HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-07-14, Page 5Mr. . Brisson Mr. Holmes may be consulted at zelativ sr partsSn these of s ttheegp, visited 'roderich by Phone, and Phone w`ees. past few charges reversed. aarsrta .:ZURICH HERALD BUSINESS CARDS Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this Column, LEGAL DUPLE ', i. EE(LMES BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPUELIC, ETC. •IDIT'ICE—•Hamilton Street, Fust if I FOR QUICK SALE the Square, G()D1GIi7CH, Ontario.A • few brood soy,,,, in : a.•, family of Exeter were .SuitclaY visit Special Attention to Couneel and'shortly. Apply to I'erey Bedard, ors with the former's parents :Imre onGourt Work e. hone 3 r 87, Zurich. Sunday. • . NEWS:. Mrs. C. Eilber is epending the week With friends at Hensall, Sorry to report that Mrs. Andrew Thiel is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Len;ni.s.O'.13•rein,,and DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE. L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON fit DEITZ BLOCK --ZURICH every Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, D.A.SHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Dr. H Id.. C O W E N L. D. S. D. D, S. DENTAL SURGEON • OFFICE: - Main Street Exeter - Ontario VETERINARIA.N :Dar. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office in the Home of the Dr. 3i. Routledge. Phone ---96. late Zurich A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All e seases of domestic animals treated ley the most modern principles, Charges reasonable. Day or night •calls promptly attended to.. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness ennels. Office on Main Street, eepposite Town Hail. Phone 116. HENSALL. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex I AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct' " am Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. 1 soliet your business, and if not satisfied will snake no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER --Dashwood -.Phone 13-57. PRODUCE Fad. Produce IAT ANT E D HIGHEST CAH PRICES • - —FOR-- , CREAM, EGGS AND 1?fJLJI..TRY HONEY FOR SALE We can supply our Customers with .Honey in their canta'.ners at the foll- owing prices: No. 1 Clover Honey at Pc P,. No. 1 Clover, 50 Lbs. or over at 8c. Amber Honey at 7c. a lb. Amber Honey, 50 lbs. or over at 6c. J. I-IABER ..tR & SONS Two Blocks South of Hotel. This Wednesday afternoon tale vile Telephone 122. Zurich, Ont. la g is •e quite empty 1 y a;; the Evangelie- al Sunday School are picnicing at Grand Bend, and a large. number are at D:awliwood's big day; Thank You! Goderich Ont. Enclosed find money order to pay subscription to the Herald. •Could not very well. do without the -Herald. Yours, Mrs. Freda C. Bisset. The fanners in this section have reheat' Per:—plated the heavy haying !':aa eet. and are about to begin cut- ting the .beautiful golden fields . of Four Guaranteed Rebuilt Cream ;' vehen' which are about ready, we are Separators. Come, and look them under the impression that some will over- ts_441 be out this week. THE ZURICH CREAMERY: Miss Josephine Denomine of near Drysdale passed on at her home. on July 8th, aged 69 years,, 5. •months,, ® and 22 clays. She "was unmarried and a lifelong resident of the French Settlement, and will be greatly miss - A ed by her associates. Bend pen Wednesday JuIy 20thiic will be held in rand I1938I Died in the West• under the auspices of The Hay Town-! Word was received here of the ship Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance' passing of Dr. -John Esler, who died Coe cany. Adc'•rerses will be given in his own Hospital at Cerial,Alb. by: Inspector Donald W. Rose of The I r. Ester was born ..and .raiscd:. on. Fire Marshal's Dept. of Toronto on ' the Ester hoiriestead at Wagner's "Farm Fire Hazards"; Mr. Gillanders I Corners and for some years was -a of Ridgetown on "Municipal Fire I school teacher on the Parr Line, St - Protection" and by Ma-. L. A. Vane' shiver of Picton on "Tale Value oft aftey, He was in Dakota 63rd year and