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Zurich Herald, 1938-08-18, Page 1
"VOL XXXIX ZURICH, THURSDAY MOF NlNQ, AUGUST 18, 1938. HAIRDRESSING THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING. SALON SPECIALS FOR, SP LING Let us quote erou. an; Specials for Spring and Summer Permanents, 'that are pleasing and: satisfactory, -.and will give you personality Hair- -dressing Salon on roar of store. For -appointments call: us: by phone 102 ..Zurich. ST. PE.i' !S Evangelical Lutheran. Church. ZURICH — ONT "A Changeless Christ for a, Chang- ing World." Friday, 8h—Luther League. "Thursday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. m.—German Serve. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday &boat 7,30 p.m.—English service. Everybody Welcome to ail Servi'rase. E. TUERKHEIK, radar.. erald Publish y BETTY ANNE BEAUTY SHOP We wish to announce to our Clientele that we have added._a new wireless Permanent Waving Machine to our Beauty Shop. With this most modern and scientific method you have no weight or escess ive heat on your head. You are not connected to the electivity in any way, and you can have your permanents in from thirty seconds to three minutes time. We are equipped to give you any permanent your hair requires. See this machine before getting a new permanent. Open Evenings. Phone 159 for Appointments. J COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg,R.©. Successor to IFITTON at EXETER every Week Day Except Wednesday s. Opera Have '+ ou Paid YOUR SHOE ACCOUNT? It is necessary that You Attend to your Account „at once LAST NOTICE August 4th 1938 C. FRITZ & SON DODGE A,ND DESOTA .DISTRIBUTORS AND USED CAR SA1 JS ZURICH — ONT. s., +ai WE SELL. THE BEST .FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Sabmay Rinso, small pkg 9c,; large......._"_..,.,....,..„a..,.....22c Quaker puffed wheat, 2 pkgs. ..... .. . . -.17c Keen's Mustard U. -lb.. per tin .,.. ..24c Choice Blue Rose Rice, 2 -lbs. ..... .._.-----.17c Peanut Butter, 3 star Targe24-oz per jar 23c Maple Leaf sockeye salmon, halfs 19c, 1-s 35c Pork and Beans. 21 -oz,. .2 tins .,.,.... ....19c Jello Powder De.Luxe, 5 pkgs ,,..,_. ....."..... i 9c Chicken Haddie, per tin ................ .............. . 34c Hawes Floor waw per :tin - , ..,59c Cheese, half lb. pkg. .•.....,., ., . . , ...., .l Sc Orange Marmalade 3.2 oz. jar .. ...,...�..25c Canning and pickling ;supplies:, reit jars all sines; jar rings, jar rubbers, spices, vinegar wht or cider. Print. House Dresses, Reg. .$1 lines for this week 89c. All new styles and fresh stock. Also better lines .Reg.. up °iter '1,,79 .selling at $1.29. -�'- avti+ Kemal 140 tfI Leavitt's Theatre EXETER — ONT. Thursday, Friday, Saturday August 18, 19, 20 "BIG CITY" With Spencer Tracey and Louise Rainer A Metro-Goldevyn;Mayer picture '. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday August 22nd, 23rd and 24th "NAVY BLUE AND GOLD” Robert Young and James Stewart COMING—",Hurricane" "In 01d Chicago" Zurich's Ladies' Wear Located at MOUSSEAU'S LUNCH ROOM Zurich Phone 103 Special Prices on all summer dresses. Come and see them for yourself. Also new shipment on fall dresses, all colors and sizes, ranging 14-52. Don't forget to give us a Cali CARD OF THANKS Mr. Chris. Swartzentruber and family wish to greatly thank the neighbors and friends, also the Zurich. Fire Brigade for services and assist- anees rendered last Wednesday even- ing when their barn was threatened by