HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-09-08, Page 1-Val. XXXIX No, ZURICH, THURSJDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBERS, 1938.. Cheater L. smith, Pablishvgl ;1^25 ayear, U.S, $1.50 in Advsuleg Let the Herald Publish your Summer Visits and Visitors HAIRDRESSING THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING SALON SPECIALS FOR SPRING Let us quote you. are Specials for Spring and Summer Permanents, that are pleasing and satisfactory, and will give you ;personality Hair- dressing Salon on rear of store. For appointments call us by phone 102' Zurich. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran ZURICH -- 014T. KA Changeless Chrii$ t Ler as anew ing We ekl." • Friday, 8h—Luther League. Thursday—Choir Practicer. SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. m.—German Service. 1/.15 a.m.—Sunday Scared. 7.30 p.m.—English service. Everybody Welcome ter Of S•vvioas. E. TUERKHEIM !areas: BETTY ANNE BEAUTY SHOP We wish to announce to one Clientele that we have added a new Wireless Permanent Waving Machine to our Beauty Shop. With tliie imost modern and scientific method you have no weight .or assess- ive 'heat on your head. You are not connected to the electivity, in any way, and you can have your permanents in from thirty seconds to three minutes time. We are equipped to give you any permanent your hair requires. See this machine before getting a new permanent. Open Evenings. Phone 159 for Appointments. COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg,R.o. OPTOMETRTST at EXETER The Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. Have You Paid YOUR SHOE ACCOUNT? It is:necessary that You Attend to yours -Account at- once LAST NOTICE August 4th 1938 C� FRITZ & SON DODGE AND DESOTA DISTRIBUTORS AND USED CAR SAIF' ZURICH 'ONT. 4 ayb •- WE SELL THE BEST FOR !LESS Specs for Thursday, Friday and .Saturday Leaviff's Theatre EXETER — ONT. Thursday,Friday, Saturday DOUBLE FEATURE "PARTNERS OF THE PLAINS" With Wm. Boyd, an all Star Western Gast. "HOLD 'EM, NAVY" With Lew Ayres' and Mary Carlisle. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday knREDERICK MARCH and JANET GAYNER In Tecni Color Feature. "A STAR 1S BORN ANS Zurich's Ladies' Wear Located at MOUSSEAU'S LUNCH ROOM Zurich — Phone 203 JUST ARRIVED -A Sh pmait -of Girl's ;School Dresses, Skirts, and Tunics. (Come and see them, also 1Wintee Goats at Reasonable Prices. Don't forget to give us a Call! TALKING PICTURES : AT TOWN HALL - ZURICH On SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th At 8.30 p.m. Sottnd on Film. Perfect Synchroniz- ation. BIG B'OY WILLIAMS • "LAW OF THE 45's." With an All Star Program. Added All -Talking Comedy or Car- toon ENJOY A TWO HOUR SHOW (BACK BY REQUEST) i Admission Adults 25c. children 15c: Golden wait Beans,. 2 tins _ ... ..19c Pearl White Nraptha Soap, 10' Bars ......,...,..r,_,. 31c Corn Syrup 2 -est. 18c; 5 lbs,........__.b.._......,.......39c Salmon, Golden Net. 1-s. ,..._...._.,_-_,,.27c Handy Anlnrnia, per pkg. ..._.._....w..,....._.... 5c Corn Starch, per pkg. t.,........... __ 7 .Jc Keen's. Mustard, half -lb. tins 50c Quaker Puffed. Wheat .,.— 10c Quaker puffed Rice,, 2 pkgs. .,,.,25c .SPECIAL Cet your Moe Ribbon Baling'Povder Hers, and try for the Special Prize given by Pure Gold Mfg. Co. at Zurich Fall Fairs. for best Biscuits. Three Prizes given. 1 1.b: tin "for 25 Cents;., Phone 140 BORN Beierling—At Hay Township on Sep• tember Gth, to Mr. and Mrs, Will- iam Beierling, a daughter. Becker—At Dashwood, on August 31st, to Mr. .and Mrs. \'elentine Becker a daughter. The Western Fair • The ideal growing weather exper- ienced in Western Ontario this year ensures an -unprecedented display of all agricultural products and !rowers at the Western Fair. It is .frec,y pre, dieted that the horticultural show in particular, will be. a spectacle of amazing beauty. Government and in- stitutional educational exhibits of great value to all will be on display, a notable feature being the compre- hensive exhibit of the University o f Western Ontario. For lovers of "The snort of Kings" there will be the lar- gest harness Race Meet inn '+estern Ontario; no less than ten well-filled Rake and Class Trotting and Pacing :vents being staged. Under the head- ing Art, there is the showing of the works of outstanding artists, Includ- ing collections of great paintings se- cured from girt galleries in othercein- tres; a special exhibit of fats water color and other cultural items. AS a last outdoor holiday of the year, a clay or two at London's Western Fair, Sept. 12 to 17th, will repay U.fl who attend. -•-in interest, knowledge, up-to- date information and entr.vtaiIl1Xt,nt, • R CREDI--T,!,F Mr. and Mrs. Chas Hagan of Sea - forth were holiday visitors in town. Miss Vera Decker of Exeter, spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. C. Decker. .Mr. James Ballantyne, M.P.P. for South Huron, called on Zurich fri- ends one day last week. Dr. and Mrs. S. M. Bean and son, Cameron and daughter Ealenor of London, visited at the home of Mrs. C. England. