Zurich Herald, 1938-09-01, Page 7Classified Advertsng ADEN/vs WANW; I) SELLING WA P1..RPROOFINGS, paints, roof, and floor mastics, di- rect to large consumers, part or full time: The Presto Company, Toronto. AUrPOAIOIIILlil REPAIRS Shock Absorbers SALES AND SERVICE. MAKES. We specialize Fred Stratford, Limited, 36 Gerrard. West, Tor- onto. DESIGNING SCHOOL I•'OR CI,O'I'71ING GALASS('S PRACTICAL SCHOOL of Designing and Patternmaicing for ladies' and gentlemen's gar- ments, dressmaking, and fur de- signing, Correspondence courses if necessary. L)ay and evening classes. Individual Instruction. Write for information. 05 .Avenue Road, Toronto. !MR Nl'1.111{Ila LYONS' MID -SUMMER SALE Reconditioned Furniture This is a splendid opportunity to buy really high class, reconditioned furniture at a fraction of the real value. Every article thoroughly cleaned, reconditioned and sold un- der a positive money back guaran- tee of satisfaction. All goods care- fully packed for safe shipment on receipt of money order. Special at- tention given to mail orders. 235 Mahogany bed room suite, W chiffonier, triple mirror van- ity and full size bed with sapless spring and new mattress. S39 -Walnut finish, bed room suite, dresser, chiffonier, full size bed and sagless spring. @A7 Beautiful four piece suite in `P rich walnut finish, dresser, vanity, full size bed, chiffonier and sagless spring. @59 Large walnut finish suite, W dresser, chiffonier, full size bed, sagless spring and new all felt mattress. -$69 Large suite in two tone wal- nut finish, dresser, large triple mirror, vanity, chlffrobe, full size bed, sagless spring and brand new mattress. 79 Solid walnut, modern suite, $ large dresser vanity, chiffon- ier, full size bed and sagless spring. $19.50 Oak dining room suite, buffet, extension table and 6 leather seat chairs. $24.50 Betflttiful quarter cut oak b, exten- Bion table and 6ffet 1 a targe he uupholste ed chairs. $39 Nine piece English oak suite, buffet, china cabinet, exten- sion table and 6 leather seat chairs. Perfect. $49 Beautiful 9 piece suite, rich n - Bion table, china alnut rcabi cabinet 6 lea- ther upholstered chairs. $65 English oak suite, buffet, ex - and 6 leathern upholstered chaihina rs. %9 Solid walnut suite, buffet, cabinet, extension table and 5 chairs in blue leather. $89 Large solid walnut suite, buf- Peinpho sterednh ad 6leather chairs, Perfect. $109 Beautiful suite, solid walnut (cost new over $300) large btable andc6lleather a bseat chairs. Per- fect condition. $129 McLagan suite 4cost approxt- et cabinet, xtension table and 6largeb ufbeau- tiful leather seat chairs. $19 Chesterfield suite, 3 pieces, up- holstered in tapestry, Marshall cushions. 3 piece chesterfield suite, up- ��p0 holstered in i Marshall hard-wearing cushions. 32 Beautiful .3 piece suite, up - holstered in French jacquard, Marshall, spring reversible cushions. it Smart 3 piece suite, uphol- reveerbrown stered in rsib]e Marshallspring cushions, show -wood fronts. $45 3 piece suite, upholstered in good repp material. rust shade, perfect condition, reversible Marshall spring cushions. $55 Beautiful 3 piece Mohair suite ible Marshall cushionst new s, walnuteshow Largefa assortment, ntoves, s. Perfect dlkitchen en cabinets, sewing machines, dressers, chiffoniers, beds, ice boxes, studio couches, rugs, etc., at amazingly low prices. Special attention given to mall orders. Every article thor- oughly reconditioned, carefully backed for safe shipment on receipt of money order. Money back guarantee of ,catisfactlon. Write for free illustrated catalogue. LYONS TRADE-IN DEPARTMENT 478 Yonge St., Toronto ; 2II7DICAT: %° .."'" _T PILES. SOLDER'S RECTAL SUP- PORT, $2.75 complete. Amazing new discovery, constantly medi- cates inflamed tissues and defin- itely prevents protrusion. Write for booklet. Ivrea trial of Border's Herbal Ointment, Bolder Mfg., 551 