fire coused by lightning nearby. STEPHEN COUNCIL The Council of the Township of Stephen met in the Town Hall, Cred- iton, on Tuesday evening, Aug. 2nd, at 8 o'clock with all members pres- ent. The: minutes of the previous re- gular meetings were read and adop- ted. Motoi n, that the tender of Ed- ward Fehne r for removing top -soil in Iltnstor;'r. :P t Ter $95 be accepted and that the Reeve and Clerk be Ruth orized to sign the a ereemeat on be- half of the Municipality. Motion, that Russell Finkbeiner he appointed Road Foreman of Division No. 8 to succeed his late father Mic- hael Finkbeiner and that the follow- ing Paysheets and orders be passed: - N. Baker No, 1 811.25; do rd 22 89-.75; L. Hill rd 4 15.8'2; W 0estre- ichn r rd (i 74.21; John Ifiii tzol rd. 5 11,63; II, Eagleson rd 10 1.1,20; J. Regier rd 11 10.50; Ben Me yarn rd t2 $12; Wm. Devine rd 14 5,45; P. Desjardiine rd 1(3 4.75; J. Gill rd 2.0 $9; ,rl ay sheet rd 8 $2, do rd 9 5.10, do rd 23 23.10; Geo. EUIber Supt., salary •for July 84.50; Hei'bh- ert Beaver gravel •.20; Matt. Sweit- zer rd 15 $2; Exeter Times -Advocate adv. 4,20; J Kicmmnp rd 2(3 5.75; Ed. Wllort, weed inspector, salary 28.10. Orders—Ed. Stanlake gravel Tp. yard ;$1.50; Foist Bros., groceries for Mallets 9,15; Treas. Tp. Hay, relief re Jackson June and July 9.76; Ex eter 'rimes -Advocate, printing Lists and advcatising 107.60; Bank of Goninnerce cheque, 1.40; Prov. 'rre- asurer, acct. Insulin 1.35; 'Teas. Co. Huron Hospital Acct. -re Merrier 33.25, The (lope e' 1 a er jou rne`d to lrinl'Yt i again, in the owI Hall, Crediton., ori Tuesday, the Sitlr daffy of Sept'inb r�r 1988 at 1 o'clock p.rn. lir.,rhert. rgwp, 'Clerk. oummer 'sits and Evg Chester L, Smith, Pnbilaitto. - $1.25 a year, U.S. $1.60 in Advscu •s1,00 r u telssartssz mn>c ss gt`:h.ED.tss.. 1' it Miss Beatrice Gascho who has been in Waterloo for some time has re- turned to her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Routledge and family of Hamilton, were visitors at the Routledge home last week, Mr. William Rader is enjoying a holiday trip to Montreal, taking the boat through the Thousana islands. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ross of Sea - forth were Thursday eve. visitors at the home of :Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith Pleased to report that Mrs. An- drew Thiel is gradually improving, and able to be up and around again. Rev. and Mrs. E. Turklieim andmembers of the fancily are on vac - point alien uip in .Sullivan Twp., and other s. Mrs. Win. McGreggor of Kippen, was a visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Oesch on Mon- day. Little Bernice and Verginia Mc- Clinchey of Chiselhurst are holiday- ing with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Oswald, Branson line. Next Month, September 26 and 27 are the dates of Zurich Fall Fair. The 1938 prize lists are in the hands of the printer and within a week or so should be ready to hand out. Rev. and Mrs. C. 0. Ueckendorn and daughter are holidaying in the Kitchener and Hamilton districts. The 'regular services in the Evangelical Church will be resumed again on Sunday, August 21st. Sorry to report that Mrs. (Dr.) A. J. Addison took i11 last week and was taken to Clinton Hospital and. oper- ated on for appendicitis. We are pleased to state, however, that 12rs. Addison is improving nicely. Mr. John Brown of the Goshen. Iine south was the fortunate producer of a good field of alfalfa clover seen, as