HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-06-30, Page 5'Thursday, June .gOtls, was BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL, uDLLY.E. UOLMES ,BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, " NOT- ARY PPUILIC, ETC. OFFICE—Hamilton Street, Just off the Square, GODERICH, Ontario. liSpecial Attention to Councel and Court Work. Mr. Holmes may be consulted at doderich by Phone,- and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH livery Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. AAs'. II 11. CO 'EN L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Nlairi Street Exeter - Ontario VETERINARIA.N Dr. W. B. COXON, .V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office in the Honie of the late Dr. J. Routledge. 1'hone-96. Zurich A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary )0ollege, University of Toronto. All aiiiseases of domestic animals treated by the most modern principles, Charges reasonable. Day or night Balls promptly attended to. .Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness Miennels. Office on Main Street, sopposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSALL. LICENSED . AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit 'your business, and if not satisfied will 'make no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Phone 13-57. PRODUCE ti Faro. Produce ■ V A .1B. E L .HIGHEST CASH PRICES --FOR-- CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the wary Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed -Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, F.ct., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins Yun blut & Son INSURANCE Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this Column. LOST An Essex car crank on Goshen line I south of Zurich on Sunday June 26. Finder kindly return to, or notify Mr. David Gingerieh, Zurich. FOR QUICK SALE A 5 -year-old Jersey cow now milk- ing, to freshen in September, is blood tested and a good milker. Apply to John •Galster. 'aat"x`m.1423.10804.0a1 sax®raamm NOTICE Binder Twine OredeM s Taken We are • now taking order,. ; f o binder twine for this season. Kindly leave your order at once Farmers' Club. - Samuel Hendrick, E. Blake Horner President. Secretary FOR QUICK SALE Four. Guaranteed Rebuilt Cream Separators. Come, and look them over. tf-47 . THE ZURICH CREAMERY STRAYED From my premises at • Zurich a domesticated wild goose. Reward of- fered .to fincler.—Ted. Haberer. NOTICE Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' List Voters' Lists, 1938 MUNICIPALITY OF TOWNSHIP OF ..HAY, COUNTY OF HURON NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8 of The Voters Lists Act and that I have complied with Section 8 of The Vot- ers Lists Act and that I have posted . up at my office at Zxrich, Ontario, on c the 25th day of June, 1938, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at municipal elect- ions and that such list remains there for. inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to. take . immediateproceedings to have any errors or omissions carrect- ed according to law, the last day for appeal being the 17th day of July, 1938. Dated, Zurich, Ont., June 2b, 1938. A. F. HESS, Clerk, Township of Hay L04AL news Mr. and Mrs. R, F. Stade. were Sunday visitors at Detroit. Mrs, Wm. C. Wagner and son Leonard motored to London on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs, Iran Yungblut were Sundayvisitors with friends at De,s- boro, Mr. Hugh Swartz of Chester has been engaged to run Mr. Milton. Oesch's barber shop for the prresent. Mr. and Mrs. Williazn '1rael: were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Weido, Parr Line. Miss Mary Thompson, R. N., of Sarnia is at present visiting et the home of Mr. and Mrs. E, Heideman. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Braun ' and family of Forest were visitors°. at the home of Mr. Wm. Lamont one day l.aet week. - Mrs. Elizabeth Taggart and niece Mara Myrtle Raabe who spent a week here with friends left on Saturday f or their home in South Bend, Ind. The Choir of St. Peter's Lutheran Choir are holding their annual picnic at Turnbull's Grove this Wednesday afternoon. Friday of this week is a publicholiday, known as Dominion Day,and few l;;:Elle are called upon to work on this day. