Zurich Herald, 1938-09-01, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE STORE WITH TFIE STOCK AUGUST Our Customers Know from Past ' Experience that a SALE here is always a Real Money Saving Event. Do not miss this one. BEG1N<<ING SATURDAY AUG. 2Oth. TO SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 3rd. All Summer Goods at Reduced Prices. 'We list only a few. See Large Bills for Par"eiculars 25c Voiles, Reg. 49c, now Prints 15 pieces Special at yd. i 5c Men's Work Pants at 1.10 Men's Work Shirts at 65c Factory Cotton, 40 -in at yard 10c Curtain Scrimms at yard lOc Sheets 74x64 -in. at each i .29 GROCERY SPECIALS Rio coffee per lb. 20c Corn, Golden Bantam, 2 for i 9c P. and G. Soap, 7 for 25c Icllo, 4 for 14c i 25c P ink Sahnon, 2 for Pork and Beans, large, 2 for 2c9c Brooms, at each 15c Cookies per Ib. 10 lbs. Sugar for (with grocery order) 53c so PHONE 59 PRODUCE WANTED m..»,811°8-11 'IW -. Li Iluron & Erie Debentures CANADA. CRUST GUARANTEED CERTIFICATES Any Amount.. for.. $100.00.. and over Acce 3% per annum, half yearly for 1 and 2 Years 31:i% per annum for 3 and 4 Years... 31,% per annum for 5 to 10 Years. Free Information From Andrew F. Hess, Local Representative stsimimaigosEgmma - - 1 still are some fields coy t re:i with the tient room in tit, r barns and the threshing machines are humming a- way tr\ ing to serve the la. t few far - Zurich meh Zurich ZURICH 'HERALD 1111111111 Iill 1111 III 1E1111 111 11111111 111111 111111 1 111111 Ninon I II 1111111 1 at 1111 1111 1111111111111111 ,MID111Tllilil i 11f<flME MI + r� 5J le eery Post's bran flakes, 2 pkgs'..•.... ....�...:.»..........»,GSC Chopped nut Butter, pint jar .............-25c 29c Lux Soap, 4 bars 25c Soap Chips, 3 lbs. .._.,.............. „23c Sodas, 2 lbs. Supreme shortening, 2 lbs. Grape nut Flakes, per pkg. Stuffed Olives .171/2 -oz jar;.."........ .' Mennp Oesch EGGS WANTE;''+ .... 25c Zurich Phone 165 "•` ak c3d3� •Septexnbor ist, 1 ;3t ' F HARDWARE NEEDS 4. We Always Carry a Full Line of the both Ship and Heavy Staple, Hardware; Stoves, g Furnaces, and all Heating Equipments. Let (Js.; Offer You. Good' Suggestions along this Line. fir + �- g �• 8188111111181888 11881188 I112III18i181111 I81111III8111WHO 4242ilI118 iIIIUI11111 III8i111181811j1Qii_ ITEMS OF LOCAL i TER ST I LOCAL MARKETS Mr. Morris Andersen made a bus- I (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter, daily ............. 25 i::e;s :;p Chris.to London on PennsylySatuialay' Butter, creamery, -. _ _ . _ ......... 26 Mr. Beckley of Pennsylvan- - 2... 4-17 nia was a recent visitor with relatives Hgns live ... ..- . 6 to 13 here. live .......... _:4242 _ .... C2 to 16 Miss L. Mink of Desboro visited i, Chickens,ushel ........... - ....... t 55 with Zurich friends a few days this Wheat, 25 week. i Oats, bushel - 420.1........ _ - ........ +' - 5 Mr. Harry G. Hess made a busm-:Barley, bush. Buckwheat, bush. 50 ess trip to Brinsley one clay this rwin cwt.. _.......,........... - Z..25, 3.25 26.00 `78.00 week. Bran ton Mr. Harry Datars has returned to town after a. six weeks holidays with. Shorts, ton friends art Leamington, Thedford and Hojs, cwt. 990New Hamburg. Potatoes, 90-13i. bag-, - _ iolrs. Charles halbfleisch, who has __ ______,_^___. -_.- been visiting. with her sister, Mrs. R', jF. Stade, has returned to her hone- Mr. ; nd Mrs. Ed. Wiuerth and Mrs I in Detroit Ely; Brawn. motored. ter, Kitchenerov- er_ the Welt -end. i Messrs. Ross Johnston, Paul Hess 14Irs. A. McClimcliey of Lon4on was I and Archie MacKinnon. are away- to a week -end visitor'at the ra.=.e of I the Karwartha Lakes, Haliburton. Co- Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wagner. I• unty, on a camping and fishing-trip.Miss aDxee?l 'H"endricic of the Blue The local seed cleaning machines Water Highway, is spending a few are kept quite busy these days;as the days with her grandparents, Mr. and T_1l'rrl 'Mrs. JoBrenner. i farmers. are getting ready to .sow the Mrs. Lydia Pfile; Miss Pearl Mrs. fall wheat seed. While + a bus wheat on i Garnet Jacobe and son Laird an« I the market is only 55c. a bushel, ruyet 11VCrs•. Urban Pfile motored to London admire the farmer who hffs- on Tuesday. dent courage to keep on sowing andi growing wheat; the bread of life! i Mi'. Victor Rennin, Principal of Zuita. school, • accompanied