HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-07-07, Page 1• ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 7,1938. the Herald Publish your Summer Visits and • HAIRDRESSING THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING SALON SPECIALS FOR SPRING Let us quote you on Specials for Spring and Summer Perooments„ that are pleasing and satisfactory, *and will give you personality Hair- dressing Salon on rear of store. For appointments call us lay phone 102 Zurich. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church, ZURICH - ONT. 'A Changeless Chris' t for a Change fog Warta."' Friday, 8h -Luther League. Thursday -Choir Practicer SUNDAY SERVICE& 10 a. m. -German Serie.. 11.15 a.m.-Sunday SehooL 7.30 p.m. -English, service. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. TUERKHEIK Paster. BETTY ANNE BEAUTY SHOP We wish to announce to our Clientele that we have added a new 'wireless Permanent Waving Machine to our Beauty Shop. With this most modern and scientific method you have no weight or escess- ive heat on your Ileac'. You are not connected to the electicity in any way, and you can have your permanents hi from thirty seconds - to three minutes time. We are equipped to give you any permanent your hair requires See this machine befoxe getting a new permanent Open Evenings. COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES 0. E ZurbriggIR.o. Successor to S. FITTON at EXETER Open every Week Day Except Wednesday Highest Quality • FINEST SELFCTION •LOWEST PRICES A CALL AT OUR GARAGE 'WILL 'CONVINCE YOU 1935 V8 Coach, orig._ finish like new. See this car only..$425.00 1931 Fad DsLux. Town Sedan, perfect alp -holstering and re -fin- ished in dark blue.. Thease :models are :scarce. Hurry, 2 to pick from 1928 Ford A Coach,-mechaiee elance; $78.00 As Is 3933 Master Chev. Coach., A popular -model lie nice ceoxlition 1931 Ford Express Pickup,. doted /dab itteeI box. 034 Chev. Standard Coach," original throughout. 1929 Ford Coach,. orightal fiui,h and•:ttaiholetexiing. We installed new rings m thavaka, Oftly . ... -$100.00 1938 Dodge Demonstrator,. low -mileage, -priced very low. 192a Ford Town, Sedan, a real 'good. car Tre-Snislred.) 1930 Ford Coach., Da* Blue, good'apholatering. We have a number of trade iin Carsamiced .AS IS 1928 Essex Coach, new times, toriginal ..........„ _ 478.00 1928 Ford A. Goa& $118.00 1928 Whippet Sedan ...... ._ $65.00 • 1927 Whippet Sedan .. . 445.00 1927 Ford Coupe - ....... - $32.09 1926 Chess. Sedan . .. $35.00 ' 1929. Ford. Truck, 1 ton 'STICKE RACKS. • AND SIAN'YIOTHERS C. FRITZ & SON DODGE AND DESOTA DISTRIBUTORS ZURICH - ViTE SELL THE FOR LESS .SPEC1ALS, F ...LULZ .13tli and 9th - 4a; tr. Peanut Butter 2,CP-oz., Auer .ereek .Sultana Raisins, 2 Sits.. a . • 21e Life Buoy Soap 2 calk -es ..... „21e Country Kist, CO2111,,, 2 tins ... . .,21e Cascade :Salmon,. 1 -Po, Tin, 'at ..... .... „,14e IVIcOorrnick's Jersey Cream Soila'allanuitte, New Air Cushioned Pkg. lasoz. ;pkg. 20c Toilet Tissue, Snow Cap, 4 :rolls , 'Ikea Cocoa„ makes a „deli:Clow iced 'Drink 4,-s each - 23c Kellogg's Family size t orn Makes, 12 yams 25c Jello Freezing Mix., per The . Parowax, 2 lbs. ..• .. • • 2-5e 'Rubber Jur Rings, per dozen . -5a ZITYC JiaraRiatv: leer dozen - ........ • Fniit Jars in steer at :all lima 'get corer prices. . . 10e Zee (our Window on Saturdaa 'far Peaces •on Print Rama Dreseea, Printed. J. Voile DJ:a:zees, Wks a Yni .how ;14i. E by the Yard, a rta NET Phene 140 Phone 159 for Appointments. Leavitt's Theatre EXETER - ONT. Thursday, Friday, Saturday July 7, 8, 9. "SUBMARINE D. I. ,Starring Pat O'Brein, ' George Brent and Wayne Morris Added: :CHARLIE McCARTHY In "NOT GUILTY" • Chester L. Smith, Patens:hat $1,25 a year, U.S. $1.00 in Adman" 41.ou n-ustNIAAS,02144.4 big isitors W21.11011•111.16. Mr. Fred Turner of Goderich call- ed in town 'Saturday. Miss Vera Decker of Exeter spent the holiday ;with her mother here. Mr: Laurence Fowlie of London, 'was a Monday. visitor with Mr. and Mrs Gid. Koehler. Mr. William Dumart of Kitchener was a holiday visitor at the Yungblut home. • Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Koehler of Detroit spent the week-ena with re- . latives here. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Schoch and family of Kitchener visited the for- mer's parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Milfred Schilbe and family and Mrs. Ed. Deters .Sr., were •week -end visitors in Kitchener. Ma. and Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Valette of Flint, Mich., were week -- end visitors with Miss Anna Hess. Mr. Claude Meidinger and Miss Douglas of Peterboro spent the week end with the former's parents in town Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jeffrey, Mr. and Mrs Walter Jeffrey of Detroit were holiday visitors with their mother, 14rs. C. Ayotte of town. Mrs. Len Wagner has returned Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 'REBECCA OF SUNNY BROOK FARM" -vvith" SlialaLEY TEMPLE COMING SNOW WHITE. IN OLD tHICAGO. Was Called Off - A Tight but steady rain lasting all night and far into the morning forc- ed a cancellation of ,the entire Dom- inizai Day program at ‘Goaerich, as well as at some other 'points. from the London Hospital last wdek d is improving nicely. Me. Clayton Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs 0larence Hoffman and son Bobbie of aalt were Sunday visitors with their rents. • Mr. Menne. Liebler, a former resi- * • a- a.,t of Zurich and for the past 45 •" s in the Cavalier Dak dist- HAY` COUNCIL The Council of the Township -year net called on ,friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Dagg and fanc- ily left on. their holidays on Monday. They will go to Ottawa by way of New York State, and then will finish up their holidays in Hallibuiton co- unty..., Mr. 'and Mrs. Thomas' and son Richard and Mr. Gilbert of Detroit, Mrs. Clara Walper and daughter Grace of Windsor, spent the week- end with Mr. and dV.Irs. Louis .Schilbe Mrs. Mills .and daughter Noreen of Bad Axe, Mich., Catherine Mills and Mrs. Stacey of Battle Creek, Mich., and Mrs. Cathorn Rader of Dashwood visited with Mrs-. C. Decker and Vera, last week and other relatives. Edward A, Axt Pesses There passed away on Monday a well • known and. prominent resident. of Zuvich for many years in the pea - sop., of Edward A. Axt, aged 82 years 5 months and 15 days. Mr. Axt's health has not been good the past spring and he. was for a time with. las atuldren in Detroit, and as he gradually :became weaker he was re- turned to his home here in Zurich. at bout three weeks ago, and the end came on Monday. The funeral has been arranges:11.0 take place on Thurs: day atteruoon at 2 o'clock at the house private, but a public service will follow at the Evangelical church, arid interment will take place in the Bronson line cemetery. Ther public please :accept this intimation. of Hay met in the Town Hall, Zurich on 1VIonday evening, July 4th, 1938, with• all members present. The minates- of the meetings held in June were ad-. opted as read: • After disposing of the communic- ations the following resolutions were passed. That Ervin Willert be appointed Patrolman on Twp. Road Division No 2. (d) in place of Sam Ropp, resign- ed. 1 That accounts covering payments on Twp. Roads, Hay Telephone, Char- ity and Relief and general accounts be passed as per vouchers: Township Roads -Dom. Rd. Mchy Co., repairs $91.47; G. J. Thiel •cart- age pipes .75; Neuschwanger rd. 7 /1.50; P. Schade rd 13 2.20; H. Steinbach Road Supt. 48.30; J. Bat- tler rd 6-15 5.25; R. A. Denoinme rd 10 2.25; Johnston & Kalbfieisch gre- ase etc. 4.95; M. G. Deitz oil and gas 58.72; T. Welsh lumber, crushing and Road 3, 119.62; F. & L. H. Turn- bull, orsh'g & trk'g 1194.15;F. Turn- bull, labor etc. crusher 21.50; A. Mousseou rd 3 2.25; G. Brock re- pairs etc. 15,95; Pedlar People two pipes 49.68; E. Oesah rd 8 4.62; 0. Greb t 13.05; C. Aldworth rd 2 53.37; Labor at bridge rd 3 7.65; S. Hoffman ads. 8-14-15 19.20; L. •Sch- ilbe .