HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-08-25, Page 4H1NT I RSIM ltl1lClilQfl(pillL9AMMllllllMEMBIIEISEB(m EI(ITII1
1irS. John Brisson of Winersor vls-
sited at the home: of 141r. Ed. Etue the
*stet week.
Mr. and Mrs. Landon and son 1'er-
4oy Of Sarnia, .were, Sunday visitors
Alt the horse of Mrs . Joseph Rau.
• Miss Irene Delinger of Stratford,
e rent the week -end Set the Gelinas
Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Wesley, Mrs.
.. G. Wesley.of Detroit ;Mr. rind Mrs
Louis Mousseau; Mr. and Mrs. Deio:a
est St. Jachium were Sunday visitors
sat the Mousseau home.
The new Parish Priest, Rev, Father
0. Martin is making improvements to
the church and grounds. Father Mar-
tin is becoming gradually acquainted
in the parish and he is very fondly
received, and has a very likeable and
kind disposition.
Mrs. S. Gottschalk and Mrs, Louis
Rader spent the past week with the
former's daughter at 'Port Stanley.
Mr. Leslie Goetz of Chicago is > sp-
I ending his vacation With relatives
I here.
'suss+ + R+ ^ase. -see -x. -e n es:seeren semen+emsasern r - - e
d Cars
Priced to Sell
1936 Ford Coach, not a traveller's Car, but a ear owned and
cared for by a localbusiness man. and in Al shape $495.00
1935 Ford Ds Lux Coach, traded in by a farmer on a new
Ford VSThis car is nice Inside and the original paint
looks lire new, our price $395.00
1934 Chev. Co m h. This car was carefully broken iii and
driven by a P rkhill business man. It is real nice at $390.00
1933 Ford Co,.c'.i, De Lux, and guaranteed by the Ford
Dealer, at only$325.00
1932 Ford 4 cylinder coach, good tires at $250.00
2 Ford Coaches 1930. 2 Ford Coaches 1929.
1928 Ford Coach in good condition $100.00
1928 Poia.iec Coach a real nice one $100.00
1929 Es. -ex Coaeh or Coupe your choice $150.00
1928 Buick Sedon. good motor and tires, only .......... 365:00
1928 Whippet S+•dan at ................. $75.00
1997 Whippet Caach at ..65.00
1927 Chev. Coach $55.00
1926 Chev. Sedan for $35.00
1926 Ford Coach$25.00
Several good used Tractors and new or used Tractor Plows,
O'_iver, Cockshutt of Fleury.
6 Good Trucks from 1931 to 1936.
Phone for Demonstration -of the New FORD'S0N TRACTOR
Sandy E 'at Pone 64 Exeter
Miss Ruth Humble of Sarnia is
visiting with Miss Cathern Finkbein-
Dr.- Eugene Tiernan and friend of
Halifax spent the week -end at his
home here.
Miss Ruth and :Shirley Guenther
have returned after spending their
holidays in Kitchener. •
Mr, and Mrs, J. Canipan and Mrs
Joyce of Detroit visited friends here.
Mr,. Sara Gottschalk spent the week
end with friends in Seaforth, •
Mr. John Donehey who spent the
past month with Mr. and Mrs. R. Go-`.
etz, left for Toronto on Monday.
Miss Ella Martinson of Elmira, vis
ited here last week and resigned her
position as teacher here; having se-
cured a school at Baden.
Mr. arid Mrs. Milford Melsaac and
family who :pent their vacation here
returned to their -home in Detroit;on
Sunday. •
Mr. Jack Reschke of Detroit spent
the week -end here, his wife and chil-
dren who have been visiting here, re,
turning with hilt).
Wedding bells will soonr ringing
Mies Jean Hey from Lonaeix, is
spending a few weeks at her . ngme
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gingerich, Mr.
and Mrs. Jacob Gingerich and family
of Zurich, were .Sunday visitors with
1 Mr..and Mrs. Amos Gingerich.
iMr, and Mrs. Allan Bast froth
di Wellesley, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lichtie
and family from New Hamburg, we-
re Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs,
Chris. 'Swartzentruber..
Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Ron and
family from Tavistock were vrsithig
with 1VIr. and Mrs. Amos Gascrio.
BLUE MARATHON GAS and OIL Delivered to you the most modern
way; with a WAYNE Computing Pump that automatically figuses the
amount of your purchase. 'These rumps• are used in all leading gas
:stations in Canada and U. S A.
-IIG.H PRESSURE 'LUBRICATION. Your car is greased by !attend-
ants that have had five years of practical and technical experience in
Detroit. We use The latest model air pressure grease gun using
.seven diI1'ereai. kinds of grease to lubricate your car
EXPERT REPAIRING To all makes of cars at attractive prices.
