HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-08-18, Page 4VACE *Welt ... ZURICH H . HERALD D AS_ :H W O O.D Vaud Concert Saturday evening, Y I7 `aiAugust 20th at 8.00 faire. on Dr, IL "uylor's lawn`• Lunch will be served,' Wes. Huntley of Detroit spent the e week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Wxu, ICieinetiver and Mrs. McIsiaac. Was Emma Tinian of London, is ending her holidays with relatives•dere. Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Kellerman, M r Lovin4i Kellerman and Mr. Geo. Kellerman and Mr, :inti Mrs. A, E. 3estrei.cher, Donald and Eunice, sp- Blue Water south. Met. Joe Masse arxd family et. De- troit who has been camping in the Jeffrey Bros. cottage at St. Joseph, i has returned to hely home, Mr` Chas. Bedard of Coitr.'tright, and Mr.Melvin Bedard of Detroit, called on their parents at Pane Aux Bollioux on Sunday. Sister M. Eugene of Chatham and Sister St, Clair of Montreal spent the last week in this community, The lat- er who has been away from this dis- trict for 37 years was Matilda .Can tin, the daughter of the late Peter Cantin. She was educated in the Goderich Collegiate and taught seh- avith his work, due to the heavy rains. Mr. and Mrs, Marcil oariveau and 117r, .and 'Mrs Alex Masse all of the 14th eon., spentSunday evening with Mr. and . Mrs. Joseph Bedard, Last Friday evening; a large gathering al- so took place at the Bedard home, when some thirty relatives and fri- ends gathered, and had a lovely eve ening together. eat the week -end with friends in Elk- i ton„Mich. Also attending, the 'home ool a few years before entering the • >Coring", there. religions life in the Sacred Heart congregation.. Although Sister St, • Miss Gertrude Roffman visited in 1Clair had been away for u^r years and 'Kitchener last Friday. many -changes in the parish have tak- en place, she could well point out where all of the older settlers lived. Bath her and Sister Eugene left on Monday to resume their respective cilax ,es. Mr. Cyril Masse and Mr. and 11Irs Woods and family of Detroit were Sunday callers with friends and rel- atives. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Laporte of St. Claie, Mich., spent the week end in St. Joseph. Mrs Ross Hewitt laid Mrs. Woods, of Windsor, and Mrs. Hould of Lon-• Mrs. C. Steinharen mei gr=andson, 3'immy Taylor returned home Satur- selay after a plt t .int visit wrr:i her ser- in Port Dnlhoueie. Rev. and Mrs. Lift and family aro 'visiting in Pembroke. Mr. and Mrs. A. Koe 'ser of Len - tering, Mich., are visiting with her par - ants, Mr. and Mrs, John Kant?.tl to Miss Verna Kraft h its!'' 'London after spending a week at hey 'dome here. Miss Beatrice Grayhril has re- turned after spending a few weets'in 'Toronto. don, are spending a few days with 4Ir. Wilbur Graybe`1 of Waodstnck their father Mr. Frank Jeffrey.. o>;pent Sunday with hie mother, airs. O•aybeil, Rev. and Mrs. Popp,l and daueh- ler Hope are away on their vacation., Messrs, Harry Ileferean and Mil- ford •:1TcIsaac spent Non lay in Lon- don. Mr. and Mre. Frran, lief aac of iVinesor cnent the week -end with Mrs P. Mclsaae. St. Joseph and Beaver Town Mr. and Mrs. Leonard jeeerey of Make were Sunday Oisitere with Mr and Mrs. John Charrette of the in Beavertown. The Misses Patricia and Roselie Masse of Detroit who have been camping in St. Joseph the past month have returned to their home on Tu- esday last. Miss Yonne Masse of the Blue Water south spent Sunday wten nfiss Veronique Ducharme. . Mr.- and Mrs. Albert Burke or De- troit spent the week -enol with relati- ves iin St. Joseph. Mr. and Mrs Walter Jeffrey and family are spending a few days in this neighborhood. Mr. William Jennison who operates two threshing outfits has a problem on his hands this year to keep pace STOP AT ROWS ONE-STRP SERVICE BLUE MARATHON GAS and OIL Delivered to you the most modern way, with a WAYNE Computing Pump that automatically figuses the amount of your purchaee. These Pumps are used in all leading gas stations in Canada and U. S. A. . HIGH PRESSURE LUBRICATION. Your car is greased by attend- ants that have had five years of practical and technical experience in Detroit. We