HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-07-14, Page 1• e••••••••••••mwoir...mra 'vol. ,xxxix 'vat, 2 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 14,938. Lt t he Her HAIRDRESSING THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING SALON SPECIALS FOR SPRING Let us quote you on Speerels for Spring and Summer Permanents, that are pleasing and satisfactorY, .and will give you personality Hair- dressing Salon on rear of stare. For appointments call us, by phone 102 Zurich. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH —mfr. "A Changeless Christ foe a Chang-. ing World."' Friday, 8h—Luther League. Thursday—Choir Practice°. SUNDAY SERVICES:: /0 a. m.—German, Service. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday Served. 7.30 service., Everybody Welcome to alt Services. E. TUERKHEISL Pastor. f•••••••••••••••.Mgia.... Chester L. Smith, Pablinolit, a year, U.S. $L50 in Adviusgiat.' $1.00 ARR4 A.RS, $2 11/131 iO&rn 11I. Publi8113t..O7Ut:Summer Visits arid Visitors • BETTY ANNE BEAUTY SHOP We wish to aamounee to our Clientele that we have added a new wireless Permanent Waving Machine to our Beauty Shop. With this most modern and scientific method you have no weight or escess- ive heat on your head. You are not connected to the electieity in any way, and you can have your permanents in from thirty seconds to three minutes time. We are equipped to give you any permanent your hair requires. See this machine before getting a new permanent. Open Evenings. Phone 159 for Appointments. COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES• 0. E. Zurbrigg,R.o. Successor to S. FITTON at EXETER Open every Week Day Except Wednesday Take Notice Alt Shoe Accounts Are Being Mailed Kindly Arrange For Settlement No Later than Aug. 1, 1938 Thank You! C. FRITZ & SON DODGE AND DESOTA DISTRIBUTORS AND USED CAR :SALES ZURICH — ONT. • Leaviit's Theatre. EXETER — ONT. Thursday, Friday, Saturday July 14, 15, 16 Big Double Feature Attraction' "HELL"S ANGEL" A thrilling air spectacle story. Jean Harlowe and Ben Lyon "LONE AVENGER" Western, With Ken Maynard, ,and Tarzan Monday Midnight Show 12.15 a.m. Monday night -2 nights only. "BIG BROADCAST OF 1938" With W.C. Fields, Martha Raye, Ben Blue. An all Star Cast. I Tues., Wed., . Double Feature Jane Withers and Walter Brennan in "WILD AND WOOLLY" Added—Jeane Autrey. (Western) COMING Louis-Schmeling Fight. al111.1111/1".11.11 Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Williams were visitors at Hensel on Sunday. Mr. Irvin D. Smith of Hamilton, spent a few days with his father and brothers here last week. Mr. George Volland of Detroit was a visitor with friends here over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. William Hess, of Pontiac, Mich., were week -end visit- ors with relatives here. Mr. Harry Arthur of Auburn is spending holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yungblut. Tuesday of this week was the 12th Of Ireland, the day of Orange walk, which was celebrated at Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Truemner and family of Toronto are holidaying here at present. They are travelling with their rolling home. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Braun and -family of Forest were Wednesday visitors at the home of Mr. Wm. La- mont. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Hess enjoy- eda boat trip up the lake around Georgian Bay over the week -end. They took the steamer Georgia from Goderich Saturday morning, return- ing.Sunday evenin . 'VACATION Summer Bible School At ZURICH MENNONITE CHURCH JULY 18th to 29th • Beginning at 9.00 a.m., to 12 Noon For Children from 4 yrs. to 14 yrs. Four to Six. Illustrated- Bible Stories Six to Eight • Topical Studies Eight to Ten .... Character Studies Ten to Twelve .. The Life of Christ Twelve to Fourteen . New Testam- ent History and Leaders An all Bible School. No Tuition No Creed No Denomination Taught Purpose, to Instruct the rising gener- ation in the Holy Scriptures. All chil- dren of stated ages should take ad- vantage of this school. Parents wel- )‘0-, • WE SELL THE .11MT FOR LESS "'44 Specials for ThTnirsday, Friday and Saturday Durham corn starch„ .• ....-.6c Red Bird Matches,, 3 loxes -- 19c Singapore sliced pineapple, in ... _—_-__I0c Catsup, I2 -oz bottle . . : 15c Lynn Valley Tomatoes 26,oz, .2 ;fins 19c Cooked Spaghetm 2ns ... . . 19c Del Maiz corn, 2 tins . 25c Maple Leaf Sahnon, ihs 19c, l-s..per tin Many Flowers toilet :snap, 3 males 19c P and G. -white naptha soap, ;6 bars Areoxon coils, 5 for ..- - . 10c Fly Swatters,, each . ... I Oc Hemphill wheat berries 5 lbs. ... Pitted Dates, 2 Ibs. ... 25c Voile Dresses dotted in a few sizes special 98c Rayon and Voile Dresses, Reg. 2.59. Sale ....1.98 House Dresses. Reg. 1159. 