Dufferin Street, Toronto. NEWSPAPER OPPORTUNITY PROPERTY WANTED ADVERTISER IS INTERESTED IN purchasing Ontario Weekly News - Paper. Can make reasonable down payment In cash and month- ly payments for balance. Must in- clude good Job business and well established newspaper in growing district. a Emerson, 9 Delaware Ave., Toronto. NURSERY STOCK RARE AN].) HARDY ORNAME VT- als-Send for our latest fall plant- ing catalogue, full descriptions of a wide assortment of lilies, rockery plants and other peren- nial flowers, also fruit for the colder parts, Special offers; pre- mium with each order. Only strong roots ancl sturdy trees shipped. Delivery in good Condi- t on guaranteed. The Manitoba Hardy Plant Nursery, Droptnore, Man. _. ODOUItLN 1S TUILLI'S YOU CAN HAVE CITY CONVENI- ences in your village or farm home without water supply or sewers Write for free information on our modern, self -emptying, odourless Toilets from $35.10 up and leave behind for ever the dread out- house with its files, cold and un- healthy discomforts. Kaustie En- gineering Company, 164 Portland Street, Toronto, Ont, WAverley 8085. Issue No. 36-'38 PI" INI'o(:1t41'13 I•.\I.AR(1.1 9111\'1' i•'11141 W.17H EV-, 25c order hull slim developed and eight prints 25c. Reprints 3c, Idstablished over 2u years, Bright - Studio. 29 Richmond Strrot Toronto 1'illiSoNAL MARRY -WOULD 1*()17 IN/LARRY it suited? Hundreds to choose from. Some with means, Many farmers' daughters load widuws with pro- perty. Particulars, 10c, Confiden- tial, Canadian Correspondence Club, Cox 128, Calgary, Alta. POU lil'it% ,a 2.1) I'O UI.Tlt4 I'1(tt1IPal ENT CO(`I•:JdiiI:LS, COCKERELS, ('OCIl- erels. Barred Rocks, New Hamp- shire Meds 8 week old $23.95, 4 week 201f,c, 3 week 153 o, 2 week 11'%c. Large Egg Quality add lc. Top Notch Chickerics, Guelph, On- tario. x'ULLETS AL1., Awes eeROli2 4 weeks to 22 weeks. Barred Rocks, White Leghorns. Also started chickens and cockerels three weeks to seven weeks. Send for our catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, On- tario. • STARTED BARRED ROCK CHICKS 3 week $17.45, 4 week $22.45, 5 week $27.45. 131g Egg Quality add 1'frc. Baden Electric Chick Hatch- ery Limited, Laden, Ontario. TRACTOR MAGNETO AND GENERATOR REPAIRS SEND US YOUR TRACTOR MAGNE- to and Generator Repairs. We save you money. Allanson Armature hlanfr., 855 Bay St., Toronto. Hidden Waters In The Desert British Engineers Have Bored Down Into Jordan Valley's Arid Land and Found Oases. The arid desert of Palestine has yielded water iu abundance. This amazing news was brought by Brit- ish Government engineers who bor- ed the parched Negeb Desert -and struck water in profuse streams. If this water is found on analysis to be pure, it will be used for large-scale artificial irrigation in the dry Beersheba aed Gaza regi- ons. Eleven boring plants ai'e bard at worir on ..desert land in the Jordan Valley uei hbourhood, and altogetb-. er 30 deep wells have yielded water, The results of analytical tests on such water are not yet known. If they prove favorable, the farming problems of Arabs and Jews in Pal- estine may be greatly reduced. What Science * Is Dong * SEARCH FOR "SNIFF -METER" Invention of a "sniff -meter" still baffles the best inventive genius of the world, it was dis- closed at McGill University, Mont- real, last week. Science has accomplished mar- vels in the accurate measurement of most things which register on the various human senses, but it still cannot produce anything which measures smells. • The detection and elimination of odors constitutes a practical prob- lem. For instance, in schools, it is found necessary to circulate some 30 cubic feet of air per student through classrooms though all that is necessary to eliminate carbon dioxide and supply' ade- quate oxygen is four cubic feet. NINE -DAY CHICK CROWS Transformation of a baby chick into a synthetic rooster with