use the latest rnodel air pressure grease gun using seven different kinds of grease to lubricate your car EXPERT :REPAIRING To all makes of cars at attractive Special Prices on Brakes Relined Car Wash 39c. prices: Tire Repair 25c Battery and Tires dhecked and windshield cleaned Free. We aim to please. When in Zurich take advantage of our modern rest rooms. Zurich's Up -to -Date Service Station and Garage HOWARD KLOPP, LESSEE C. Fritz & Son Used Car Lot in Connection Use flue. Marathon Gas For Better Mileage GOODYEAR TIRES, BATTERIES, ACCESSORIES. Phone -78 1 1 THE O LD'S GOOD NEWS will come to yotir:home every day through THE CHRIST/AN SCIENCE MONITOR art Into; :ationgl Daily Newspaper It records for you the world's clean, constructive doings. The Monitor does not exploit crime or sensation; neither does it ignore then, but deals correctivei.' with them.: Features for busy men and all the family, including the Weekly 'Magazine Section. The Christian Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Please enter nyy :subscription to The Christian Science Monitor for a period of 1 year S12,130 '6 months $6.00 3 months 53.00 1 month 61.00 Wednesday issue, including Magazine Section: 1 year 52.60, 6 issues 250 Name Address. Sample Copy on Iteaprest illi MIEMEENIRESETHEI i1111-11111111140 file 11111111 uEi IIDIIfmiIGiREMAffil lMillElill 110111'11 HERALD QFFICE Do You Know? Mr.- MERCHANT! You know thoroughly well that you have power in your store, to influence the decisionof your cus- tomers in regard to what they buy from you. Your customers rely on you to give them products which in use or consumption, will give them complete satisfaction. If it is right to use big city &lilies grid na:tionaay- circulated rr-it.wazines thew by the Sarrle token, it is right to use iu,:fil y I am the Master "a,f, 1..r. of of tlai:t Cori-ckrpnity, and my n:xrta is ADVERTISE 11J1111111lnlieer ;le ,1,1e; ^Retr,r;^ 4 HENSALL John Currie of Seaforth, has been temporarily appointed to carry out duties as street superintendent and day constable following the death of James V, Ryan. Mr. Currie has been sworn in as a.. town constable .. for some years. To The Far North • Miss Grace Strang, of Goderich, left for Churchill where she Will em- bark on the Government supply boat Nascouie for its annual trip to nor- thern posts in the Artie area. She took the same trip two years ago. Little -Bieber ,A quiet wedding was solemnizedat Thames Road IVianse, on July 28,,wlien Caroline athir..garet, daughter of Mr. and ']rs. Wm, Bieber, of :[lay, was ruled in marriage with John Arthur Little, of Exeter. Rev. Mair perfor- Med the ceremony. Robbed of $550 'Win. Penman, a Clifford drover, w;as robaed recently at the 'Union stock yards, Toronto, in full view of farnx'• rs and buyers at the yards, who Grid not know what wee going on He had taken a load of hogs and cat- tle to the yards and had received a cheque for $550, and after cashing it had returned to the truck. Three gunmen who apparently had followed him from the bank closed in on him of the Mrs. Samuel Merrier spent a few days visiting hersister, Mrs. Isaac Hudson at Seaforth. Mary Little of London is spending her holidays at her home. A. T, Douglas of Hyde Park vis- ited at the home of Mrs. 3, Johnston Mrs. Douglas returning home with him. The Hensall Band is sponsoring a band tatoo to be held on Wednesday eve. Aug. 25, About a dozen bands are expected to take pare. Mr. and Mrs. Roy White of Lond- visited with friends here. Sidney Geiger of Sturgeon Falls, was a visitor here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Geiger. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Scott of Tor- onto were visitors with her parents, Mr. 