HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-07-14, Page 7ass6fied Advertising
price for July. Leghorns $0.95,
13:u•rea. Rocks, New Hampshire
Beds 27.95. Large Egg Quality
add lc, Leghorn pullets 2e. Also
started chick all ages, Top Notch
Ghiclberies, 10 Wilson St., Guelph,
your chicles from Tweddles. We
give prompt delivery on day- old
or started, 10 day old to three
weele old, Barred Rock, White
Rock, New Hampshire Reds and
White Leghorns, pullets, cockerels
or mixed chicks. Send for price
list. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries
Limited, Box 10, Fergus, Ontario.
Bray's day-old chicks available
for immediate shipment between
July 12 and July 26. First there,
first served! Order today: Bray
Hatchery, 130 John St, North,
Hamilton, Ontario.
weeks old, available July 15. Last
chance to get Bray Started Pul-
]eta. Get your order in now while
the supply lasts. Bray Hatchery,
130 John St. North, Hamilton, On-
for next Winter. Cut yourself a
share of the profits with Bray
chicks. Get your order in today:
Prompt shipment! Bray Hatchery,
130 John St, North, Hlamtlton, On-
chicks, all Government approved,
Leghorns $G.00, Barred Rocks, New
Hampshire Reds $7.95. Also day
old pullets, cockerels and started
chicks, all ages, Baden Electric
Chicle Hatchery Limited, Box 59,
Baden, Ontario.
foundation stock, prices reason-
able. Write Miner Minkery, Kings-
ville, Ontario.
22 x 36 AND 10 x 20 McCORMICIi-
Deering tractors; 16 x 30, 20 x 86,
and 25 x 40 Rumely tractors; also
Blackstone Diesel Power Unit
complete. Like new. Over 20
trucks nearly all sizes and makes.
Write to -day for prices. Retina's
International Sales, Guelph, On-
478 Yonge St., Toronto
Every article thoroughly cleaned,
reconditioned and sold under a defl-
riite xnoney-back guarantee of satis-
$4.95 Large Chesterfield, tapestry
cover, reversible spring
$13.95 3 piece chesterfield suite,
velour •cover, reversible
Marshallspring cushions,
$2f95 Beautiful 3 piece chester-
W field suite, velour cover,
Nured reversible Marshall cushions.
49.00 Modern 3 piece chesterfield
suite, new hard wearing
epp cover, Marshall reversible cush-
tOna. ,
$455.00 Chesterfield bed suite, 8
pieces (ICroehler) velour
cover, reversible Marshall cushions.
$24.75 Solid oak dining room
suite, buffet, extension
table and 6 leather slip seat chairs.
$49.00 Bight piece divan,ette suite
4'= In rich walnut finish, buf-
fet, refectory table, and 0 leather
feat chairs,
$55.00 Beautiful 9 piece. dining
ww^room suite, buffet, china
cabinet, extension table and 6 leath-
er seat chairs.
I79.00 Large English oak dining
W room suite, buffet, cabin-
et, extension table and 6 slip seat
4o airs with cane panels.
9.00 Beautiful solid walnut din-
ing poor suite, buffet,
Nina cabinet, extension table and 6
rue leather seat chairs
5.004 piece bed room suite,
dresser, chiffonier, full
418e bed and sagless spring in wal-
itt finish.
9.00 Beautiful walnut bed room
iii finish.
suite, chiffonier, vanity/
with Venetian mirror, full size bed
pd sagless spring.
4 piece bed room suite,
.9'00 dresser, chiffonier, full
size bed and sagless spring.
$14.75 Smart kitchen cabinets
with sliding porcelain
$10 00; Dressers, 184.114;184.114; cliff -
niers, 127.1):1; Gas Stoves $4.93; Sew -
g Machines, $12.50; Beds, $2.60r
rings, $2.00; New Mattresses, $3.06
Ina Cabinets, $10.00.
Write for free illustrated cata- •
Segue showing hundreds of other
outstanding values in new and re-
bnditloned furniture and fret gifts
with purchases.
Lyons Trade -In Dept.
