 13. Miller 8rd award ; ,2 yS 17.50; The C",o+ancil adjoirened to meet aa- e;vitt ori Monday, Oetobor 3rd, at 1-80 0' 0,0 4, , A, 1, ;-Tessa Clerk 73,,,_ELCO ton Wen! 1!! ON CREDIT I 5 Jewels, cases in white finish ,Cacti% ELCO Delicately wrought lir modernistic design. ONLY $1 DOWN A G. HESS JEWELER AND OPTICIAN 'blue cow FILL YOUR BIN NOW With this Premium Anthracite at the low summer price. Also Miller Creek, for your ThresIi ing. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid for ,.Eggs on a graded basis. Pone 10 - Hensall 1 HYMENEAL Gabel-... ',lscher A pretty autun ni wedding was salt eninized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Fischer, Jr., 20: the Lake road west of Dashwood, when their eldest dau- ghter, Olga Rea, bcctune the brill of Eldon Gabel,, only son of Mr., and Mrs. EmersonGabel, of the Bron- son line, Hay. The ceremony, which took place: (WI the: lawn under Ls =la of evergreren and flowers, was peri formed l,y. Rev C. B. Heahendori>,,, of Zuricrt Enangelical chutrch. Thal bride, uvll2, were a gown of• blue tett- t feta, was: given in marriage, by her father and the bridal attendants were Miss Pearl Gabel, sister of the gro- oms Mrs. Sophia Meier ; of London, aunt of the bride and Alvin Ray Fis- her, brother of the bride. lr ollowing the ceremony, supper was served by girl friends of the bruin. Guests from a distance includedil Mr. and Mrs. W. Fidt, New Ilam,lnug; Mrs. Victor Gabel and Mra.. Battler, of Shakes-- aeare; °Ir. and Mrs. Strahm, Tavii- tack; Mr. acini Mrs. Lloyd Stire, of forehe tf4t'; Mrs. Luella ..,Holl and Mrs robin Winn inn of Londep • ±••••••••♦♦♦•♦♦•••••♦•••4••••••••••••••••••♦••••••• Ot its • •Summer • Season 1 •• •• s Is Now Here • Z ; ORDER YOUR 'NEW SPRING SUIT iNOW! •. s BE IN LINE, • BE ON TIME! si •• • • CHOOSE ♦ • • • • ♦ s • • • •. W. 11; iloffman , ,,, • ® EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS •. • • .›......4,40.4••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.........0„,,,,,,,,,, p••••..•e4h••••••••♦••••••♦ •••♦••••••••••O...0„,+, •,*, ; , • • • FROM THE FINEST RANGE EVER SHOWN IN ZURICH SPLENDID RANGE AT ..__• ••$20.00 SUMMER TIME Requirerneflts Here are some of the Goods the Farmer will need which we can supply you with at Reasonable Prices, such as: New Flower, Vegetable Seeds, Root Seed and Sorgum, Etc., Etc. New Formaldehyde, Paints, Varnishes and Varn-o-lac. Also: Dress Goods, Prints, Broad Cloth, Hose, Underwear, House Dresses, `A few Stamped Mats left at Bargain Prices., Harness Repairs a specialty. Fresh Groceries Always On Hand R. . N. DOUGLAS ENERAL NIZRONAiNir PHONE 11 97 r