HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-08-11, Page 1Vol.XXXEX P ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNJNO AUGUST 11, 19381 Chester L. Smith, Puh>"re X1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in Advs>n * lix.au ori4.1tbtL+'n1t5,s2 MAY Elt Utleri�:u the Herald Publish your Summer Visits and Visit HAIRDRESSING THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING SALON SPECIALS FOR SPRING Let us quote you on Specials for Spring and Summer Permanents, that are pleasing and satisfactory, and will give you personality Haim- *dreessing Salon en rear of 'store_ For appoirutments call us by phone 102 Zurich. ST. PETERS Evangelical Lutheran Bch ZURICH — ONT. "A Changeless Christ for a Chang- ing Worldr` ' Friday, 8h—Luther L.e*gove. Thursday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICESt.i. 10 a. m.—German Service. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday Scher. 7.30 p.m.—English service. Everybody Welcomer 4o xil Serwiead E. TUERKI1EIM; resin . BETTY ANNE BEAUTY SHOP We wish to announce to our Clientele that we have added a new wireless Permanent Waving Machine to our Beauty Shop. With this most modern and scientific method you have no weight or escess- ive heat on your head. You are not connected to the electicity in any way, and you can have your permanents in from thirty seconds to three minutes time. We are equipped to give you any permanent your hair requires. See this machine before getting a new permanent. Open Evenings. Phone 159 for Appointments. COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES .. E. •Zurbrigg,R.o. Successor to :a.. FITTON at EXETER 'Open every Week Day Except Wednesday Have You Paid YOUR SHOE ACCOUNT? It is necessary that You Attend to your Account at once LAST NOTICE August 4th - :1983$ C. FRITZ & SON DODGE AND D • . TA DIST AND USED ':CAR 'SALES ZURICH — ONT. 4 Grand Opening Zurich Ladies Wear Located at MOUSSEAU'S LUNCH ROOM Special for Grand Opening Sale, Dresses, crepe, silks, taffetta, shar- cken, washable silks in all shades and sizes ranging from 14 to 52. Regular price $3.95, Grand Opening Sate at $1.98. Blouses for Grand Opening in all shades 20 different styles sizes ranging 14 to 44. Regular price $2.95, Grand Opening Sale $1.25. DON'T FORGET TO GIVE US A VISIT Saturday Aug. 13 The part of Provincial Highway through the village is being resur- .faced which makes a big improvem- ent. St' Joseph, and BeaverTown (Last week's Items) Mr. Joe Masse and -family of Til- bury spent a few days with Mr. and q 117is Joseph Bedard. Mr. Jerry Bedard of Courtright, spent Sunday with his parents`. We aare sorry to report that Mrs. Joe Bedard of Pointe aux Bouleaux is confined to her home with a bad coM Address and Presentation On Tuesday evening, July 26th.the parishoners of the French Settlement turned out in a body to bid their Parish Priest, Father L. Marchand. their last adieu of his services m their .10 midst. A very suitable purse was put together as a last memory of his stay here. An address was read and a very suitable and abie reply was made by Father Marchand. The occasion was unique, for it has been a goodly number of years since a priest had such great confidence by the congregation. The program was carried out by the Ushers, and the chairman, 1VIr. Fred Papineau took the chair very ably. The purse was !resented by the Class of the Last First -Communion. The address was read by Fred Ducharme. The address: St. Peter's Parish, French Settlement July 26th, 1938 T.o the Rev. Father :Marchand, Parish Pizi;c�tt.. Rev. and Dear-Father: iW e, th is evening have gathered together to honor andi pay respect to you on the eve of your departure. It is wits, a feeling of deep regret that we face the trans- fer of our beloved priest -You have been our guide and guardian f.ortChe past nine years and by your good example and teaching, you have won the affection and confidence- of all these that you are about to, leave• Always being generous and. kind in the work !trusted to you; ever consoling and ;ready to ,give words of encouragement,;' and to co-operate •with .your parishoners - for the good and welfare of all. By your good 'conduct and management•you have freed the parish- church of, all debts and cncuinbralices, such that it had not enjoyed in many past years. Knowing full well the loss to us as a parish priest, will be a gain to those in your new field of labor. And, in return for all. you have done, W humbly ask you to accept this little gift which will be presented to you at this time. Wishing you joy and 'happiness. We beg t,l h;ctnAin Your Children is Faith, WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS SPECIAL'S FOR .AUG ':11,12, 12,13_ fear, 17 -oz., thin n.ew' grade, 2 ;tins .._._......._. ...,_...ba . _ 15c McCormick's, Whole: popped wheat ;per ;pkg:._......._ Kirks hart!& water soap„ per cake ............_...,...._• . 5e Toilet paper„ Ix rolls; _ _ . _ —.• ................... . A.eroxon. Ley Coils, 5 coils, ...................... Rinse, large pkg_ ro_. - - ........_ ..... _ ................... Orange Marnxalbiia 32-'nz jar.. ....... .... _ _ _ _ 25.c' MoCornick's Fancy. Cookies -,peer Ib. .... .....- .. -18e Blue Ribbon. coffee, ease jar, per lb ....., .........» _ .. _ _ . - -40c Blue Ribbon Tea, huff Th pkg... ..........