478 Yonge St., Toronto
IeII,Al$ AND 1'I;i'am's
beautiful enlargements 30o. 8
regular prinIR and one FREE en-
largement 25e, Service Guaran-
teed. York Photo Service, 1831A
King East, Toronto,
Contest. First prize, one hundred
dollars; second prize, fifty dollars,
Theme—"Camp Franklin — the
Camp with Ideals," Trull intorma-
tion regarding Canada's unique
and pioneer recreational camp for
young men and young women,
tram Camp Franklin's Toronto
°Mee, 83 konge Street.
cry 25e order. Roil film developed
End eight prints 256. Reprints Se,
stablished over 20 Years. Bright-
ling Studio, 20 Richmond Street
least, Toronto
r'om your handwriting and signa-
ture. Write Its In confidence. Send
5 cents today, Kingsley Docu-
. eats, 221 St. Sacrament Street,
ontreal. ,
l* AT T573:r1 CC0, SNUFF, BASILY,
fneepensively. Home remedy. Tes-
timonials. Guaranteed. Advice
tree Bartlett's, Box 1, Winnipeg
those cot templating marriage
should read --'Sox and Youth," 104 .
ragesrages, postpaid 25c. Our 12 page
catalogue of sex books,
drug sundries, etc., free upon re-
uest. Supreme Spocinitr, 100
cage, Toronto,
all I)1CAx,
T13Y I)11, McLEO»'S SC1I ilei
remedy, StotAc i le, fol' fl � .'.oi
itch trouble, Clears up gas, nau-
sea, bloating, indigestion: Drug
stores or direct, Write for .free
ini'ormation. 101 Albany .Ave., To-
recover the use of their limbs un-
der our new .treatment. Wo give
the famous foot treatment for
tired aching feet, Hay Fever re-
aponds instantly to our treatment.
Don't suffer, Consult us regard-
ing your case. Mantic Health
Clinic,, 1 mile west of Erindale on
Pandas Highway.
Lang's Mineral excells anything
obtainable for Swollen Udder, Gar -
get, -Bleeding Teats, Ringworm, or
Scratches on horses' feet. Results
quick and complete, saves worry
and expense. Sent by mail, Free
information. Lang's Ivtineral
Remedies, 946 Robson Street, "ran-
Mink kits off choice Quebec stock
$25.00 each for July and August
,.delivery..0, Reilly, Richmond, On-
sell mining stock in the Malartic
area. Generous commissions. Par-
ticulars, 407 Central 13uilding, To-
ty and Job plant for sale in thriv-
ing Ontario town, Excellent Job
printing business, complete equip-
ment in splendid conditio.p. Re-
quires $4,000 cash, balance on easy
terms to responsible purchaser. 0.
E. Brown, 114 Moore Ave., Tor-
u i
ov '�
There are few families left who
are so far behind the times that
they still enjoy the simple things of
Stranger—Tell me, have any big
men ever been born in this city?
Native—No, sir, only babies.
Little Nature Studies
There are a lot of funny things
About Dame Nature and her flings.
Now a fly, with greatest ease,
Lights on doggy's nose, then flees;
But a flea can't fly away,
•Because it isn't built that way.
So to flee it has to jump
To get away from F]do's rump,
It seems hardly fair to me,
Since a fly can't flit and flee,
That a flea can't fly and flit
When the dog grows tired of it.
Discovering yet another mistake
in his letters, the enraged employer
—a Londoner—summoned his new
Londoner (barking)—You came
here with good testimonials, and do
you mean to tell me you don't know
the king's English?
Typist (inddgnantly)—Of course
I know it. Otherwise he wouldn't
be king, would he?
The local paper in each issue
preaches its sermons of social and
civic righteousness to a larger au-
dience than the combined audiences
of all the preachers in the terri-
Dentist—Open wider, please—
Dentist—(inserting rubber gag,
towel and sponge)—How's your
"For under -eye puffiness," advises
a beauty hinter, "use powder un-
der your eyes and add a tiny tinge
of 'rouge there." Or, suggests our
wise friend, try going to bed for a
Jim—So you kissed Bess when
she wasn't looking? Was she an-
Bob—Oh, quite a bit; in fact T
had to do it over again when she
was looking.
McDonald—So you love spinach?
MacPherson—Yes, We my middle
MacPherson—Yes, Thomas Sandy
The fellow who tells his best girl
he isn't good enough for her, usual-
ly speaks the truth, but she doesn't
believe it, but her mother does..
Scotsman—Doctor, what can 1 do
to prevent seasickness?
Doctor—slave you a dime?
Scotsman—Yes, sir.
Doctor—Weil, hold it between
your teeth.
Jasper-n.Iow did George break
his leg?
Casper—iso you see those steps
over there?
Casper—Weld, George didn`t.
The Worm May Turn
One of the most important
branches of scientific workbeing
undertaken in Canada today is
the research on parasitic worms,
which is well into its initial
;stages � the institute of Parasit.
ology, ate, Anne de Bellevue, P.
