HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-09-08, Page 5Thursday, ptexxei).in- lliwlr„ BUSINESS CARDS f3 LEGAL flh7DLEY E. HOLME S 4ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE—Hamilton Street, Just off the Square, GODERICH, Ontario. Special Attention to Councel and Court Work. Mr: Holmes may be consulted at Goderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. VETERINARIAN Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office in the Home of the late Dr. J. Routledge. Phone -96. A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. i,rraduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All xiiseases of domestic animals treated by the most modern principles, Charges reasonable. Day or night calls promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness Hennels. Office on Main Street, ,r,+pposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSALL. Zurich LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashvr00d Phone 1347. PRODUCE FarFarra Produce WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICES —FOR— CREAM, EGGS AND -7 POULTRY Wm. O'Brien Phone M. Rea. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS Zurichs Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the 'Ivory Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., ,glways on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Qtsh Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins . Yunghlut & Sou INSURANCE Put Your , Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this Column. FOR QUICK SALE SPECIAL OFFER -75 acre past- ure farm at a bargain if .old xiowr WM. Pearce E::ctur, HONEY FOR SALE Dark honey with considerable clover in same; for a limited time at 5c. a lb. in containers. Containers of 50 -lbs. and over at 4c. lb. J. Haberer & Sons, Phone 122; 3 blocks south of Hotel, Zurich. FOR SAL} An apple butter kettle. Apply to Mrs. Joseph Rau, Blue Water High- way. - FOR QUICK SALE A 1928 Ford Roadster, motor in good condition; for quick sale. Apply to Herald Office. FOR QUICK SALE Four Guaranteed Rebuilt Cream Separators. Come, and look them over. tf-47 THE ZURICH •CREAMERY Zurica Garage Come and purchase your Aut. emotive Requirements from Zurich's oldest established Garage and Service Station We can supply.. your needs. Expert Automobile repairing. Acytelene Welding, Tires, Batteries, Oils, Greases and repairs. ricAs. News Mr. Priliji Bedard of Tilbury was a visitor in town on Monday. Miss Clara Weber of London, was a holiday visitor with her parents. Miss Ann Overholt is spending a week with friends in Detroit. Mrs. Flossie Brown of London sp- ent the week -end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. oy Oliver of London were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Weber. Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. F. ��aun and family of Forest, were Monday vis- itors in town. Mr. aand Mrs. Roger Rice, and Mr Ir's and MCharters of near Seaforth were Sunday visitors with the form- er's sister, Mrs. C. Eilber. of Zurich on Sunday. Mr. and Mrsr. Francis Fry, and childrern, Ehner•, Donald and Barb- : • a ..Alen, of Detroit were week -end g•.:::sts at the home of Mr. and Mrs. osiah Geiger. Mr. and Mrs. Josh Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Mose Brown of Pigeon, Mich; Airs. Ruchy of ,Springfield, Ohio were Saturday visitors at the home. of Mr and Mrs. W. L. Siebert. 1VIr. and Mrs. J. J. Swartz of De- tront wore visitors at the home - of Mrs. Emily Fuss. The former's dau- ghter aughter Eunice who spent several weeks .n Zurich, as well as Mrs. Fuss re- turning with the former for a few days in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Witmer and son_ Kenneth of Detroit spent the week -end with relatives hero. Miss Betty's. little girl friend also visited .ere. Betty, who has spent her vacation at her andma's Mrs. C. Decker, returned with them. Miss Lenora Haberer, Jack Turk- heirn and Mrs. Ed. Haters, Jr.. and daughter Annita were week -end visits:; mean friends at Desboro, re- turning by way of Hanove_, and taking in many .attractions in this most beautiful northern town. n 0 a s t1 cl LUNCH ROOM le And clean Rest Rooms at your Service - as to School reopened en Tuesday mo:,-- ing when the old schoo: ben rang ut Ioud and clear at nine o'clock, nd children throughout tae rr•ovince compered off to school tt prepare themselves for future life. Here in ie Zurich School there was a new ass of fourteen beginner.,, woo lined p in room I for the first time to am their A -B -C's which come so seful in futt-,r. e life. The teaching aff for the Zurich school have all, sen re-engaged,. Mr. Victor Denin, principal; Miss Olive O'Brein of wn as instructor of Room. II, and Miss Herta Goman of Milverton 'as instructor of Room I. .Hit By Auto H. MOUSSEATJ. Phone: Day 103. Night, 47 OBITUARY Mrs. Janet Delgaty The death took place of the late Mrs. Janet Delgaty, formerly of the Bronson Line, Stanley, and later of Bayfield. She was the widol,v of the late Robert Delgaty who predeceas- ed her six