a robust crow in a period of nine days was accomplished in experi- ments announced at Leland Stan- ford University, Palo, Alto, Calif. Dr. Calvin P. Stone, psychology professor, said the chick was in- jected daily with a synthetic male hormone substance that effected precocity and developed the crow, a mature comb and a strut. SPASM PREVENTS RESUSCITA- TION Toronto medical research men, one of them Sir Frederick Bent - Jack Miner Says: "Begin With the Children" Jack Miner, the Kingsville bird lover, says "The hope for the betterment of this world is more love and the right kind of education." He always practises what he preaches. This photo shows him, in the -, centre of group, with children which the Kingsville •Lions Club brought to his home for their annual picnic. 14; Gardening Dotes EVERGREEN PLANTING Taking everything into consid- eration, late August or early Sep- tember is the best time to trans- plant coniferous (cone -bearing) evergreens. While spring trans- planting at the time new growth begins is feasible, the plants oft- en suffer due to the fact that new slow-growing roots are not abun- dant enough to supply the mois- ture demand of the new top growth, Fall planting does not in- cur these consequences, for very little or no top growth is formed at this season, while the roots are particularly active. This gives the roots a good chance to become thoroughly established by the time heavy demands are made upon " them to support new growing tips. The exception to this rule is hemlocks, which do best if trans- planted in the spring. Late fall planting always is followed by a high mortality rate, as under this condition the plants enter the freezing periods of the year with- out new roots having a chance to develop and become thoroughly settled in their new position. Warm Soil Stimulates Roots Early autumn planting, further- more, has the advantage of fall- ing into a period when the soil still is quite warm and this factor as well is an abundance of soil moisture stimulates vigorous root action. Under no circumstances should the plants be placed in dry, hot soil, and excavation of the planting hole should take place shortly after an abundant rain. COLDFRAME HELPS BIENNIALS The time hat arrived to think • of sowing seed of some of the quicker -growing biennials such as Sweet -Williams, English Daisy (Bellis) and Forget-me-nots (My- osotis). The coldframe is a most useful adjunct to give the plants special care, since regular water- ing and shading are essential to develop a satisfactory stand of sturdy seedlings. DROUGHT RESISTANT Truly drought -resistant plants always are welcome in regions where summer is sure to be hot and dry. While there are many good plants that have this quality, several species of Rudbeckia ac- tually seem to flourish under such conditions. Perhaps the most showy of them is Rudbeckia bi- color superba, a hardy annual of easiest culture with flowers that measure up to three inches in diameter. St. Elmo's Fire On Great Lakes St. Elmo's fire, a rarity on Lake Ontario, struck the Rochester- bound yacht Vision some 12 hole's out of Toronto, one day last week, To the amazement of the crew' of five aboard the ship, the bluish flames ran up and down the shrouds, the mast and yard arms. One member of the crew, thinking the ship afire, attempted to extin- guish the apparent blaze with a fire extinguisher, the skipper re- ported. Only die lee side, Skipper Weed - born Thompson said, was without the unusual electrical display nam- ed after St. Elmo, patron saint of sailors. Of a flamelike appearance, St. filimo's fire or light is seen usually only in stormy weather. More fre- quent in the tropics, it le of the nature of a brush discharge of elec., trinity, reddish when positive, bio- Ish when negative. ing, are reported to have discov- ered a new physiological fact in their study of artificial respiration