HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-07-07, Page 4M ,• fay
Ur. .and Mrs. Noah Gingerioh, Mr.
asaul M. Oliver Steekle were Sunday
+esitrs with Mr. and *Mrs. Sol Bech-
Messrs. Rubon Gingerieh, Eldon
Meander, Ed. Roth of New Hamburg,
-lent the week -end at the farmer's
Doane. ,
Mr, and Mrs. Chris, Swartzentru-
er and family were Sunday visitors
aVith friends at Tavistock.
Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Steckle a nd
family were Sunday visitors with Mr
and Mrs. Roy Gingerieh. '
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gingerich and
family visited with Mr. and Mrs.
aeos Gascho on Sunday.
Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs
Rudy Desch were: Mr. and Mrs,
Norman 'Gaseho and fancily; Mr. and
Mfrs. Ed. Desch and family; Mrs. Wm
Soave from Toronto, Mr. Bob Mc-
'Rey. 1Vlr. Elford of Egmondville,
Will take the services at Varna, Go-
ahen and Blake United churches next
:Rev. J. R. and Mrs. Peters and
:daughter Katherine of Varna leave
this week to spend their vacation :at
their cottage in Muskoka.
Mrs. R. M. Peck has been on a
visit with her sister in Zuebec dig
the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Orval lbs c Gllnche y,
accompanied by Mrs. Elmore St'eph-
enson were in London on Tuesday.
Mr, D. J. Stephenson who has been
iiaid up, is improving,
Word has been received .of the
:death of Dr. John Esler, a former re-
sident of Stanley, but who 'has. been
in the West for a number of years.
St Joseph and Beaver Town
ha this issue of the Herald we are
•glad to report the safe return of the
pilgrims who took part in 'the Nat-
ional Congress at 'Zuebec the end of
June. All report a good tine' and all
3eturned safe to their 'homes. They
sure moat, be congratulated for the
examPle they have putforth to th
fellow citizens. Tliey have not .only
sacrificed a • week of their busy time
on their farms and in the homes. But
they have also dispensed of same of
their surphis dollars throughout the
c;oualtry, at different scenes enroute
where they spent their dickels and
dimes., it sure will help to feed many
hungry children and people who have
not been blessed with such fortunate
gifts. A vividexample indeed which
should be put more in practice by
those who have rust dollars in ther
Notes—Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Masse
and daughter of Detroit spent the
week end visiting relatives around
this vicinity..
Miss Eva Cantin of Montreal is
spending a week's vacation in St.
Father Denomrne of Bell River,
conducted High Mass in this parish on
Sunday last. He was accompanied
by his father and mother and Mr,
Cyril Denomme his graidfather, a
native of this parish.
Mr. Napoleon Cantin, Jr., is spen-
ding a few days in St. Joseph with
his parents.
Victor and Lowrence Hartman of
:the Goshen Line south are spending
a few days with their grandparents
Mr. and Mrs. F. Ducharme,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jeffrey of De-
troit returned to their home after
spending the week end with the lat-
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
A few old friends and neighbors
of Detroit spent the Fourth of July
with Mr, and Mrs. Hector Laporte.
The Missis Verginia Ducharm•e,
Antoinette Jeffrey, and Shirley Jeff-
rey left for London on Monday to
assist in Seminary work during the
Priest Retreat.
Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Smith and 'two..
sons attended a reunion near Strat-
ford on Friday.
(Carried over from last week)
Dashwood Sports Day will 'be held
on Wednesday July 13:th.
The congregation of Dashwood
Evangelical Church held a double
celebration an .Saturday afternoon
when they gathered on the church.
lawn for bheir annual picnic) and also
in •recognition of the 25th wedding -
anniversary of their pastor, Rev. I.1;
E. Roppel and Mre. Roppel. At three
o'clock a lively sports program was
run oft' under the direstion of Chester
At five o'clock, Rev. and Mrs, Rop-
pel, to whom the celebration was
a complete surprise, were escorted to
decorated chairs on the lawn. Then
to the strains of the Lohengrin Brid-
al Chorus played -.by a brass quintette
a charming wedding party of small
children came slowly across the lawn
to the "guests of honor. Little Miss
Shirley Guenther was a dainty and
demure (bride in her trailing dress and
veil and 'carrying a shower bouquet of
American Beauty roses. Master Rob-
ert Haugh was the gallant young gro-
om who presented Rev. Roppel' with
a handsome silver tea servree, tine
gift of the congregation, while the
small bride presented her bouquet to
Mrs. Roppel. Little :Misses Nancy
Tiernan and Anne Taylor were char-
ming bridesmaids each carrying a
basket of roses.