by his Mr. W. E. Allen, Municipal Road II ttive' sisters O.I. near Staffer, visited Auditor of the Depai•1ment of High- with Zurich friends on Saturday. ways, completed the audit of the 3vir Ed.r. Brenner, M. and 1hlrs. L. Township of Hay read accounts, one I Cook of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs.. day last week. This audit_is made an - Walter Walter Cook and family, 11Irs. Pierce the and the present one was for I and family of Blyth were recent vim• the receipts and payments on tolvn- iters with Mr. and Mrs. o) n. Brenner, ship roads for the year 1937, Mrs. R. F. Stade and son. Harold, Mrs. H. Yungblitt and Mr. Ed. Gascho were Sunday visitors at Detroit,. and. on ,returning home near Sarnia a deer was on the highway and just r ; i+ ti",es in the act of jumping the front wheels of the car hit the hind . 8.50 717 7 •t 13 Engagement The engagement is announced. of Myrtle Emily, younger slaughter of Mrs. and the late Robert Armstrong, of Clinton, to Lorne Robert McBride, of Windsor, :on of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBride, of the Goshen line, legs of the deer with the result that Stanley. The marriage to take placelboth legs were fractured about a foot in September. from. the hoof. The accident was. re - Far mer s i3u y ported to the officers, and the ani Farmers are still busy wrch the mal was slaughtered by a motorist harvesting of the -ear's crops, there who happened along with a light de livery•t1•uck. It was a pityful sight to see the poor animal struggling and E. no ipo.tver in the hind legs. - t� FAST AUTO Over at the salf flats in the State sws 94,e '914,03,eg rise_ 4w4ttg sao.c �,tat;ta n -Valla ;tP14:..1.ezaelae stooks of grain, as there is not stud - HARDWARE -- SEEDS FALL AN m h t . ..i M' t or hour faster than man has ever YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT and FURNITURE URE S Tr DT) d 0+ i +).7 f �W ..e liri S r.4. 'Yf• Best of FURNITURE. TI I ''. Always keep a GoodStock of New and the very Latest[' in Furniture at Vey Reasonabl e Prices, quality Coni. sidered. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, Mattress?. Dining Room SuitenOccasional Chairs Rockers, Etc. SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE For the most.'conservative- purchaser, we have Large Assortment of Slightly Used Furniture that will t give your big valuer for the Money, such as: Davenports, Z Couches; Dressers, Rockers;. Other Chairs, Etc. Elia': +>B+ sure and! I'Iaok these over. Johnst on Kalbffleisch Hard l ; are & Furniture.o . a r+++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + +++++ + +# 44+ +++++++++ +4 ^r§.+r37 :'^+++++3- +4-+ ++•F+ -i fi+++ -'t°r++ +++++++ + +++ ; + +.p,."s?++.+ +++a - TRY E JKEL'S wn Tale Bread*. also CHOICE VARIETY OF CAKE, PIS.. AND SVVE T GOODS AR Ingredients Used are of the Highest Qua ,ity I- ALL CONFECTIONS -- ICE CREAM Our. Store will be closed each Wednesday Evexing 4 S°+ kL .yL. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4-4. f -:. ; »i. : +.: 4.4 *++44++444444+4 Eckel's, Bakery -- ' Zurich Telephone 100 111111111111111111111111111111111CiI11iilUiii1i11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111118111111111111111111111111111illiiIiIIIII lllli111111111111111 1111111111llIi11118111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111t 1 'I+t r .v. -ho arc waiting for the 11151 Of Utah, Capt. Geo. 1•i;':;to'i drove 111:1 round. St a'.: ill t It l +; b 1lc' ponderous automobile nearly six ria. popular, bet :C 3+ ll'` ,Hiles a minute lint a bin .ino desert I oo+,l in h s h:u n t? "ray sun threw the delicate timing device a 1 Nvith• the. old sy to nt 0. t +liiin+' in tl?e nut of ge;lr, 11. t: •'..1n" t+ n or lm DI,n, •in t} official lecnrd. T11 i+ln'l`shrnan fi ish- Ali us, is • t,1e beat s,amp1e of v +roar, ed his "Thunderbolt" once through fa 10 for millin puri?o:s ,s. T:'.