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Koenig and daughter Audrey of London were Saturday guests at t1i home of Mr. and fairs. C. L: Smith. Mr. Victor Dinnin, principal of Z P.S., is j residing for the .antranc e_ Lena at hayfield, while MGorc:o_t Beeler of ...Dashwood is pre fin t the Zurich school. Mr. and Mrs. William Decker, ii and Mx;. laced Haberer and family Mr. and Mrs. Loyde Gaizer of Casediton, spent the week -end at the Hab erer Cottage, Geand Bend. Mrs, P. J. O'Dwyer, Mrs. Ed. Hau- erer, Miss Lenora Haberer and Mr. J. Turkheim attended the i.a:usiet. festival held at the Westervelt school London, and where Miss Lenora tool; part. A rather listless game of bail at times was played on the Zurich dia- mond on Friday night when the :.ig boys from Clinton were down and somewhat took the vocals to amp with the score of 12-6. Somme very good ball was played in spots, but weakness in other ,places. Graves are Decorated. . Decoration Day was observed -;on ' Sunday ,in, Exeter• ' by the branch 'of• the Canadian Legion and the Odd Fellows. Headed by the Exeter band the two societies marched to the cenotaph where a brief service was held. Rev. W. Mair of Thames ..Road United Church. was the speaker. Rev A. E. Elliott, himself a returned.man, gave a farewell address on the eve .of departure for Thamesford. In the of ternoon decoration services were held in :the local cemetery when flowers were deposited on the graves of 12 ex -service men. HYMENEAL In County Court Friday, the hottest -day-of the year at Goderich with the mercury at 87, over six hours were consumed In co- unty court in hearing evidence in a civil suit concerning a heating syst- em and its installation. Witness after witness testified as to the merits and dernirits of the furnace to ft.rnish heat as Judge Killoran, court offici- als and principals in the case swelt- ered. W. J. Rosell, Clinton plumber, was awarded $200 and costs against Miss F. R. Cunninghame, Clinton. The latter's counter •claim was dis- missed. Loses Permit for all Time Wm. F. Strachan, 76 yr. old re- sident of Ethel, has driven his ancient and dilapidated horseless carriage for the last time, Magistrate G. Longman canceled hisdrivers permit perrnan- tly at WMghant. He was convicted of K, reckless driving and ordered to Say lacourt costs. At first Co, Constable J. Stewart, following Strachan along the road, said he thought the old man was intoxicated as this wobbling, zig- zagging car forced other motorists to the shoulder of the road. But it tur- ned out that Strachan was driving on the rine of the rear wheel, causing the car to pursue a snake like course. An interesting wedding took place in. Trinity Church, Bayfield, on Sat- urday, June 18th at 3.30, when Jean Margaret, younger daughter of Mrs. Weeds and the late Dr. N. W. Woods became the bride of Mr. Po.ert H. Middleton, PhmB., of Port Credit, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Middleton, ,Clinton. Church decor- ations were carried out in pink poen- ies and blue delphinium which were massed in the Sanctuary and tapers burned on the altar. An arch w& made on the room screen of foliage spirea with delphinum and peonies at thebottom and topped by white roses unde_• the cross. The ceremony was performed by Rev. F. H. Paull, of Windsor, and the Rector, Rev. W. G. Bugler. The wedding music was played by Mrs. F. H. Paull and dur- ing the singing of the register Mrs. Moo,.,n'oi'se sang rBeeaitsa," The ide, who was given .in marriage by her uncle, Mr. W. F. Buchan, of Dunville, entered the church to the strains of the wedding march from Lohengrin. Her gown was of white suede lact in rose design over white satin, fashioned on straight lines with with a short full train and short bo- lero with sleeves pointed over the hand. t F+ 'I` 1•+++++++++++ ;+ e ++++ +++i +..:;..r++.H,+:1,,;., Western Farmers' Mutual, BUILDING MATERIALS Weather Insurance Co.. FI you intend doing any Build' Repairing th' Y I LI Inor 15 Year OF WOODS'I ()CK we will be. pleased to supply youg with the finest of + ' HIE LARGEST RESERVR i3AL-, ANCE OF ANY CANADIAbT MITT. IAL COMPANY DOING IBUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount. of Insurance et Risk on Dec. slst, 193.6, $22,391,527.00 Total Cash in Bank and Befisls $273,61.3.47. -Rates- 44.50 per $1,0.00 for .3 'Weans E. F. KLOPP---ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- ing Rods andill kinds of Fire lAsu ranee Building Materials. Let us quote you. ;F SUMMER SCREENS Combitiathon Dhors--screens for the summer and glass 1 Iinterchangeable for winter. Will make screens to prop- erly fit your windows, Etc. Etc. Let us have your order 4' Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building 1Vlaterial; +j• A - ‘\ -...ALBFLEJSC! P ON 0 ZURICH t • 'ta* 44+4> & °iletet•B" xei44,i"lt!'a,. 4-1,4„g.4,.1' I.,I'+ l .11.,I.'y'q,+ p l ++ +71 ZURICH HE LD J r�( - Only buys this et nazrng CENEARL CT AfrMo CLEANER 1,31 (With attachments) o The G -E Air -Flo cleaner docs the work faster, easier and more efficiently, than other cleaners of the same type selling from $20 to $30 MORE. Be sure to see the G E before you buy. aIn:_ CD•38 DEMONSTRATED AND SOLD BY: HESS -Radio, Electric ZURICH — ONT. NCO a s s Shop New collars are nVedcd at this time of the year. Give us a call and ore will fit you up. If in need of a for prices, all OUP done with hand i.cv.ing. Your binder un =t s needs repairing, bring then in and we \•rill repair them before the rush :tort:. All kinds of repairing %laxly and promptly done. Collar repairing a specialty. pt -5 II. G. CLAUSIUS. ZURICH Regiment to Camp Member; of `D" Compare;, 14ii:ldle- sex and Huron Regiment, went into camp, together with other c _ naetnies ea tae regiment and othe._ t,...t.tt in M.D. No. 1 at Pinehill Camp, near