Congratulatory addresses were
made by Rev. A, E. Pletch, D.S., of
Crediton and Rev. C. 0..Heckendorn
of Zurich, after which Rev. and Mrs.
'Roppel replied fittingly. Following
the addresses Mrs. J. M, Tiernan
sang 'I Love You Truly."
At the conclusion about 150 peo-
ple sat down to bountiful picnic sup-
per at tables arranged on the lawn.
'Thie its the forst ime in the history of
the church that the Sunday •School
picnic has .been held on the church
property. It lis usually held at the
lake :rids.
Mr. John Zuefie was recently i
FIint, lMieh,,:attending the funeral .o
his brother, Christ., who at one tim
lived in Exeter, and was in busines
Dr. Sam Coulter, of Toledo, Ohio
acompanied by his wife and +44 famil
are visiting with the former's parent
_IIx :John Coulter.
Mr. and Mrs. Errold Drummon
and 'daughter, are away to Kincar:d
lite -hitting ..
Mrs. Harriet Young, of Flint, iMe1
spent ,a few days visiting here wi
HMiss Jessie Bell and Mrs. Hugh Me
Ewen. _During the week the thre
ladies motored to Barrie, Owen So
and and other places.
1Vir. and Mrs. J. S. Hutton of Tor
onto _an'd M. aid Mrs. T. J. Hutto
of ' Wingham were visitors with M
and Mrs.'. S. `Hutton
1VI2 . JohndBarbett . and litle spn
Ross '.are visirting . with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. A. Morenz, at Dash
The Hensel" Citizens Band ar
leafing the -•rooms they have occupi
ed for some `time in the Petty .bloc':
and'have•.secufd:roorns over Ranniers
Geo. Hawkins, lwha has been in
"Landon Hospital ;for several.weeks,
and who was ea serious condition,
is now irnproeing.
Reba Passmore, who for the past
term has been -attending the Toronto
University, passed^ill his exams. with
high honors.
Arnold Masse cif ;St. Joseph has
been assisting for several weeks at F.
1 Farquhar's barber shop.
airs. Bertha Bell and Mrs. F. Mann
l 'ftefor Kintal xre 'they will have
charge of the summer camp there for
boys and girls.lre
(Garnet Case" •onnii up a bakery
au confectionery &tore at Grand
Beard on July 1, for the summer.
'Misses May and Moret Schwalm
of tendon and Violet of Stratford,
spectt.,Sunday last wiiwrothttheir parents,
1 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schwalm.
Mr. and Mrs. Lohse igslanson of
London and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Doug -
as and children of Nova 'Scotia,who.
tare i1kst ng in tendon, FwAr* visitors
with ,friends here.
Has Fingers Injuwl
Russell Hedden, while helping his
baseiiher ;V.ira:non, paint a neat , n the
1 men of Mr. John's at Ei lyiiplle,had
the misfortgve to lose his balange and
slip on the , ,et paint, and be trying
4 a. 3'.yeh o'1'.j^.�S..i.'i.44 :• '+`i + F ti 4 i4.1 44++++ x..S. .s«3.�« .•t.:s.acx..x..tm:zu_a.xs_
All Ingrid'.i. Used are of the H est Quality
Our:Store vtill'be,-elosed each Wednl day Evening
k !s :Bakery — • Zurich
Tile, ,hone 100 T.
1114.1./1 1 Id ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
'-will, cerrte to your home every day through
THE CHR TIAN -SCIENCE MONITOR4,t:�?nn'.'rnalronnrl,,7,4ily Newspaper�It•recon+ds for you taw world's oleau,g,4tr,structive doings. Trxe:Ntanitoe
doest*„at exploit, ;Ante or sensation either does it ignore then,,
but deald• correctivelywith them. Paatiitres for busy men and as the
:family,,tncluding theti;Weekly Magazine Section.
The Christian SclenaQe Pub]tshing Soo'l�yr
0ng,r5roway Street, s'Bosta�n Massaawsetts
Please.entear ms subser tion to The L'hrgtian Science Monster for
a period,of
1 -year $16.00 6 monit,s $6.00 3 months $3.00 1 month $1:496
Wediesdag;issue, inch,diirir Magazine Sectign; 1 year $2.60, 6 issues 256
!tams = n.
.30m js 7o1- on Reg:mtt
111111011141100011110110 1 1 00100 III (III III(, rfplll11i100 M 01000:00111
I1011110 III (III
1 01
Douglas and
were -recent
sister Mrs. Geo
visitors to ' ZUT-
EN IllllIIll(IIIIi
Do You Know?