.Sp dial Prices on Brakes Relined
Car Wash 39c. Tire Repair 25c
Battery and Tires ,checked and windshield cleaned Free. We aini
to please. When in Zuiiich take advantage :of our modern ai•est-rooms.
Zuriclu's Up -to -Date Service .S;tatron :and Garage
C. Frizz is Son Used Car Lot are ,Connection
Use :Blue Marathon Gas Far Better Mileage
111111001 4111111111 II 111 18 IL III , I id
0011IIIHI In 11:: 11111
Do You Know? P
You know thoroughly vvelll that you have power
in your store, to influence the decision of your cus-
torners in regard to what they buy from you: Your
customersrely on you to give them products which
in use or consLll ption, will give them complete
If it is right to use big city dailies and nationaly,
circulated magazines then, by the same token, it is
right to use local weekly newspapers!
I arra the Master Salesman of this Community, and
my 'name 'is ».
"I ?;,Il, 9wilBu 1 "mrfrrrr,n
Miss Grace Brock of London, is
spending several weeks' holidays with
her parents here.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Knight and
children of Kitchener visited with re
latie vs here and the Bend. Mrs. Knig-
ht remaining for a week or .so.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Higgins are
spending several Weeks with their
daughter, Mrs. B. North of Woods-
Mer and Mrs Clarence Shepherd of
Harrietsville were recent visitors at
his home here.
Ray Paterson of Toronto, spent the
week -end with his parents, Mr, and
Mrs. R. Paterson. .
Mrs. McKay of Kenton, Man. vis-
ited Miss Minnie Reid.
Mae McNaughton of Toronto spent
a week -end at her horse here.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bonthron were
camping at Tobermory.
Harold Bonthron visited friendsiii
Toronto on Sunday.
Mr. and :t'trs. Carl Pasniore have
returned hone after a pleasant holi-
day camping et Pikes Say.
Jean :':Icgaeen has returned home
after a pleasant visit with friends in
New York.
Dr. 5, B. Walker of St. Boniface
Hospital, Winnipeg and Mr. D. 11.
Walker of Niagara Falls spent the
week -end with Mr. zvsd Mrs. •Geo. -
Arm lniured
While assisting at *threshing' on
the Duncan Stewart farm north of
Hensall on Monday afternoon Ia..;
Russell Hedden suffered severe :arra
lacerations when the blower came -off
the separatoor and struck neer on the
Off on Vacation
Miss Irene Douglas, accompanied
by Misses Ada •Gramm. and Isobe
Manson of Detroit, and uncle and
aunt, llr. and Mra. McAsh of Lon-
don, left Friday last for a two we-
ek's tour through the States, visiting
Cincinatti, Washington and Tenassee:
also other States.
husband having predeceased some 26
years ago. She was of a quiet retir-
ing nature, a devoted smother and
fond. of her home, Surviving the 8
daughters. One son David passed a -
•way some 7 years ago, She is also
survived by nine grandchildren and
13 great-grandchildren.
The Seaforth town council at its
meeting recently fixed the transient
trades' license fee at $200. It was
formerly $100.
- Miss Doris Salter passed away at
Exeter, on Aug. 9th, in her 27th yr.
She had been ill for two month's w;th
heart trouble. She is shrived by her
mother, Ml's. Emily A. ;Salter; a bro-
ther and two sisters.
The death of Mrs. ,Mary Campbell
occurred in the Clinton hospital. De-
eeased had lived in Clinton for the,
lad eight years, since her husband's
death, and for six months was a pat-
ient in the hospital. She 'is survived
by one sister, Miss Ida Brown of
Returned from Old Country
Mr. and 'Mrs. R. C. Hays returned
last week after a six week's tip to
England and Scotland. In the time at
their disposal they were able to see
a'good deal of both countries and
-they had a very enjoyable time visit-
ing points ' of hietorical and scenic
interest' both north and south of the
Tweet—Goaerie', ,Star -Signal.
Beware of These!
• P•lice at Goderich were on the
lookout for two mc'n who allegedly
represented themselves as accredited
solicitors of funds for China's war
needs'. The men, believed to be "pho-
nies", disappeared before police co-
uld catch up with thein. It is not
known h sw much money they obtain-
ed .in Goderich.
The marriage of Olive Lillian An-
derson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T.
J. Anderson, of Ashfield; to Mn
•. sae -•'nn Pearce. son of Mr.
and Mrs. William C. Pearce, of Exe-
4,, .ens soieminized 'at the United
.earth parsonage, Lacknow, on Wed-
nesday August 11th. Rev. J. Wilkins
Officiated. They will reside at Holm -
Enviable Position
Miss Evelyn .-Clark, of Goderich, a
.former teacher of the Centralia scho-
ol has accepted the position of Critic
teacher on the teaching staff of the
Ottawa Model school. Miss Clark was
chosen for this appointment ;,y the
.I epartnment of Education in Ottawa
and it came as a great surprise to
her as this position is the highest av-
aiIable.to any public school teacher.