years ago. Mrs. Delgaty was born in Scotland in 186.1, being one of a family of 12, 5 boys and 7 girls. Her father was the late William Delgaty and her another Alice Chris-- tison, all of .Scotland. In the year 1883 Mrs. Delgaty with her sister Margaret set out on the adventurous journey to Canada to visit their un- cle the late Robert Delgaty Sr. and his family, residing .then on the old homestead in the Bronson line. Thiti adventure of the two girls proved to be tnore than a mere visit to Janet, for in September of that year, she was united in marriage to .Robert, second son of Robert Delgaty Sr. To this union was born Isabelle, now Mrs Thomas Westlake, with whom she resided 'during the past five years, during which time she was'an invalid sufferer from the effects of a stroke. About three weeks she had another stroke which proved fatal. She was a woman of sterling qualities possessed of true Scotch hospitality and above all with a childlike faith to her .Sav- After Gordon Bedard, Drysdale, Minded by headlights ra.Z on ._ring car, had struck down a pedestrain, walking with the traffic on the Blue Water Highway last Wednesday even- ing, he stopped and returned to find that the injured man was none other than his neighbor, Vernon Rau, aged 20, and son of Mrs. Josepa ,eau. The young man was struck by the bumper at the knees, draped over the right fender and finally rolled off clear of the automobile. He suffered a severe gash on the forehead and one ear was torn, the laceration required 9 stitches to close. The accident hap- pened two miles north of Drysdale, between' Grand Bend and Bayfield. Bayfield Merchant Dies F field Sep an r sly Lob son, ols, don field whe star 189 ward man iour., • a 'member of Knox Presbyter- trea ian Church, .Bayfield and her pastor ural the .Rev. GI Peddie, conducted the era'. funeral. Besides her daughter Mrs. Fiore Westlake and her husband and two grandchildren Keith and Gordon Wes - lake, there are six brothers and sis-. ters, two brothers in Canada. Inter. meat WO$ made in Bayfield cemetery. rank Alfred Edwards, one of Bay 's best known residents died on t. 1st in his 74th year, following linen of 18 months. He was wid- known in the district, was born in o Township, Nov. 1864, an only was enducat,:d in London scho- at Woodstock 'Collegiate and Lon - Business College, coming to Ray - 52 years ago with his father, re the two operated a general e, of which the son took over i n 5. During these years Mr. Ed - s served the municipality in y ways. and for 39 years he was surer of the Bayfield Agricult- Society, an Anglican and a Lib - In Nov. 1896, he married Miss ace England of Itincardine,who survives with one daughter, Mrs. R. J. Watson, CIear Lake, Sask., and r. grandson, Edward Watson. The fun- eral took placeSaturday to Holy Tr- inty Church, Rev. Bugler officiated. +++++++++++4-4-4.4-44444 ' esters Farmers! '�'i�'.IF'f .F.F.1.lc i p�! .i i3••1 a 3•y4• t• •F•:•�r4'-•v Mutual t. Weather hisurance Co:. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY •CANADIAN MUT- VAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS FIND IN ONTARIO .Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31st, 1936, $22,391,527.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $273,613.4'7. Rates—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 Years E. F. KLOPP---ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- iing Rods and all kinds of Fire instua ace .,;„ktaI BUILDING MATERIALS If you intend doing any Building or Repairing this Year we will be pleased to supply you with the finest of Building Materials. Let us quote you. SUMMER SCREENS 4 4 Combination Doors --screens for the summer and glass 1 interchangeable for winter. Will make screens to prop- 4 erly fit vour windows Et.- Ft,. Let us have your order 1 Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials 4 1 P. kALBFLEJscTj PHONE 6 V. AP 45774lisegraltreirtIl '47. 1 ZURICII ZURICH HERALD Has Weakness For Tents Area headed, freckled -face boy of the Grand Bend district who has a propensity for stealing tents, fully set up, refuses to admit that summer is on the wane and school opening is here. When a camper reported to Co. Constable Galloway that his tent had been lifted and carried away, the constable after some reconnoitring found the tent with the boy in it a• sleep on a river bank a mile away. 1 The officier gave the boy a lecture and .retired the tent to its owner.. 1 But later when another tent was I reported stolen and the same boy was found in it, the constable thought things were going too far and took the lad to juvenile court at Goderich The boy will be denied outdoor life for a few days at least. Mrs. Reynolds Resigns Goderich—After 27 years service as deputy county and Surrogate Go- urt clerk and court reporter, :rigs. Edna Reynolds has resigned, the re- signation to be effective at .the end of this year. iIn the meantime a suc- cessor, Miss E. Copper will be train- ed in the work. Mrs. Reynolds too'c her first position in the courthouse before her marriage at the age of 15 and is a veritable storehouse of in- :orniation. For years she also has - act ed as clerk of the election board and special exariiiner. Four county jud- ges have come and gone as well as. many other officials dn.