'Sale price 1.39 J. W • M. Eyt '1/4) Pbae MO tag come at any time. "Suffer little chit - droll to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven." Matt. I : 14. Heavy Crops In practically all sections of West-, orn Ontario a bumper hay crop i I being haiovested, many farmers are through by now. The clovers are ex- ceptionally heavy and all indications point towards a heavy and early liar - vest this year, unless some cool and wet -weather sets in soon. The wheat crop promises to be heavy and long- strawed, and wEl be early, all field •crops are in fine condition, and a good shower of rain would help a great deal just now. +6-4. W. M. S. MEET 'IR On Friday evening, July 8th, the mernbers of the W.M.S. of St. Peters Lutheran Church gathered at Duch- arme's Beaoh to hold their annual outdaoor meeting at the lake. Mrs. E. Klapp conducted the opening de- votions and took cbarge of the bus - Ines session, after which she intro- duced the speakers for the evening; namely: :Elm and Mrs, Zell, mission - as on furlough from China and guests of Rev, and Mrs. E. Turkheim They presented their work in China n very able and inspiring manner mad every one present felt that the evening had not only been delight- fully, but also profitably spent. Ma and Mrs, Arnold -Fassold of Toronto spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Josiah Geiger. Mr. Fassold, having just returned from a trip from California where he at- tended the funeral of his mother, the late Mrs. late Mrs. Annie Fassold. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Orth of De- troit visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs Josiah Geiger, near fatal auto .accident occurr- ed* the first narrow..bridge at the r.Vamp .on Saturday evening. Ken- neth.Greh and Homer Salmon were travelling east, and a car driven by a Mr. Walker with six passengers in were corning west, and as it happen- ed they just met onthebridge, and the front wheels locked and were torn off, -fenders damaged, and the Greb coupe turned upside down in the six foot ditch. Fortunately no one was injured to any account. We often .wonder when these two bridges will be widened to make traffic safe at this point. Laid to Rest The remains of the late Ir.dward A Axt were laid to Test. on Thursday afternoon last, services was held in the Evangelical church and interm- ent in -Bronson line cerneter, and the funeral was largely attended, Rev. C 0. Heckendorn officiated. The late Mr. Axt was one of the earner resi- dents of Zurich, coming here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Axt, who came from Germany to Sebasto- pole, Ont., and from there to Zurich where Mr. Frederick Axt opened the second blacksmith shop in Zurich, and died here ninny year. ago. The recent departed Mr. Edward Axt was 'n the mercantile business in Blake with a brother for many years and fail -a long time was clerking in the stores in 'Zurich. he was of a very jolly disposition and liked hunting for a passtime. His partner in life predeceased about five years ago, and surviving are one son Herbert of De- troit. and thre e daughters; Mrs. L. Goodbred and Mrs. Fisher of Detroit and Mrs. Kaiser of London. BASEBALL NEWS Zurich team has one game this week, namely, on Thursday they will go to Blyth. A very interesting game was pray- ed hereat Zurich last Thursday even- ing when the big boys from trie Co- unty Towni Goderich were down and played an 8 inning stanza with the locals, and had the game been a sev- en inning affair the visitors would have had one more under their bel, and the locals one less. Goderich us- ually plays a good game in Zurich, and they were ,well heeled leaving the Lucknow battery, Zurich scored in the fist inning, Goderich scored in the seeond and third two each, and Zuri- ch scored in the third making lc 2-4. Then in the last half of the eigth the game went haywire for tl" visitors. "Gitb" Stade .came up with two on. and slammed a hard hit ball over the fence in right flead, scoring three rung and then anther'run was scored in the inning, Erwin pitched for Gorier- ich, while Heideman and Ytregblut wore the Zurich battery. The stilt - outs were about equal. It was a good game and a nttc crowd Veen Oat, uft::cifip.. II 75 ON CREDIT 15 Jewels, cases in white finish .Cad-' ELCO Delicately wrought in modernistic design. ONLY SI DOWN -ralea A G. HESS JEWELER AND OPTICIAN 'blue coal* FILL YOUR BIN NOW With this Premium Anthracit4. at the low summer price.. Also Miller Creek, for your Thresh, ing. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid for ..Eggs on a graded basis,. Pone 10 Hensaii 1 . A**••••••••••••••••••••.+4•••••••••••••••0.040,04.440,00, : • '41 • • • 40-4t • • 00 O 00.• * * • • • * ft - I. • • Ili • •44411 ,I., ORDER YOUR NEW SPRING SUIT • • • • • NOW! 4wi • • • a.; II t.i: Summer Se son Is Now Here BE IN LINE, : • BE ON TIME! : : •• CHOOSE • •• * FROM THE FINEST RANGE • • EVER SHOWN IN ZURICH • • . • 00 SPLENDID RANGE AT $20. 4, • e. : :,..,, ,,,. • 41Ne' • YA , II off an , igilige fa **, : EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS le 41, et -e• • **********.eeeteeeeeeeeteeeeeeeaeeee...aeateeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaa : 1110MINSIODIM11*MMger.Maliii2DESQNS="R41' SUMMER 'TIME Requirements Here are some of the Goods the Farmer will need which we can supply you with at Reasonable. Prices, such as: New Flower, Vegetable Seeds, Root Seed and Sorgum, Etc., Etc, New Formaldehyde, Paints, Varnishes and Varn-o-lac. Also: Dress Goods, Prints, Broad Cloth, Hose, Underwear, House Dresses, A few Stamped Mats left at Bargain Prices, Harness Repairs a specialty. Fresh Groceries Always On Hand R. Nf DOUGL GENERAL NIEROHANT PHONE 11 - 97 E3 LAKE, mhognal