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Zurich Herald, 1938-08-11, Page 4
ori IMAM, BLAKE Mar. and Mrs. Joe Beckler and fairs• . lg., Mr, and Mrs. Mose Beckler and family from near Exeter, were SIM - 430 visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Chris Erb,.• Mr. and Mrs. Dan Yantzi, rvXe. and Mrs. Leroy Schlegel, Mr. Ezra Bech- ler., Miss Olive Suyder from Baden, ',Aere- Sunday visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. Gordon Erb. Messrs. Melvint and'Joe Gingerich land. Willie Moyer, Miss Rutn Ginger - eh and Ada Yutzi from Baden -Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mose iGerber. iVliss Beatrice Gerber spent Sunday -with her parents on the Goshen line. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Oesch and fam- My were Sunday visitors with +Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingerich. IVIr. and Mrs. Sol Pechter and fam- ily were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bopp. near Henall Messrs. Mahlon, Ruby an Stanley 2ehr, Miss Katie Bender were Sun-. clay visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Chris Swartzentruber. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ginger n. and cried family; Mr. and 1VIrs. Roy and son, were Sunday vis:tors with ;Dlr. and Mrs. Jacob Swartzentruaer, STANLEY TOWNSHIP and Mr. and Mrs. La Tiernan .and son David of Hamilton. Mrs. Carl 1'ielusch and family who spent the past two weeks with her parentts, Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Krueger returned to their home in Kitchener on Sunday. Miss Rhena Zinkhann oaf Kitchener and Miss Jean Krueger of Zurich, are visiting with iMr. ana Mrs. Hy. Krueger. Mr. L. Taylor of London is visit- ing his brother Dr. and Mrs. R, H. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs, ,Melvin Guenther and family are spending their vacation Miss Kay Scotchmer, yenoi.tra- ining for nurse in Toronto, ` visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will. Scotchmer on the Branson line. Miss Vera Wild was a visitor with her sister, Mrs. Anthony Etue, near Zurich. Miss Irene Scotchmer of Toronto, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Scotchmer. Death of Jaynes Boyes The funeral of James Boyes, highly regarded Tuckersmith resident, took place Wednesday afternoon, Aug. 3, from his late residence, lot 12, con. B. The funeral which was private,was conducted by Rev. Gardiner of Egm- .ondville United Church, interment took place in Bayfield cemetery. The pallbearers were four nephews: Bert and Edward Boyes, Gord Nicholson of Lucan, Alex Boyes, Roy Lamont and Campbell McKinley of Stanley. John James Boyes was born in Stan- ley Twp. near Blake, a son of the late Edward Boyes and Mrs. Boyes of Egmondville. He was in his 61st yr. Was united in marriage to Donela Baeker, also of Stanley, and several years later they went to Southern Saskatchewan and homesteaded at Aneriod where they remained for .almost 30 years until returning east rive years ago to live in Tuckersmith Mr. Boyes had been in failing health for some months, which grew gradu- ally worse. Surviving are his wife, a daughter Mae, of London, and a son . Bruce, of Tuckersmith; alsoE/b by his 'mother, Mrs. Edw. Boyes, b Mlle, and three brothers and a sister "Edward Boyes, London Rd, Brucefi- eld; Robert, Aspin, Ont; Norman of iondon, and Mrs. Richard Nicholson eof Arthur, Ont. A goodly number of relatives attended the funeral. DASHWO©D Mrs. Edgar Restemeyer and Miss Helen Nadiger are spending a few days on a motor trip up north. Dr. Eugene Tiernan of Halifax sp- ent a few days with his parents and has left for Camp Borden where he -will remain for a few weeks. Miss Verna Birk of Guelph is vis- iting in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith of Wind- sor are spending their vacation with Mr. and )Mrs R. Baker.. A bunch of boys from here ac- companied by Leonard Schenk motor- ed to Walkerton on Sunday and vis - 'Red with Mr. and Mrs. Schenk and family. Serious Accident .A very serious accident occurred son Tuesday afternoon to Floyd Wein 'who was riding horseback when the horse stumbled and threw him in some manner and fell on him crush- ,. Ong his head. He was later found on the road in an unconscious condition and was brought to Dr. Taylor's office 'when it was found he was suffering )from concussion of the brain and :fracture of the skull. He is still in s serious condition. (Last Week's Items) Miss Beatrice Graybeil is spending a few weeks with Friends in Toronto. Miss Grace Kellerman of Toronto .is spending her holidays in this vic- inity. Mrs. Jas. Smith and daughter Shir- ley of Windsor and Mrs. Hartwick and daughter Margaret of Kincard- ine spent a rkew days with Mr. Jonas Hartleilb and Lavada. Mir. and Mrs. A. Bills and family of Detroit are visiting with iter mo— ther, Mrs. H. Rader who is not in 'very good health at present. Misses Ruth Tieman and `Kathleen IVlerner spent the week -end with fri- ends hi Clinton. Mr. aand Mrs. Geo. Edighoffer and slaughter )Manche of •Mitchell were Sunday visitors with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Tiernan and son Dennis of Hamilton are spending their vacation with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Tiernan.. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mr.s E. Tiernan and Mrs, S. Ireland were: 1111r, and Mrs. L, Ireland and son Davi Mrs. C. Havens, Mr. A, Thoma' and Miss E. Thomas all or Guelph, dr. and Mrs. Orlando Ireland and I Cornell and Stuart of Ritchene• ZURICH HERALD with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Guenther. Mrs. Wm. Davis is visiting with her son in London this week, Mrs. Mary Neeb •who has been in poor health for some time was taken to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ira Tetreau on the 14th con., last week. Rev. and Mrs. Roppel attended picnic at ,Springbank on Monday. HENSALL Mrs. Roy Palmer and daughter of Windsor were visitors with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher. Hannah Craig who has been in Vic- toria Hospital, London for several weeks has been able to return home and is improving. Mrs. George Fee has been confin- ed to hes room for a few days suffer- ing from an attack of pleurisy. Harold Bonthr'on, .Walter Spencer, Dorothy and Doreen Farquhar were on a motor hike to Midland. Mrs, Harpole and daughter Pearl are spending their holidays at the Bend. Mrs. Fred Manns and Mrs. Bertha Bell who have had charge of the camp at Kintail fox several weeks returned home last week. Mn and Mrs, Carl Passmore and +children left last week on a holiday trip up north, Mrs. T, L. Worm of Toronto and Mrs. Alex. Sparks of Bayfield were recent visitors with Mrs. Geo, Sparks Mrs, E. Campbell and son of Wind- sor are visiting here with her brother Roy Bell and wife. Mr. and Mrs. W. Cross and dau- ghter have returned home after spen- ding their holidays on Manitoulin Is- nald. i7eath of Mrs, Stacey Mrs. Joanna (Stacey, widow of Sam uel Stacey, died in Detroit risk week She lived here many years, moving to Thursday, .Aiagurt 11th,. 1938 Detrat some year ago. Surviving :are one daughter and bwo sons. She was in her s63th year. The funeral . was held .from lriensall United Chur d on Saturday afternoon. A narrow Escape u ihaNy last while Shirley Hedden, daughter +of 1Wr. ;and Mrs. Lloyd Bed- Alen ^avns un rswinnning at Turnbull's Grove, she had ;gone out past the see - end bar tend :got into deep water and axna'ble to fowiin. Fortunately a camp- er saw her danger and immediately wen', to her assistance, reaching her just as dire had gone down the second time., She 'was given first aid and lat- er 3aroligbt ;home, and has recovered. i.jl6tiT j�iftgCTORi> ?--11yiTED t..l. a++.4• YAMS, rAiwtso w P�YO, v. fO TO:WmiOM IT MAY CORCE1tNdentified patelocal Seal s w0 a received by our Sealed drum of Ottawa, white gasoline in Montreal, London. representatives Hamilton and represen seals, and Quebec, Toronto, broke the to Our representatives gallons this gasoline rests it► gave ten gslloeleven hundred motorists out the Lely having drain aPProximafter ha these cities,tanks•., called upon gas in tieiX representatives rapregen obtained their Later, our ysts and obtained tabulated the these motor the correctness of unbiased answers.to reports and in t is advertisement• 1938 the figure conducted during May. This Study pas MIGHT DIRECTORIES. R. A. Virtue, General Manager. ... .atria. ....... g, ovirs to go. ..:,. .Y. T. DONALD & Co. IANII'i'ED I.. M.N. wT4 AKi $ea Oil Company, tremor,. Ontario. Contt.*.e - This will advise you that our repreaentativa was Present during the tilling of drums or gasoline, in Moth Montreal and Toronto, need in the teete whioh you aro aaking•on gasoline named by yyou "Canada's New C6aailoe". Thea, drums were sealed with our marks with tamperproof seals. Sample' of this net gasoline were eoapered 10 our laboratory with salplba' f the $gw.Bluo Subbase taken at randoe trom rteqil ea ere` teaks. .Dar - anaiyees show that ihePgat( a{used'•in these tests las the sale in every„raspeot ah the Nee:B1ue Suaopo now on ante to the:pub�jio..Ixoept tor, the blue coloring whioh, ee undorataod,.wasl,omittbcto avoid identirioa. tush by Motorists in theteatw.', In our opinion, he,00loring does hot at!'eot•thb pertorianoe of this•gaadlidd'in any way. : T. DONAt,D AND COMPANY. Limited. Vine -President. Ouse mat. 1.938 JRAWMIL 0�1 emmemememmemssmiummeememeemmelea L. A. PRANG and SON General Repairing and Used Car Sales I11ti;-i - Utv f. 11, caii . thi tS csA t 'i nriCeel 1 ,c!.: 0 color. Gaso- ainst re- lade im testrtel =' y 1069 m t 1°104 9 l 5R `. 1 , ;.*J17 ns 4.J O air IA Vidl r /40 41111. 920 OUT OF 1069 MOTORISTS CONVINCED' THEMSELVES THAT THE NEW BLUE SUNOCO' HVIPROVED THE PERFORMANCE OF THEIR CARS! These motorists were people like yourself, came•fron alkwa1ks of life. ,drove practically all makes of cars. They tested New Blue Sunoco on thP,. highways and byways, under exactly the same conditions you will encounter.—tested: Blue Sunoco against the gasolii .es they had been using, 30 of them, 13 of which were premium priced,.. PROVING THAT BLUE SUNOCO IS A MOTOR MEL OF SUCH AMAZING SUPERIORITY THAT IT RANKS AS .AN OUTS f ' G' GASOLINE. LABORATORY ANALYSLS PRO A.> 'PIM GASOLINE THEY TESTED WAS THE SAME AS THAT ,SOLD TODAY AT ANY BLUE SUNOCO PUMP AND AT REGULAR GAS PRICE. Test this New, Improved Blue Sunoco today in yet= own car. 1)o llike these motorists: did. Convince yourself that Blue Sunoco is today's: outstanding motor fuel at any price lately and im,„ .voe bs, eci AT REGULAR GAS PRICE ED. NADIGER Leather Goods and Harness tj,.6i i rev (Jut.) C;lNTT4 �« A. E. RAVELLE General Store �•aY:: GRAND BEND