Q., says G. T. S. Calder, writing
in the current issue of the C -I -L
Oval. Parasitic worms, which, are
in no way related to the earth-
worm or 'the lug worm, do an
enormous amount of damage to
livestock and probably form the
greatest single source of loss in
Canada. Work to date which has
involved the carrying out of over.
12,000 experiments, indicates that
the most likely means of ridding
Canada of the menace of these
worms, many millions of which
are swallowed during the life-
time of grazing animals, will be
through the use of chemical fer-
By Nordhoff and Hall
Messrs. Nordhoff and Hall's last
novel, "The Hurricane", made a
most popular "movie," and you can
have considerable fun casting this
new work, "The Dark River," for
it will be gobbled up by Hollywood
faster than you can say Dorothy
Laid in the setting which these
gentlemen may rightfully claim as
their own private literary back-
ground—Tahiti, "The Dark River"
is one of their more sentimental
works, concerned with polite Poly-
nesians far removed from the rough
characters of the "Mutiny on the
Bounty" story, and abounding in
lofty romance and quiet, discreet
emotional conflicts.
A Lovely Nature
The story is based upon a familiar
and perennially effective device—
that of one woman, a native PoIy-
nesian in this case, appropriating
the infant daughter of another, an
Englishwoman who dies at child-
birth, and bringing the child up as
her own. The authors thus create a
lovely daughter of lush Tahitian na-
ture, wandering ,among the glades
and tropical streams of the island
with the abandon and dark beauty
of a native girl, but with pure Eng-
lish blood in her veins, a fact com-
forting somehow to Nordic readers.
The love story of the girl is the
main theme of the book.
When the collaborators on this
novel write of the natives, of the
',storms and primitive life on these
deserted islands, they catch some
of the sturdy vitality of their earlier
adventure books. Their novel has
enough momentum of events and
energy of characterization, too, to
make it easily digested.
The Dark River, By Charles
Nordhoff and James Norman Hall.
336 pp. . . Toronto:
McClelland & Stewart, 215 Victoria
Street, 32.75.
Salmon Not So
Smart, He Says
Salmon which breed in the
headwaters of fresh water streams
and spend their adult life in the
sea are not as smart as they have
been supposed to be, says Dr. A.
G. Huntsman, of the University
of Toronto.
It has always been believed that
salmon swim far out to sea and
then find their way back to the
same tiny stream in which they
were born with the accuracy of a
homing pigeon, he declares.
Actually, the fish must remain
within the fresh water area where
a river empties into the sea or
they become lost and never re-
turn, Dr. Huntsman declares. The
return migrations from the sea to
fresh water also depend largely
onfloods or freshets which give
the fish their cue to start up the
rivers again.
"Okay For Sound"
Our House of Commons might.
do well to take -a tip from New
York, where public speakers and,
after-dinner raconteurs are likely
to be controlled by "traffic sig-
If the speaker's voice is indis-
tinct, a blue light flickers on the
control; if too high, a red light
glows; a steady green glow means
"okay for sound",
Check ROUP
(bronchial Flu)
With a Few Drops of 86
.Health In Secondary Schools
How Are Canadian Teen Age Boys And Gilds To Keep Fit?
By Dr. Norman Russell
St, Mary's Hospital, Timmins, Ont.
The Nitro/lug article, in a brief
way, will try to outline what I con -
eider the best method of controlling
tuberculosis. In order to appreci-
ate and intelligently carry out any
campaign against tuberculosis one
must have at least a working know-
ledge of the pathology of the condi-
(1) very individual who lives
under the ordinary conditions of
civilization is infected after birth
and at some period between Math
and adult life with the tuberele
bacillus. (2) Such infection, al-
though it produces a definite body
reaction, is not necessarily follow-
ed by disease. (3) In the vast ma-
jority of eases the individual deals
successfully with the infection and
all that remains is a minute scan
(4) In a certain percentage of
cases, however, manifest disease
occurs at a later date, this being
due to re -infection by the tubercle
bacillus either from within or from
without and this re -infection is com-
monly preceded by a lowered resist-
ance on the part of the individual.
Control Active Disease
It is obvious from the above that
we can have very little hope of
avoiding contact with the tubercle
bacillus throughout life. Therefore
our efforts must be directed to con-
trolling the amount of active dis-
ease and consequent deaths from
this all -invading organism.