'and Mrs, G. C. Petty, Mrs. Chas. Abbott of Detroit, is visiting at -the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. iFetyt, Milton Ortwein and son Lloyd of London were visitors with his parents Mr. and Mrs, Otis Minor and dau- ghter of Port Huron were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lockett and family and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Fletcherof Hollen wee- visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fink. Robt. Drysdale of London was a recent visitor at his home Everett Fletcher of Hellen is spen ding a few weeks visiting his daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fink. Mrs. C. Cook entertained a numb- er of friends in honor of her sister, Mrs' Smith of Vancou •er whois vis- iting here. Mrs Andrew Laramie of Detroit is spending a few weeks visiting relate.ves in Hensall. Large quantities of new grain are being inax'kete.d here at Hensall. Seventeen carloads were shipped out in a week by the cliffrent grain com- penies operating here. A very modern equipment, for the unloading of cement and fine gravel etc., attracted a great deal of atteli-: tion at the local station yards in Hen-' sail Saturday last, while engaged in unloading some three carloads .for the streets of Zurich. Little Girl Injured , When a car driven by William Par km.struck a parked machine owued by Wan. Soldan, three -yr. old Marg- aret Parker suffered severe facial lac -'i eratioris. Dr. Steer treated the Iwo- unds which required several stitches. McMillan -Fisher Holy Family Catholic Church, New Hamburg, was the scene of a prettty wedding recently when Rev. Siess un- ited in marriage Miss Marguerite T. Fisher, R.N., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fisher to Harry J. Mc- Millan of Hensall, son of Catherine McMillan, Tavistock. John' Fisher, brother of the bride, was best inan Following the wedding, a reception was held at the home of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. McMillan left for their new home in Hensall. Late Joseph Hudson The death occurred of Joseph Hud- son Sunday evening last, when he was about to be taken to London Hospital Friday eve he attended a baseball game in Clinton where he became seriously ill, was brought to his hone here and given medical attention He continued to get worse and it was decided to take him to London, when he suddenly passed away, caused by a blood clot around the heart. Boer 44 years ago son of Geo. Nucleon of Hensall. Spent his early life here be- ing educated in the schools. In 1916 when the 161st batallion was organiz- ed he Huron he enlisted and went ov- erseas, was gassed and wounded and spent seven months in a reach Hos- pital. At the close of the war he re- turned to 'Hensall and for a number of -years conducted a garage. About two 'years ago a shell wound in his fo of began to douse trouble, -ani' was taken to the Soldier's hospital for treatment. The foot was taken off After many months in hospitals last, Easter he .was sufficiently recivered to return home. when he climbed into the eab :truck. Vote on School Bylaw Ratepayers of Exeter are to vote on Aug. 22nc1 on a 'bylaw to provide for an expenditure of $15,000 for the erection of school classrooms to take care of the new courses in home economise aand manual training at Exeter High School. Triplet Calves Triplet calves were born to a blk Holstein cow belonging to Ward Vern of Usborne. The calves are all nor- mal and doing fine, weighing about 50 lee. each, there are two males and a female Hard to Duplicate The other day at the home of John Simmons of Brussels, a jar of black currant; was opened and thoroughly ' neeeetl by those who ate them. That two -quart jar of black currents was p,, e-. ervetl by Siminott's mother 25 years ago. The fruit was perfectly preeereede There \va:> not a suspicion of mould on it and it easted as fresh and delicious as any that has recently been preserved. James V. Ryan James V. Ryan of Seaforth, drop- ped dead at his hone, he was in his 72nd year, was born in ?I.cKillop and in 1928 carne to Seaforth and was don Tyndall, Clanton, who • gene d en. �unllointed street superintendent anct a three -ear accident with (nrr'E aru' and $10 COUNTY NEWS Mrs`s Eisler of 1VBaneapolis nas been the guest of herr suer, ,Mrs.: . Alex, McConnell at Varna, >"2 'head of cattle belonging to T. Fells of 'Wingham' whites were on pas - tare in Morris Twp., were killed by lightning'. They , were Neal up near a barbed wire fence. Henry Strang, Jr., of Iieberne;wa- knocked down by a bull and sniffer- I-(1 a frae.tr'-e of ,his right hip. i o was taken to London