You know thoroughly well that you kave'pawer
in your store, to influence theccision ofyou to our cur•..
tomer in regard to whit they b • Y
custoririers rel" . Y �y-from your X'iiur
y on give them products which;, r
in use or consumption, will give - them complete
If it is right to use big city dailies and niatio:naly
circulated magazines then by the same ‚token, it is
right to use local weekly newspapers 1
the Master Salesman of this Co!1-imu.ity, and
zny name is
t "vEJR7"iSE
maiil f, haul !w.w,p iii;IluWulaullti»uuiuuauuWVUuIIW(iillU IpUl11QgIUlU1UUlIII! I I"•r
,1 to save himsef' from a fall of 25
feat, ;clutchell• „at some tin ore
1 roof and in dey:ng so cut his fingers;
sp baikv that,.ti;•y required.a nuasberl
of •citru,ses to ele.
lr:xckange. f -Services
Dln ng'..7uly thgrs will be no Morns
ng seryi'ccs ;in Carmel Presbyterial]
Ontreb, tor. - Mr. -Young wilt take
charge of. Phe servicedn Caven Pres.
byisr)an alaarah, EXefest Erein the morn
ung and Will d+scupy ;11 own pulpi>f
in Revisal' at faight. During August
there will, ibe no evening ,,,,;;vice. Rev
Hill will conduct the service in Hen-
sel' in the morning and at,;•geter in
the evening.
I. Was Presented
At the
practice ce
in t
lams, t'rrold Drummond, who lir'
re •n drummer for the .bleed for
-'unib,r of ea`swas presented wit'
pair of wosiltn
blankets. Tied flew.
po/de 'a fele' di.1,,1dIl of lrsrl'ecietine
t d Jeta, .t'rlasa nonu•s services to the
(band and made the presentation. Mr.
Drummond thanked the Bead a for the
presentation and their good wishes.
Re has not decided yet as to lux fut-
Court of Appeal
County Judge Costello of Goderich
hold a Court of Appeal on Monday
last to hear complaints of Owen Gei-
gel.' and Frank Coleman, that .certain
proprieties owned by them were as-
sessed too high. At the Court of
Revision of the 1938 assessment roll
in which the council acted as the re-
visory board, a number of appeals
were heard, The board upheld the
assessment of the assessor in each
.case. Mr. Geiger and Mr. Coleman
felt that they had been assessed too
high and both appealed to the county
judge. A number of witnesses were
heard but the Judge in giving his de-
cision, stated that theevidence was
not enough to warrant him in chang-
ing the assessment. Appeal dismiss-
Woman Is Injured
Mrs. Byron Kyle of town suffered
an."injured eye and head injuries in
a motor crash on the Mill Road two
miles southwest of Seaforth on Sat-
urday morning. The car in which she
was a passenger and which was driv-
en. by her husband, crashed with an-
other driven by EImer Turner, of
Varna and in which Mrs. Turner M-
ee was a passenger. After colliding,
partly head-on, both machines took
to the ditch on the same side of the
road, the Kyle auto crashed through
a fence and overturned. Kyle, who
has been charged with reckless driv-
ing sustained minor lacerations. His
wife was treated at Seaforth Hospital
The Turners were not injured. Con-
stables Stewart and Snell of Seafo-rth
• -Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cooper, Clinton
announce the engagement of their
daughter, Mary Olive, to Edgar Max-
well Hudson, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Isaac Hudson, Seaforth. The rnarri-
ageto take place in July.
Mabel Turnbull, Seaforth, left last
Thursday for Montreal from where
she sailed an the Duchess of York for
a two months' trip to England and
will spend six weeks with her bro-
ther,. Arnold of London, Eng.
Pillars for Main Gate
'Two new -cement pillars are to be
'erected at the Main entrance to the
Blyth Union Cemetery. The contrace
is let to Mr. Frost of Seafarth.
eminence Work at Harbor
Tae: work ' of deepening and
aireclging ;the south portion of the
Goderich Harbor will commence in
July it is expected. A total of $92,-
000 was provided in the estimates
'bnaught down in the House of Com-
mons some time ago for the harbor
project, (but only $50,000 is to be
speed 'This year.