-zing her term of office. To all she was a true friend and her advice was continuously sought. Turner Reunion Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Tureer. formerly of Stanley Twp., were the guests of honor at a fancily reunion leld'on „unday, August 21st at the home of their son-in-law and daught. r Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Freckleton Port Elgin, with whom they reside. •hose attending were Mr. art Ivlc; Wm. Turner and nephew of Windsor - 'Ir. and Mrs. John Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Campbell and slaughter, Mary of Stanley twp.; Mr. and Mrs. '+red Turner and son Grant, Mr. and ilra. Robt. E. Turner and c: ns Har- old and Roy, Mr. and 'Lis. John Newcombe and son Billie, :.Ir. and Mrs. Harold Newcombe and Mrs. Martha Newcombe, Mr. and Mrs. Charles 'Bissett all of Godeinc :. and Mrs. Turner continue Lo enjoy good health at their respective ages of 87 and 85. As yet thor•r' has been no break in the family circle of four sons and two daughters. The day proved an enjoyable event for the aged couple and all present. Contin- ued goon health and happiness fas the goad wish of everyone for the honor- ed guests of the day, a arsiMh oashe.hlhb dhover edthis In Police Court Goderich--Found guilty of driving an auto while intoxicated on August 17th, Wm. Cousins was on Thursday afternoon sentenced to 14 days in Rail by IVIagis Makins. His car was or- dered impounded for three months. Gallow, who gave the accured man a test as to his sobriety two hours after his arrest in the jail offi- ce, swore the man had been drinking but was not not drunk and was in a fit condition to drive an auto. Const- ables Webb, Ferguson and Westlake all swore positively that Cousrna was drunk and had to be helped into the jail. Accused admitted drinking three glasses of beer, something, he said,' he had done on many occasions with -1 out feeling the -effects unduly. After he had escaped from a boy's correct- ion home Dan Signoc, Indian youth, stole a car at Exeter and crashed in- to a hydro pole a few minutes later. He was sentenced to one year in re- formatory, plus an indeterminate term of six months. When an insur- ance adjuster jocularly offered hy- dro the car in payment for the brok- en pole, the offer was refused, so badly damaged was the car, but the Indian boy escaped without a scratch He said he • had never driven a car before. Only $59-11- buys this amazing GENERAL ELECTRIC Air^'lo CLEANER (with attachments) 6 The G-1 Mr -Flo cleaner does the work faster, easier and more efficiently, than other cleaners of the same type selling from $20 to $30 MORE. Be sure to see the G -E before you buy. CD -38 DEMONSTRATED AND SOLD BY: HESS—Radio, Electric ZURICH —• 0.NT. ri 17' r= 1 Lff JE I 1 '4►11IIIII(llllllllllllllii(1111111IIlII E VIII11111I 1 1111111M11111 PAGE rnm 111 1 11 1111 11 1 11111111111111111111111111 III 11111 In111RIIHIRIRJIIUIIIIIRlfllllllld11111 ll 11111111111 OM MOH Ill fi(p Zurlch lJrug Store QUALITY DRUGS School Supplies Stationery School Supplies FOR SCHOOL OPENING POPULAR MAGAZINES Special Colegate, ' Cashmere Bouquet Soap, 2 for 1 i c Colgates' Floating Soap, 3 for I 1 c ECLIPSE FOUNTAIN PENS (Life time Guarantee) Park Davis Milk of Magnesia 16 -oz 39c Milk of Magnesia in bulk 2c. oz. Large Tin Ye Olde English Salts 39c FULL LINE OF TOILETRIES COMPLETE STOCK SMOKING SUPPLIES DrJ1A Acids n-�� ' U �.>e r����e�c� IIIUIIIIII IIIIIIIRIIIIRIIIIIIIIIIIIH 111111M11 11111111 111 ZUFilt Deliver your Cream to the Zurich Creamery and ob- tain correct weight, test and Highest Market Price. We pay 2 cents premium per 1b. butterfat for all Cream de- livered to the plant. We also buy and pay- cash for your Eggs and Poultry according to grade. We are Local Agents for the Viking Separator. Let us Demonstrate this high quality Separator for you! The Zurich Creamery Min 1 High quality bowl—closer skim. ming—more profit. 2 Perfect neckbearing — assuring years of dependable service of the mechanism. 3 Proven durability. 4 Highly endorsed by thousands of users. Durable materials, expert work- manship and sturdy construction are featured in the Viking Separ- ator. We make sure that every machine sold continues to give satisfaction. Seven Models—One Quality SWEDISH SEPARATOR CO., LIMITED Montreal +leeetS•Se te*** ,* l'**Mamas* aiaee••.wN••AA*eShi .s*M• Wheat and Seed • CLEANING We are in a position to Give You the Best of Service in Custom , Wheat Cleaning. Also other . Grains and Seeds, Cleaned 6n our modern and up- to-date Equipment. Make arrangements wit h us to have this work dbne.' Charges Very Moderate. • PURINA Stock Foods and Chows A. guaranteed product that will Delp your Stock ..nd Poultry L.Seh'iIbe ._- on MDSE+�W'+l�irlaM�NNMi6i+b+bGWa.@�iti.;w-.uvIr.'.36ya,u6 emir,was<s‘auWava.�ws.a:v�..awa • • • • • • M • • 4 4