A. Parachute Jumper
Elgin Luxton, 21,. son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Luxton of Usborne, thrill-
ed. the spectators at the Lendon air-
port Sunday last when he made his
,first parachete jump. His picture ap-
peared in The Free Press tken from
the wing of a plane. He had in his
on his parachute and the accroutre-
rnents that go With it. Elgin made the
jump from about 2600 feet and lan-
ded safely. He •said the thrill in tak-
ing off was no greater than he had
experienced in a roller coaster ride.
Native of Hullett
James Hoggarth, a (resident of God-
erich for 40 years, died suciueney at
the hone of his son-in-law Fred Wil-
son, Goderich in his 78th year: He
was born in Hullett Twp., on of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hoggarth.
He was. employed foe many years
with the Doty Engine Works, at God-!
erich. and later with the Goderich
Manufacturing Co., and had lived re-
tired for the past few years.
A Roof Fire
The Seaforth fire brigade had a
tall Saturday last when fire was dis-
covered in the shingles of the roof
.on a shed at 'the rear of Dr. Munn's
block.. The blaze was quickly exting-
uished, and damage was slight. The
shed is used as a winter garage by
Fractures Leg the Imperial oil distributor, and con -
Alton Fairburn, aged 16, son 'of tabled only some empty oil cans and
Wm. Fairburn, lE-ensall, suffered a a sleigh. The fire is believed to have
fractured leg during the taboo last been started by a spary from, a bon -
Wednesday evening when in the cro- fire.
wd he fell from the rear of a car.
He ivas removed to Sea3fcenh hospital 'Struck by Lighning
where his injuries were attended. The lenge -frame barn on the grass
fawn of J. Herdman, 7th con. of Us -
Auto Accident borne, was totally destroyed by fire
As Albert Shirray was driving when struck by lightning Wednesday
south the other evening about dusk evening last. The farm. is situated a-
orn No. 4 Highway he noticed a teain bout three miles ,south csf Eliinvilde
of horses and wagon drivinn by Dr, and the (barn was ignited following a
la'ir's hired man and to avoid hitting .cry vivid flash of lightning. The
the team he turned out quickly not flames from the buildings could be
noticing a ear coming from the south seen for many, miles and attraoted
He collided head on into the.. car whi• many persons to the scene as the The
ch was driver by Dr. This of London. occurred shortly after'eight o'clock.
Shitray Vul a toe fractured and his Threshing operations had been toms-
knee ',slightly hurt end was badly plcted only as day before the fire when
shaketa up. He *as takers lo the Sea the grain ,and hay were destroyed..
forth .Hospital; where .his foot wee -
put in a cast. Dr, Ross was.takento I3.iwueeels Men h jured
Di. Moir's hospital near where the . A big truck owned by Geo. Pollard
accident happened. There he was tr- Brussels, sideswiped another truck in
eated for an injured knee. Tho cars Galt, blowing a tire And plunging
were both badly damaged. down an embankment in Soper Park
,, to -crash into a •tree. Chas, E. Poll -
Aged Lady Passes ard, a passenger in the truck, eta-
t -The death occurred .quite • suddoni;, •axed a broken now, while W. E. Hell -
Aug. 14, at the home of Ed. Alex- Inger, also of Brussels, the driver,
ander, of Agnes Gibson, xelict'.of the bus several lacerations a bees. the fact
late foT.,;+rt Alexander in 'her',93rd end severe bruises to the body ,and
year. The deceased had been confir legs, Hollinger was punned between
ed to bed for six months with a °.,a ti,e wheel and back of t'.c c.: 1,11;'h
ctu,f.d hip caused from a fall ,rhe hal'' ,ties equeeze'l up like a concepti'ia.
enfi -:d. She was harts at Thames Trot Ie was izeeen4ary to get anothertrk.'
Jen; .,td r .. . r' • , +o rn11 hes f'i+p :Calf t il•'s !" 'thf,
:d to til e T3Ou ,
,. ,aoarrtlary, � TJsbozmte, her driver., .e.
.. au perm;"'rymWrr.'+wA M .l ! 7+,k,�Wli� u' I T' ' � arg; f .
l�„f'x1� � I.liw,�r .I..'nul:ltalU �I r I ,,, � , (rll"�! ,�L1ll�kW!IWJLII
r r n
Lack of drrinking veseel is no hin-
drance to a thirsty hobo when he has
milk to slake his thirst, A ragged
transient was seen :near Peterboro
the •other night, contentedly drinking
milk from a hole in the toe cur a shoe.