From invasion by the tuberele
bacillus which is ubiquitous there
is no escape. Sooner or later ev-
eryone is infected and if the pri-
mary lesion occurs in early life and
the dose is massive the patient
succumbs. If on the other hand the
primary lesion heals and perhaps
succeeding small lesions heal with-
out any manifestation of disease
then the individual's resisting pow-
er will be gradually raised to a
point where be will be protected
under any ordinary eircumatances
for the rest of his life.
First Act of the Drama
Therefore it is perfectly apparent
that the solution, of adult tubercu-
losis depends almost entirely on the
study of tuberculosis in children.
It is in the children that we see
played the first act of the drama of
tuberculosis 'which may go on to
adult tuberculosis unless the pati-
ent dies of some other condition or
we are fortunate enough to control
It is an established fact that the
death rate from tuberculosis is de-
creasing. It has gr.idually decrees,
ed from first place to sixth place as
the cause of death in all the age
groups. But we must remember
that tuberculosis is still by far the
leading cause of death amongst ad-
olescents and young adults.
Methods in Preventive Work
Bearing all the above points in
mind it can be readily seen that
the schools should be the centre
of preventive work in tuberculosis,
It is not suggested that the schools
should be burdened with any more
than they now have on their hands
but it is perfectly obvious that the
school is the logical point of at-
tack. The question of ordinary hy-
giene is taught in all our schools
and undoubtedly is a factor in eon-
trol and also the habit of spitting is
a bad one and the question of bad
housing conditions plays an import-
ant part in the spread of tubercu-
losis. All these things, however,
are secondary to an intelligent
tuberculosis survey of your chil-
dren carried out year by year,
The method I would suggest is
as follows:
(1) Get the co-operation of either
the Medical Health Officer or if he
seems indifferent, find.some medi-
cal man who is vitally interested in
(2) Enlist the services of your
school nurses and also district
nurses in making the survey.
(3) Buy your tuberculin in quan-
tities large enough to do your
whole group.
(4) Get the written permission of
the parents to have the test done.
(5) De an intracuganeous tuber-
culin test on each child from the
kindergarten up to the top forms in
the high school.
NOTE: -- This series on
"Health In Secondary Schools"
le being discontinued during va-
cation time to be resumed In the
World Of Today
Needs A System
Of Collective Security—More
So Than Ever Says Canadian
Legation Counsellor, Dr.
The world today needs a col-
Iective system more than ever,
Dr. W. A. Riddell, counsellor at
the Canadian Legation, Washing-
ton, declared last week in ad-
dressing the final session of the
conference on Canadian -American
relations at Orono, Maine. If
enough nations wanted that sys-
tem, they could get it.
Former permanent Canadian
representative at the League of
Nations in Geneva, Dr. Riddell
said he was convinced where the
League and affiliated organizations
failed it was due to "the irrecon-
cilable attitude of a few of the
powerful shareholders to the
principles and policies of the
Only Permanent Foundations
These nations "either did not
want peace or they did not be-
lieve the words of President
Cleveland that `mutual advantage
and convenience are the only
permanent foundations of peace
and friendship between states'."
As the years passed, said Dr.
Riddell, the original inheritance
of Canada and the United States,
their machinery for settling dis-
putes and their voluntary agen-
cies "have paid substantial divi-
dends which has greatly enriched
our heritage of goodwill." Such
a heritage made the two countries
good neighbors.
This could not be said of many
countries. In many parts of the
world, the heritage of the past
was the greatest stumbling block
to good neighborliness. Their ex-
perience justified fear, suspicion
and distrust.
In Sweden's new reformatory
at Skena each boy has his own
room with comfortable furniture,
a playroom has genies and radio,
no wails surround the building,
and windows are not barred.
"No talking pictures may be
shown in church," declared Dr. R.
G. Parson, Bishop of Southwark
In provisional regulations for his
diocese in England, but he win
permit approved silent films.
Issue Ne, 29—'38
Jugs Stup IT IN
lttoonimmnded by
your loot r <
drug$isl iax
"Conscience boxes" for passen-
gers who have omitted to pay
their fares have been placed in
Johannesburg trams and buses.
Wheat fed, or to be fed, to
live stock and poultry in Canada
during the 1937-38 crop season
has been estimated preliminarily
as 18,988,000 bushels, as compared
with 15,794,000 bushels In the
1936-37 season.
Tie up with. a real treat! Roll -your -
own cigarettes with..Ogden's Fine
Cut 'and you'll corral the fuller
smoking enjoyment that this cooler
and more fragrant tobacco gives.
