HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-07-21, Page 1,..6,..•••••••••••••••••••••,ft..., 'Vol XXXI X 40,„ ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 21,938 ,rpm,11 ei.dorilaelea Chester L. Smith, rUblightet. $1.25 a year, U.S. $1.60 in Asetaiee 81.50 iN ARREARS, Si2 MAY BZ iLle.n.estsa.J. tot tirto. Herald ubli$11 your. Sliriamer Visits and Visitors HAIRDRESSING 'THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING SALON SPECIALS FOR SPRING Let us quote you. era Spegiala for Spring and Summer Permanents, that are pleasing and: satisfactory, and will give you personality Hair- dressing Salon on rear of store. For appointments callus by phone 102 'Zurich. ST. PETERS Evangelical Luther -4n Church ZURICH — ONT. "A Changeless Chriet fez r", MN= fr lag Worbieu' Friday, 8h—Luther League., Thursday—Choir Practidee SUNDAY SERVICEare, 10 m.—German ,Service.. a.m.—Sunday School!. 7.30 p.m.—English servicee Everybody Welcome tee all Setarkes. E. TUERICHEThle Pastore BETTY ANNE BEAUTY SHOP We wish to announce to our Clientele that we have added new wireless Permanent Waving 'Machine to our Beauty Shop. With this most modern and scientific method you have no weight or escess- ive heat on your head. You are not connected to the electicity ht any way, and you can have your permanents in from thirty seconds to three minutes time. We are equipped to give you any permanent your hair requires. See this machine before getting a new permanent. Open. Evenings., Phone 159 for Appointments. 04P4/0.90/4.941.4.400~41,41,•..9..e4 y A COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. •Zurbrigg,R.o. Successor to S. FITTON at EXETER Open every Week Day Except Wednesday Al Shoe Accounts Ar... Being ailed Kindly Arrange For Settlement No Later than Aug. 1, 1938 Thank You! C. FRITZ & SON DODGE AND DESOTA DISTRIBUTORS AND USED, CAR SALES ZURICH — ONT. .4*141.446.0 ..*.x..•armsne*.a.r.irrnagge..qrincovirtexnevaccomr...rrnmentla era, 7,11.- awa'aeie. Plaeirea • wE -'5ELL TIEIE BEST FOR LESS. Specials Ear Thursday, Friday and Saturday Pork and Bea nsa 3 tins .......... . . Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs ..... . •.6 •. Tomato juice 25 oz. 2 tins Garden patch pcas, 2 tins ......... Shortening, 2 lbs. for - Heinz's Spaghetti, 2 tins ..... Salmon, Cascade, halfs, 2 tins 19c. Miracle Whip„, per jar , .. . Khovah jelly maker, 2 pkgs. Blue Boy Coffee, per lb. .... . .. Blue Ribbon coffee, (in glass jar) per Catsup, per bottle. ..... ... jello, the real fruit, 3 pkgs. .. . ... . ....... 21 c .....19c 7c ..... ...25c ---- 25c Voile Dresses,. -white spkecial at ............................98c Rayon and Voile Dresses reg. 2.59, Sale 1.98 Flause Dresses, reg. $1., 'Sale price...................89c Phone 140 Lavhi's Thmaire EXETER — ONT. Thursday, Friday, Saturday July 21, 22, 23, SPECIAL ATTRACTION "LOUIS-SCHMELING FIGHT" Special Picture Feature "THE BARRIER" The modern version of the Rex Beach Favorite. Filmed against Mountains and Forest scenery, with Chas. Bickford and Leo Corrillo • Midnight Show, Monday at 12.05 a.m. "LAW OF THE RANGER" (Western) with Bob Allen Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Double Feature MADAM X With Gladys George and Warner Williams. A Metro Goldwyn. Mayer Picture. Next feature: OUTLAWS OF THE ORIENT" With Jack Holt and Mae Clark 101=11...2010.1610MilICOM.MOSSECOOMMOMI...~0110.2111alitMo CARD OF THANKS The bereft family of the late Ed- ward A. Axt, wish to greatly thank the neighbors and friends for their assistance, and sympathy, • also Rev. C. 0. L3eckendorn, the Evangelical Choir, and those who loaned their cars. —The Family Zurich Public School The following is a list of the name es ef allpue:1.-; that will lie in each iree hi the school in September, The •Jte'ce in which the names anni•ar does -•et indicate the Aar ding or .the pun - Grade 2 -kr 'a:ore ereen, 1..7ine t. Kathlean Heee, (Ilene i1ee 1!.elelee Dry r la I., • eane ...Neelrey Beown, fa:een. Koeh- ens. , Grade Anita Deters, Pealleat 'tese, Yeti:ale iica';nein, Ceeee'•-.41 areegee, 'Terbert Mittlehol'a, Lois liaa. Grade 4—Shirley Brown, Glenn -Nichert, Maur: ee 11'D-eyer, 'Doreen 1chilbe, Norma Steinbach, t Hubert Sehilhe, Grade 5-11elen Claueins, nonnld Tledaed, Lloyd Deichert, a'tewart Fredeeick Heherer, Robert '1..ittlebol1;z, Betty Mow aana Blanche Regier. Grade 0—Cliffoed Clartejus, Twyla nagg, Ross Gaseho, Pauline }taborer lardan Ilese, 'Dolores Klopp, 'Rehm O'Brien, Gradfrey Regiee, Keith Rose, Pauline Uttley, Erna Weber.. Grade, 7 --Clair Bedard, Harold Delchert, Bruce Eickmeler, Ada Hay, Myrtle Hay, Arvis Haberer, Norma Koehler, Jean :Krueger, Ray Schilbe. Grade 8—Glenn Deitz, Willie Flax board, Aloft Grenier, ,Patricia Mitt etholtz, Marcella Regier, Ward Thiel, Reebert Turkheim, Rose . Uttley, Bruce Chttech. Grade 9—Norma Monsacae, Vlor- once Haberer, Alite