Hospital. i Earl Heist of Crediton, was rutihcr' yo St. Joseph's I3oseitai London, vhere hel underwent an op nation f o • '1 3 p en is. dicitr, His friends 1Ia are glad t0 '"' et '' a 13L ate! -.; &lee as veer' u:i _mi. he expected, " Has Foot Garu David Mc lConzie, 22, arrsheedar ICixxtui& was brought to Goderich Hospital with a crushed foot, i;trstalned when a heavy steel colony house, whichhe. was assistrni, 6n utiluacfini, l.roin truck, 'accidentally slipped from 334x, grasp Central Dairy W. C. Barber has completed negot- ations whereby he takes over the equ- ipment of the existing Sesarforth 'dair- les as of Oct. 1st. Plans are being' drawn up and equipment purchased for a moderndairy which Mr. :Barb--; er will build anjoining the Seaforth; Creamery. The pasteurizer and bot- tling equipment wil]. be of a .suffic:ient; size to guarantee a regular. nrappfy.1 Raw milk willbe purchased from the present dairies, who will continue their herds. A Bad Accident Seaforth-R. F. Sitwell, ColunxbUs, 0., motorist, driver of a. ear in Which nine -year -olid Mabel Ritter was fat- ally injured at Kippen on Tuesday evening of last week was on Friday released on bail of $1,000 until ,Sep- tember 13, 'after he had been eharg ed with criminal negligence. Sitwell his wife and daughter are still. .br the Seaforth hospital as a result of the received in the the injuries • "$� crash. Mrs. Stilwell is suffering from a fractured vertebrae and. S1" - fractured ribs, Her husband has 'a fractured ankle, while their nine -yr. FOR QUICK SALE old daughter has her jaw fractured. Ail are extensivley bruised and cur. A boat for quick sale, apply tots The Ritter girl was a niece of Charles S. Bedard, north of Drysdale and Mrs. Stilwell. In Magistrate's Court Goderich--Goo. Dobson, Kincardine Bruce' County school inspector, was acquitted of a reckless driving charge by Magis. Makins on Thursday. On July 21, on the Blue Water highway, five miles north of Goderich, a car, driven by Mr. Dobson crashed ,into l another driven by Clyde Constable, Goderich, as the latter was making a left-hand turn. "He stuck out his; hand, too late, as I was about to pass, I couldn't get by and I had the livesIrr. 2311 464,1, of four passengers to consider, so 1ift3u wig r -mss Shap did what I thought was hest, pu a h t 11 d in behind and crashed, said a Sohn Lavis and Archie B. Smith each paid $10 and costs for reckless driv- ing, A bench warrant was asked for Hoyt Bayliff, London, who did not answer. Napoleon Corriveau, Zurich and Orren Weiner, Exeter, were ac- quitted of reckless driving, but Wel- �+�`"1 cak4w e August 18tf1', 7.938 ^`^.•�`�py"'h :'.".:i'. ."!w'"345"`.n'.,•..:.":..,'.cic mx.::t,.,. c,..... 4�. �. IES �'R. -DATES Elmira . , .. Sept, 2-5 avistrac'k ,. » . Sept. 9, 10 Kincardine Sept, 15, 16 New Uamburg ... •, . Sept, 16, 17 Atwood , , . Sept, 23, 24 Exeter Sept. 21, 22 Forest » .,. , ... , Sept. 20,- 21 Goderich - -» , . Sept. 20, 21 Listowel ».t,-.. Sept, 21, 22 Sarnia .......... Sept. 22, 24 Seafo tl:t .. , .. , . Sept. 22, 23 ,Stratford. ......,., Sept. 19, 21 Bayfield. e Sept. 28, 29 €l:e aezels - ..,Sept. 29, 30 Fordwich ... Sept. 30, Oct 1 Harriet=. Sept. 29, 30 Merton .. Sept. 28 lelir'kton Sept. 29, 30 Lucke :av .. , .. . Sept. 29, 30 Mitchell Sept, `27. 28 Parkhill .... . , . .. Sept. SQ ZURICH Sept. 26, 27 Dungannon - ... - .. , . Oct. 6, 7 St. Marys ..,....... Oct. 6, 7 Teeswater .... Oct. 4, 5 Toronto .... Aug. 26 -Sept. 10 London .. _ , .. , .. Sept, 12-17 international Plowing Match and Farm Machinery Demonstration, Minesing; near Barrie. Oct. 11, 12, 13, 14. NOTICE To milk Customesr: Please do not use our milk bottles for 'containers of chocolate milk, as these bottles are very hard to wash. -Zurich Dairy. e ,fccused -f town constable; a position he filled very ably since, was a Catholic and a member of the Holy Name Society, was of the genial, joval Irish type and his hearty laugh; will be missed on the Main• street. His wife survives. Shunk-Ross At Erskine United Church, Toron- to,the marriage was recently selene- nized -of Grace Gertrude, only dau- ghter of 'Mrs. Ross and the late Alex- ander Ross, of Kippen, to Edward C