Fire Extinguishers"' with deanonstr- after lioing Z L"aich for a few9 yrs. ations. A full Brie of sports will be I leaving the Zur ich dstrist 29 yrs: run off well ase ptsibale! ago for Dakota, he went to Alberta exciting where he enjoyed a most ,wonderful game between Stephen and Hay. ' .practice in his chosen profession, as Chester Mawhinney, Reeve of Steph-, he owned a private hospital with a en and Geo. Armstrong, Reeve of • nursing staff of twelve at times. Sur - Hay, Captains. Band in Attendance. is .a brother Allan EsIer of Man.; two Bring n,rr r your ;baskets and enjoy a day sisters in Minneapolis; one sister, Mrs at the lake. Committee in charge: Alex. McConnell, Varna 'and a half - Geo. Armstrong, Harry Beaver, Wm.. brother, Mr. William Lamont of Zur- H. Sweitzer, Thomas Webb and H. ich. Dr. Ester is well and favorably K. Eilber. remembered by many of these parts. An auction sale of. the effects of the Axt Estate is being held in Zur- ich on 'Saturday. . • Mrs. Harrison, (nee Laura Krause) and son of Grand 'Rapids,•Min., visit- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Mar- tin Wurm. Mr. William Lamont and daughters Jane and Mrs. W. L. Hoffman and her daughter Marjorie', were Sunday visitors at E•gmondville. 'l , _Ind Mrs. George •Scheilog of Detroit, and Mr. Percy Gram of Lan- sing, Mich,, were visitors at the hors of Dlr. and Mrs. Jas. Rennie, Babylon FOR QUICK SALE A 5 -year-old Jersey cow now milk- ing, to freshen in Septeroer, is blood tested and a good milker. Apply to John Galster. FOR QUICK SALE cmc Thank You! Death of Mrs. English At the beginning of July we sent i On July 7 at the home of Mr. or out a number of accounts to back En°gash, formerly HenriettaMHoward rs. subsciptions to the Herald. Up to i dauhter of the late John Howard, date a nico number have responded, ! g and to there we say, thank you. ButI passed awayn in Dryhersdale 71 in 1864 aShe nd there are.still a few who have not re- I wass born in Drysdale l St and enoneled as yet and these we say'atter her marriage lived in Stephen Please! .. _ ] Township fora number ofi years and then went to Centralia, where her husband died 20 years ago. After- wards she returned to Drysdale and V>° . Bayfield's Curiosity ithen lived in Dashwood for two ye- r , rie I ars, then returned to Drysdale and again for toHoliday visitors from the U.S. nno- ter which she went, to Heain saawo n odlivafe ,boring through the :summer resort of with her two brothers there. Until 2 Bayfield, report the presence there years ago she enjoyed good health of a horse that chases automobiles, I and then suffered a stroke which has - much as some dogs do. This ,ioree, ap tened the end. She went for a visit to spearing suddenly from a ditch at let- her brother in Exeter -and while there ght, followed one car for over 100 passd away. She was a member of yards, its neck craned around the tl-e Hensall United Church and when windshield, and was finally set back able was a devoted member. She leav- on its haunches only to resume the ' es to•mourn her loss, two sisters, Mrs attack after the motorist had stopped John .Ravelle, Grand Bend; Mrs. Gil - and backed up to see what ,if any, ' lend Pnrre+ na.lgarv. Alta.. end three 'damage had been caused. Traffic oifi brothers, Harry of Hensall; George ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, -=r- ,,, ,,,hn rnt.,nl-• this hi •hway, of Exeter, and James R. of Goderich E t., always on hand... Kept reports that a horse jumped from a Another brother, W. J. Howara, pas - fresh in Electric Refrigeration : diitcn at night and ran smash into the sed art'vay in 1926 and a sister, Mrs. s;.i r^ . n^silig moto .carr. He alleg- J. A. Park of Ripley in 1936. A pri- Highest Cash Prices for es that both horses and cows, roam- vase funeral was held on Friday with Wool, Hides and Skinszng the streets of Bayfield, •are a her former pastor, Rev. Sinclair of m 7 c enace to traffic and that he himself Blyth, and ReV. R. A, Brook, Hensall X 17 n 1 t S (D 71 n Cyclea narrow escape -on his motor- officiating. Interment took prate in ; Grand Bend Cemetery. OBITUARY Phone 11111, Res. ?4, Zurich limmoraorcraltsksocemaramaloptimaum BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT 1\?