for drowning persons. The JIealth League of Canada announces that an article in the September issue of the Journal of the Canadian Medical Association states that in a large proportion of drowning cases a laryngeal spasm develops which prevents air getting into the lungs even with artificial respiration, It has already been observed in post-mortem examination of drowned persons that frequently no water was •found in the lungs, the article states. The explana- tion of this fact was learned to be the action of the body's nor - may protective machinery which prevents access of water or food to the lungs during swallowing. In cases of drowning the same mechanism was said to operate and may persist as a spasm after the victim has been taken from the water. Thus artificial respir- ation is rendered ineffective. GERMAN SUPER -MICROSCOPE Magnification up to 30,000 times is made possible by a new super microscope invented by two Geo - man scientists, according to re- ports from Berlin. The inventors, Dr. Bodo von Borries and Dr. Ernst Rurka, utilize electron rays having a 100,000 voltage current in their instrument. INSECTS COLOR -MINDED Insects aro attracted by lights, but have preferences in colors. If lights of a variety of colors are exposed at night, insects of par- ticular kinds will be found in greatest numbers flitting around the light which has the greatest color appeal for them. General Electric engineers observing the new sodium lights installed on a bridge at Clinton, Iowa, noted that the shad flies of that neigh- borhood did not like the brilliant pure yellow of the sodium lamps nearly so well as the almost white and equally brilliant incandescent lamps used on the bridgehead. The insects were recently found piled six inches deep under the incan- descent lamps, but only one inch deep under the sodium lamps. The red end of the spectrum is much 'less attractive to insects than the blue end. Insects apparently have a wider range of vision than hu- man beings, as they appear to see the ultra -violet light, which is in- visible to us but to which many insects are strongly attracted. • AVE H EARL) STANDARDS: Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you . Never excuse yourself; nev- er pity yourself .... Be a hard master to yourself -and be lenient to everybody else . . , . Then you give the world value received for living in it. Mrs. Toots (in store) -- "I've Waited since 5 o'clock for my hus- band and now its 6:30." Clerk -"And when were you to meet hien?" Mrs. Toots -"At 4 o'clock." Suspicious Wife -"Let me see that letter you've just opened. I can see from the handwriting it is from a woman and you turned pale when you read it." Husband (calmly) -"You can have it. It is from your milliner." Professor "I forgot my um- brella this morning." 13is Wife -"How did you re- member you forgot it?" Professor -"Well, I missed It when I raised my hand to close it after it had stopped raining." It was Rochefoucaulcl who said, "Small minds are the first to con- . damn large ideas." man walked into a grocery store: Man -"I want all the rotten egg you have." Grocer -"What do you want with rotten eggs?" Man (nervously - "Sh-sh-sh-sh• I am the new comedian." J'eb-"I've an invention at last that will mean a fortune! `Led "What is it this timet" Jeb -"Why, it's an extra key for a typewriter. When you don't. know how to spell a word you hit that key and it makes a blur that plight be an 'e' an 'a' or almost anything else you like." In many ways, what with the international outlook, and the price of haircuts, we're just as well pleased that we aren't twenty year younger. Jasper - "Can you stand on your head, Peter?" Peter -"Nope, it's too high1" Freckle -Faced Entrant On Children's Day, August 26, at the Canadian National Exhibi- tion, the "IKing and Queen of Freckledom" were crowned in elaborate ceremony and awarded complete new