Thiel, Dorothy O'Brien, Patricia O'Dwyme Ray Oeech. Cyril Pnehareon, K,enneta Diet rich, Petty D:etz, Milton Grade 10--,141?la Rolm, Elroy Dee jardine, Margaret 111, Ruth tan, Alpha Mopes, Wilmer armee naelcheine. ea.... neee-aaaee-- iliNewagionzumulagesm... Judge T. M. Costello, of Godeeich conducted a sitting of the Division Court here Wednesday morning. Mr. J. W. Morley, barrister, of Ex- eter, was a business visitor in town one day last week. ffla and Mrs. Allan Ansman of Toronto visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Thiel on Sunday. Mrs, Joseph J. Swartz and daugh- ter Eunice of Detroit, spent the pat week at the home of the friner's mother; Mrs. Amelia Fuss. We join the many Zurich friends of Mr. John Gellman of Eikton, Mieh in congratulating lean of having cel- ebeated his 89th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thiel of town who have been on the sick list are slowly recovering. Mr. Thiel be- ing able to sit out on the verandah. Rev. C. C. Maas, of Detroit, a former pastor of St. Peter'sLuther- ma, church, Zurich, is visiting with Rev. and Mrs. E. Turkhei an and other friends here this week. Mrs. Chris. }hutch of Brucefield, sprit a few days last week with her *then Mr. James Allan just north of the village, who was quite ill but is slowly recovering. !Mrs. Robert Fulton of Biggar, Sas. arrived at Bayfield Friday last and ienTleiting her :sister e Mrs. Percy Wes7 teei,7-::there. She Will else Yr.= with her sister, MTS. kerb Bender in Zur- ich as well as other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Axt and Mr. Fisher of Detroit, were week- end visitors at the Axt home, leaving on Monday for the city. The former was looking after the, interests of the estate of the late Edward A. Axt whose effects were sold by auction on Saturday. A considerable large two-story ad- dition has been erected to the rear, or south end of the building occupied by the Zurich Creamery, by Mr. Well- ington J. Johnston, part of which will be occupied by the creamery in the, handling of farm produce and a part is being ananged for a gar- age. Was Presented Mr. Herbert K. Either of Crediton, W2:3 recently presented with n beauti- ful eleetric titile lamp by the direct- , a. of the la,rieuemeicel a;etaal rta !nem alien Co., at the We. ..1:V.1 ,lf ih421 Her. '• • ' ;t:.'eaa C011114,117 y,!ee :naa areditoa z,ganc.•y has been coitti!neei them eeer eieee. Early birds The local produce dealers rtrC; al- ready busily engaged with handling Of early poultry. A large number of year-old hens are being a in and dressed. As well as many young chi- ckens, and we are told by Mr. O'Bri.M the local manager of Silveewpods Ltd., that many of these yoaeg birds will dress from five to six pounds and over, which seems almoei unbelieve- aide, as when we were loye at hare vest time was when the old mother hen would be seen stratting around proudly with her brood, Vac now in this age the young pallets are looking for a place to make a nest for lay- ing. 'It sure looks like advancing the season. TrAA," • 15 Jewels, cases in white finish N'a .eadvit% ELCO Delicately wrought in modernistic design. ONLY SI DOWN A a HESS JEWELER AND OPTICIAN FILL YOUR IN NOW With this Premium Anthracite: at the low summer pric..e- Also Miller Creek, for your Thresh ing. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid for .Eggs on a graded basis. Pone 10 • HensaIll Baseball News There will be a return tie game at ZmIch. Diamond on Thursday even- ing of this week when the Blytn boys will be down and play off the tie eeltorritteofag otwoworgthaeas it so. This simbe it will mean much. to the teams in effecting =eh: League standing, During the past week the locals went to Myth and played a very sappy game which reailted in for trich by the score of 9-‘i, The Myth team were in the lead till the .it inelng when the 'Zurich , 01- leeted a few needed rune and won the eente ley hard work, 01 • 40 4. 0.0 40 04.0 04.000040 0.00 <94.0-000 00 0 004e. 0"..,1 • • 4.1 Cao • 40. 4a< • 511 qt< <41* 40. 40- e. *J. (k* tif 4'4q, 1/4:t • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • 4." • • 0 • 0 (J, 4 17, Is N w Here ORDER YOUR NEW SPRING SUIT NOW! BE IN LINE, BE ON TIME! H, SE FROM TIE FINEST RANGE EVT.ITZ SHOWN TN ZURICP SLENDID R.{.1°,,1,:.,17,E AT e',. • aeeS. "ae r • • vsammeroonmseaurwcraem........... „; • iffiLSTEK =MUM. ''"ad,AteganT3m, SUM.3.311 Here are some of the Goods the Farmer will neeZt which we can supply you with at Reasonable Prices, such as: New Flower, Vegetable Seeds, Root Seed and Sorgum, Etc., Etc. New Formaldehyde, Paints, Varnishes and Varn-o-lac. Also: Dress Goods, Prints, Broad Cloth, Hose, Underwear, House Dresses, A few Stamped Mats left at Bargain Prices. Harness Repairs a specialty. Fresh Groceries Always On Hand r."II 4 cre74 f ,47,‘ ',tam; ".= "'" 1;1 ENT AL 5HsJVT PHONE if/ - 97 a !hi tl n