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gascho and dau- ghter Betty Anne were weekend vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Magee of Desboro. Mr. Clayton Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs Clarence Hoffman and Bobbie all of Galt, spent the holiday with their parents here. Mr. Joseph Oesch, a former resident of Hay Township and for the past 27 years a resident of the nigger, Sask., area, is visiting old friends here Mr. William Klopp and family of Stratford; Mr. Leonard Klopp and family of Waterloo. visited their mo- ther Mrs. Wm. Klopp of town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Brown of Bright, Mrs. Wagner her daughter and son, and Mr. Hoffman of Kitch- ener were Monday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert Miss Gertrude Hoist and lacy fri- end of Goderich were week -end vis- itors with the former's sister, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Hess. The two wormer ladies rendered vocal numbers in the Evangelical church. • OBITUARY Late Mrs, Gackstetter There passed: away at her home on lth concession, Hay Township, on Monday, September 5th, Sophia Gackstetter, relict of the late Jacob Gackstetter after a lingering illness of a few growths duration, at the age of 81 years, 9 months and 10 days. Deceased had been born in Ontario and was practically a life- long resident of the Township and knew all about pioneer life. Her hus band the late Jacob Gackstetter hav- ing gone on less than a year ago. She was always a hard working and industrous worker, and much devot- ed to her family and home life. Sur- viving are two sons, Henry on the homestead and John on the Goshen line south of Zurich. The funeral was held Wednesday morning to St. Boniface church and cemetery, at Zurich .with the pastor, Rev, Father L. W. Power officiating. Late Mrs. S. Jacobe The Angel of Death came as a great relief to the sufferings of Mary Jane Williams, Relict of the late Solomon Jacobe on Friday, September 2nd, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Gar- net Deters, Hay Township, as the departed has suffered considerable with her affliction the past year or so, which she bore with great cour- age and fortitude. She was a resi- dent practically all her life of Hay Township, after her marriage the family lived a mile and a quarter north of Zurich, later moving to the 14th eon., and from there retiring to Zurich where the husband -passed a- way some years ago. But Mrs. Jac- obe maintained her home in town till she was unable to take care of herself nen she went to the children. She. was a very good, kind and helpful] neighbors, as well as her oven. ramify. Surviving are: one son Garnet Jac- obe of the Parr Line, Hay; four dau- ghters, Mrs. Mabel Snider of town, Mrs. James Ronnie, Mrs. Garnet Det- ers and Mrs. 'Hilton Truemner all. of Hay Township. Two brothers and two sisters of the West alsj survive The funeral was held Sunday after- noon to Evangelical ehureh for ser- vice and Bronson line cemetery for interment. Her pastor, Rey, C. B. Heckendorn, officiated. The f'nnerel was exceptionally largely attended by rola- ives .and friends who w(r(' numerous eve the departed had !lyre the 70 years. 11 months and V2 qeye mostly in, this community, ELCO ton %len! $ 75 15 !ewers, cases in white finish *Cacti ELCO Delicately wrought In modernistic desum ONLY $1 DOWN 4 A G. HESS JEWELER AND OPTICIAN 'blue coal FILL YOUR BIN NOW With this Premium Anthracite at the low summer price. Also Miller Creek, for your Thresh- ing. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid for ,.Eggs on a graded basis. Pone 10 Hens 1 4♦••••••••••••••••••••••e••••••••••••••••••••••••f• • • • • • • •umrnerSeason • • • • • • • Is Now Here • • • • • • • • • • • r • • • • • • • • • • • • a A ORDER YOUR NEW SPRING SUIT NOW! BE IN LINE, • BE ON TIME! CHOOSE FROM THE FINEST RANGE EVER SHOWN IN ZURICH SPLENDID RANGE AT $20.00 WIN ii�v. • e • • • i b••m•••••••••irdaA�fast+Adt4 daaT¢►A Q+4�d 8®A R•mAAaI ID@•LA0 6�.easr a.*e, EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS • • • •. • • • •M a • • • • • • • GAr orLE �lb nth SUMMER TI&IE Requirements Here are some of the Goods the Farmer will need which we can supply you with at Reasonable Prices, . such- as: New Flower, Vegetable Seeds, Root Seed and Sorgum, Etc., Etc. New Formaldehyde, Paints,. Varnishes and Varn-o-lac. Also: Dress Goods, Prints, Broad Cloth, Hose, Underwear, House Dresses, A few Stamped Mats left at Bargain Prices. Harness Repairs a specialty. Fresh Groceries Always On Hand R. N, OUGLAS GENERAL NIERHANT PHONE 11 - 97 E3LA K