school outfits. En- trants sent in their applications from all parts of the country. Proud of his facial adornment is David David (ABOVE) of Toronto who was entered in the boys' divi- sion. Fall Fair Dates Toronto Aug. 26 -Sept. 10 Aug. 25, 26, 27 Sept. 16, 17 London (Western Fair) Sept. 12-17 Ailsa Craig Dresden Exeter Forest • Galt Sept, 22, 23, 24 Goderich Sept. 20, 21 Harrow Sept. 22, 23, 24 Lambeth Sept. 22 Listowel Merlin Norwich Paris Sarnia Sept. 22, 23, 24 Seaforth Sept. 22, 23 Shedden Sept. 21 Springfield Stratford Thorndale Aylmer Sept. 26, 27, 23 Belmont Sept. 29 Drumbo Sept. 27, 28 Glencoe Sept. 27, 23 Ilderton Sept. 28 Ingersoll Sept. 29, 30 Jarvis Sept. 27, 28 Langton Oct. 1 Leamington Sept. 26 -Oct. 1 Mitchell Sept. 27, 28 Muncey Sept. 28 Rodney Sept. 26, 27 Strathroy Sept. 29, 30, Oct. 1 \'Vallacetown Sept. 29, 30 Welland Wyndham Centre Alvinstou Brigden Dorchester Embro Fairground Highgate Melbourne Mount Brydges Norfolk County Woodstock Comber Sept. 22, 23 Sept. 19, 20, 21 Sept. 21, 22 Sept. 20, 21 Sept. 21, 22 Sept. 21, 22 Sept. 20, 21 Sept. 20, 21 Sept. 21, 22 Sept. 19-21 Sept. 21 Sept. 27, 28, 29 Sept. 27 Oct. 6, 7 Oct. 4 Oct. 5 Oct. 6 Oct. 4 Oct. 7, S Oct. 7 Oct. 4 (Simcoe) ....Oct. 3-6 Real -Life Tartan Bearded and naked, a real-life Tartan has been found in a thick forest near Sanski Most, Bosnia. The man appears incapable of hu- man speech, and shrieks wildly at the sight of money. Apparently he has been living on herbs and ani- mals which he caught with his hands. T H E FA M O U S RUBBING LINIMENT Rub on -pain gone. Get the new large econ- omy size -Also avail- able in smaller, regular size. The BOi. rK SHELF By ELIZABETH EEDY VAGABOND VOYAGING By Larry Nixon This book, as its subtitle states, tells "The Story of Freighter Travel." But "story" is an inade- quate word. Larry Nixon gives his readers much more than tfie story of the freighter ship's acquisition of passenger accom- modations and growth in passen- ger popularity; he gives them pre- cisely the information they need if they want to go vagabond voy- aging themselves; and he makes them want to. The list of freight- er routes and lines covers eighty- one pages at the back of his book, and in addition there are "real" freight ships which definitely do not take passengers. The book deals, however, not with these freight shins which are freight ships only, but with those which do carry passengers, for a moderate price and in acceptable comfort. It's a matey way of trav- eling. It's leisurely. It's simple, of course. But most freighters are well kept, many of them are new; they go to interesting places, they have no inside rooms -Oh, there's a lot to be said for freighter trav- el. Larry Nixon says it clearly, attractively and sensibly, in an in- . viting and practical book. "Vagabond Voyaging," by Larry Nixon. Illustrated. 314 pp. To- ronto: McClelland & Stewart. $2.50. An Interview "And were you pleased?" they asked of Helen in Hell. "Pleased?" answered she, "when all Troy's towers fell; And dead were Priam's sons, and lost his throne? And such a war was fought as none had known; And even the gods took part; and all because Of me alone! Pleased? I should Say I was!" The Exhibition is a dream of marvels. Here are gathered some of the continent's finest livestock. See them judged, discussed, par- aded. Wander through the stalls and inspect thein closely. Thrill to the music of England's Royal Artillery Band. Watch the excitement of the harness races. Examine the huge farm -implement displays. See the mirror that talks, the Art brought from Europe. Take the youngsters to stare at "Hooty" the strangely intelligent owl, play in Frolexland, eat in a restaurant on the grounds. There are a million things to see and something of interest for everyone, GEORGE RRtGDEa ELwOOD A, TIMES President General Manager , AJ 0 • E TS 18 79 1938 DIAmot1D..JUBILEE