& Son trk'g rd 3 $5; M. Cone- veau id 17 $1; ar. G. Deitz operating ,grader 42.53; T. Welsh gravel 136.32 . BASEBALL NEWS Blackwell rd 5 3.25; P. Campbell, rd 5 3.25; P. Campbell rd 14 7,85; In. last. week's issue we somewhat E. Campbell rd 1 15.95. got the, wires •Mixed stating that the Ray Telephone -Bell Telo. Co., Clinton team defeated Zurich, but it tolls April to May 161.73; Can. Tele. was turned around 'as ZuriA defeated & •Supplies matewial 10.15; H. G. the chat= team by 12-5.. Rasa 1 month salary 165.00; Postage The local boys greatly miss their second. 'baseman, Milt aesch, who is back in town with his eye still band- aged up, and there will be no ball. for. Milt this season. The big boys from the County tovrn, , Goderich, will be here on rent 8.501 Dr. J. A. Addison, veneer, Thursday evening„ and as both or al diseases 43.00; Trees, Huron, re these teams are well ep in the league Desjardine 19.25; Trees. Exeter re standing, a good game is looked for. Goderich team :always plays a. acted game on the &latch Diamond. Locals and Blyth Tie The Blyth ;boys were down on Monday evening and played the loc- als a four -all tie in an eight -inning Huron -Perth game with Jardine of Blyth, and Heideman hooked up in a supplies 9.75; Excise, postage, etc. neat piteliers battle, and a tie was 28.92; Nicholson Bros. Aldworth probably a nice way to end up this Drain :1200,00; Reg. 'tees deed St. evenly balanced game. •Joseph lots $29, - 0q4 000 00-4 6 1 ' 1 yet ta Zurich 100 003 00-4 8 agtain1.37 pm,lettn:thy. evening, August let Batteries: Poe Blyth, Jardine arid yWuilllegobni;t1tf,or tteidornan and A, V, Ile6m, Clerk, gararrowieummenionmemmenmawastmnrammatematimitimmws•orgt excise & cartage 15.76; Stronaberga Carlson Co:material 40.12; Nor. Elec material 182.20; P. Mcisaac 3 mons. salary 537,50; Clk. & Treas. part sal- ary $90. Charity & Relief -E. Hendrick Triebrier 3.15; ales. C. Geiser milk Jackson 4.80; Win. Hay allowance $10. General Accounts -Zurich Hydro lights town hall 3.53; Clic & Treas. Aaxt salary 85.00; C. L. Smith print- ing and advertising 79.20; P. Corbett re Eacrett Drain 29.001 Muni World The council adjoin nec to _ . • ELCO cffitn! ON CREDIT 15 Jewels, cases in white finish al.•••••••••••t .eadtp, ELCO Delicately wrought M modernistic design. ONLY $1• DOWN A G. HESS JEWELER AND OPTICIAN *blue coat FILL YOUR BIN NOW With this Premium Anthracite. at the low summer price.. Also Miller Creek, for your Thresh- ing. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid fier ,.Eggs on a graded basis. Pone 10 . Hensall 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••+.440•04,440++++.40•••+*•••••••+.4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • SummerSeason 0 - SUIT 411, 01. Of cop, Is Now Here 5 ORDER YOUR NEW SPRING NOW! BE IN LINE, BE ON TIME! CHOOSE FROM THE FINEST RANGE • • EVER SHOWN 01 ZURICH 2 SPLENDID RANGE. AT $20.00 3: ••• Of . es, EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS a - *A, • 01100•0400•04140410000000.00000000000.0000)00000040.0000000 1111.11111111111111011aillilla SUMMER TIME Requirements Here are some of the Goods the Farmer will need which we can supply you with at Reasonable. Prices, such as: New Flower, Vegetable Seeds, Root Seed and Sorgum, Etc., Etc. New Formaldehyde, Paints, Varnishes and Varn-o-lac. Also: Dress Goods,, Prints, Broad Cloth, Hose, Underwear, House Dreases, A few Stamped Mats left at Bargain Prices, Harness Repairs a specialty. Fresh Groceries Always On Hand R. N. r 0 liC7,7LAS GENERAL MERCAWT PHONE 11 - 97 BLAK le;