Thedford on Sunday. The camp will be in camp until July 2nd. It is in charge of Maj. Morgan D.C.M. Lt. .Basil J. Duncan, assistant adjutant of l the regiment, it is the lamest camp ee1d in M. D. No. 1 since the war.Ali branches of the service are being :re- presented. In Magistrate's Court. T•wo drunk drivers were given jail terms and their cars -ordered impoun- ded for three months by Magis. G. Lon -man in Thursday's police court Goderich. A third accused had h:s• case adjourned a week. Wm. Web- ster c'.reve his car in front of the police elation, his lights shining aa the constable, a seven day terns was ay a PM E FWE ZUR1OR C Deliver your Cream to the Zurich Creamery and ob- tain correct weight, test and Highest Market Price. We pay 2 cents premium per lb. butterfat for all Cream de- livered to the plant, We also buy and pay cash for your Eggs and Poultry according to grade. We are Local .Agents for the Viking Separator. Let us Demonstrate this lig, . quality Separator for you! ZuFT,13 CreariEry 1 High quality bowl - -closer skim - mina —mere profit. 2 Perfect neckbearing --- assuring years of dependable service of the mechanism. 3 Proven. durability. 4 Highly endorsed by thousands of users. D:irable material,, expert work- manship and sturdy construction are featured in.. the Viking Separ- ator. We make sure that every machine sold continues to give satisfaction. Seven Models --One Quality SWEDISH SEPARATOR CO., LIMITED Montreal 1 dpa:getat,MINIADCMCDef06,93003655%*Sate KtetEet14/00.710 ,taao® 0 ti ,eiments laCataaeateetle 6 Tat This Year's Heavy Crops demand good ht-vesting- Implement t vestingImplement to handle same. Let us overhaul your equipment with Genuine Parts at very reasonable Prices. PURINA Stock Foods a I, d Chows A guaranteed product taint -will help your Stock ,.incl Poult•iy IO • a ia• a mposted. Pat .Morrison for zig-zag - sing the magistrate made his term 15 lays after a guilty , plea. Edward Mair had his charge laid over one week because of the absence of Con- stable Oliver of Grand Bend. Im- pounding of Web ster's and Morr- ison's cars, court was told, waul work even a greater hardship than the jail term. Webster commutes seven miles from a summer cottage to his work, and Morrison, a timber buyer, con -I t` pamyt wit t � a a a a FREE! FREE! Coronation s' is of Dishes. and Rodgers Silverware given to our Customers in exchange fon a ;inquired amount of Coupons which we are giving with pur- chases at our store... SchI!b So tt 7# ItAiit¢aeBPaige4gteellieVetib tLitaeseto. oeseti3ab +& atzteraemeatRegtg ive 7 3 as e9 s;P 5 ob '-tieeettseaie a4 stantly usues his car in his business. At the previous court fines totalling more than $100 were collected for .9: infractions of the Highway Traffic Act. J. Mcllveen of Clinton and 1:. ,p Harris -of Peele Island whose cars were involved in a motor accident, both paid fines of $20 and costs F. Boyce of Brucefield paid $5 far hav- ing no lights on tra Icr, J. Collins of London and L. Morse of Seaforth, each paid $10 for failing to notify the change of address; Alph •Dafius of Zurich paid $5 and costs for driving with improper lights; J.HuIley Brus- sels, T. Goveniock, Seaforth and B. Baechler of Goderich, $10 and costs for having no drivers' permits •anl an other Brussels man $10 for faulty brakes, no DARING TESTS Daring "Mystery Gras" tests which took place in six Cat%adian cities dur- ing May have been explained by an announcement that the mystery fuel was Canada's new gasoline, the im- proved Blue Sunoco from whice the color had been removed during the tests to prevent identification. Pur- pose of these tests, state officials of '7r the Sun Oil Co. Ltd., was to obtain from motorists unprejudiced opinions as to the improvements' • which have -1v been affected in Blu Sunoco. Conti - acted by an independent fact -'fending 3.0 organization, the tests Wero male. by eats 1069 motorists chosen at random,' - driving practically all makes of cars,' Tach ear was drained of the gasoline t had been using and refilled with the "mystery motor fuel". After each motoriet .had given .the gasoline al thorough test, the reports were colt- cted and tabulated, The -result was? that 86 % of the motorists deported that this "Mystery Gasoline'" gave a better performance than the gasoline , they had heels using, which totalled f 3.6, including 13 premium -priced; fuels, ,This new improved Blue Sun - i1 bl t 11motorists,' Zurich Drug Store INSECTICIDES We have a complete stock of poisons Sand. sprays for the de- struction of all kinds of it sects and vermin We Stock Paris Green, Arsenate of Lead, Bordeaux Mixture, Black Leaf No. 40, Fly Spray, Cyano, Gas, Sodium Fluride, Common Sense Rat Traps, Poison, Rat Nip, Methocide, Ant Insect Powder and Corrisive Sublimate. See Our Supply of Toilet Preparations oto, now available ' o a � °� y� is believed to be the ftrwt gasoline in, D1• :A• RA k 9,e, � l t .}. Zuri 9.x1 Canada to..be thoroughly te'ted and p;.•oven by eat„oriete C:ie;asealvez wW- fere being placed one the market.,fns ,6 `4W` l i 1 ¢ . t� 04,