[AR L T Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur. INSURANCE .444644+++++++++++++++++4-,!—:- Western Farmers' Mutual t BUILDING MATERIALS Weather Iv surance Ce + ,< of you intend doing any Building or Repairing this Year of 'WOODSTOCK , we will be pleased to supply you with the finest of TM LARGEST RESERVE EAT,- 3 Building Materials. ,. Let us quote you. Matt ii'ANY CANADIAN MI./T- SUMMER SCREENS MEMORIAL'SCHOLARSHIP UAL COIt2PAN ' DOING BUSINESS Any Township Memorial Scholar- Combination Doors -screens for the summer and Mass ships—First place was woe, her Public THIS K)tND IN ONTARIO * • interchanveable for winter. Willmice Haberer,2of the Zurich Public .,Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. era make screens to prop- School, 2nd place by Ivan Reichert of 31st, 1936, $22,391,527:00 ,a, y fit your windows, Etc. Etc. Let us have your order S S. No. 3, l ay; and ern place by Total Cash in Beek and Bonds Beatrice Miller of S. S. No. 12, Hay. il e • Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building 11✓.iatett•i.• •; : 1,.50 per $1 Ot_a0 ;,.or Years + :" t' ra . ....., Armenia Rates , r lit r .Ap peal, sr .•nin:et a , E. F. II:,DIP -ZURICH r` f / r I 8 the. ae.ttlts of the .f.. J / ?• Kirit Ahool eetranee CW,rminati n Agent, also Dealer in LI htn 1 :__, must b • g a made to the Public ,.,drool rn- P`HONE ,,D g Rods and all of Fire'. • w :Teeter 'aefore August 15th end must ZURICH 4r be accompanied by the appeal fee of . M.,l. •_ fakaar dz47t.b, ***44.P++.2.444 -.4'.,r *'• ,a , b, returned i t r9, i a l is.e urrtec7 sf the riff 0 1 >`^x^•m• w.1 3r'•Fd•3••tr +';'3 S+ +11+++wti•#++4.1'* 'Q!1 its allowed. 3 4 4 $ fSD Only bus this amazing. GENERAL ELECTRIC A r.Jla CLEANER (with attachments) • The G. Air -I•10 cleaner does the work faster, easier and more efficiently, than other cleaners of the same type selling from $20 to $30 MORE. Be sure to see the G -E before you buy. CD -38 DEMONSTRATED AND SOLD BY: HESS --Radio, Electric ZURICH -- ONT. NEW SCHOOL INSPECTOR Appointment of eight new public school inspector:; to replace those who have retired or who have been trans- ferred to other inspectorates, was an- nounced. J. R. Kincaid, B.A. B. Peed, assistant principal of R. H. McGregor Public School, East York, was appointees to the inspectorate East Huron with headquarters in Clinton. of HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE RESULTS Following are the results of the high school entrance exams. for this district. First-class honors are aw- arded when 75 p.c. or more of the total marks is secured and second. class honors when 70 to 74 pc. k obtained. Bayfield Centre First Class Hons---1Goedon Gilbert, Dewar Talbot, Ivison Torrance, Dor- othy Young. 2nd Class—Earl Cox, Elgin Cox, Helen 'Johnston, Gwen. Miller, Gert. Smith, Madeline Young. Pass—Patricia Atkinson, Elizabeth Cox, Eric Cox, Billie Harris, Ruth Harris. Exeter Centre let Class—Harold Brown, Betty Elliott, Glenn Hunter, Clarence Kni- ght, Bryce ]clack, Shirley Moise, Fred erick ,Morlock, Nola Perkins, Jack Sweet, Evelyn Waghorn; 2nd Class —Marjorie Flynn, Donald Kerniek, Frances King, Shirley Preszcator, Douglas Pryde, Helen Schenk, Orv- ille Schroeder, Donald Traquair, LIyd Walker, Doris Webber; Pass—Gord- on Baynham, GeraldCampbell, Arn- old Cann, Rabt. Field; Jack Harness, Ronald' Gollings, Alan . Hill, Harold Hockey, Harvey Hodgins, Edith Hun- ter, Lillian Kestle, Allison Morgan, John' Page, Norma Parsons, Harold Penwarden, Elmer Powe, Edward (Prouty, -Gladys Schenk, Jean Snell, Ray Snell, Jack Westcott, Donald Whiting, ]oris Wright. Hensall Centre 1st Class ----Rita Bell, Marion Druri mond, Jean Love, Robert Reid, Jack l Snaith. 2nd Class—Donald Jiynt, 'Iv- an Reichert, Karl Reichert. Pass Rolat. Cameron, Allan •Crearar, How- ard Ferguson, Jack Graham, Emily Hoskin, Cecil Kiefer, Preston Lemm- on, Lois Moffat, Roibt. Sangster, June Saundercock, Arthur Traquair. Dashwood Centre First Class—Verna Baumgarten, Gladys Becker, Phyllis Geromette, Harold Holtzman, Helen Love, Don- ald Rats, Jack Ratz, Ray Weide, Dorothy Wein, Reta Willert. 