Shunk, son of Mr. and Mrs. S.Shunk Toronto. Rev. P. Duncan officiated, The bride was given in marriage by G. E. Kent, of ;treetsville and was gowned in white Chantilly lace ani net, and carried roses and fillies. Miss Elizabeth .Scott of Brucefield was her attendant and Urquhart Sauna of Woodstock was best man, After a re- ception at the Mayfair, the couple left on a motor trip to Quebec, they will live in Toronto on their return. The Clinton fire brigade was awar- ded first prize for the most attract- ive company in group "13" at the re- cent company in group "13" at the i•eceiit convention of the Canadian Firemen's association held at Barrie. The pr;ee i^a large silver trophy. Dies From Appendicitis Mrs. IN, S. Broadfoot, Tuckersmith died in Seaforth hospital from acute -iriendicitis. She was born in Mc- Killop. She was an active member of Brucefield United Church and also of the W.M.S. Surviving are her husband, three sons, Ross and Wm. of Tuckersmith; Stanley of London, and two daughters, Mrs: Connell', Varna, and Margaret at home. Fun- eral was held Monday, to Maitland - bank cemetery. In Farm Accident Mrs, John :Farquhar, of near Clin- ton, had a narrow escape in what might have been a fatal accident. Dui ing the harvest season she assisted with the loading and it was while a load of wheat was being brought into the barn that the accident occurred While going up the gangway the Toad an which they were ruling overturn - td. Mr. 'Farquhar was thrown clear of the falling sheaves, but his wife was completely buried underneath. Passing motorists came to the rescue and Mrs. Farquhar was extricated. 'tnd when a doctor arrived he found she had three broken ribs and a bro- ken collarbone. Exeter Man Drowns The other day word was received in Exeter from Burk's Falls, in the Parry Sound district by Rev. e. C. Copeland that Earl Christie. a said enc minister, son of Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Christie of Exeter, had been tiro weed while attending a Sunday Sch ool picnic at Lake Bernard, It was e great shock to the pa+lit, was well known and highly e it^.e1ne'i in the community. Born in ," tetrllen Township, he was in his 2C11t sxi ^i•. 'Received his high school at Exethr his B. A. from Wretex;i University i` ill-. ' i; r"" was he1pthg out fts 1111,11i:1: itdstor' \V: iner, was convicted ani fined and costs. New collars are needed at this time of the year. Give us a call and we will fit you up. If in need of a harness ask for prices, all our work is done with hand sewing. Your binder canvass needs repairing, bring them in and we will repair then before the rush starts. All kinds of repairing nr• .'.fit- and promptly done. Collar s. nirirla t rpecialty. pt -5 N. G. CL.AUSIUS. ZURICH UNUSUAL LIG Hill N GS DIAGRAM 1 -Fireside picture, as above. SS, subjects; B, photo, bulla is fireplace; C, camera. Room lights: on for shadow detail. VQU can make interesting indoor -I snapshots by using regular photo l'igbts to imitate firelight, candle- light or lamp -light. It is necessary merely to conceal the actual nature or source of the light. You roust give long exposures of only caudle light or ordinary lamp light is available but if you use endugh flood bulbs, you dan take snapshots with a box camera. For a." fireside picture," tuckitway a photo bulb in the corner of the fireplace, using an extension corc.I (see Diagram 1). Don't lot the cord chow. In n gout picture, all the light s seems to toms from a fire. Use three large flood bulbs, in cardboard xi With one small bulb in reflector put the camera on a table a nrF glum a one -second time exposure 1Loadt with supersensitive film, of contain. You get candle -light and lame' 'light effects with the arrangement in Diagram 2. Light from the Hood bulb and lamp comes from the saner direction, so that shadows fall naturally. Note that you point the camera so that the photo bulbs don't show :in the picture. And -don't let direct light from a photo bulb shine on sour lens. Try snaps of this type. They are interesting, and well worth your: tvhUe. 182 :Folin Iran Guilder', DIAGRAM .2e -Lamplight picture. $r, (,sne, ,Ofraubjeci, L, lamp or caudle, lighted;,