�\ -'":":1-r- 1, the measured mile. at 347.155 miles do fields average from 20 to 35 bushels I 1 per acre, while in some cases the sample is very good whiie in ethers quite light, as the hot and dry wea-- ther of June ripened it too quickly. Some fields of oats and barley run Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? S Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Praa- e ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over t 0 for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best o Advantages. - et OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS 6 Plumbing, Evetroughing and Tinsmithing Our e Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hardware al- ways on hand, Also a fine display of Furniture, Matt- resses, Springs, Beds, Etc., in stock. SEEDS! SEEDS! We are in the Market for Good Quality Alsike, Timothy Clover Seeds, Etc. COAL AND COKE Colder Days will soon be here which will demand the most suitable FUEL for Your Heating Equipment. Let us fill your bin while prices are lowest. T E WEIDOI ZURiCH Oi'+lT. travelled before on land. "ri the re- turn trip, required to strike an aver• age and make the mark official, the sun glare caused a failure in the el- ectric eye that measured the speed. es high as 40 bushels per acre. The and it is assured that during this :7dc1 field of beans has been pulled, run he obtained the speed of almost end soon the farmers will be busy at 36'0 nitres per hr. their bean crop. "DOUGLAS COiiR IGAN" 50 YEARS . One of the first pictures of Doug- las .Saturday last John Snider, al? las Corrigan radioed to America and esteemed resident, co:np:c't^:i pfty published in. the metropolitan news - /ears in business i.? I,rucefielet. Bornpapers after he had hopped the At - /ears I'lesscdrarnstad, Germany, in 1867, lantic in an antique $900 plane, ?c came to Canada with his parents showed Inin drinking a,glass of water Almost immediately on arrival at when about two years of age, ayriv_ ng in New York after a voyage of Dublin. he was offered a. glass of Irish whisky. His reply was, "Thanks, I ;ix weeks. They went to Zurich wh- , re his mother's sister lived, and cion t drink; just give me a glass o-. then to Lisbon, neap Wellesley. After water" His uncle, Ileo. S. Fraser the death of his :father, when he was Langford, of the First Baptist Ch nine years of age, they moved tourch, Santa Monica, Calif., in whise Stanley, where Mr. Snider actondodlhome the young flier lives, informs the late Geo. Baird' ' ch+sol on the the. Qctlifo+rnia Voice" -"My nephew second concession of Stanley. They neither smokes ploy drinks. 1 have returned to Zurich, where he learned -he him say on more than one oc- -he trade of harness -making with the casion, Wataer is good enough for I rne. Iefquor and flying do not mix.' late Herman Well, with whom he re -i Dou las has lived a clean life. He tamed for three years, working ten belongs to a Protestant Church. Ills haur.•� a ay and somatic; two lit life's ambition is to be good flier d supper, for which he received '.t00 for the tha r+c+ years' sc.rvie+! . 1`h,s l and he knows that to attain this end lae Ihtis to have a cI a head." Lil:e w gives one an idea of the wage scl?ecl- / tile if there was such a thing, in those 7'indbergh, who first ',palmed the -. PRICE - SERVICE I Atlantic, he .abstains from alcohol.-•-• days, Tater he went to I:7 uceveld Atl rMi where he has been for 50 years. QUALITY �Nwaa�s��a►+��s�rsi�a�Ira THESE PRICES subject to change without Nome Painting Wagon .......................». Painting Buggy .......... .........." ..... . Recovering Buggy Top 4242.."."++"0""0 Rerimming Buggy Wheels Set ". BuggyShaft ........"0......+........ ..00 Cross Bar .............0.++0 ....."...00000+" Buggy Reach .,........".""4242 Buggy Spokes each ....+......boon".00.0 . $7.00 and 10.00 6.00 and 10.00 16.00 and 18.00 ....."........... 12o00 4242....."".,""+".»....3.00 ."4242 ............... 1.00 �r e tl. X1.`1 pp: 0"o ...."..."....... 25c ; l + �. , era ;rsa 111111IIIIII111111111111111111IIII .11411111111111111iIII z IIIIIIIIIliiI1I111111111111111111iIIII811111V1111111111811III11811111111.1111IIIINIIIII111111111111811111111111111illlilli1111111111111111111111111111i111111110111111111111111NIIt MASSBY-JTABBIS NEWS GENUINE M.-1, PARTS work best on M. -H. Im- plements... Mower and Binder Knives ground while you wait with carbarundum equipment. Guaranteed Batteries at $4.49 1% year battery guarantee 6.85 2 year battery guarantee 17 -plate ............. 7.95 Guaranteed ,440-21 tires at 5.85 Visit the East End Service Station for City Serv- ice at Zurich prices. Cars and trucks properly greased with latest hydralic equipment. GAS OIL AND GREASE Tel. Shop 149 O KLOPP & SONS R. 67 East and West End SERVICE STATIONS