YoungLad Breaks Arm
After 'witnessing older boys jump
from a lorry platform to the ground
little Ronald McGee, 3 yr. old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald McGee, Hani-
Gadeax':eh. tried it himself. In the
drop of about four feet he alighted
*alas sloasikier, breaking the left arm
above the ,elbow. Ile was taken to
the Hospital where the fracture was
Dies From Burns '
Helen :Haniniond, Wingham High
School student, in her 17th year,died
in the Hospital as a result of burns
suffering in an accident. The accident
oeca end at Bluevale, when gasoline
fumes exploded in a car is which she
was a ,passenger. Prompt action by
employees :of the creamery, in extin-
gui ping• the flames with water, pre-
vented more serious consequences at
the time. L. Doerr and W. Sturdee,
the latter the car driver, suffered
minor burns. The others succeeded
in leaping from the machine, as it
was brought to a stop in front of
the :creamery, but Miess Hammond
was apparently unable to extricate
herself. It was reported explosions of
gasoline fumes from a can carried in.
the motorcar was responsible foi•the
To Provide Camp Outing
Ten boys are to be given on out-
ing at the Huron County Boys Camp
near Goderich in July through the
eenerosity of the Exeter Lions Club.
Camp Hiawatha ,beging Monday, 31y
4, and lasts a week for boys 12 and
over. It is plan:necrf'o send five boys
to this camp provide them with swim
thing rasaitaif,.necessary, and pay•a21
expenses of the camp.
Ce1g,tates 90th Birthday
A host a. friends congratulated
Mre. Samuel Boyd gf ,Sea€orth,, who
n `Tuesday 'lair,+; celebrated her !i0',th
,tacky. Mrs. Boyd is one of S'ea-
arth's oldest and' best known resi-
ents, end is in the enjoyment efithe
est of health and able to be out ev=
Iy day. •
New Legal F'irit
H. r the 1at.-
Gl..nn Hays, son. of e
melee Heys of: Seaforth and nephev
f the late. R. C. Hays, I .C., of God-
ich, hasi Os.
C carinal
graduated in law fr or,!'
Nide Hall, and in association witl'i 1P
ili'eronlreld, ti former resident of
` l}car toil)
open, aft (dila,. at Sea'
Restock Teeswater Streams
The l eeswater ;game nd eh club
has received some 50,000 pickerel
from the Government to .re -stock
some of the district streams.
Over 300 Applications
That there is no dearth oY piratic
school teachers in Oartario is shown
by the number of applications recei-
ved by the Listowel Board of Edu-
cation for the three vacancies on the
public school ,staff. More than 300
applications were reveived.
Wins Scholarship . '
..Kathleen •Cosens, who is just com-
pleting the upper school coursein
the Clinton Collegiate has been awar-
ded a Leonard Foundation Scholar-
ship of $2.50, in the University of
Toronto. The scholarship is based on
the term work throughout the live
year Collegiate course; and is renew-
able if the University work is of the
required standard.
Late Mrs. Wm. Pinkey
Mrs. William Pinkey, who for the
past half century has been an este-
emed resident of Seaforth, passed a-
way at the home of her son-inlaw,
Wesley Nicholl •til her 9lst year. She
was, born in the town of Perth; Lan-
ark County, and came to Brucefield
when very young, where her lather,
the late T. J. Kennard, was a •well
known carpenter: There • were eight
children in the Kennard family of
whom two still are living.
Destroyed by Fire
The two story- brick house on
Garfield Hill's farm, on the 8th con. y
of 'Stephen Twp:, was completely de-
stroyed by fire recently. The loss is
about $2',0'0: 11 spark from the
chimney is blamed for the outbreak,
and which started in the roof. ' It 1
lead gained much Headway before
notes and efforts of a bucket brigade;
were limited to saving adjourned bu-r
tidings, while neighbors assisted in
carrying all the furniture• out safely:.
The Ontario' Municipal' Board, a! -
ter some :delay, has approved a $o0-
0000 debenture issue by the Town of
Seaforth to provide an addition to the
Collegiate Institute building to ac-
comodate manual training and hou-
sehold science:
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rog-
er Rice; Seaforth on June Toth, their
younger daughter, Margaret Elizab-
eth, was united in marriage ao Will-
iam P. Charters. The ceremony -was
performed by Rev. W. A. Shepherd.
Mr. and Mrs. Charters Ieft on a trip,
to ,Michigan. They will make their
home on the Mill road, Tuckersrnit .