from an eleven acre field Mr. Brownsold $540. worth of seen, which. is. ordinarily about the price of farm: land. Had a Pleasant Trip Mr, end Mrs. A. F. Hess and two sons. Paul and Fred returned frons a very pleasant motor trip up in Nor- thern Michigan where they were es- corted by Mr. and Mrs. William Hess of Pontiac, Mich. The trip included the beautiful Pictured Rocks of Lake Superior, the Soo locks, and a nurser of interesting mining centres along lake Superior. They also visited the Island of Mackinaw, where no autos are allowed to operate, ail horse drawn vehicles is the transpor- tation. It was a leeautiful trip and a great outing. A Bad Storni What was considered one of the worst electrical storms in many a day, sept these parts of. Ontario. iast. Wednesday evening. Qldtimers tell us they do not remember of ever seeing so couch, lightning in: one ev- ening, and it lasted several Hours. The high winds tossed around the corgi, patches and other tall grains, and shook up things in general. For- tunately there was no serious dam- age done here, However, it was close. enough to Mr. Chris. Sevaatzentruber, of the Bronson line, when the lighter ing attack into a big bellow tree only some twenty feet from the straw stack, and the tree took fire in the inside. The Zurich, Fire Brigade was called down and with the aid o:t:the: chemicals the fire in the tree.; was soon distinguished, and with other help, the fire Was confined to the' tree which hada to be destroyed. Up its Winghai n a lady was riting a let- ter when a. ib it, came down the chhu,- ney, glanced ever and went dawn her leg and burned it see badly that the imprint of the metal Lace eyelets of the shoe were left on the foot. She will hu}vever recover. The worst of the sterni was in North East Hope, just north of Shakespeare where. they hail rr a eyelone, r pp w' baildeir ,town a fairly lovge =file tree a e ti';''.n ant by. the root•• lifted over the trlr.. phone wires attar deposited in a tlekk earl),'. Th a"torn; ilii iuveh c(?rrl^. age in ilatt eeetion, 7,"a‘4.LCO ern %ten t .<) I ON CREDIT' 15 Jewels, cases in white finish eectd t'.& ELCO Delicately wrought in modernistic design. ONLY $I DOWN 1 A G. HESS JEWELER AND OPTICIAN isitors lane c FILL YOUR BIN NOW With this Premium Anthracite- at the low summer price. Also Miller Creek, for your Thresh- ing. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid for .Eggs on a graded basis. Pone 10 - Hensall 1 •••♦••♦••••••••••••••••!•••••••••••••••••••6+a 1> 8 ab• t ! • •" 8 8 8 • •- 8 8 8 ORDER YOUR NEW SPRING SUIT 010i. al. NOWI 4 415 BE ON TIME! et` .• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • • • • 4 4 •• • • i • • Stemmer Season Is Now Here BE IN LINE, CHOOSE FROM THE FINEST RANGE EVER. SHO WN IN ZURICH SPLENDID RANGE AT r�- $20.00 Brx '21 ea ti rr EMBALMERS AN1) FIJlar`;:LAL DIRECTORS o taw•o•4f'••••••••••••ae•eeceo o aekeeeeee• eeeecerte ;e w SUMNIE?t TIME Requirments • Here are some of the Goods the Farmer will need which we can supply you with at Reasonable Prices, such as New Flower, Vegetable Seeds, Root Seed and Sorgum, Etc., Etc. New Formaldehyde, Paints, Varnishes and Varn-o-Tac, Also; Dress Goods, Prints, Broad Cloth, Hose, Underwear, House. Dresses, A few Stamped Mats left at Bargain Prices„ Harness Repairs a specialty. Fresh Groceries Always On Hand R. a DOC/ ,a' : l E aAl r» parr IC:4; PHONE 11 - 97 ;X .�'.�f�`d:t'i':riG1i,�i"rre�.itr",stw^Ni.,.,m€ar,.�:,;uua.=•'"uti",r.,'"�w'