You'll roll them even better if you
make sure to use i'Chanteder" or
"Vogue" papers.
For 1
Canadian National
Railways Revenues
The gross revenues of the all-
inclusive Canadian National Rail-
ways System for the 9 -day period
ending June 30, 1933,
were $4,364,277
as compared with 5,056,183
for the corresponding
period of 1937, a de-
crease of $ 661,906 •
Hogs Tattoed
Before Shipping
ALVINSTON, Ont. — Under a
new ruling which went into ef-
fect In June, all hogs shipped
from the counties of Lambton,
Minn, Kent and Essex must be
tattooed by the shipper, prior to
being sent to the packing houses
for slaughter.
For years, since the Grading
Act has been in force, it has been
the custom, generally; for a buyer
to purchase the farmers' hogs at
the pen, the shipper doing the
Progress to Date
The earth spins like a giant squir-
rel cage;
Its bars are swiftly glimmer-
ing nights and days,
And we the squirrels scrambling
.. neither time
Nor precept ever changed a
squirrel's ways.
—Otto Freund, in "Wings-"
With garden flowers plentiful at
this time, junior gardeners will be
interested to know how to keep
them fresh after they have been
out. The first and most important
step is to cut carefully. Flowers
should never be pulled or broken
from their stalks, but cut with a
clean, slanting cut. This can be
done with a sharp knife, or a pair
of specially constructed scissors
which do not pinch the stems as do
ordinary shears. Cutting the flow -
ere on the slant prevents the stems
from resting fiat upon the bottom
of the container, thus closing the
many tiny cells.
Most flowers should be picked in
the early morning before the heat
of the sun robs them of their mois-
ture. Hov3ver, according to an an-
nouncement made by Cornell Uni-
versity, gladioli, when Out in early
afternoon, last longer, They may
be cut when the first flower on the
spike begins 'o open. Most flowers
should be gathered just when the
bud is unfolding, although dahlias
last longer if cut when fully open,
This is also true of crysanthemums.
Don't Crowd Them
Any leaves which have a tenden-
cy to decay In water should b^ re-
moved. Keep the flowers for a few
hours immediately after cutting
a i before arranging in a container
of water deep enough to allow the
water to come just below the flow r
parts. This treatment also often
revives flowers which appear to
have wilted. The water should be
changed daily and a piece of the
stem cut off. This helps to pre-
serve the flownr, An ice cube drop-
ped into the water two or three
times a day also Is beneficial,
Flowers, Just as human beings,
Gleed air to breathe, so do not
crowd them tightly in a narrow 'on -
When cutting a new edge for
flower bed or lawn, or truing. t.p an
did ^lige, use a string or cord re -
5 is r� m
ther than rely upon the accuracy
of your eye. In spite of his years
of ear. lei:— a professional gard-
ener v' l always "run a string" to
keep his edges straight.
Common clothes pins can be very
useful in holding the string or cord
in place. Even though the cord may
be tightly run from end s' ke to
end stake, one is apt to move the
cord back and forth with the edg-
ing tool, unless it is pinned in place
at freq..ent intervals, with clothes
This same method of using
stakes, string and clothes pins can
be employed for planting straight
rows of seeds in the home vege-
table garden,
Interesting customs of the enter-
prising Dutch gardener's might be
follow d by gardeners elsewhere
who wish to speed germination of
According 'n a plant breeder who
came to thi' country from the Neth-
erlands, the Hollanders place seeds
in a cloth hag and hang the bag in
a nearby canal overnight, The bag
is taken out and hung for 48 hours
in the cow barn, where it is warm.
]Sy this time the seed has sprouted
and it is broadcast by hand in the
garden plot.
Gardeners need not, of course,
hunt up a canal or build a cow
barn, but they may hang the seeds
overnight in any water -tilled con-
tainer, then place the bag in a war-
mer place for two days and nights.
This practice Is especially recom-
mended for beets, carrot and spin-
ach seed.
�Ea 5V enrCNING in A Mint if
Lvcn the most stubborn Robing of enema, Wishes/
pimples, athletes foot, rasheo and other skin eri)p•
tions tiulokly Yields to Dr. Dennis' cooling, antigen-
tie,Ilgnld 15. D. 11, PRESOplprltiN, Ito gentle ores
soothe the irritate!] skin. Clear, greaseless and dale*
less --dries fast, Stops the most Intense Itching fit.
stonily. A 35e trill bottle, el drug stores, proms 11--
°money book, Ask for B. A, 0,l'5ESCRIPTION. tit