Fifty Years Married
Mr. end Mrs. Andrew Dirk, highly
respected resident opt: Tirckersrnith,
observed the 50th anniversary of the-
ta marriage at their home. Many of
the ,sixty guests • present at the first
marriage are still Jiving. Mr. and
Mrs. Kirk are well known to Tuck
ersmittr and ere beings cangratulatetL
viser,.July 'Zth, 1938,
Resigns from Staff
Miss Aima Brown, who for the past..
five years has been a teacher on the:
Exeter .High Schcool staff, has tend-
ered her resignation and has been ap-
pointed head of the English and his-
tory depar+tmeilt of the Port 'Credit
High tSchooil..Miss Brown was a nat-
ive of Parkhill and is a graduate of
the University of. Western Ontario.
I .
Assists in Joint -Research.,
Dr. i[ugh J. Creech, who has ;been
with the Banting Institute of the Uni-
acirsity of Toronto, has been awarded
a two-year fellowship at Harvard
University from the International
Cancer Research Foundation: Mrs.
"Creech, who .before her marriage was
Dr. Edna. Marie ,Hearne, of Burford,
who has been in research work with
Mr. Creech, has been granted an a-
ward from the biology department at
Harvard—Exeter Times -Advocate.
Started -One Year Ago
The " Blue Water International
Baeidge, 'which connects Point Edward
and Port Huron, Mich., was one-lear-
old on June 52th when Michigan and
Ontario officals gathered on the Am-
erican side and lifted the first shovel
of dirt for the excavation. On Friday,
last the last piece of steel for the
superstructure of the bridge was in
place, leaving only painting and con-
struction of the roadway to complete
the utrusture for the dedication in
August or September,
Injured In Fall
An 1S foot fall from the roof of
his barn put James Lockhart, 69, of
6th con. *Goderich Twp. in the God-
erich HospitaL .He was engaged at
shingling his barn roof when the ac-
cident occuhred, but no one knows
how it happened, for the farmer was
working alone at the time. He struck
his head on the projecting' stone fo-
undation in the fall and suffered a
fractured skull, in addition to severe
chest injuries. One are and ane Ihg
are said to be proken.
Medikal Clinic In Seaforth
Ama:auncernent has been made ot
the establishment of a modern andi
up-to-date medical clinic in Seaforth..
Dr. E. rffcMaster, who has been in:
practice in Gen orth for a number of;
years, witil firave as his associate Dr.
J. C. Colqulioun, formerly of Ethel,,
who has purchased the practises " of'
Dr. F. J Burrows and Dr. G. C. jar-.
xa t The clinic will be established in
. reside - s of Dr. Burrows, which.
L s also bee war -chased. The ,elinice
it is stated, will allow the patient the
advautage of the eon-? iseed skill of
the doctors ettaehea e ite anti •thise
together with the ' , in medical
equipment, will, it i:. said, :,permit of
a better .and snore, efficient service.
What action! Must haven talten, a fast shutter to stop itl Well, no—don't
tel anybody, but it was ,strapped; atI/25second,approximatelyboxaanerai
shutter speed. 'Mc awe simply held still for a moment:
TTY soon the weather wzill
ills: opening up, schools: noVistart
dim t]1ie3•r Sluing •athletic
Mandl boys will ,be knocking bat-
at,terted .losliselballO• 'arouni`tVacant
tots •—. and • ;your youngster* very
litkelyv w53;li rise among, ,ihent:; '
These,'an3tateur athletics:are. • e-
cell,ealt material for your camera,
whether it is a box camera such a as.
meat au• us, have;, or one of the anew
high -screed n iniatires.
Of course, ve tilt a Term oamer'a, you
cannot always expect to"stop*rapid
xr. That is the fitxDd of fix
erne with high speed lenses and
ahatters. But there's me maven why
you can't platelro action pares --
Some, of thong sr, realistic that pet axle
'Iri'lxo see them would vow atee pic-
tures Itraleltighopeed " stop• .Ert`iati*It"
Adny athlete, proud of ;his muscles:
arm, should be glad to hold.
it" a xu9ment for you. And small:
.boys en neighborhood baseball•dia-
:inonds cbeoe when they see a'cam-
era coming. Phey111 hold arty•posa
.yoga wantthen to.
The low 'viewpoint is best for a&
Von pictures, wLth the camera,taiited.
ertightly 'upward so that the sky
forms the picture background.
Try It, with a young pitcher.
"winding up" or at the end of him
deliver. Re ean hold his position_
and expression long enough for you.
snap the picture—and the effect.
is one of genuine rapid action.
"natation" snaps of title sort not
only turn
be good
but also,'p1-ovide plenty of furl n7'ry'
tome, and tee how easily the earn
era (and yourfriends) can ibe fooled
yrs ,r .d diedl