-..... _ _ ..'30c Maxwell Douse Coffee, per 1 -lb tin ... - Cascade Salman„ Raslfs' 2: tins 19c. 1-s 'per 'tier .......--.14c 1VIcLaren's nut !tush 16 -or., per jar w,.....,,..___ .25e Hillcrest shortening, 2 !:rase.. . _ ...........,..........,,. , 25e Kellogg's corn i a cea, (with shopping bag) 3 :for Life Buoy' Swap,. 2 cakes .. , ....... _ .15e J. Plume 1140 Miss Jean Krueger is holidaying with friends in Kitchener. .Mrs. G. Koehler is spending the week with her sisters at Bayfield. Misses Greta and Ivas Haberer are visiting with friends at Buffalo. M'i'. Jean N. Cantin of Montreal, called on Zurich friends on Monday. Mrs. Robert Green of Port Stanley was a visitor with relatives here the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Menno Oesch were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Oesch's re- latives near Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs W. H. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Leeroy O'Brein and family were Sunday visitars with friends at Galt, Kitchener and Stratford. VIr. and Mrs. Wm. •Hybein and family of Listowell visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Jacobe on Sunday. Mr. Lee Oesch met with a rather painful accident the pas week in the Kaibfleisch planing mills when his thumb came in contact with a cutting knive, and nipped a piece from the same.He will be laid up for a time. Rev. and Mrs. C. Harrison Becker and children Virginia, Francis, Paul and Kenneth of Morrison, Ill., are spending part of their vacation with Mrs. Becker's mother, Mrs. Louise Kloipp and other relatives. The local Band Boys have an open air dace advertised to be held at the local skating rink on Friday evening, Aug. < 12th. Gordon L. Knapp' and otiWer: +vil1 do the entertaaining. Mr. William Lamont, and daught- ers Miss Jane, and Mrs. W. H. Hoff- man and daughter Marjorie motored to Forest on Sunday. They were ac- companied. by Mrs. Wm. F. Braun and daughter Barbara, who had' been spending the week with her father, Mr. Lamont. Baseball News Zurich Loses in First Round' At Clinton last Tuesday evening Zurich lost to Clinton in the first round of the semi-finals for League championship, in the Huron group of O.B.A. - :The first game was played' at Zurich on July 28th and was won by Clinton, score 17-7, then on• the return .game at Clinton, the lionre team again won 16-6 in an eight inning affair. •So it seems the locals were in each game ten runs short of making even a tie. Somehow, the boys could not hold the big fellows film Clinton from running up an unusual large score. Clinton is now waiting the results of the God'erieli and Hensali results, as each team had a game won. At the game at Clinton. a free hitting event for both teams was in horder, two Clinton boys hit home runs, while I. Yungblut for. Zurich hit a three bagger. Stock was the pitcher for Clinton, while ,Reste'- meyer started for Zurich and' retired in the third frome, Heideman then finishing .the game R. I3: Ir;. Clinton .... 142 050 0'4-16 18 1 Zurich 201 2001 10- 6 13• 2' OBITUARY Late Mrs. Diuomore On Thursday of 1aait week the. An- gel of .Death visited the person of Mrs. Isabella Dinsmore, relict oaf the late James Dinsmore, who predeceas- ed in 1917, and called her home the better world,, in her 87th year. Deceased had wut nearly all beer life on the farm she lived and died on the North Boundary Hay Township, just west of 1-1illsgreen abo>_ttt a mile She was of a very kind and dfeetion- ate dispss til n, and in her own quiet way. hazd: made many \min friends who will greatly miss her: Arways a kind loving and helpful mother to her family and an active worker in the Blake United Church,, the church of her choice, iSurviviug. are ciao daugh- ter, Vilma, who with a son Thomas are on the homestead; one son Johs of Alberta also survives. The funeral was held on Saturday afternoon. to !hayfield cemetery with her v.s:stor, Rev. Mr Peters of Varna o.flbiating, The ful efrpl itning largely„ tittols-Vd. 0 • rs US E'•=YOUR CREDIT!, i\ r.'ELCO on %len! 175 ON CREDIT , 1 5 Jewels, cases In whit. *nigh £adii'a ELCO Delicately wrought in modernistic design. ONLY $1 DOWN A G. HESS JEWELER AND OPTICIAN 'blue coat FILL YOUR BIN NOW With this Premium Anthracites' at the low summer price. Also Miller Creek, for your Thresh- ing. hresh . ing. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid fair „Eggs on a graded basis.. Pone 10 Hensall lop ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••: • 440 •• • 114,f •• • • • if Summer • • • • • ••• • • • • • •• ♦ • • • •• • • ♦ • • ••• • • • W4 I3 Iloffrnan & Soi ♦ iR • EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS •, •• • 1000.4400l600000.0.0.40♦0•110000•••••••••••00,00400,000 Z Season Is Now Here ORDER YOUR NEW SPRING SUIT N O Wl BE IN LINE, BE ON TIME! CHOOSE FROM THE FLNEST RANGE EVER SHOWN IN ZURICH SPLENDID RANGE AT $20.00 STJMMRR TIME Requirernents Here axe some of the Goods the Fanner will need which we can supply yen with at Reasonable Prices, such as: New Flower, Vegetable Seeds, Root Seed and Scargum, Etc., Etc, New Formaldehyde, Paints, Varnishes and Varn-o-lac. Also: Dress Goods, Prints, Broad Cloth, Hose, Underwear, House Dresses, 'A few Stamped Mats left at Bargain Prices, Harness Repairs a specialty. Fresh Groceries Always On Hand Re N. DOUGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE 11 97 BLA S .4 ;i .g ., a a 4 4 4 4 t '4 e 4 t 1 1' 4 4-