2nd Class—fiennoth Kraft, Eldeen Preet- .r Alpert Rader, Grace Restemeyer, Sylvia Schendel, Stuart Sweitzer, Al- t.;n Wanner. Pass—Evelyn French, Donald Geiser, Helen Gill, Ross. Ha- ugh, Howard Holtzman, Theodore Luft, Mona RaveIle, .Hubert Schroed- er, Sylvia Vincent. ZURICH CENTRE 1st Class honors -- Milton Dagg, Kenneth Dieterich, Betty Dietz, Cyril Ducharnte, Doreen Gingerich, Flor- ence Haberer, Anson McKinley. Nor- ma 1Vlousseau. 2nd Class ---Theresa Hoffman; Dorothy O'Brien, Patricia O'Dwyer, Vincent Smith. Pass—Ro- r r Corri-•eau, Romayne Geiger, Shirley Haugh, Keith Horner, Hughio McBride, Doreen IVIcClinchey, Beat - +rice Miller, Anna Oesch, Raye Oesch, .Hubert Salmon, Mae Smith, Grace Snider, Alice Thiel. 4 3 1 i ZUt. le Deliver your Cream to the Zurich Creamery and ob- tain correct weight, test and Highest Market Price. We pay 2 cents premium. per Ib, butterfat for all Cream de- livered to the plant, We alsobuy and pay cash for your Eggs and Z oultrr according to grade. We are Local Agents for the Viking Separator. Lei us Demonstrate this hig quality Separator for you! The brit.. _t• C eamery PAGE EWE Thee • 1 High quality bowl—closer skim- ming --•• more profit. 2 Perfect neckbeoring — assuring years of dependable service of the mechanism. •3 Proven durability. 4 Highly endorsed by thousands of users. Durable materials, expert work- manship and sturdy construction are featured in the Viking Separ- ator. We make sure that every machine sold continues to give satisfaction. Seven Models — One Quality SWEDISH SEPARATOR CO., LIMITED Montreal a ,06, 80003,0O0j0R2.0•,@0'EVS.OSSODett%W+0 Oir411•tDt 45Q .1"..00(5 eS9Atla+Ci ''atSO eillelitS This Year's • Heavy Crops demand good Investing Implement to handle same. Let us overhaul your I i at •0. Parts with Genuine Parts at very reasonablb Prices. PURINA Stock Foods a Ed C1ic:ws A giiara•nteed! produt t th t will help 3 -our Stock Lrld Pouiti y> NOTICE NOTICE Alll Coupons must be handed in by JULY 30th, 1938, to receive credit for the same. The Contest will then be closed. Son ooloosSm0000mfDammovatms-a kleo SOOW,A• oF11I3etos29oo eASF4) CU!! GET AN IDEA FIRST OS ,.s 5 ee 5 Bedtime—and an excellent "story -telling" snap. Learn to build your pictures around a central idea. BEFORE you snap a picture, do you have in your mind a clear idea; of what you xant the picture to "say"? This is important; i)eeanse every picture needs a central "picture idea" to give it life and meaning. Especially, every picture with per- sons in it needs give sort of action ..aaiv i (ori activity) to e ai; interest. By "action" I don't mean rapid motion, bet merely that the person pictured should be doing something, For example, suppose you have a small daughter, and every now and then you want a new picture of her. 'VVo1l, dont is e i hoe to stand in a corner of the i=u :turd, and look et the camera while you snap. Relate the picture to her personal life, her daily activities. Look at these ideas: A. picture of her lair"' ' e +t n' bed sn the moraine; ty,ta t its ,.,,,.,,, it at night, reelly), A snap of hex yawning and stretching, in pajamas. /tabbing sleepy eyes. Talking to her dolls. Playing house. Poring .over picture books. Leaving ,for kinder- garten, Helping Mother in the kitchen. Riding a tricyole or scooter. k unphing a slice of buttered bread, Being tucked into bed at night. Sleeping soundly with a doll or teddy bear or toy dog. In all these, she is doing some- thing. And, she will help you get your pictures, if you make a game' of it, and suggest that she "play like" she is doing this or that. In- deed, this is a good way to entertain e t , f ia, ,Y70: WS a ; ; ' eree ere.itt. 1rr t latah + ;"• Z f I. 1.1.0 the pie - tura to fit. it. When one pi• ture isn't eno't h, snap a series. hIeke earh picture "say eerect iiug"--aucl note £80 - - John vale Guilder 1 0 • • s 0