A bewildered cow stood by, watching
Warrant for the first tax sale to be
held in Godefich " in nine years was
sigued'by Mayor MacEwan. .mere
are 94 parcels of property, .-ivolvinl
$8,000 arrears, and incluciin,; a 'surge,
frame residence on .the Huron .road,
once a show place in the earner days
of the community. Many of the lots
on the list are expected to fall back
on the town's hands.
+--•gym •
Izi Magistrate's Court
Goderich — Four montes eac?i on
two charges of false pretences, con-
current, Was the eentance given "Pro-
fessor” Peter C. lvicKenni:., an year
old Kitchener psychic reader, and
patent medicine man, when he ap-
peared for sentence before Magistr-
aCe n'lakins on enurauay. One week
previous the professor was convicted
„f extracting $160 in cash from two
of his Seaforth subjects on a double-.
your -money coinidence talk., and re-
manded. for sentence. The "Prof"
was so convincingly clever that he'
sold a. woman who Worked 18 years in.
a physician's office, two bottles of
IvicKennoes vegetable compound, his
own concoction. 14e also extracted
$150 cash from her, giving his -own,
note of $300.—"You can always tell
a beginner -driver" says traffic officer
;1d webu. `i'lhey sit ori the edge of the A. boat for quick sale, apply to:
seat, sometimes erect, sometimes 1 Charles -S. Bedard, north of Drysdale
slumped forward, always awkward
looking; so he stopped 16 -yr. old
Mildred Brindley and her boy friend
Carmen Schultz on No. 8 highway.
"She coaxed and coaxed me to let her
drive and I finally said yes" said Car-
men. The boy paid $10 and costs for
permitting an unlicensed driver to use our milk bottles for containers of
drive. The girl was given suspended chocolate milk, as these bottles are
sentence, she not to touch the wheel very hard to wash.
of a car for a year.
August 25th, 11,938
Elmira ....
Tavistock .
Kincardine ,...
New Hamburg ....
Atwood ,.-
Exeter . ,
li'orest.. .
▪ . Sept. 2-5
• Sepe. 9, 10
, Sept. 15, 16
... Sept. 16, 1'7 -
Sept. 23, 24
Sept. 21, 22
. Sept, 20, 21 .
.. Sept. 20, 21
Listowel .... Sept. 21, 22
Sarnia . , Sept. 22, 24
Seaforth , . - .... , Sept. 22,' 23
Stratford ........ Sept. 19, 21
Bayfield ...... . Sept. 28, 29
fSeueecels. Sept. 29, :50
Fordwich ... Sept. 30, Oct 1
Ile.rristort ..... , „ . Sept. 29, 30
Ilder•ton ......,.... . Sept. 28
Kirktou ........ Sept. 29, 3.0
Luel.n.w ..... Sept. 29, 30
Mitchell ........ Sept. 27. 23
Parkhill Sept. 30
ZURICH . Sept. 26, . 27
Dungannon Oet. 6, 7
St. Marys ...... Oct. 6, 7
Teeswater - ........... Oct. 4, 5
Toronto .... Aug. 26 -Sept. 10
London Sept. 12-17
International Plowing Match and
Farm Machinery Demonstration,
Minesing, near Barrie. Oct. 11,
12, 13, 14.
Central Canada. Exhibition, Ottawa
Aug.. 22.27_
' Ottawa 'Winter Fair Nov. 8-11,
Guelph Winter Fair—Nov. 20 to
'December 1st.
—Zurich Dairy.
DON'T' go,
through an-
other winter
carrying wa-
ter from an
outside pump..
prices are so,
favorable anad.
the cost can
be spread over
a period of
months or —
years . . . have a DTJRO
Pumping System
A Duro System will pump sufficient water to your
borne so that you may have running water to the kitchen,
laundry, barn,. etc. A modern` Emco Bathroom may also,
be installed.
Ernco Prices are moderate. The Snew-White 20” x 42" -
Enamelled Sink only, including Faucet, ready. for instal-
lation, casts...:.........M 31 f)
Sink and Cabinet with faucet, as illustrated.... ...$6 .30
Trap, from Pipe and Fittings Sxtra .
The Dura Special Purnp, illustrated, has a capacity of
250 gals. per hour—is supplied with a 30 gal. Galvanized
Tank, 25 or 60, cycle Motor, ;and costs only •, ;..$89.ua1
Also supplied for aisoiine
>wnglne operefiop
Small Alleatably .P'ayii cents.
The Government Horne Improvement
Loans Act enables you to purchase
urate fsxtures, sittings and Duro Pumps
on the monthly payment plan over a
period of three years. 'Enquiries given
prompt attention and estimates supplied
vitont charge.
London I1amilton Toranfo Sudbury
pfd Winnipeg V:noouvor